Thursday, August 31, 2023
New Zealand fluoridation exemption rejected
The Western Bay of Plenty District Council has failed to get an exemption from the Government’s water fluoridation mandate.
Mayor James Denyer wrote to Manatū Hauora – Ministry of Health in July seeking an exemption from the mandate to fluoridate two of its eight water supplies, all of which are currently not fluoridated.
The ministry issued a directive to fluoridate the Athenree and Wharawhara water supplies by July 31, 2025.
Director-General of Health Dr Diana Sarfati responded: “I am not able to grant an exemption and it would be inappropriate to revoke or amend the direction to fluoridate provided to Western Bay of Plenty District Council.
“Given the established evidence on the efficacy and safety of community water fluoridation, I consider the fluoridation of Athenree and Wharawhara to be an important initiative to improve the oral health of your communities,” her letter read.
Those water supplies cover Waihī Beach, Athenree, Tanners Point, Katikati and the reticulated rural area through to Morton Road.
The council decided to seek the exemption after public consultation from the annual plan showed the community had concerns about fluoridation. The councillors voted 10 in favour with two against.
“These concerns included the ethics of medication without consent, the unfunded nature of the mandate, concerns around the safety aspects of fluoridation, and the lack of equity in the requirement for council to fluoridate some but not all our water supplies,” Denyer’s letter read.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
A, Wills
By John Naish.
When you take a powerful medicine or have a device implanted you want to be sure its safety & effectiveness are backed by independent studies. That is, free from medical companies’ efforts to over-sell the benefits, or cover up that their medical products may be harmful. When a study is funded by drug co’s it can be skewed. Research found doctors who received a free meal from a drug co. were more likely to prescribe more of the company’s drugs. In USA the “Physician Payments Sunshine Act” requires all medical co’s to disclose payments made to researchers & health professionals, so they can be scrutinised by independent experts. But in UK no such law exists. Instead, it’s at the discretion of the researcher or co. to disclose any fees, sponsorship, expenses or other financial backing. Evidence shows they often keep this secret. UK governments repeatedly promise that ‘openness legislation’ would be put in place, following scandals such as vaginal mesh implants – which left 10s of 1,000s of women damaged when the plastic mesh broke up into shards which damaged their bladder & other organs. Susan Bewley, emeritus professor of obstetrics & women’s health at King’s College London, & a trustee of “HealthSense” says “Patients need to know their treatment is based on best evidence & not on who is paying their doctor.”
Monday, August 28, 2023
Dr Mercola
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Friday, August 25, 2023
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Monday, August 21, 2023
Expert tells Farage 'we need an independent public inquiry' amid thousand access deaths
GB News host Nigel Farage reacted to the "sobering statistic" that on average 1000 more people are dying in Britain each week.
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Daily Mail
Here comes the 'real deal'! Scientists raise alarm over new
Covid variant and call for return of face masks
- Virus trackers say the variant has already been spotted in Denmark and Israel
- The strain has yet to be officially named but has already been dubbed BA.6
- Experts believe the variant could have over 30 mutations in its spike protein
Uncommon sense - Fluoride: Dental saviour or cognitive conundrum?
In the realm of public health, a highly- controversial topic stirs deep emotions and heated debates - the role of fluoride in the dumbing down of society. While fluoride has long been hailed for its dental benefits in preventing cavities, a growing body of research and passionate voices have raised concerns about its potential effects on cognitive function and overall well-being.
For decades, fluoride has been added to public water supplies as a measure to improve dental health, touted as a safe and effective means of reducing tooth decay. However, a growing number of skeptics question whether this practice may be doing more harm than good.
Critics argue that the introduction of fluoride into the water supply has unintended consequences. They point to studies suggesting that excessive fluoride intake may impair cognitive development, particularly in children. These findings have ignited a fierce debate about the delicate balance between dental health and potential risks to brain function.
The emotional intensity of this issue lies in the question of who bears the burden of proof. While proponents of water fluoridation assert its safety based on long-standing practices and endorsement by dental associations, critics argue that the potential risks are not being thoroughly investigated.
In the face of this controversy, some countries have taken decisive action to protect their citizens. They have chosen to ban the use of fluoride in their water supplies, driven by concerns about its potential impact on cognitive health. These decisions are not taken lightly, reflecting the emotional weight carried by the desire to safeguard the minds and well-being of their populations.
Countries like Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands chose not to add fluoride to their water because they believe there is not enough proof that it’s safe. They are worried about possible negative effects on the brain’s development, and want to be cautious about protecting public health. So, they decided not to use fluoride in their water systems. These decisions demonstrate the emotional dilemma faced by governments in balancing dental health goals with potential cognitive risks.
As the debate rages on, it is essential to recognise the emotional weight carried by both sides. On one hand, there is a desire to ensure optimal dental health and well-being for all. On the other, there is a genuine concern for the potential impact on cognitive abilities, and the broader implications for societal development.
Navigating this emotional landscape requires thoughtful consideration and unbiased investigation. As the conversation evolves, it is crucial to foster open dialogue, where all voices are heard and rigorous scientific inquiry informs policy decisions.
Ultimately, the role of fluoride in the dumbing down of society remains a complex and emotional issue. As we strive for the betterment of public health, let us approach this debate with empathy, humility and a collective commitment to uncovering the truth. Only through a comprehensive and transparent examination of the evidence can we arrive at an informed understanding of fluoride’s impact on our minds and our society. In doing so, we honour the profound responsibility of safeguarding the well-being of present and future generations.
Friday, August 18, 2023
Russia Publicly Accuses U.S. "Deep State" and Big Pharma of Deliberate COVID Pandemic to takeover the world
In video below from the Russian Ministry of Defense, Russia just publicly accused Deep State actors and Big Pharma of manufacturing the COVID pandemic to take over the world.
They even listed Obama, Clinton, Biden, and Soros, of being the main “Ideologists” behind the plot.
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Dr Mercola
Doctors Perplexed as Post-COVID Heart Issues Escalate
The pandemic is winding down, but ongoing, long-term effects of post-COVID symptoms are creating more questions than answers as the infection leaves some patients with lingering, cardiovascular problems including blood clots, abnormal heartbeats, and stroke.
What’s surprising is that people who are fully recovered from COVID are nearly twice as likely to experience these problems, including younger adults — and doctors are scrambling to learn why.
Not only that, but it’s also what they don’t know that worries them most. Will chronic infections like rheumatic fever add to long-COVID issues? Will millions of young people who previously had no signs of heart disease become permanent cardiac patients?
Or will COVID vaccination and milder strains reduce the risk of long-term illness? The bottom line, according to Time, is that COVID-19 left millions with some type of cardiovascular symptom, and even though you can’t change your disease status, you can make other positive, heart-healthy choices that can protect your heart, blood pressure and cholesterol while scientists search for answers.
TIME August 10, 2023
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Monday, August 14, 2023
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Saturday, August 12, 2023
Friday, August 11, 2023
This Weekend: Show up for a thought-provoking conference... in person or online |
The legendary G. Edward Griffin and I will be on stage together! By popular demand, Ed and I will host an interactive, live Q&A inspired by my latest movie, The Great Awakening. |
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Rotorua councillors question safety and legality of fluoridation directive
Rotorua Lakes Council was directed to work to fluoridate supply in parts of the city last year. Photo: Laura Smith
Rotorua councillors are questioning the safety and legality behind a government directive to fluoridate the city's water supply.
The decision on whether water should be fluoridated was removed from local government jurisdiction in 2021. Then-director general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield directed Rotorua Lakes Council in July last year to fluoridate its central and eastern water supplies by 30 April next year.
Elected members voted at the beginning of the month to begin implementation of this. This involved infrastructure and design work.
But they also asked staff to gather further information from the Ministry of Health on the safety and legality of the directive.
At an Infrastructure and Environment Committee meeting on 2 August, infrastructure and environmental solutions deputy chief executive Stavros Michael outlined how the government would finance the project and the operating cost to the council would be about $160,000 a year.
Michael said members of the public "held diverse views". Some had expressed concern after reading overseas reports on the impact of fluoridation, which the council put to the ministry.
One of these was a United States National Toxicology Program systemic review of fluoride exposure and neurodevelopmental and cognitive effects.
The initial response included that while there was some evidence high fluoride concentrations may have an adverse effect on developing brains, there was no "convincing evidence of neurological effects at fluoride concentrations achieved by fluoridation of water supplies in Aotearoa New Zealand", a report for the council meeting said.
Michael said the directive was legally binding and needed to be in place by April otherwise there would be financial penalties. Non-compliance carried a fine of up to $200,000 and up to $10,000 per day for continuing offences.
Councillor Robert Lee noted New Health New Zealand started a judicial review in June challenging the directives. He wanted a suspension on the directive pending the outcome of this.
"We all should have a right to refuse medication."
He wanted the public to be consulted and also wanted to ask the ministry to drop the timeframe requirements........................
Wednesday, August 09, 2023
Tuesday, August 08, 2023
Dr Mercola
- A peer-reviewed study published in 2011, using 2009 data, demonstrated that “among the most highly developed nations, those requiring the most vaccine doses for their infants tended to have the least favorable infant mortality rates”
- Earlier this year, that study was replicated using 2019 data, still finding a robust negative correlation with vaccine doses. A second follow-up analysis also included mortality data on neonates and children under 5, using datasets from 2019 and 2021. All three categories — neonates, infants and under 5’s — have higher mortality rates the more vaccine doses they’re given
- Other studies have shown that the timing of vaccine administration can impact the mortality risk. The gender of your child can also make him or her susceptible to injury and death, and the sequence in which they receive the vaccines can heighten or lessen the risk of death
- A German study compared outcomes between people who got the COVID shot and those who didn’t. During 2021, symptomatic COVID-19 complaints were more frequent among the unjabbed, but during 2022, the ratios of COVID infection in the two groups narrowed until, finally, the jabbed group was 18% more likely to get COVID, and the COVID infections experienced by the jabbed group were more severe. The rate of severe persistent symptoms of COVID was also 2.5 times higher among the jabbed
- The jabbed report being diagnosed with new chronic health problems at a rate 2.5 times higher than the unjabbed, and menstrual problems among women are four times more frequent in the jabbed group than the unjabbed group
Monday, August 07, 2023
Linda Lazarides
The “authorities” are still trying to convince us that putting fluoride in our water is good for our health. Well, if my Truth Warrior articles haven’t managed to make you do your own research whenever the “authorities” tell us something is good for us, you might as well unsubscribe from this blog.
Water fluoridation is a bio-weapon just as deliberate as the statin fraud, the fake “covid virus” and the covid vaccine scam. It is promoted by so-called scientists paid to fake research studies, and a wealth of brainwashed useful idiots. As always, it is not our governments who issue the orders.
From: The Sceptic
How the Medical Establishment Covers Up the Harms of Adding Fluoride to Drinking Water. By Robert Carnaghan, April 2022.
Sunday, August 06, 2023
Saturday, August 05, 2023
Friday, August 04, 2023
Thursday, August 03, 2023
Wednesday, August 02, 2023
From Fans Newsletter
Pro-Fluoridation Canadian Investigators Ignore Evidence, Call Fluoride’s Neurotoxicity ‘Misinformation’

Reporting in the Journal of Medical Internet Research on June 23, they write, “[M]isinformation that fluoride causes neurological disorders has flooded the internet with erroneous beliefs on the poisoning capacity of fluoride. This spread of misinformation has contributed to a public refusal to use fluoride to control dental caries.
They cite only two reports that downplay fluoride’s neurotoxicity, ignoring a large body of evidence that found prenatal exposure to fluoride at levels used in the fluoridation of community water systems is associated with a marked decline in intelligence as measured in IQ tests.
As is often the case in these academic reports on social media, the authors withhold needed information from the public while heralding the need for a more informed population.
“Certainly, the adoption of reliable web-based health information by users can enhance individual and shared decision-making, thus contributing to better health care outcomes. In this context, government agencies and organizations should be aware of the importance of investments in measures designed to improve the acquisition of information by the population,” they conclude.