Never seen anybody toasting marshmallow but after seeing a warning issued in Hawaii not to cook on hot lava I come across this. A Synchronicity?
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Never seen anybody toasting marshmallow but after seeing a warning issued in Hawaii not to cook on hot lava I come across this. A Synchronicity?
Dr Mercola
The Lawsuit That Could End Water Fluoridation in the US
Many people consume this neurotoxin every day. Studies show it disrupts endocrine function and fuels thyroid disease, which in turn can lead to obesity, heart disease, depression and more. Now this new government study confirms what others have found: It's disastrous for memory and cognitive function.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Fluoride Is Not Good for You!
Jonathon Miller
Fluoridation of water has nothing to do with making water clean or safe. It is a purposeful mass medication under the false pretense that it is good for the strength of teeth. In fact it is not beneficial to teeth to drink fluoride. It may actually make them mottled and brittle.
Fluoride is one of the primary public poisons. It was used as a poison for rats, mice, insects, etc., before it was promoted for inclusion in public water supplies of most cities.
Toxic fluoride is also in most vaccines and many other medications, as well as in food products made with city water and in a lot of toothpaste and mouthwash. It is also commonly in the coal fly ash used for geo-engineering aerosol sprays, as are other toxic metals including aluminum and radioactive barium. We breath in the dust of this stuff.
Raw tap water is a chemical cocktail that should not be consumed without purification. Harmful amounts of fluoride and chlorine are intentionally added to water by cities, along with the agricultural, industrial, radioactive, “fracking”, biological and geo-engineering pollutants already contaminating the water.
It is important to purify water with special filtration or reverse osmosis to remove the fluoride and other poisons. Filters for showering and bathing are also important. Avoid fluoride laden vaccines and medications if possible, and minimize outdoor activities on days of heavy Stratospheric Aerosol Injection spraying.
From Ken - Anti-fluoridation activists buy scientific credibility using a predatory publisher
A group of well-known anti-fluoride activists have just published some new research. Well, this is what their social media publicity will tell us.
In fact, this is not new research. It is simply the republication of a shonky (dishonest) paper from two years ago as a chapter in a book produced by a predatory (independent) open access publisher.
It is a clear example of anti-fluoride activists attempting to buy scientific credibility. This book chapter cost them GBP £1400!
The “new” paper, or book chapter, anti-fluoride people will be promoting is this:
Hirzy, J. W., Connett, P., Xiang, Q., Spittle, B., & Kennedy, D. (2018). Developmental Neurotoxicity of Fluoride: A Quantitative Risk Analysis Toward Establishing a Safe Dose for Children. In J. E. McDuffie (Ed.), Neurotoxins (pp. 115–131). Rijeka: InTech.
But I guess the politically motivated activists looking to confirm their biases will not care................
Why political? Nothing to do with politics. When we stopped fluoridation in Southampton David Harrison wrote this.
28 FEB 2015
David Harrison Councillor
David holding a "safe to drink" glass of water
The Campaigning Group, “Hampshire Against Fluoride” met for possibly the last time this afternoon, for a very happy occasion.
They held a party to celebrate the success of the campaign to keep fluoride out of local tap water and to thank everyone who played an active part in the campaign.
It’s been a pleasure working with HAF and a good example of politicians, Lib Dem, Conservative and Green all pulling together, showing a united front to see off this threat.
Sometimes I wish I had a £1 for every time I was told that we wouldn’t be able to stop the health authorities from imposing this on the population. I’m glad we kept going.
It was certainly a victory for democracy and we may not have succeeded were it not for a lot of coverage from the local press.
Oddly enough, it was a little sad to realise that we wouldn’t be meeting up again. I made a few new friends and it was really nice to join them in celebrating what has been a local success with national implications.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Monday, May 28, 2018
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Mississippi leads nation in tooth loss among the elderly
More than half of elderly Mississippians grapple with severe tooth loss, a rate higher than anywhere else in the country, according to a new report on the oral health of elderly Americans.
In Mississippi, 55 percent of adults over 65 have lost six or more of their teeth, and only 52 percent had seen a dentist in the last 12 months, the lowest percentage in the country. Because of this and relatively low marks on other preventative measures, the report, A State of Decay, gave Mississippi a score of zero in the overall oral health of its elderly population. Minnesota leads the state rankings with a score of 100.
While the report focuses on oral health, it talks about how much environmental factors, such as a person’s income or education level, can drive poor health.
“(The data) showed a consistent, linear association with household income. Low household income covaries with predicted measures of poor oral health. As income levels rose, so did the probability of good oral health … (And) increased education level correlated with better oral health.”
In 2017, Mississippi had a poverty rate of 20.8 percent, the highest in the country, according to the Center for American Progress.
Conversely, poor oral health can also have an adverse affect on a person’s income and the overall economy. Gum disease and tooth decay increase a person’s risk for a number of debilitating illnesses, from cancer to heart disease and stroke, making it more difficult for a person to stay employed. Women who don’t receive dental care during pregnancy are also more likely to deliver a baby preterm, increasing the risk for lifelong health complications for that child. Mississippi’s preterm birth rate is among the highest in the nation.
People with oral health issues, such as missing teeth, are also less likely to be employed, according to a 2015 study in the journal of the American Dental Association. This could pose a problem if Medicaid requires certain beneficiaries to work to maintain their coverage.
In January, Mississippi applied for a waiver with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that would require certain Medicaid beneficiaries to work to keep their coverage. But State of Decay also ranked states according to the number of dental procedures Medicaid would reimburse, and Mississippi came in close to last here, too, with only two services—tooth extractions and oral examinations—covered by the state’s Medicaid plan.
Although the report is focused on older people, it acknowledges that poor health among older Americans is often the result of poor preventative measures among younger ones. And Mississippi trails most states in those areas too, such as access to water that’s been treated with fluoride. In Mississippi 60 percent of the population has access to drinking water with fluoride, an element that prevents tooth decay and was added to public water systems after World War II. Nationally, that average is 72 percent.
Mississippi’s struggle with the oral health of its residents is not new. A February report from the personal finance website Wallethub ranked Mississippi last in the dental health of all of its residents.
During that same month, the Mississippi Dental Association lobbied hard for the Division of Medicaid to increase its reimbursement rate for dental services, arguing that the low reimbursements mean few dentists are willing to take Medicaid patients, further reducing their access to care. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2015 Mississippi had fewer dentists per capita than any other state, with just 43 for every 100,000 people. The national average is 61.
The A State of Decay report, which has been published since 2003, aims to provide a road map for states to improve their dental care. And in some instances it appears to have worked. Last year, the report ranked Alabama last. This year, Alabama jumped more than 20 places to number 29 on the list, due in large part to the creation and implementation of a new State Oral Health Plan. That plan, which includes partnerships with nearly two dozen stakeholders across the state, lays out a system for increasing education on and access to oral health.
“The impetus for us to take action was the previous A State of Decay report,” said Dr. Conan Davis, Alabama’s former state dental director. “We were all alarmed.”
Fluoridation hasn't been all that effective then.
U.S..A - Waterloo council approves fluoridation water amendment
In a brief meeting Thursday, May 17, the Waterloo Common Council approved an ordinance amendment regarding fluoridation of water in the city.
The ordinance amendment changes the amounts of parts of fluoride per million parts of water as required by the State Department of Natural Resources, Alderman Tim Thomas said.
The amendment lowers the amount of fluoride, from 1 to 1.3 to 0.6 to 0.8 parts per fluoride that will be added to every million parts of water that will be supplied to city homes.
Although it is a state requirement, the fluoridation of the water supply is a city ordinance that requires an amendment to remain up-to-date with state requirements.
The ordinance change was recommended by the city’s water and light commission.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Fluoride Officially Classified As a Neurotoxin by World’s Leading Medical Journals
Proof of how negatively fluoride can affect our health has actually been increasing at a quick rate throughout the previous few years.
Individuals are hoping that by bringing awareness to this that somehow we can get sodium fluoride removed from the world’s water systems.
A big development has actually been made here just recently.
Fluoride is a neurotoxin
One of the worlds most prominent medical journals, The Lancet, has declared that fluoride has been at last classified as a neurotoxin, one hundred percent.
This puts it in the exact same category as things like lead, arsenic, and mercury.
This news was launched by the author Stefan Smyle who was citing a report that had been published in The Lancet Neurology.
In this report, the authors mentioned that aside from this neurotoxin, many more stay undiscovered throughout the world.
They noted that many children are now being impacted by neurodevelopmental specials needs brought on by these neurotoxins................
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Dental health with Dr Larry Benge, May 23
Why is there such a dental health difference between the two towns? Is Oberon's water coming from a water source with little calcium. It can't be as obvious as they make out as the York report proved.
Are we misinformed or uneducated ? I don't think so. He mentions vaccinations I never have the flu jab and never get the flu. It's a different story from friends who routinely have the jab followed by the flu.
My sister in law died in a care home a couple of weeks after having a pneumonia shot. Cause of death pneumonia.
Children's Fluoride Exposures Linked to Later Life Disease?
NEW YORK, May 23, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- "[F]luoride exposures in
early life could influence or originate the root-cause of certain diseases in
later life," write researchers in The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
(5/2018), reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.
Nakamoto and Rawls, from the Health Sciences Centers of Louisiana State
University and the University of Texas, respectively, write, "When fluoride was
discovered to prevent dental caries, it was hailed as one of the greatest
discoveries of the 20th century. Since then, there have been numerous reports
that fluoride may possibly be associated with health-related problems," such as
Autism, lowering IQ, bone diseases, thyroid, and sleep disorders, they
"The greatest fluoride accumulation occurs in the hippocampus portion of
the brain," they write.
"For children and young adults, early-life exposure to fluoride could
become the root of the development of neurodegenerative disease [e.g. autism] in
later life," they write.
Fluoride is a developmental neurotoxicant linked to lower IQ, they
Attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President says, "As a precaution, it's
important for pregnant women to be told they should limit their fluoride
Besides water fluoridation, fluoride is in a variety of foods and dental
products, in varying and mostly unknown quantities, which has created a new
problem – dental fluorosis – white-spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth
afflicting 57% of 6-19-year-olds.
The researchers suggest children with fluorosis be checked for thyroid
They explain that excessive fluoride intake by the young could result in
nutritional stresses during critical growth period. "Some of the body's
'memories' of early fluoride exposure may become translated into pathology and
thereby determine disease in later life," they write.
They lament that it's unfortunate fluorosis is treated as a cosmetic effect
and that there isn't more concern about the consequences of fluoride exposures
to the children's general health.
"If the root of adult disease is already seeded by the exposures of
fluoride during this period, one can even argue that fetal, newborn and
childhood nutritional environment is as important as adult dietary habit and
lifestyle," they write.
Beeber says, "Most fluoride research and promotion is based on dental
effects. Governments must stop ignoring the science showing fluoride's adverse
health effects to other body systems and organs and stop fluoridation."
Contact: Paul Beeber, JD, 516-433-8882
SOURCE NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation
F.A.N. Newsletters
The Fluoride Action Network's volunteer Senior Science Writer,
Jack Crowther, successfully had an excellent OpEd published in the Rutland
Herald this week, one of Vermont's largest newspapers. Please click on the link
below to read and share this powerful piece:
P.S. - The Connetts' robins are ready to fly:
Jack has also had
two other great opinion pieces on fluoridation published in the Rutland Herald,
including last October's Study
Deals Blow to Fluoridation, and last month's The
Myth of Fluoridation.
Awareness Week
The Fluoride Action
Network has teamed up with Dr. Joseph Mercola and to bring you our 8th Annual Fluoride Awareness
Week (May 20 -27). Dr.
Mercola has been featuring articles on his website and social media sites
discussing the risks associated with fluoride and the need for ending artificial
water fluoridation worldwide, and will continue to do so through
Mercola kicked off
Awareness week with an article Update on the Movement Against Water
Fluoridation, featuring an interview with FAN’s Director, Paul Connett, PhD.
Early this morning,
Mercola published the second feature article, Two Major Legal Victories in Federal Court Case to End
Water Fluoridation, in
which I provide an update and overview of FAN’s lawsuit with the EPA, the latest
information regarding fluoride neurotoxicity research, and how the lawsuit could
impact how the EPA regulates many toxins in the future.
Please read these
articles and take a minute to add a comment at the bottom of the pages. Later
this week, will continue to share articles and social media
posts—including new infographics and short videos--on fluoride and fluoridation
on their Facebook and Twitter pages. You can also follow the action on FAN's
and Twitter pages. Please like, share, and comment on these
posts to help show support for our message and to help educate
Campaign DirectorFluoride Action Network
Campaign DirectorFluoride Action Network
P.S. - The Connetts' robins are ready to fly:
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
From Ann
D. Mail 23.5.18 “OAPs
Borland, Health Editor.
Elderly patients are
being discharged from hospital with potentially lethal cocktails of medical
drugs. Pensioners are often prescribed up to 9 different treatments which can
cause severe side-effects when combined, including dizziness, falls, heart
problems, kidney damage - which in some cases prove fatal. Researchers from
Brighton & Sussex Medical School & King’s College London, found a
third of pensioners suffered “medical harm” from the drugs but 52% of these
could be prevented. In the largest study of its kind, researchers monitored
1,280 patients in the 8 weeks after they left hospital. 37% of them
suffered some medication harm of which 81% was deemed to be serious. 4 of
the patients died. Researchers calculated that the cost of medication harms
to the NHS was almost £400million a year, due to patients being
readmitted to hospital. Dr Nikesh Parekh, clinical research fellow in
Geriatrics at Brighton & Sussex Medical Schools criticised today’s
“over-medicalised” culture. “We’ve moved into an era of chronic use of
medicines without strong evidence of benefit. The average patient on our cohort
was on 9 medicines.” Published in British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
D. Telegraph 18.5.18
Regarding dentist
David Berry’s letter about his elderly frail patient not having her teeth
cleaned when she was in hospital for 3 months, one of my dental patients told me
in 1998 “You never get your teeth cleaned in hospital.” It prompted me to
research oral healthcare instructions for nurses’ training. There were none.
I researched the 31
textbooks, which 162 nursing training establishments said they used. Advice on
dental care was either very brief or completely absent. The British
Medical Journal published my research in May 1998. Sadly, nothing appears to
have changed.
By: Dr Rosemary
Longhurst, Exmouth, Devon. (My comment: this
may also apply in care-homes.)
Daily Mail 23.5.18
Animals around the
world are getting cancer as a result of human activities, scientists say.
Plastic pollution, chemical spills, nuclear radiation etc. may be causing
the cancer rise in wild & domestic animals, found researchers at Arizona
State University’s School of Life Science. Cancer-causers include pesticides
& herbicides on farmlands, pollution of oceans & waterways,
& the accidental release of nuclear radiation into the atmosphere
from nuclear plants. The study authors stated “Microplastics are ingested by a
wide range of species, potentially causing serious health threats &
increasing cancer prevalence through their intrinsic toxicity.. One of these
contaminants, bisphenol A, possesses endocrine (hormonal) disruption
properties & may contribute to the development of breast cancer &
prostate carcinoma in humans, as well as hepatic (liver) tumours in
rodents.” There is chemical pollution in Estuary of St Lawrence in Canada where
27% of adult Beluga whales have cancer, as well as a high prevalence of
cancer in sea lions in California.” Co-authors are Dr Tuul Sepp & Dr
Mathieu Giraudeau. Published in “Nature Ecology &
House of Lords Dental Health
Lord Palmer Crossbench
To ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to ensure that all Government health campaign messaging is comprehensive, particularly in regard to dental health.
Lord O'ShaughnessyThe Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health and Social Care
Public Health England’s (PHE) health campaigns are developed with expert guidance from the relevant PHE teams to ensure messaging is comprehensive and evidence-based.
Change4Life is PHE’s flagship social marketing campaign, inspiring families to eat well and move more. Dental health content is included in the campaign and has been developed with guidance from PHE’s Diet and Obesity and Dental Public Health teams. The Top tips for teeth dental toolkit includes materials to help support dental professionals in their engagement with parents. The toolkit focuses on delivering three key messages to parents: cut down on sugar; brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste; and visit the dentist regularly. The toolkit is available for National Health Service dental practices to order.
The Start4Life Information Service for Parents email programme also encourages pregnant women to take up free dental care and advises expectant and new parents on caring for the oral health of their babies and young children.
In addition, NHS England has launched Starting Well: A Smile4Life Initiative. This programme of dental practice-based initiatives aims to reduce oral health inequalities and improve oral health in children under the age of five years. The programme has been launched in 13 high priority areas chosen on the basis of decay experience at a local authority area level, existing oral health improvement plans and trends in oral health.
Leicester one of the worst places in country for kids with tooth decay, but things are improving

New figures from Public Health England show that in 2011 more than half of five-year-old children in the city had signs of tooth decay, making it the fifth worst of all local authority areas in England.
But by 2016, just over a third of children had experience of tooth decay, making Leicester the ninth worst area in England.
That means the number of five-year-olds with tooth decay fell by more than 28 per cent in just five years.
In recent years, improving dental health has been a priority for Leicester City Council’s public health team, which has worked to reduce children’s tooth decay through its Healthy Teeth, Happy Smiles programme, which encourages parents to take an active role in protecting their children’s oral health.
Deputy city mayor Adam Clarke, who leads on public health, said: “Tooth decay is largely preventable and can be a serious health issue. It causes pain and discomfort for children that can easily be avoided.
"We launched our Healthy Teeth, Happy Smiles initiative in 2014 with the aim of reducing tooth decay in under-fives by 10 per cent, by 2019.
“These new figures show that we have well exceeded this target, which is excellent news.
“We have made a long-term commitment to tackling levels of tooth decay because we know this is what is required. There are still major challenges ahead, but these figures show we are moving in the right direction.”
Australia - Oberon fluoride debate
Residents divided on introducing fluoride into water system
The community of Oberon is divided over whether to introduce fluoride into the town's drinking water. Despite council voting against the move in 2014, there's mounting pressure from the State Health Minister for the town to fall in line.
USA - Fate of fluoride will be decided by voters

The Houston City Council unanimously voted Monday night to place the issue on the Nov. 7 ballot. The six members could have done nothing, removed it after giving state regulators a 90-day notice or let the public decide by vote.
The election is expected to cost taxpayers about $3,500, according to City Administrator Tona Bowen, who will draft language that will be used on the ballot in the city’s three wards. The issue has been subject of spirited debate at a public meeting and council meetings over the last several weeks. An effort two years ago to remove it was turned back by a council that is now composed of different membership.
The city’s former mayor called on the council to make the decision and not place the issue on the ballot. “You are the elected representatives of the people of the city. You can’t let the city hold a public vote on everything. You people were voted in confidence from everybody in your ward to make decisions. And it is on your shoulder folks,” said Steve Hutcheson, who was a council member and mayor for about 20 years.
Opponents pushed for a vote — with organizers George Sholtz of Plato and Marie Lasater of Licking saying they’d pay the additional costs for an election this year rather than wait for the cheaper election cost option in April 2019. The city declined the offer. Proponents say fluoridation has improved the dental health of children throughout the community and is safe. Opponents, like Lasater, said the key points to consider in reducing dental decay is brushing teeth, staying away from sweets and not drinking soda. “Cavities are not caused by lack of fluoride,” she said. Opponents also point to suspected health issues.
Dr. Tom Baggett, a dentist for 36 years, said he has personally seen the benefits living in a community that didn’t do fluoridation versus seeing his own daughters, who did. He said he has several caps in his mouth while his daughters have been nearly cavity free. About 75 percent of the population in the country, including Cabool, has fluoridated water without issues, supporters contend.
“The people who are going to be affected the most will not be casting a vote. Your children are not going to be allowed to vote,” Baggett said. “And in the future, if you make the wrong decision — which you have been elected to make those decisions in the best interest of the community — if you don’t make the right decision, in the years to come you will see a difference.”
Councilman Donnie Wilson called for the election and Viki Narancich seconded the motion. The remaining members agreed.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
USA - East Dunkard Water Authority
Welcome to East Dunkard Water Authority
As a new customer, you may have several questions about our rules of operation. So, we have prepared this website to explain a few of the major points to you, our customer.
On this site you will be able to find informatiion on our rates and services, our service area plus any emergency service warnings that may occur.
Once again we welcome you to East Dunkard Water Authority, and if there is anyway we can assist you or make your water service better, feel free to stop in and see us.
On this site you will be able to find informatiion on our rates and services, our service area plus any emergency service warnings that may occur.
Once again we welcome you to East Dunkard Water Authority, and if there is anyway we can assist you or make your water service better, feel free to stop in and see us.
East Dunkard Water Authority has not had water quality violations from PA-D.E.P. during the 2016 year.
Australia - Two towns are 48kms apart. One has twice as much tooth decay
For 40 years, dental therapist Jennifer James has had the "unique experience" of treating children in Bathurst, which has fluoride in its water, and 48 kilometres away in Oberon, which doesn't.
“The difference out here working is that you see twice as much tooth decay in children, twice as many fillings, twice as many extractions. That is a comparison we can make weekly in Bathurst and Oberon," said Ms James, who works for NSW Health.
"What people don't see is parents crying because they don't understand why their children need teeth taken out."......................
Is it really as simple and obvious as she believes?
Population: 35,020 (2016 census) Bathurst
Population: 2,459 (2011 census) Oberon
UK - Letters: Misguided bureaucrats want to contaminate our water with toxic fluoride
Letters to the Editor
THE fluoride used in water fluoridation is usually hydrofluorosilicic acid, a toxic waste from the aluminium industries.
This is up to 25 times more toxic than natural fluoride that occurs in some rivers.
Countries such as India and Italy have taken even natural fluoride out of their drinking water for years to prevent the harm that scientific evidence shows it does to health.
Holland tried fluoridation, but Dutch doctors, alarmed by increasing symptoms, campaigned successfully to get fluoridation banned by parliament in Holland in the 1970s.
Yet, in our crazy country, misguided bureaucrats still want to contaminate our drinking water with toxic fluoride in the vain hope it might stop decay in children’s teeth, without poisoning other parts of the body.
Hydrofluorosilicic acid fluoride has an official toxicity rating between lead and arsenic.
Alan Hall, Darlington
This is up to 25 times more toxic than natural fluoride that occurs in some rivers.
Countries such as India and Italy have taken even natural fluoride out of their drinking water for years to prevent the harm that scientific evidence shows it does to health.
Holland tried fluoridation, but Dutch doctors, alarmed by increasing symptoms, campaigned successfully to get fluoridation banned by parliament in Holland in the 1970s.
Yet, in our crazy country, misguided bureaucrats still want to contaminate our drinking water with toxic fluoride in the vain hope it might stop decay in children’s teeth, without poisoning other parts of the body.
Hydrofluorosilicic acid fluoride has an official toxicity rating between lead and arsenic.
Alan Hall, Darlington
Two Major Legal Victories in Federal Court Case to End Water Fluoridation
Story at-a-glance
- Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is among a coalition of environmental, medical and health groups suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban artificial water fluoridation
- FAN has recently won two major legal victories, defeating efforts by the EPA to dismiss the case and limit the evidence that can be considered
- Legal experts say the lawsuit will be precedent setting and increase other challenges to EPA chemical rules by environmental watchdog groups
By Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director, Fluoride Action Network
In November 2016, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) together with a coalition of organizations and private citizens, including Food & Water Watch, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology, and Moms Against Fluoridation, presented a petition1 to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calling on the agency to exercise its authority to prohibit the addition of fluoridation chemicals to the public’s drinking water supplies under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
FAN’s petition was made on the grounds that a large body of animal, cellular and human research shows that fluoride is neurotoxic at doses within the range now seen in fluoridated communities, and included over 2,500 pages of scientific documentation detailing these health risks.
The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) allows individuals to petition the EPA to regulate and prohibit the “particular use“ of a chemical if the petitioner can show that it presents an unreasonable risk to the general public or susceptible subpopulations. TSCA specifically gives the EPA the authority to prohibit drinking water additives.
However, in an attempt to put up an unreasonable roadblock the EPA dismissed our petition based on a questionable interpretation of Congress’s recent amendments to TSCA. In response, FAN and our coalition partners filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California legally challenging the EPA’s denial of our petition.
It also prompted the Natural Resources Defense Council to file an amicus brief challenging EPA’s strained interpretation of the law.2 Since challenging the EPA in court, a lot has happened to move us closer to a successful outcome. We have won our first two battles in federal court, new government-funded research has been published which strengthens our case, and our day in court has been scheduled.................................
Monday, May 21, 2018
Canada - Fluoride question to be left off ballot
A request to have a question regarding fluoride in Owen Sound's drinking water on the municipal election ballot has been denied.
The city announced Friday that a petition requesting that the ballot for the 2018 municipal election include a question about the removal of fluoride from the city's drinking water did not meet a requirement that it contain 10 per cent of electors in the city.
Sandra Barker, a member of the group that had gathered the signatures and submitted the petition, said she was disappointed with the city's finding and was left confused as to how they didn't get the required signatures. “We did everything we possibly could to make sure,” Barker said. “The proportions don't make any sense.”
In the news release issued on Friday it stated that a petition had been submitted to clerk Briana Bloomfield prior to the May 1 deadline. In accordance with the Fluoridation Act, the petition must be signed by at least 10 per cent of electors in the municipality and certified as sufficient by the clerk.
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation provided Bloomfield with current elector information for Owen Sound, in order to certify each name. With the current number of electors in Owen Sound pegged at 15,884, the petition would require the signatures of 1,589.
Barker said she had been told by city officials that more than 900 signatures from their petition had to be removed for various reasons.
The original petition had over 2,200 signatures, but Barker herself went through and eliminated those that she felt wouldn't qualify, such as duplicates, those who lived outside the city and those who left details out such as their address. She said they were careful when going door-to-door to ensure that those signing the petition were of voting age and were eligible to vote in the city. That still left her with close to 2,100 signatures, about 600 more than were required. With the 900 the city removed, they ended up being about 275 short of the required 1,589.
Barker said she trusts Bloomfield, but feels there must be a problem somewhere. Bloomfield could not immediately be reached for comment.
In the news release from the city it said the clerk could not certify the petition as it did not meet the 10 per cent requirement. “The petition had the required number of names but many were disqualified as duplicates, non-residents, incomplete or illegible submissions, individuals with unconfirmed citizenship or unconfirmed birth dates and names not found,” it said in the news release. “The City Clerk is unable to accept further submissions because the May 1, 2018 deadline has passed.”
The city Owen Sound began adding fluoride to its water supply in 1965.
Since a majority of city electors -- 59.94 per cent -- voted in favour of the city continuing the practice in a 1997 referendum, Ontario law says another plebiscite that produces the opposite result is required before it can end.
City council put the question on the ballot again in the last municipal election in 2014.
Electors upheld the 1997 decision, with 55.59 per cent of voters saying the city should not discontinue the practice.
The current council did not vote before a March 1 deadline to hold another plebiscite during the upcoming Oct. 22 municipal election.
The only other way to hold the referendum was through a petition. Had the petition been successful, a plebiscite held and more than 50 per cent of votes supporting the discontinuation of fluoridation, the city would have to pass a bylaw to remove fluoride from the city's water supply.
Owen Sound is the only municipality in Grey-Bruce that adds fluoride to its water. In some communities, particularly in western Bruce County, fluoride occurs naturally in the water people drink. Water fluoridation is a contentious issue.
The Grey Bruce Health Unit says fluoride additives meet standards for quality and purity before being added to water at recommended levels. It says numerous studies have demonstrated that low levels of fluoride in drinking water can reduce cavities by 20 to 60 percent, while having no other harmful effects.
After the 2014 plebiscite, public health said municipal water fluoridation benefits everyone, in particular the most vulnerable like children and seniors who may not have the best dental care. Water fluoridation is supported by many national and international organizations. Health Canada, for example, says is has proven to be a safe, effective and equitable way to prevent and reduce tooth decay.
Opponents of community water fluoridation, meanwhile, say it is an outdated, ineffective practice that is not safe, poses a threat to human health and should not be forced on people.
Barker said Owen Sound adds hydrofluorosilicic acid to its drinking water, but has no control over how much each individual ingests. Fluoride is a neurotoxin, she said, that affects different people in different ways. Her concerns about fluoride in drinking water stem from her late husband Ken's diagnosis of multiple system atrophy caused by fluoride toxicity.
She said they moved often throughout their lives and whenever they resided in a community that added fluoride to its water, it would have adverse effects on his health. When they moved somewhere where fluoride wasn't added to the water his health would improve.
Since they started collecting names for the petition over a year ago, they had many who were against signing it, but also many who shared their concerns.
“I am so amazed at the concern people have in this town over this subject,” said Barker. “There are people who I have spoken to today who are quite alarmed with the situation.”
Barker isn't sure what their next step but she feels her group has to do something.
“There must be some way of challenging it,” Barker said. “We are trying to find that out.”
Dr Mercola
Fluoride, a pernicious pervasive toxin. You’re likely drinking it, bathing in it. You need to get serious about removing it from your life. Fluoride has been classified as “a chemical having substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity”. There is no doubt that fluoride should NOT be ingested.
So just what incentives do the American Dental Association and other industries have for continuing to promote it?
“These people are hopeless, they are just hopeless. Like the health establishment in general and the public health community, and professional bodies, they’re absolutely trapped by the fluoridation paradigm that fluoridation is safe and effective, and all they do in terms of research is just state this again and again.It’s a complete mindset now, it’s become a religion and you can see it in their reflex reaction”
Over 50 human population studies have linked elevated fluoride levels with neurological effects, particularly lowered IQ. More than 200 animal studies also show that fluoride has adverse and detrimental effects of learning and memory.
“If any study comes out that finds harm, it’s a bad study. If any scientist comes out and says fluoridation is a bad idea “Oh you must be a junk scientist”. They’re working backwards from some perceived need of keeping fluoridating going regardless of the evidence.”
Sadly, the current White House administration has vigorously opposed federal regulatory actions against water fluoridation and has already reversed many of the environmental safety precautions previously established.
“97% of Europe does not fluoridate its water and yet, the tooth decay in12 year olds, according to the World Health Organisation, they’re not suffering accordingly. The tooth decay rates are coming down just as fast in the nonfluoridating countries as the fluoridated ones.”
A primary target for fluoridation is low-income communities, on the grounds that they have less access to dentists and are therefore in greater need. But adding fluoride chemicals to drinking water is not dental care – it is an illusion of dental care.
“We’ve known for a long time that the people most susceptible to fluoride’s toxicity are children from low incomes, precisely the children who are targetted for fluoridation are most vulnerable to fluoride’s toxic effects.”
According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41% of American adolescents now have dental fluorosis – unattractive discolouration and mottling of the teeth that indicate over-exposure to fluoride.
“Stop adding unnecessary neurotoxic substances to our drinking water. It’s unnecessary to do it. We would like to see an end to water fluoridation world wide”.
Dr mercola

Sunday, May 20, 2018
Saturday, May 19, 2018
UK - A quarter of under-fives in Swindon have tooth decay
A QUARTER of Swindon children have suffered tooth decay before they are old enough to start primary school. Health chiefs in the town say that tooth extraction is the most common reason why children go under the dentist’s scalpel. Official figures show that on average among Swindon five year-olds, three of their baby teeth are decayed, missing or removed.
Almost two thirds of Swindon adults have experienced gum disease. The condition can lead to tooth loss. Speaking for National Smile Month, Dr Ayo Oyinloye, Swindon Borough Council’s consultant in public health, said: “Tooth extractions is one of the most common reasons children are admitted for dental surgery in Swindon. “Taking care of your teeth and those of your family needs to start from an early age, so it is important that children learn how to brush their teeth properly, avoid sugary foods and visit their dentist regularly, starting when their first tooth comes through.” He said that brushing your teeth once in the daytime and once before bed with a fluoride toothpaste can help maintain healthy teeth and gums, preventing common conditions including tooth decay and gum disease.
Last month, Swindon dental practice owner Jane Hall said that in the last year they had treated one pre-schooler for cavities. “A majority of their baby teeth were decayed,” the owner of Freshbrook Dental Practice said. She added that the kinds of sugary foods one ate was important – with currants that stick to the surface of the teeth worse for young gnashers than chocolate.
National Smile Month, which runs until Thursday 14 June 2018, was launched by the Oral Health Foundation in a bid to promote good oral health.
Almost two thirds of Swindon adults have experienced gum disease. The condition can lead to tooth loss. Speaking for National Smile Month, Dr Ayo Oyinloye, Swindon Borough Council’s consultant in public health, said: “Tooth extractions is one of the most common reasons children are admitted for dental surgery in Swindon. “Taking care of your teeth and those of your family needs to start from an early age, so it is important that children learn how to brush their teeth properly, avoid sugary foods and visit their dentist regularly, starting when their first tooth comes through.” He said that brushing your teeth once in the daytime and once before bed with a fluoride toothpaste can help maintain healthy teeth and gums, preventing common conditions including tooth decay and gum disease.
Last month, Swindon dental practice owner Jane Hall said that in the last year they had treated one pre-schooler for cavities. “A majority of their baby teeth were decayed,” the owner of Freshbrook Dental Practice said. She added that the kinds of sugary foods one ate was important – with currants that stick to the surface of the teeth worse for young gnashers than chocolate.
National Smile Month, which runs until Thursday 14 June 2018, was launched by the Oral Health Foundation in a bid to promote good oral health.
S.A. - Is the fluoride added to our drinking water unconstitutional?

In September 2001 the Department of Health legislated to add fluoride to South Africa’s drinking water in order to reduce the risk of dental cavities for South Africans who don’t use fluoride toothpaste.
At the time, many saw this form of mass medication as unconstitutional.
Rand Water, the largest bulk water utility in Africa, and other water boards made several submissions to the relevant ministries.
The water board was so concerned about this legislation that it sought indemnity from the Department of Health “against any claims arising from the fluoridation of water that may give rise to possible health implications or impact on the environment or industrial water users.”
Chemicals in our water could be dangerous
“Municipal water in South Africa is well treated and certainly safe from the real nasties like cholera, typhoid and other frightening water-born illnesses,” says Tony Marchesini, Managing Director of H2O International. “But once the water reaches your home, you really should be removing the chemicals like fluoride, especially if you already using a fluoride toothpaste. You have no idea how many chemicals have leached into your water since it was treated and at what levels they are present.”
With regard to fluoride levels, a quote from Rand Water’s explanation for their stance against fluoridation makes for salient reading:
“As water is a scarce commodity in South Africa, it is recycled, and this should be considered in the overall water use strategy. Fluoridation of Rand Water’s supply at a rate of 0,5 mg F-/l will introduce 365 tons of fluoride per annum into the environment. If 0,5 mg F-/l is added to our water supply this would theoretically imply (during periods of drought or the dry season) that the effluent concentrations will also increase by 0,5 mg F-/l as fluorides are not appreciably removed through the wastewater treatment process.”
Low levels of fluoride are toxic to immune system cells
When the legislation was enacted, Bettina Genthe, a water analyst with Environmentek, a business unit of the CSIR, told Parliament’s water affairs portfolio committee, “We’ve got a number of factors which affect the health impact of fluoride in this country – one of these is that malnutrition makes fluoride more toxic than it is to people who are well nourished… There is no doubt that fluoride is good for teeth, and it protects against decay… but water fluoridation might not be the best way of achieving this protection.”
After the briefing, Genthe said that in laboratory studies “It appears to be that fluoride can be toxic at very low concentrations to immune system cells.”
Signs of chronic fluoride poisoning
These concerns were well founded, it turns out.
According to SMI Analytical Laboratory, the mineral fluorspar occurs in many areas in South Africa. Chronic fluoride poisoning is manifested by weaknesses, weight loss, general ill health, joint stiffness, brittle bones, discolouration of teeth and anaemia.
A study by the Water Research Commission, in partnership with the University of Venda’s Department of Hydrology and Water Resources, found that 85% of residents of Siloam village, Limpopo, who use borehole water that is high in fluoride, have mottled teeth as a result.
Fluoride in drinking water linked to hypothyroidism
Even more concerning, a study published in the reputable peer-reviewed Journal of Epidemiological and Community Health found that “higher levels of fluoride in drinking water provide a useful contribution for predicting the prevalence of hypothyroidism”.
“In many areas of the world, hypothyroidism is a major health concern and in addition to other factors – such as iodine deficiency – fluoride exposure should be considered as a contributing factor,” noted the leader of the study, Stephen Peckham, “The findings of the study raise particular concerns about the validity of community fluoridation as a safe public health measure.”
His study backs up results of other studies in Mexico and India that also found a link between high fluoride levels and hypothyroidism.
Fluoride affects the brain
Most recently, a study by researchers from universities in Canada, the USA and Mexico found that “higher prenatal fluoride exposure… was associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at age four and six to 12.”
As Nonhlanhla Kalebaila of the Water Research Commission said, at the time of the Limpopo study, “Clearly fluoride levels in drinking water higher than 1, 5 mg/l may cause multidimensional health problems, including not only the mottling of teeth and dental fluorosis but also several neurological disorders. At such elevated levels, the removal of excessive fluoride through defluoridation must be considered.”
That research was focused on borehole water, but with droughts being experienced in many parts of South Africa, we must heed Rand Water’s warning.
“We must assume that the concentration of fluoride in our water has increased,” says Marchesini. “For safety sake we urge South Africans to install a water purifier that removes the majority of the fluoride. The standard H2O systems that we have been marketing for the last twenty years remove 76% of fluoride in tap water (along with other chemicals, bacteria and heavy metals), but we also offer a more superior cartridge that removes 100% of fluoride.”
While All4Women endeavours to ensure health articles are based on scientific research, health articles should not be considered as a replacement for professional medical advice. Should you have concerns related to this content, it is advised that you discuss them with your personal healthcare provider.