Friday, August 31, 2018
NZ - Anti-fluoride group claiming fluoride 'reduces children's IQ' to speak at Otago University
An anti-fluoride group is claiming that fluoride
"reduces children's IQ" on posters that are dotted around Dunedin.
The Fluoride Free NZ posters are advertising an event due to be held at the
Otago University campus on Tuesday, featuring three international anti-fluoride
Former University of Ulster academic Dr Vyvyan Howard, Irish scientist
Declan Waugh, and US anti-fluoride campaigner Prof Paul Connett are all speaking
at the event.
Govt MPs to host anti-fluoride briefing
The university says the group is free to share its views.
"The group is entitled to share its views. There is substantial scientific
research on the efficacy of fluoride and it is up to individuals to reach their
own conclusions about claims made," an Otago University spokeswoman said.
A 2014 report commissioned by the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor
Sir Peter Gluckman and the Royal Society of New Zealand found fluoridation of
water at the established levels in New Zealand had broad benefits for dental
It concluded there were no adverse effects on health as a result of
fluoridating public water supplies.
Earlier this year Government MPs were condemned by the opposition for
agreeing to host Fluoride Free NZ campaigners at a briefing at Parliament.
Former opposition spokesperson for Health Jonathan Coleman said at the time
that the campaigners "misrepresent the science" and the event would "unfairly
colour the debate".
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said many groups asked to brief MPs on issues
and hosting them did not mean the Government agreed with their stance.
"It's just about letting people have their say regardless of whether we
agree with them or not," she said at the time.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
New Studies Link Fluoride to Adverse Health Effects
NEW YORK, Aug. 29, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Studies linking fluoride to lower IQ, ADHD, thyroid dysfunction and depression are presented at the 2018 joint annual meeting of the ISES-ISEE (International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology) in Ottawa, Canada (August 26-30), reports New York StateCoalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF)
For example:
Green, et al. report an increase of 1 milligram per liter of maternal urinary fluoride during prenatal development was associated with a decrease of Full Scale IQ by 4.5 points in young boys.
Bashash et al. reports "Higher levels of prenatal fluoride exposure were associated with higher symptoms of ADHD…in the offspring at age 6-12 years."
Hu et al. report "prenatal fluoride exposure, in the range of exposures reported for other general population samples of pregnant women and non-pregnant adults, was associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at age 4 and 6-12 years."
Malin et al: reports "Adults living in Canada who have moderate-to-severe iodine deficiencies and higher levels of urinary fluoride may be at an increased risk for underactive thyroid gland activity."
Alvarez et al. "…exposure to fluoride during development can yield to a depressive-like behavior in rats, suggesting that high intake of fluoride must be prevented to avoid harmful effects at adulthood."
These studies add to the growing mountain of scientific evidence showing fluoride's adverse health effects, especially to the brain.
This evidence is downplayed or ignored by fluoridation promoters, according to Gesser-Edelsburg and Shir-Raz (Journal of Risk Research 2018) who report that 3 major expert committees (York, NRC, SCHER) found only poor quality fluoridation evidence proving "there is uncertainty surrounding both the safety and efficacy of fluoridation."
Attorney Paul Beeber says, "For example, the American Fluoridation Society claims that fluoridation "is completely safe" but uses political maneuvers, T-shirts, misinformation and ad hominem attacks to intimidate legislators to retain fluoridation e.g. Potsdam, NY."
Gesser-Edelsburg and Shir-Raz reveal that fluoridation policy-makers do what they accuse others of - share partial biased information in terms that misrepresent the actual situation.
Beeber says, "Kudos to Walden NY legislators who saw through the aggressive PR campaign to unanimously vote out fluoridation, May 2018. They paved the way for other NYS communities to navigate NYS's new convoluted and unreasonable fluoridation law passed without citizen involvement."
Contact: Paul Beeber, JD 516-433-8882
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
USA - CDC Asks for Comments on New Fluoride Level Proposal
“Water operators work to keep the fluoride levels at 0.7 mg/liter. There are factors that influence the amount of fluoride additive that they have to add to keep it at that level,” said Johnny Johnson Jr, DDS, MS, president of the American Fluoridation Society. “What this rule is doing is to establish the lowest level the operator can get to and still be considered to be preventing decay as desired. It also establishes an upper operating level which is intended for them not to go above.”
In 1962, the federal government recommended a range of 0.7 to 1.2 mg/liter for community water systems. The range was established due to differences in climate across the country, as residents of warmer regions drank more water than those in more temperate areas. By 2015, noting that air conditioning had negated many of these differences, the Public Health Service (PHS) released a single new recommended level of 0.7 mg/liter.
But community water systems have to account for varying levels of naturally occurring fluoride and adjust their additions accordingly. Also, surface sources of water will have changing levels of fluoride based on recent rainfall and evaporation, compared to underground sources. When water levels are lower in reservoirs, fluoride becomes more concentrated. When the season has been rainy and water levels are higher, fluoride becomes more diluted.
“Think of it as you trying to maintain 55 mph on the highway. Sometimes as you start to go up a hill, you’ll decrease in speed and have to press on the accelerator to get up to 55. Then as you crest the hill, you’ll pick up a little speed and have to ease off the accelerator. This is exactly what the CDC is establishing for the water operators, a range around 0.7 mg/liter that is considered an acceptable operating range.”
According to the CDC, several state water fluoridation and drinking water programs asked for revised operational control range guidance around the 0.7 mg/liter level after the 2015 PHS recommendation. These programs asked the CDC to consider how they could stay within an operational range on a daily basis. Since these systems favor lower feed rates for adding fluoride to water, the CDC recommended an asymmetrical range of 0.6 to 1.0 mg/liter to consistently meet the 0.7-mg/liter target.
Published studies have shown that water systems can maintain at least 80% of daily measurements during the month within the proposed operational control range, the CDC reports. The CDC also recommends that monthly average fluoride levels be maintained within the proposed operational control range, with 80% of daily measurements of fluoride maintained within the proposed operational control range. The CDC’s request for comment does not apply to water systems with natural fluoride levels exceeding the proposed range.
Written comments may be submitted via the Federal eRulemaking Portal or by mail to the Division of Oral Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Highway, MS S107-8, Atlanta, Ga 30341, attn: Docket Number CDC-2018-0064. All submissions must include the agency name and docket number and be received on or before October 11, 2018.
“Water operators have been asking for this since 2015,” said Johnson. “Government works slow at times. But the CDC was doing their due diligence on this wiggle room and now has to go through the comment period. Once that is done, the range will be published.”
Are You Consuming Fluoride?
Fluoride is added to most municipal water supplies. It is also in many brands of toothpaste and mouthwash, and in beverage and food products made with city water.
Fluoridation of water has nothing to do with making water clean or safe. It is there under the false pretense that it is good for the strength of teeth. In fact it is not beneficial to teeth to drink fluoride. Too much of it can make them mottled and brittle.
Fluoride is one of the primary public poisons.Toxic fluoride is also in most vaccines and many other medications.
Fluoride is not good for you! Yet fluoride is also commonly in the coal fly ash used in geo-engineering aerosol sprays, as are other toxic metals including aluminum and radioactive barium. We breath in the dust of this stuff.
Fluoride harms the brain, lowering IQ by up to 10 points, according to a published Harvard University study. Additionally, fluoride reduces fertility. It is also a carcinogen, with higher cancer rates found in fluoridated cities. How much intelligence-reducing, pregnancy-preventing, cancer-causing fluoride have you consumed?
Raw tap water is a chemical cocktail that should not be consumed without purification with special fluoride filtration or reverse osmosis to remove the fluoride and other poisons. Filters for showering and bathing are also important. Learn how to detoxify the body, avoid vaccinations and medicines if possible, and minimize outdoor activities on days of heavy Stratospheric Aerosol Injection spraying.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
NZ letter
Fluoride by choice
Cut it out, Chris Price (letter "Fluoride dose", August 18). Actually, on second thought, keep it up — shooting yourself in the foot, that is.
Your letter did just that, again. I quote your closing paragraph: "Opponents [to fluoride] are only saying they don't want it in their water. They demand the water meet their own personal chemical specifications."
Chris, your many letters consistently assert your "knowledge" of fluoride. And yet you miss the glaring irony in your letter.
I am duty-bound, therefore, to spell it out in simple terms: You are demanding the water meets your personal chemical specifications, while at the same decrying the democratic right of others to do the same ...
I fancy I hear Chris Price's counter-argument already — "Personal specifications, when hundreds of millions of people across the world already drink fluoridated water?" No, Chris, you already stated that case in a Chronicle letter quite some time ago. And quite some time ago I responded with a Chronicle letter pointing out the equal hundreds of millions who do not drink fluoridated water.
If we all want to preserve our freedoms in this democracy, then those who want fluoride can buy the toothpaste with it in. It won't cost them because they buy toothpaste anyway. And the rest of us will do very well without the enforced chemical medication of something we don't want in our water.
And if there is any problem with that last bit of democratic, impeccable logic, I should be very interested indeed to learn of it, but only via these columns.
The 4 Best Toothpaste For Dogs

Brushing your dog's teeth regularly will not only improve your pup’s breath, but it can improve a dog’s overall health as well. However, animals should never be given human toothpaste because common ingredients like xylitol and fluoride can be highly toxic to pets. Instead, you'll want to use one of the best toothpastes for dogs, with a formula specifically designed for canines to keep your dog's mouth squeaky clean and smelling fresh. According to veterinarian "Dr. Jeff" Werber, D.V.M. & Mars Petcare spokesperson, “When brushing your dog’s teeth, make sure to use a soft bristle or a finger brush, and a toothpaste made especially for dogs. Dog toothpastes are non-sudsing, swallowable, and are often flavored with an attractive taste.”....................
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Friday, August 24, 2018
The Broken Brain Podcast – Dental Dangers of Mercury, Root Canals, and Fluoride with Dr. Rouzita Rashtian, #17
Your mouth is a part of the body that is often overlooked as the gateway to health problems. By educating ourselves, we can make better choices that will impact our health right now—and for years to come. The Broken Brain Podcast is a place where you can come to listen about any and all topics that impact your brain and your overall health.
Today, my partner and host of The Broken Brain Podcast, Dhru Purohit, talks to biological dentist and surgeon Dr. Rouzita Rashtian about topics that are controversial and misunderstood such as silver fillings, root canals, and fluoride.
What is really happening as you chew or grind your teeth that have silver fillings? When you kill the nerve in your tooth by doing a root canal, are you really removing the risk for future trouble, or are there other ways to treat persistent tooth pain? What about fluoride? Why does the ADA still promote fluoride usage even though we have data showing it’s a neurotoxin—and there is no developmental need for it?
In addition to these big topics, Dhru and Dr. Rashtian discuss the proper way to brush and floss, the deal on mouthwash, and if breastmilk from overnight feedings causes tooth decay.
In this episode, we dive into:
Differences between a biological and conventional dentist (3:33)
What are silver fillings made of? (7:55)
What happens with silver fillings over time? (10:42)
How to safely remove mercury fillings (16:43)
Recommended filling materials (22:14)
Dr. Rashtian’s dental path (26:20)
Root canals – why are they done? (30:02)
Alternatives to root canals (36:25)
What to do after a root canal (40:57)
Fluoride—what you need to know (48:04)
Why is fluoride still used? (54:04)
Is mouthwash helpful? (55:36)
Nutrients for healthy teeth (1:00:38)
Breastfeeding at night (1:03:50)
Oil pulling (1:06:00)
Flossing the right way (1:07:56)
Working with Dr. Rashtian (1:12:00)
I know you’ll love all the educational information from this episode of The Broken Brain Podcast as much as I did.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD
PS – If you would like to get in touch with Dr. Rashtian, please visit her website or find a biological dentist in your local area. And for more information on vitamin D, please read this article I wrote.
PPS – Now you can find all the episodes of The Broken Brain Podcast in one place! Check out our new web page.
Today, my partner and host of The Broken Brain Podcast, Dhru Purohit, talks to biological dentist and surgeon Dr. Rouzita Rashtian about topics that are controversial and misunderstood such as silver fillings, root canals, and fluoride.
What is really happening as you chew or grind your teeth that have silver fillings? When you kill the nerve in your tooth by doing a root canal, are you really removing the risk for future trouble, or are there other ways to treat persistent tooth pain? What about fluoride? Why does the ADA still promote fluoride usage even though we have data showing it’s a neurotoxin—and there is no developmental need for it?
In addition to these big topics, Dhru and Dr. Rashtian discuss the proper way to brush and floss, the deal on mouthwash, and if breastmilk from overnight feedings causes tooth decay.
In this episode, we dive into:
Differences between a biological and conventional dentist (3:33)
What are silver fillings made of? (7:55)
What happens with silver fillings over time? (10:42)
How to safely remove mercury fillings (16:43)
Recommended filling materials (22:14)
Dr. Rashtian’s dental path (26:20)
Root canals – why are they done? (30:02)
Alternatives to root canals (36:25)
What to do after a root canal (40:57)
Fluoride—what you need to know (48:04)
Why is fluoride still used? (54:04)
Is mouthwash helpful? (55:36)
Nutrients for healthy teeth (1:00:38)
Breastfeeding at night (1:03:50)
Oil pulling (1:06:00)
Flossing the right way (1:07:56)
Working with Dr. Rashtian (1:12:00)
I know you’ll love all the educational information from this episode of The Broken Brain Podcast as much as I did.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD
PS – If you would like to get in touch with Dr. Rashtian, please visit her website or find a biological dentist in your local area. And for more information on vitamin D, please read this article I wrote.
PPS – Now you can find all the episodes of The Broken Brain Podcast in one place! Check out our new web page.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Sodium fluoride disrupts testosterone biosynthesis by affecting the steroidogenic pathway in TM3 Leydig cells
Fluorine is an essential trace element to which humans and animals are exposed through water, food, air and products used for dental health. Numerous studies have reported the detrimental effects of fluoride on testicular function and fertility; however, the underlying mechanisms of testosterone biosynthesis remain unclear. In this study, Leydig cells, the primary cells responsible for the production and regulation of steroid hormones in the testis, were used to elicit effects of sodium fluoride on the steroidogenic pathway. Leydig cells were treated with 0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg/L sodium fluoride for 24 h, respectively. The result of the study showed that sodium fluoride significantly decreased cell viability and cell proliferation, increased cell cytotoxicity and decreased the amounts of testosterone and 3’,5’-cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels in a concentration-dependent manner. Also, these results indicated that NaF suppressed the expression of steroidogenic genes (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, 3β-hydroxy dehydrogenase type I and 17β-hydroxy dehydrogenase type III) and proteins (luteinizing hormone receptor, cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, 3β-hydroxy dehydrogenase), by changing the mRNA expression levels of the transcription factors (steroidogenic factor-1, GATA binding protein-4, nerve growth factor IB and nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1).
Is it an essential trace element?
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
NZ - Anti-fluoride campaigners 'entitled to share views' at uni
Emeritus Prof Peter Herbison, a retired biostatician who worked within the university's division of health sciences, agreed the university was an appropriate venue for the campaigners to speak.
However, he said the evidence was clear fluoride ``doesn't do any harm''.
A report prepared for the government in 2014 found it was not dangerous.
If the group was a ``flat earth society'' there ``wouldn't be such a fuss'', he said.
Emeritus Prof Herbison spoke in support of adding fluoride to the water at the Central Otago District Council's long-term plan submissions in June.
People were ``suspicious of science'' and even health professionals and academics could find it hard to interpret statistical data, he said yesterday.
``I think it's quite difficult to work out what's real, and what's not real.''
The report, by then Prime Minister's chief science adviser Sir Peter Gluckman and Royal Society of New Zealand president Sir David Skegg said a panel of experts unanimously concluded there were no ``adverse effects'' of ``any significance'' arising from fluoridation in New Zealand.
Fluoride Free New Zealand co-ordinator Mary Byrne said most people opposed to fluoride, including health professionals, originally supported it.
In response to Emeritus Prof Herbison's suggestion people did not understand the data, she said speakers were all highly qualified.
She said the Gluckman and Skegg report had ``serious errors'', and had been superseded by a US report. People were invited to come to the talk at the university on September 4 and hear for themselves.
F.A.N. Newsletter
As the people of New Zealand continue to
fight a national proposal to take authority over fluoridation away from local
councils and put it solely in the hands of regional Boards of Health (beholden
to the pro-fluoridation Ministry of Health), an international team of fluoride
experts are heading to Otago to publicize the significant health risks
associated with the practice.
FAN’s Director Paul Connett, PhD, is among the group of experts, and has campaigned extensively throughout New Zealand over the years. During his most recent campaign visit he made a presentation in the New Zealand Parliament entitled, Major U.S. Government-Funded Study Should End Fluoridation Worldwide. Please share this presentation with your local decision-makers and fellow concerned citizens. Please also click here to quickly “like” and share Paul’s presentation on Facebook.
Below is
a newsletter from FAN-NZ with more information about the team of experts heading
down under, including ways you can help regardless of where you live in the
This team of world experts on the toxicology of fluoride will share ground-breaking research that every New Zealander needs to hear. Especially, the Minister of Health and those advising him. The effect of fluoride on the brain, thyroid and bones is undeniable.
They will be speaking in Dunedin at St David's Theatre in the Otago University on Tuesday the 4th of September and in Wellington at the Mecure Hotel on Thursday the 6th September. Both events run from 7pm to 9pm.
Please help to make these events a huge success by contributing to our Give A Little page, sharing these events with all your contacts by forwarding this email, and inviting your friends to the Dunedin Facebook Event page and the Wellington Facebook Event page.
Dr C Vyvyan Howard, MB ChB, PhD, FRCPath, has recently retired as Professor of Bioimaging, Nano Systems Biology, Centre for Molecular Biosciences, University of Ulster. Vyvyan Howard is a medically qualified toxico-pathologist with expertise on the effects of toxic substances on the foetus and infant during the developmental period of life...see more.
Declan Waugh. As a professional scientist, Declan has an impressive record in environmental due diligence, risk management, environmental impact assessment and environmental research. Over the last 25 years, Declan has overseen the environmental management of several industrial operations as well as delivering solutions for client’s complex environmental challenges in developing renewable energy and waste management projects, assessing and managing contaminated land restoration projects, water management, acoustics and environmental impact assessment...see more.
Professor Paul Connett Ph.D, is currently Acting Director of Fluoride Action Network, one of the largest organisations opposing water fluoridation worldwide. As a prominent water fluoridation critic he has travelled extensively liaising with groups who oppose adding the toxin fluoride to community water supplies in other fluoridating countries. Paul is a graduate of Cambridge University, holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College and taught chemistry for 23 years at St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, where he specialised in environmental chemistry and toxicology…see more.
FAN’s Director Paul Connett, PhD, is among the group of experts, and has campaigned extensively throughout New Zealand over the years. During his most recent campaign visit he made a presentation in the New Zealand Parliament entitled, Major U.S. Government-Funded Study Should End Fluoridation Worldwide. Please share this presentation with your local decision-makers and fellow concerned citizens. Please also click here to quickly “like” and share Paul’s presentation on Facebook.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign DirectorFluoride Action Network
International Fluoride Experts to Speak in
New Zealand
We are very
excited to announce that, for the first time ever, Toxico-Pathologist Dr Vyvyan
Howard and Irish Environmental Scientist Declan Waugh, will be accompanying Prof
Paul Connett on a short speaking tour of New Zealand.This team of world experts on the toxicology of fluoride will share ground-breaking research that every New Zealander needs to hear. Especially, the Minister of Health and those advising him. The effect of fluoride on the brain, thyroid and bones is undeniable.
They will be speaking in Dunedin at St David's Theatre in the Otago University on Tuesday the 4th of September and in Wellington at the Mecure Hotel on Thursday the 6th September. Both events run from 7pm to 9pm.
Please help to make these events a huge success by contributing to our Give A Little page, sharing these events with all your contacts by forwarding this email, and inviting your friends to the Dunedin Facebook Event page and the Wellington Facebook Event page.
Dr C Vyvyan Howard, MB ChB, PhD, FRCPath, has recently retired as Professor of Bioimaging, Nano Systems Biology, Centre for Molecular Biosciences, University of Ulster. Vyvyan Howard is a medically qualified toxico-pathologist with expertise on the effects of toxic substances on the foetus and infant during the developmental period of life...see more.
Declan Waugh. As a professional scientist, Declan has an impressive record in environmental due diligence, risk management, environmental impact assessment and environmental research. Over the last 25 years, Declan has overseen the environmental management of several industrial operations as well as delivering solutions for client’s complex environmental challenges in developing renewable energy and waste management projects, assessing and managing contaminated land restoration projects, water management, acoustics and environmental impact assessment...see more.
Professor Paul Connett Ph.D, is currently Acting Director of Fluoride Action Network, one of the largest organisations opposing water fluoridation worldwide. As a prominent water fluoridation critic he has travelled extensively liaising with groups who oppose adding the toxin fluoride to community water supplies in other fluoridating countries. Paul is a graduate of Cambridge University, holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College and taught chemistry for 23 years at St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, where he specialised in environmental chemistry and toxicology…see more.
**See original
FAN-NZ Newsletter**
Monday, August 20, 2018
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Fluoride - Demand AARP Take Action
Dr. Johnson,
You hit on several important topics and sound like an echo of David. . . or is it the other way?
You have failed to address over exposure. Just because a little might be good, does not mean more is just as good or even safe. Many are ingesting too much fluoride.
You are correct about the aging process and more root caries, although my geriatric patients seldom have root caries, it is a problem, especially for those with poor diets.
Here is the serious flaw in your theory. Fluoride has some topical benefit like toothpaste, not systemic. Fluoridated water has too short of a contact time and too dilute to have topical benefit. There are no prospective randomized controlled trials, good science, supporting your theory for dilute short contact topical or "ingested" fluoride. If 0.7 ppm fluoride concentration had topical benefit, makes no sense to give people 1,500 parts per million topical. And if my memory is correct, drop down to below 500 ppm fluoride in toothpaste and the benefit drops off. A significant topical benefit from fluoridated water makes no scientific sense and is not backed by research.
Fluoride ingestion with intent to prevent caries is not FDA approved because the science is still incomplete. . . and the studies could be done and probably have. But they don't show benefit.
97% of Western Europe is fluoridation free and your comment echoing David that there is not a single credible organization opposed to fluoridation is simply wrong, and you know it. . . . unless the definition of "incredible" requires that they support fluoridation. Then you have a catch 22, circular logic.
And you go back to endorsements. Endorsements are not science. But lets look at some of those "credible" organizations you raise.
1. Please provide a link to each of those organizations and the references to the primary research supporting their position. Then we can discuss their science.
2. The American Dental Association testified in court that they owe no duty to protect the public. Seriously Johnny, the ADA exists to protect its members, dentists, not the public. For example, the ADA support mercury fillings which are illegal due to toxicity for me to throw in the trash or dump in the sewer or send in the mail. What about the human mouth makes them safe? Nothing. Tradition is more important than public safety. Even the mercury filling manufacturers have greater warnings than the ADA. We cannot trust the ADA to protect patients, they protect dentists.
3. The CDC simply reacts to the ADA and they don't think for themselves or review the research. CDC does not determine the dosage, efficacy or safety of any substance used to prevent disease.
4. WHO is clear that a determination must first be made whether there is inadequate fluoride in a community before more is recommended. As of 2011-2012 we had 60% of adolescents with dental fluorosis and 20% with moderate/severe. . . far too much fluoride. Certainly more should not be administered when so many show a biomarker of excess exposure.
Now to the AARP.
If you had science on your side, you would welcome a scientific debate, discussion, forum, review and white paper. Seniors get too much fluoride with medications, their kidneys are often compromised, their bones brittle. Why add more to their diet? If you want topical, I will not argue. But swallowing the fluoride harms seniors and does not help their teeth.
No conspiracy, Johnny. Simply blind obedience to tradition and a lack of scientific critical thinking.
My mentor reminded me, "50% of what we know in health care is wrong, but we do not know which 50%. Always be a humble student of science, we are wrong and need to find out where."
Bill Osmunson DDS MPH
USA - Bisbee’s decision to remove fluoride from water criticized
Public health officials are warning Bisbee residents that they may be more susceptible to cavities after city officials removed fluoride from the southern Arizona city's water supply.
Fluoride levels fell well below the federally recommended level of 0.7 milligrams per liter after the move earlier this year, the Arizona Daily Star reported earlier this week.
Nationwide, more communities are opting to fluoridate their water supplies, said Kevin Earle, the executive director for the Arizona Dental Association.
Earle's organization sent a letter to Bisbee council members following their February decision and asked them to reconsider, he said.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
USA - Potsdam Mass medication
Fluoridation of the public water is a public health threat. The act of medicating a population, against the will of a large percentage of that population, is criminal. According to advocates of fluoridation, this is a medical intervention to prevent dental caries in children, with an emphasis on the poor. While some may have good intentions, the ethics of the issue remain the same. Opponents to fluoride are not given a way to opt out of this dental treatment.
According to medical ethics in civilized societies a patient's rights include informed consent for any medical treatment, which proponents suggest is the reason for the current policy. There are numerous scientists who have concluded that fluoridation poses a risk to human development, including the brain. Fluoridation of the public water supply results in lowered IQ, according to many scientists. Even if there is a chance for a decline in mental health for one child, fluoridation is wrong. There are many other health and environmental concerns related to this issue. Sacrificing brain and bone health for dental health is not a good tradeoff.
The current recommendations are based on out-of-date data. Let's come together as a community and do what is best for everyone. People who want to fluoridate themselves can, even the poor. Public health policy should be geared toward making healthy dietary choices more affordable and ensuring the poor have a livable wage, not mass medication.
According to medical ethics in civilized societies a patient's rights include informed consent for any medical treatment, which proponents suggest is the reason for the current policy. There are numerous scientists who have concluded that fluoridation poses a risk to human development, including the brain. Fluoridation of the public water supply results in lowered IQ, according to many scientists. Even if there is a chance for a decline in mental health for one child, fluoridation is wrong. There are many other health and environmental concerns related to this issue. Sacrificing brain and bone health for dental health is not a good tradeoff.
The current recommendations are based on out-of-date data. Let's come together as a community and do what is best for everyone. People who want to fluoridate themselves can, even the poor. Public health policy should be geared toward making healthy dietary choices more affordable and ensuring the poor have a livable wage, not mass medication.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Canada - The pros and cons of removing fluoride from drinking water
Susan MacFarlane
As former general manager of Lambton Area Water Supply System, I was often asked whether I thought fluoride should be removed from the drinking water. My standard answer was, “I get paid not to have an answer to that question.”
Now that I’ve left LAWSS I’ve thought about the answer to this difficult question. For instance, I do accept that fluoridated drinking water is one of the greatest public health advancements of the 20th Century, one and has saved kids a lot of dental cavities.
But it’s also known ingesting fluoride, even at the approved dosages, is not the best way to deliver this method of cavity prevention to children.
I also believe ingesting fluoride may have negative health impacts on some children and adults. We also know fluoride in drinking water is only effective on children’s teeth up to a certain age, and that fluoride in drinking water can cause unsightly staining of the teeth, called fluorosis. I would suspect stained teeth could impact a child’s self-esteem.
A Multitude of studies have been done on both sides of the fluoride question. One troubling study showed fluoride addition in drinking water might reduce children’s IQs. I have also read fluoride ingestion might damage joints, connective tissue, the brain and testicles.
But another troubling study found the rate of DEFS (decay, extracted, filling and surface troubles) doubled for children in the City of Calgary after fluoride was removed from the drinking water.
In my opinion the million-dollar question is — does the positive impact of reducing cavities in all children outweigh the negative potential health effects for the population that doesn’t need to ingest fluoride, either because of age or the fact they already get regular fluoride treatment at the dentist? This is the difficult question that few people, including myself, are qualified to answer.
My suggestion would be to only remove fluoride from the water supply if we have a public health program in place to ensure all children have access to fluoride treatments, whether they go to a dentist regularly or not.
LAWSS spends about $150,000 a year on the fluoride delivery system and the chemical itself. Some have suggested that money could allow a public health program to deliver fluoride to school children.
How much would it cost to implement this public health program and for how many school years would it have to be delivered? Those questions would need to be answered before this pillar of public health could start to crumble.
Susan MacFarlane is an environmental engineer and former general manager of the Lambton Area Water Supply System.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Otago University hosts anti-fluoride event - Rutland - Fluoride harmful to kids
The Rutland Herald posted an Associated Press article “ Experts question fluoride-free toothpaste” on Aug. 8 that left off the end of the article that had additional information needed to evaluate the validity of these so-called experts — one of which works for Crest toothpaste who worries the second most popular brand of toothpaste sold on Amazon is fluoride free.
Here is the entire article.
These same so-called experts supported the belief that flossing teeth was ineffective in preventing tooth decay because the Associated Press said it was so. Using newspaper articles to determine national public policy is antidotal evidence and not valid scientific study. Antidotal evidence was also used in promoting fluoridation.
I ask that Rutland leadership review the science of fluoridation which now reveals fluoride to be a neurotoxin harmful to our children. Our children deserve clean drinking water in Rutland. Let us not support our city purchasing any more fluorosilicic acid contaminating our public water supply. Our children deserve better . Rutland can do better.
Kathleen Krevetski
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Some obvious and not-do-obvious diet tips to keep your teeth healthy
By Guest Contributor - 08 11 18 - 5:00 am
Some obvious and not-do-obvious diet tips to keep your teeth healthy
Here are some diet tips to keep your teeth healthy so that your smile stays healthy and bright. Some of these may not be surprising. At least one might be.
Some obvious and not-do-obvious diet tips to keep your teeth healthy
Here are some diet tips to keep your teeth healthy so that your smile stays healthy and bright. Some of these may not be surprising. At least one might be.
By Steven Freeman
You brush three times a day. You floss each night.
But then, admit it, you down a soda or you snack on a candy bar, undoing all that hard work and exposing your teeth to long-lasting harm.
Because when it comes to oral health, the No. 1 thing you can do to keep your teeth and gums strong is to watch what you eat.
It’s more important than brushing. It’s more important than fluoride. It’s even more important than visiting the dentist.
The reason: Almost all the problems that occur in the mouth are the result of bacteria. Bacteria causes cavities as well as gum disease, and the main food source for bacteria also happens to be prevalent in just about everything we consume, from bread to sauces and energy drinks.
That would be sugar.
It’s difficult to avoid sugar, but you need to stay away from it as much as possible.
Here are some diet tips to keep your teeth healthy so that your smile stays healthy and bright. Some of these may not be surprising. At least one might be.
The hard, leafy greens and broccoli may be difficult to chew, but they are jam packed with vitamins and minerals that can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. As a bonus, they also help clean your teeth while you are chewing them.
Vitamin C helps support the gums and ligaments around your teeth. This is why the British navy in the 19th century had lime and lemon trees on their ships — because the sailors’ teeth kept falling out without a constant source of vitamin C.
Sugar-free gum
No need to do a double take on this one. Sugar-free gum, while not exactly a nutritious alternative to kale and oranges, does have its advantages. The gum stimulates saliva, and saliva has anti-cavity properties. Gum also helps remove plaque from your teeth.
Of course, you still want to go to the dentist for regular checkups. This can help spot cavities when they are smaller and catch gum disease at its earliest stages.
Dr. Steven Freeman has authored multiple bestselling books, including “Why Your Teeth Might Be Killing You.” He is the owner of Elite Smiles, a dental office in St. Augustine, Florida.
Bisbee's water no longer fluoridated, going against national trend ...
8 hours ago - When the city of Bisbee decided to remove fluoride from its water supply earlier this year, the vote was unanimous but there was no input from any public health ..
8 hours ago - When the city of Bisbee decided to remove fluoride from its water supply earlier this year, the vote was unanimous but there was no input from any public health ..
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Saturday, August 11, 2018
London Canada letter
Fluoride not safe
There has never been question or debate about the devastating harms that the fluoride ion, from any of its sources, can have on the human body and nervous system. The only question was whether or not the concentrations in fluoridated water were small enough to entirely avoid those negative effects. Research in the last five years has made it clear that this is not the case, and that ingesting fluoride by drinking “optimally fluoridated” water, is causing harm. It is time for us to admit that a poison is a poison and stop putting it in our water.
When we discovered that leaded gasoline was causing harm to children inhaling the fumes as they walked to school, we stopped adding lead. We didn’t reduce the amount of lead, call it optimally leaded gasoline and say there was no evidence to proved it was still harmful.
Pam Killeen
Australia - Oberon - Letter | We just want democracy when it comes to fluoride
ON Tuesday evening, July 17, I attended the Oberon Council meeting where the decision was made to fluoridate the town water supply.
I had to leave the meeting prior to the vote taking place as I was leaving the next morning for a short holiday and I had yet to pack my bag.
Over the last few months there has been a gathering of how the people of Oberon felt about having their water supply fluoridated. We all respect that we may have different views, however the percentage of 69 per cent saying no is a significant number.
Democracy is what we ask from all levels of government: federal, state and local. Democracy is provided by allowing the community to have their say and representatives from all three levels of government should never forget the reason they have been elected.
All we, the people, ask for is democracy. We are tired of being told how to live and what to do without any consideration for our point of view.
I had been speaking with our mayor Kathy Sajowitz well before the decision night and I had told her that I knew, along with many other residents in Oberon, how the vote would go.
I was also prepared to provide the names of who would vote for and those who would vote against.
I had not been attending council meetings and so the information I had was from the people of Oberon and I was told the vote would go 5 to 4 for fluoridating the water supply. At that early time, it was not known that Cr Doney would not be there.
I wonder whether we here in Oberon have extrasensory powers or are we able to read minds? I will leave the decision on this up to you, the readers.
The mayor had assured me that it was impossible for people to know how the vote would go because there had been no discussion on the matter of fluoridation.
And yet the information was correct and even the names were correct, excluding Cr Doney.
Could it be that perhaps the information sessions was where councillors had been having some discussion, because there has been nothing in council business papers?
Are you aware that council holds information sessions prior to the council meeting? I am told it is not obligatory for councillors to attend the information sessions. I am also told the community cannot attend these sessions.
On the morning of July 18, I sent off an email to our mayor letting her know I was sadly disappointed and angry.
I was angry because it is not so long ago that there was a battle going on in Oberon to save our local government and we were saying we wanted our own local government so we could have real democracy.
Do you believe our local government care about what the people wanted? When around 70 per cent – and the correct figure, it seems, is only 69 per cent – said no to the fluoride being added to the town water supply.
Councillors, we fought the state government and we fought for democracy and the right to have our own local government which would represent the views of the community.
Councillors, can you now see that we believe we have been duped? Duped because it seems you fell at the first hurdle. It seems to us that you have forgotten all the promises you made and the most important matter of all to represent the views of the community.
Democracy is decided on by the majority and the majority was 69 per cent.
I spoke with our mayor some time back when this issue first came to light and suggested if ever there was an issue that needed a public meeting, it was fluoride.
Council, it seems, were only going to survey those who attended the strategic plan meetings held in Oberon, Black Springs, Burraga and O’Connell.
Generally, these special meetings have not been proven to be a real crowd-gatherer.
It took the group fighting against fluoridation to get the council forms out to people so they could have their say and then it seems the 300 or so people surveyed by phone was more important.
I was one who was phone surveyed and can anyone tell why they had to know what education standard you had reached?
Does it require tertiary education to know if you drink town water or not?
I ask readers to look at the names of those who voted yes to fluoridate Oberon’s water supply: mayor Kathy Sajowitz, Andrew McKibbin, Don Capel, Mark Kellam and Mick McKechnie.
Did you vote for these councillors? Did you expect that they would provide democracy and represent the views of the majority?
Do you feel these councillors knew what the community wanted?
Now look at the councillors who voted no to fluoridate Oberon’s water supply: deputy mayor Kerry Gibbons, Clive McCarthy and Brenda Lyon. We believe Ian Doney would most likely have voted with these three (at least that is what was told by the mind-readers).
Did you vote for these councillors? I believe these three considered the majority views of the community.
A special thanks to Brenda Lyon, who on the night of the vote asked questions and spoke well. Thank you, Brenda (even though without a microphone it was difficult to hear you properly).
I can only say I am saddened and disappointed. My faith and trust in our local government is, for the time being, shattered. Perhaps we are lucky it is only a three year term.
I had hoped for better - no, more than that, I wanted better. I wanted the councillors to represent the majority view of the people of Oberon. To show the state government we are a force to be reckoned with. We will fight for our rights and our right to choice.
I heard one speaker on the night say those who do not want the water fluoridated can buy bottled water.
Those who do want fluoride can always purchase good fluoride toothpaste (however, be warned, a pharmacist might not want to sell it to you, especially if the town water supply is fluoridated) or visit a dentist and have a topical application applied directly to your teeth (and this way you do not remove any person’s right to choice).
Fluoride is not the magical fix-it-all. You still need to have good dental health and not eat or drink the wrong foods or liquids.