The American Circular Firing Line
For OpEdNews: Matt Kjeldsen - Writer
Recently, Icelanders voted overwhelmingly, not to pay the foreign bankers their blood money. Foreign bankers (European and American), through the use of derivatives and other fraudulent paper schemes, racked up a huge bill for the people of Iceland to owe. Iceland went from first world status to high levels of unemployment, increasing homelessness and huge personal debt through taxation to a government, who owed its power to the bankers that they serviced. In a referendum the people almost unanimously said, no.
Now, I'm not sure whether the people of Iceland are simply smarter than the fluoride drinking, fast food pounding, TV programmed people of the US or whether the fact that their numbers are so much smaller makes them able to see their enemy with open eyes, but clearly, we the people of the US are still fighting with ourselves, rather than standing up to the enemy..................
Recently, Icelanders voted overwhelmingly, not to pay the foreign bankers their blood money. Foreign bankers (European and American), through the use of derivatives and other fraudulent paper schemes, racked up a huge bill for the people of Iceland to owe. Iceland went from first world status to high levels of unemployment, increasing homelessness and huge personal debt through taxation to a government, who owed its power to the bankers that they serviced. In a referendum the people almost unanimously said, no.
Now, I'm not sure whether the people of Iceland are simply smarter than the fluoride drinking, fast food pounding, TV programmed people of the US or whether the fact that their numbers are so much smaller makes them able to see their enemy with open eyes, but clearly, we the people of the US are still fighting with ourselves, rather than standing up to the enemy..................
I would say the icelander's know, when your on the floor, you only have one place to go, and thats up.
Material things are the things that keep people in place, remove that chain and you are as free as a bird. You have nothing to loose but, your dignity and the icelander's are keeping that, over corporate pressure and personal hardship, it is better than being a servant to a false and fickle master. That is what being Human is all about, you can't buy it ,bend it ,or take it away. America has lost its way and forgotten its routes and history.
Well done Iceland.
Anonymous, at 16 April, 2010
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