Monday, January 31, 2022
YEEEEESSS!!!!!! COME ON THE PEOPLE! – Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ truckers vow to stay put in Ottawa with tens of thousands of protesters pledging to continue to ‘create chaos’ until the government reverses its vaccine mandates – as vital route at border with US is blocked
Dr Mercola - The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths
COVID Has Primarily Killed Those Close to Death Anyway
Campbell also points out that of the 17,371 people who had COVID-19 as the sole cause of death, 13,597 were 65 or older. The average age of death in the U.K. from COVID in 2021 was 82.5 years. Compare that to the projected life expectancy in the U.K., which is 79 for men and 82.9 for women.2 This hardly constitutes an emergency, least of all for healthy school- and working-age individuals.
Campbell then goes on to review data on excess deaths from cancer. Estimates suggest there have been an extra 50,000 cancer deaths over the past 18 months — deaths that normally would not have occurred. Delayed diagnosis and inability to receive proper treatment due to COVID restrictions are thought to be primary reasons for this.
As noted by Campbell, when we're looking at excess deaths, we really need to take things like age of death into account. COVID-19, apparently, killed mostly people who were close to the end of life expectancy anyway, so the loss of quality life years isn't particularly significant.
That needs to be weighed against the deaths of people in their 30s, 40s and 50s who have died from untreated cancer and other chronic diseases, thanks to COVID restrictions......................
.............."So, really, these are people who were unwell to begin with," Walensky said. But while Walensky points to this study as evidence that the COVID shot works wonders to reduce the risk of death, the exact same pattern has been shown in the unvaccinated. People without comorbidities have very little to worry about when it comes to COVID.
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Saturday, January 29, 2022
F.A.N. Newa letter
Status of the U.K. Fluoridation Mandate Proposal
The Health and Care Bill includes two clauses (147 and 148) that would take authority for fluoridation away from local authorities and give it to the central government, which would amount to mandatory fluoridation for the UK. It has already been approved by the House of Commons, and is currently at the committee stage in the House of Lords. This stage involves examination of the Bill's details and various sections by members, and offers an opportunity for amendments to be made. If the Bill gets through this stage as written, then its passage with the fluoridation mandate will almost certainly occur. The fight then will have to be at the local level, where citizens will have to vigorously defend the safety of their drinking water.
Some members of the House of Lords are already working to protect residents, including Aeneas MacKay, who has the title of Lord Reay. He gave an articulate and convincing 6-minute speech before Parliament in December.
Lord Reay is expected to speak on his opposition to the mandate again this upcoming Monday, January 31st. Speeches by the Lords (Group 1) will start around 3:15PM (GMT) / 10:15AM (Eastern US), and Lord Reay will be in Group 4; so a little bit later. You can watch the speech live using this link. FAN will also share a video (hopefully on Tuesday) of the speech with our email list and social media followers.
Experts Continue To Raise Serious Concerns
Politicians and public health bureaucrats in the U.K. cannot claim ignorance of the science. If they proceed with fluoridation in the UK, the potential for harm to the fetus, to the formula-fed infant, and to those children who develop dental fluorosis, as well as other segments of society, is real. This past March, British scientist Stephen Peckham, BSc, MA -- a professor of health policy at the University of Kent and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine—submitted a letter as formal evidence to the House of Commons Health Select Committee. Peckham is the lead author of a 2015 study linking community water fluoridation to increased rates of hypothyroidism in the UK.
This was followed by a public statement published in October by three scientists--Vyvyan Howard, MB, ChB, PhD, the late Spedding Micklem, PhD, and Paul Connett, PhD-- to Boris Johnson, ripping apart the mandate proposal using the latest science, and criticizing politicians for ignoring the many scientific studies that have documented harm to the brain and several other tissues associated with both short-term and long-term exposure to fluoride at the levels experienced in fluoridated communities.
Having not heard back from the Prime Minister, Connett and Howard have published a second letter. It calls out the "grossly inadequate review" performed by the Department of Health & Social Care, and succinctly lays out the case for stopping this proposal based on the overwhelming new science confirming neurotoxicity.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
Friday, January 28, 2022
The Daily Mail Who do we believe?
From A Wills Nothing to do with fluoridation or the Covid global reset.
I would have had a supposed BCC removed from my forehead but for the Covid shut down.
The "aggressive" cancer healed and has disappeared
“What Doctors Don’t Tell You” (WDDTY.) Feb 2022. “WHEN IT ISN’T CANCER” by Bryan Hubbard..
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) is called intraductal carcinoma in situ - but it’s a non-invasive or pre-invasive breast cancer, often classified as “Stage 0” breast cancer. Cells around breast tissue ducts show some abnormalities, but there’s no certainty they will spread or invade breast tissue. 98% of women with DCIS are well 10 years later, even without any treatment. Only around 1% of DCIS cases develop into breast cancer a year. DCIS is a phenomenon of mass screening. It was almost never detected before mammography & yet today accounts for a quarter of all breast cancer ‘cases’. 60,000 US women & some 7,000 of Britons are told each year they have breast cancer, when they have nothing of the sort. Even in the small percent of cases that do develop into breast cancer, it seems to be the lowest grade & slowest growing, making it very treatable. Women suffer anxiety when they’re given a DCIS diagnosis. Worse, they face an arduous treatment path, with mastectomy the preferred option. But with DCIS not even being cancer, some health researchers conclude it is over-treated. Researcher Shelley Hwang from Duke Cancer Center, has for years been trying to change the way we treat DCIS. Why are women not told what DCIS actually is – that they don’t have cancer & possibly never will? Why do oncologists follow the most aggressive treatment possible when they know the very low risk from DCIS. Hwang & others are campaigning to get the “cancer” word taken out of DCIS. If it was called “minor cell abnormality” which is what it is - a woman wouldn’t immediately stress & it might even change oncologists’ perception of the problem. DCIS takes up a quarter of oncologists’ work.
Thursday, January 27, 2022
F.A.N. Newsletter
Our friends at the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF) have published the following “must read” press release on the National Institute of Dental Craniofacial Research’s latest Oral Health report for the United States. It’s worth noting that the US Surgeon General's name is usually added to these reports, but isn't in this case. We can only hope that Dr. Vivek Murthy has some integrity and sees the writing on the wall for the end to fluoridation.
While we await a reply from Dr. Murthy to our letter to the U.S. Surgeon General, we urge you to continue to take advantage of FAN’s automated email campaign that allows you to easily send this letter to your state legislators calling for immediate action. Please click here to send your own letter today.
Thank you,
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
US Report Reveals 22 Years of Effort and Fluoridation Failed to Improve Oral Health
New York -- January 25, 2022 - Despite increases in public water fluoridation, dental visits, sealants, fluoride varnish applications, and significant financial, training, and program investments, oral health hasn’t improved in 22 years, according to a National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) Oral Health in America Report (December 2021), reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF).
“America’s shockingly poor dental system, poverty and poor diets are to blame,” says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President.
Millions of Americans can’t access dental care, while 70% of US children and adolescents are fluoride-overdosed, afflicted with fluorosis (permanently discolored teeth).
“It’s obvious that American’s need dental care; not fluoride or other band-aid fixes,” says Beeber.
NIDCR reports little improvement since the 2000 US Surgeon General’s Oral Health report revealed “a silent epidemic” and its now-failed Call to Action “to eliminate oral health disparities.”
For example, the NIDCR reports:
- The military continues to face challenges in meeting recruitment goals and military readiness because of oral health-related issues.
- Untreated cavities among the poor remain twice that of non-poor. Disparities persist by race/ethnicity status.
- Primary tooth decay increased in boys aged 6-11 and didn’t change in adolescents’ and adults’ permanent teeth.
- Untreated decay in permanent teeth shows no progress.
- In ages 2-11, decayed tooth surfaces increased with a greater impact on boys
- Four out of 5 Americans aged 6 years and older experience cavities, irrespective of poverty or race/ethnicity status.
- 40% of children have eroded teeth.
NIDCR cherrypicked Carstairs 2015 to claim “fluoridation achieved wide success in the mid-20th century for primary prevention of dental caries” but left out her fluoridation criticism in the same paper. She wrote: “some of the early fluoridation studies had methodological problems which may have exaggerated their benefits" and "there are still questions about how effective water fluoridation is at preventing dental decay and whether the possible risks are worth the benefits."
Dental Therapists could alleviate the dental access problem; but the politically powerful American Dental Association (ADA) lobbies against their legalization, according to the W K Kellogg Foundation and Wendell Potter
NIDCR admits vitamin D deficiency is a cavity risk. But the ADA turned this nutritional deficiency into a profitable fluoride drug treatment (Nutrients 2021). Forty-two percent of Americans are vitamin D deficient. None are fluoride-deficient.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
House of Commons
Paul Beresford Conservative, Mole Valley 9:32 pm, 24th January 2022
I listened with interest to Darren Jones. He mentioned the word “prevention”, but did not go into the prevention the Government are doing at the moment. There is enormous work being undertaken in schools, not just in England, but in Wales and Scotland, and the results are very positive. They are teaching children, from a very tiny age right through to infants school, how to look after their teeth, how to brush their teeth, what a toothbrush is, what toothpaste is, how to use fluoride and so on.
The hon. Gentleman failed to mention the fact that the Health and Care Bill currently going through the House of Lords will introduce an opportunity for fluoride and fluoridation. The roughly two-year payback will make a dramatic difference. Rather than complaining now, he should be campaigning as hard as he possibly can to ensure that fluoride is brought into his area as soon as possible. That will make a dramatic difference.
Monday, January 24, 2022
US Report Reveals 22 Years of Effort and Fluoridation Failed to Improve Oral Health
2 min read
NEW YORK, Jan. 24, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Despite increases in public water fluoridation, dental visits, sealants, fluoride varnish applications, and significant financial, training, and program investments, oral health hasn't improved in 22 years, according to a National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) Oral Health in America Report (December 2021), reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF).
"America's shockingly poor dental system, poverty and poor diets are to blame," says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President.
Millions of Americans can't access dental care, while 70% of US children and adolescents are fluoride-overdosed, afflicted with fluorosis (permanently discolored teeth).
"It's obvious that American's need dental care; not fluoride or other band-aid fixes," says Beeber.
NIDCR reports little improvement since the 2000 US Surgeon General's Oral Health report revealed "a silent epidemic" and its now-failed Call to Action "to eliminate oral health disparities."
For example, the NIDCR reports:
The military continues to face challenges in meeting recruitment goals and military readiness because of oral health-related issues.
Untreated cavities among the poor remain twice that of non-poor. Disparities persist by race/ethnicity status.
Primary tooth decay increased in boys aged 6-11 and didn't change in adolescents' and adults' permanent teeth.
Untreated decay in permanent teeth shows no progress.
In ages 2-11, decayed tooth surfaces increased with a greater impact on boys
Four out of 5 Americans aged 6 years and older experience cavities, irrespective of poverty or race/ethnicity status.
40% of children have eroded teeth.
NIDCR cherrypicked Carstairs 2015 to claim "fluoridation achieved wide success in the mid-20th century for primary prevention of dental caries" but left out her fluoridation criticism in the same paper. She wrote: "some of the early fluoridation studies had methodological problems which may have exaggerated their benefits" and "there are still questions about how effective water fluoridation is at preventing dental decay and whether the possible risks are worth the benefits."
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Dr Mercola How COVID Shots Suppress Your Immune System
- In a non-peer-reviewed research paper just this week published, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., describes a mechanism of the COVID shots that results in the suppression of your innate immune system. It does this by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway
- The COVID jab can cause neurons in your brain to produce toxic spike protein, or take up circulating spike protein, and the neurons try to eliminate the spike protein by transmitting them through exosomes. The exosomes are picked up by microglia, immune cells in your brain, which activate an inflammatory response, which can contribute to degenerative brain disorders
- Two microRNAs, miR-148a and miR-590, are central in this process. These microRNAs — excreted in the exosomes along with the spike protein — significantly disrupt the type-1 interferon response in any cell, including immune cells
- On average, there are twice as many reports of cancer following the COVID shots compared to all other vaccines combined over the last 31 years
- The fact that the signal is that strong is even more remarkable when you consider that most people don’t think the COVID shot could be a variable in their cancer emergence, so they never report it
Friday, January 21, 2022
Thursday, January 20, 2022
F.A.N. Newsletter
TSCA Court Status Hearing
On Tuesday afternoon, the Federal Court in San Francisco held a status hearing for our lawsuit against the EPA. The hearing was brief, as the Judge reiterated his longstanding desire to wait until the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has published the final version of their review on fluoride's neurotoxicity before continuing with the trial. The NTP communicated to the legal counsel for both parties that they had submitted the final draft of their review for external peer review, and the final report would likely be published around the end of March, but that this would be determined by the timeliness of the external review.
The Judge asked if a study from a Spanish birth cohort, which was only an abstract during the summer of 2020 trial, had been published and peer-reviewed. The EPA reported that it had, and that its findings would help the EPA's position. FAN's counsel explained that there were serious problems with this study that expert testimony would spotlight at future hearings. Our counsel also made the Judge aware of the publication of additional studies strengthening FAN's position, and the Judge responded that it would make sense to include these in the trial as well, so the EPA "has all of the information it needs to make a comprehensive assessment."
The Court then set the next status hearing for June 7th at 2:30PM (Pacific Time). This ought to give the NTP enough time to publish their review. The Judge has suggested that once it has been published, FAN's attorneys will be free to re-submit an amended petition to the EPA that includes the NTP publication and any additional neurotoxicity studies. The EPA will get a second chance to conduct an objective assessment following TSCA rules, which they didn't do for the first petition. Once this has been completed, the Judge is expected to hold a second phase to the trial, giving experts an opportunity to assess the new evidence and the EPA's response to our second petition if they choose not to deem fluoridation chemicals a hazard on their own.
Stay tuned! We will continue to provide updates as the trial progresses.
Send Our Surgeon General Letter To Your State Legislators
Yesterday, we shared that FAN has sent a letter to the U.S. Surgeon General notifying him about the new science linking fluoridation to neurotoxicity for developing children, and asking him to take action by at least warning pregnant women and parents of bottle-fed infants about this significant side-effect. While we wait for a response, we urge all of you to use our automated system to send the letter to your state legislators asking them to read it and take action locally. Similar campaigns have generated thousands of emails in the past, and have kept the issue in front of legislators, who at an increasing rate, are introducing bills to end fluoridation mandates or ban the practice altogether. Let's keep this education effort going. Please click here to send your own letter today.
Last Call For Web Designers
In a recent bulletin we put out a call looking for an experienced web designer we'd like to hire to update our website. We received some very promising replies, but wanted to give our supporters one last shot to submit their interest and qualifications before we started reaching out to those candidates.
Again, here’s what we’re looking for: a WordPress designer/consultant for hire who can build a dynamic, secure website from the ground up (starting from a custom template). Mobile site responsiveness is a key goal. Must be familiar with CSS/PHP and be able to integrate a new website using Wordpress CMS. We are also looking for a developer who is skilled in javascript to create interactive graphics that will be a main feature on our new site.
If you fit this description, please email your interest and qualifications to FAN's Education and Outreach Director, Jay Sanders:
Thank you,
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
F.A.N. Newsletter
REMINDER: the next status hearing for our federal TSCA trial against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will take place TODAY -- Tuesday, January 18th at 2:30PM (U.S. Pacific) / 5:30PM (U.S. Eastern).
To watch live on Zoom:
Webinar ID: 161 991 1861
Password: 912881
FAN Appeals To Surgeon General To Issue Warnings
One of the things I have learned as an activist struggling to bring truth to power is that you should never let those in power have both the rhetoric and the reality . Force them to choose. In the case of the US Surgeon General in 2015 he issued a statement lauding the practice of fluoridation. This included the infamous quote (in the headline of his statement) that fluoridation is one of the CDC's "10 great public health achievements of the Twentieth Century."
On January 14, 2022 FAN called upon the Surgeon General to publicly retract his 2015 statement in the light of the high quality NIH-funded studies published since 2017 indicating that fluoride - at the levels used in water fluoridation programs - is associated with lowered IQ in children and increase in ADHD symptoms.
Paul Connett appealed to Dr. Murthy's scientific integrity and sense of moral duty. He wrote:
"It would appear that protecting and continuing this practice has become more important to CDC personnel than protecting the future mental well-being of our children.
Both as a citizen and as a scientist I find this intolerable and am appealing to you as the highest medical officer in the land to use your influential leadership position to find a way to change this situation and halt the promotion of this practice and at a minimum get urgent warnings to pregnant women and parents who bottle-feed their infants to avoid using fluoridated water.
For over 70 years this debate has been framed as adding fluoride to drinking water, in the light of this new evidence, I think it would be more accurately described as adding a known neurotoxic substance to the amniotic fluid of a fetus on the first day of its existence. That is not a wise thing to do and it needs a wise man with courage to say so."
Here is the full letter:
An urgent request to the U.S. Surgeon General
Dear Dr. Murthy,
I am writing to you as America’s Surgeon General because I am concerned about the failure of the CDC and other U.S. health organizations to warn both pregnant women and parents who bottle-feed their infants on the recent NIH-sponsored science indicating that fluoride poses a risk to the developing brain (at the exposure levels experienced in fluoridated communities) both in utero and during early infancy. This is an alarming “oversight” for which I believe you, may I respectfully suggest, as the head medical officer in the USA, must ultimately bear responsibility. This is a particularly onerous situation in 2022 as the CDC seems to be engaging in a concerted effort to expand municipal fluoridation with new technology and therefore endangers the health of more Americans and will limit the potential of millions more of our children.
Here below is more detail on our concerns.
It has now been over four years since the first high quality US-government funded study (Bashash et al., 2017) found an association between fetal exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ, and over two years since that finding was repeated by another US-government funded study (Green et al., 2019) and over one year since a third US-government-funded study (Till et al., 2020) found that bottle-fed infants in fluoridated communities in Canada had a significantly lowered IQ compared to bottle-fed infants in non-fluoridated communities. Yet another US-government funded study found an increase in ADHD symptoms associated with in utero exposure to fluoride (Bashash et al., 2018).
As a scientist who has followed the matter of fluoride’s neurotoxicity for over 25 years I believe that these studies are some of the highest quality performed to date on this matter. In my opinion they are a game-changer as far as the debate over water fluoridation is concerned. Surely risks to the developing brain must nullify any considerations of benefit to teeth.
Based upon calculations by the Fluoride Action Network’s (FAN) Research Director, Chris Neurath, the findings from these studies when compared to Bellinger’s study from 2012, indicate that water fluoridation is causing a greater total loss of IQ points for America’s population of children than any other single factor, including current exposure to lead and preterm births.
In short, I believe Dr. Murthy that these publications now outdate the comments you made on water fluoridation in 2015 and I feel that you should acknowledge this publicly. This would not be the first time that a well-established medical practice has had to be reassessed in the face of new important scientific findings.
Meanwhile, while the ramifications of these studies wind their way slowly through the pro-fluoridation bureaucracies of both professional bodies and governmental agencies, it is urgent that someone in your leadership position finds a way to get warnings to pregnant women to avoid fluoridated water during pregnancy and for parents not to use fluoridated water to make up baby formula.
Dr. Linda Birnbaum, former head of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2009-2019), one of the US agencies that funded the studies identified above, and two of the scientists (Dr. Bruce Lanphear and Dr. Christine Till) who performed two of the studies have urged this step in an important editorial. But not one single health agency (including the CDC) in the USA has issued any warning to pregnant women or bottle-feeding parents on this matter.
Dr. Murthy, does the CDC (and you personally) not have a moral responsibility to warn the public of these potential dangers, since the CDC is recognized worldwide as being the most influential and most important promoter of this practice? Indeed, hardly a day goes by without some community or audience somewhere in the world being told that the CDC considers fluoridation to be one of the top public health achievements of the twentieth century (CDC, 1999). In fact, you yourself repeated this claim in the 2015 Public Health report cited above. If the CDC does not exercise this moral responsibility will it not erode the trust of the American people in this agency in particular and the health community in general?
It has also been some nine months since I wrote to Dr. Rochelle Walensky (see letter signed by 112 professionals dated May 3, 2021) on this matter. Several times since then I have written to Dr. Karen Hacker (Director, CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion) detailing our concerns. It has also been over two months since Dr. Hacker and others at the CDC heard in person (via a Zoom call on Nov 1, 2021) from Dr. Bruce Lanphear, Dr. Christine Till and Dr. Philippe Grandjean on their research. Meanwhile, more and more studies are being published on this issue around the world. See the list of 23 human studiesthat have been published in the four years since the Bashash, 2017 study was published. which have found a lowering of IQ associated with fluoride exposure at modest levels and in the case of the US-government funded studies at the levels experienced in artificially fluoridated communities.
Meanwhile, the CDC continues to promote water fluoridation with taxpayers’ funds and is currently eyeing a delivery system which would enable more small communities to fluoridate their water. It is boasting that this will add another 19 million people to those already drinking artificially fluoridated water in the USA.
It would appear that protecting and continuing this practice has become more important to CDC personnel than protecting the future mental well-being of our children.
Both as a citizen and as a scientist I find this intolerable and am appealing to you as the highest medical officer in the land to use your influential leadership position to find a way to change this situation and halt the promotion of this practice and at a minimum get urgent warnings to pregnant women and parents who bottle-feed their infants to avoid using fluoridated water.
For over 70 years this debate has been framed as adding fluoride to drinking water, in the light of this new evidence, I think it would be more accurately described as adding a known neurotoxic substance to the amniotic fluid of a fetus on the first day of its existence. That is not a wise thing to do and it needs a wise man with courage to say so.
Thank you for your consideration Dr. Murthy. I look forward to your reply to this urgent request.
Paul Connett, PhD
Executive Director,
Fluoride Action Network
Saturday, January 15, 2022
F.A.N. Newsletter
TSCA Court Status Hearing
Mark your calendars! The next status hearing for our federal TSCA trial against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will take place on Tuesday, January 18th at 2:30PM (U.S. Pacific) / 5:30PM (U.S. Eastern).
To watch live on Zoom:
Webinar ID: 161 991 1861
Password: 912881
The public can watch the proceedings live, but we cannot record it per court rules. FAN will send out a summary of the proceedings to our email list, then post it on our social media pages for those who couldn’t watch or would like to share trial updates with their contacts.
The Judge has made it clear since the trial last summer that he wants to wait for the publication of the National Toxicology Program’s state of the science review on fluoride’s neurotoxicity. This document isn’t expected to be released until February or March. For a comprehensive update on the trial, watch this 5-minute video with our attorney, Michael Connett.
Calling All Web Designers
Are you an experienced web designer, or do you know one who supports our cause? We need your help!
For over two decades, the FAN website -- -- has been an invaluable resource for community organizers and researchers to keep up-to-date on fluoride science, news, and views. According to research by the Massachusetts Dental Association, it's also the most visited website on fluoride and fluoridation in the world, beating the CDC and ADA. For FAN, it's a precious asset, and ideally we'd like to hire someone who feels the same way about it.
For the past six months, in an effort to stay on top of advances in web technology and security, we’ve been planning and preparing to update and upgrade our website. We are now ready to move forward, making changes that will improve user experiences on smartphones and tablets, improve search functions and navigation, provide new interactive features, and maximize security.
Here’s what we’re looking for: a WordPress designer/consultant for hire who can build a dynamic, secure website from the ground up (starting from a custom template). Mobile site responsiveness is a key goal. Must be familiar with CSS/PHP and be able to integrate a new website using Wordpress CMS. We are also looking for a developer who is skilled in javascript to create interactive graphics that will be a main feature on our new site.
If you fit this description, please email your interest and qualifications to FAN's Education and Outreach Director, Jay Sanders:
Thank you,
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network