Tuesday, July 31, 2018
I recently wrote of my experience visiting my GP. (27 July )I mentioned that I was prescribed Calcium & Vit D chewable tablets to prevent loss of calcium while taking steroids to treat Polymyalgia.
On consulting Google I found you need to take K2 and magnesium.
I have now got a one tablet solution from NutRIZing.
They sent a PDF attachment to explain why the three are needed. Extract below.
I know two cases of people on steroids and neither have been told about countering the danger to their bones. Why are not all patients told this as standard advice?
If it is true that calcium either goes to the bones or the arteries and K2 directs calcium to the bones then it is scandalous patients are not aware. Even more shocking is if doctors are unaware and worst of all if they know and don't prescribe it.
If any of this is wrong email me: billedmunds@gmail.com
Vitamin D is important for overall good health and strong and healthy bones. It’s also an important factor in making sure our muscles, heart, lungs and brain work well and that our body can fight
infection. Vitamin D helps to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body, and these nutrients are needed to keep our
bones and teeth healthy. A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone deformities such as rickets in children, and bone pain and tenderness
as a result of a condition called osteomalacia (softness of bones) in adults.
Vitamin K is a group of structurally similar, fat-soluble vitamins that the human body requires for complete synthesis of certain proteins
that are prerequisites for blood coagulation. It is also important for controlling binding of calcium in bones and other tissues.
The vitamin K-related modification of the proteins allows them to bind calcium ions, which they cannot do otherwise. Low levels of vitamin K also weaken bones and promote calcification of arteries and other soft tissues.
Inadequate levels of vitamin K2 can lead to arteriosclerosis, a condition in which arteries become hard and less flexible, and osteoporosis. These conditions are the result of excessive calcium in the blood rather than in the bones. And finally, Magnesium is an important mineral involved in over 300 different processes in the body, including the ability to make and use ATP, the body’s main form of energy. It plays a very important role in proper Vitamin D activity and function, and also helps to maintain calcium balance.
Monday, July 30, 2018
NZ - Rethink Fluoride campaign launched
Rethink Fluoride campaign launched to counter Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill
A nationwide campaign has been launched to oppose the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Bill currently before Parliament. The campaign, Rethink Fluoride, brings together New Zealanders who oppose the mass fluoridation of our drinking water, many of whom made submissions to the Health Select Committee considering the Bill. The vast majority of public submissions opposed the Bill.
Retired dentists Dr Lawrie Brett and Dr John Jukes will head the campaign. They say, “International peer-reviewed research has shown fluoridation to be unsafe and ineffective, which is why it is not endorsed by the majority of international health authorities.”
The Fluoridation of Drinking Water Bill, introduced by the previous Government and currently before Parliament, seeks to shift decision making from democratic territorial local authorities (local Councils) to District Health Boards, under the direction or at least heavy influence of the Ministry of Health, with no public input into the decision. Former Health Minister Annette King acknowledged this is effectively mandatory fluoridation by proxy in her speech at the Bill’s first reading.
The coalition behind Rethink Fluoride notes that, if this Bill is passed, New Zealand will become one of only three countries in the world with mandatory fluoridation and without addressing the larger issues arising from fluoridation.
Fluoride Free NZ, an organisation established to end water fluoridation in New Zealand, has lent its support to the campaign and provided seed funding.
Rethink Fluoride’s objective is to encourage Parliament not to proceed with the Bill and in fact use this opportunity to take a fresh look at the fluoridation issue. This is especially important today with the growing body of evidence pointing to harm from fluoride even at levels we have previously believed to be safe.
The campaign will utilise social media, public relations and networking to raise awareness about fluoridation and to promote debate about fluoridation.
“New Zealand is one of a tiny minority of countries that fluoridate drinking water, as a result of ties with the USA. Less than five percent of the world’s population is fluoridated, with more and more cities stopping every year. Unfortunately, New Zealand, as this legislation demonstrates, is apparently intent on travelling in the opposite direction.
“We believe that, were New Zealanders better aware of the facts about fluoridation, our parliamentarians would be less inclined to disregard the body of evidence against the fluoridation of our drinking water.”
Rethink Fluoride says that in March 2014 fluoride was classified as a neurotoxin in world-renowned medical journal, The Lancet.
There are now 59 human studies that have looked at fluoride exposure and effects on brain function. 52 of these show fluoride’s damaging effect: lowered IQ, behavioural deficits, nervous disorders, and memory disruption. The most recent, a landmark US Government funded, multi-million-dollar study was published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2017. It found that children exposed to fluoride in utero, to mothers experiencing the same level of fluoride exposure as pregnant NZ women, have reduced IQ.
Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that fluoridation is compulsory medical treatment, and this breach of the Bill of Rights Act can only be justified if there are real benefits and no significant risks, it is essential that this balancing be re-evaluated in light of current scientific evidence.
“Just as we had to rethink lead in petrol, which is also estimated to have lowered IQ by 5 points, we need to rethink water fluoridation. In fact, we have more scientific evidence against fluoride than we had against both DDT and lead in petrol when they were banned.”
Rethink Fluoride believes that most people who investigate the issue of fluoridation with an open mind will conclude that, at the least, our parliamentarians should adopt the precautionary principle and suspend the fluoridation of our drinking water, and reject the current legislation.
To learn more about fluoridation, visit rethinkfluoride.org.nz or visit the Rethink Fluoride Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Rethink-Fluoride-393677071117763/.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Joy Warren made this Freedom of Information request to Public Health England
Dear Public Health England,
Regarding the Water Fluoridation Programme for England, would you please let me see the expenditure for financial year 2017-2018 employing the same format and using the same categories which were provided in replies to my previous FoI requests for 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015 - 2016 and 2016-2017.
To be precise, I would like to receive information about the amount each fluoridating local authority was invoiced for, for Financial Year 2017-2018 and the costs of the fluoridation programme broken down into types of expenditure, again for financial year 2017-2018.
Yours faithfully
Joy Warren
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Friday, July 27, 2018
My experience of the NHS
I visited my doctor
a month ago. My polymyalgia seemed to have come back now I am down to
1mg of prednisolone. Swollen feet were my main complaint. I had a
blood test and it was normal so the doctor who dismissed the swollen
feet as due to PMR and after taking my blood pressure, which he said
was 200/120 he warned me I could have a stroke or suffer heart
failure at any time.
I said I would buy a
BP monitor and then come back in two weeks as I was confident my BP
was higher than normal. Finding a car park and waiting to be called
drives my BP up.
I bought a BP
monitor and I also looked up swollen feet with polymyalgia and there
is a paper connecting the two so my GP was wrong on that one.
My BP now today
after coming upstairs and just sitting down with no relaxation
exercises my systolic is 126 my diastolic just 70. All good numbers
for someone much younger than my 83 years
If I had gone along
with what my GP said I would be taking statins for the rest of my
Above 140 is classed
as high but for someone aged over 80, 150 is the benchmark.
How many of you are
taking statins from one BP reading?
Another thing I am
prescribed Calcium and Vit D to balance the harm of the steroids I'm
taking over the last year to counter the polymyalgia.
When if you read up
on it K2 is also needed to avoid the calcium ending up where it
I have since paid
for combined calcium Vit D k2 and magnesium in one tablet.
I appreciate the NHS
for providing all the care it does as all the people I know receiving
treatment would be unable to afford it if in the USA. I appreciate
Google for bringing the information we need to arm ourselves with
knowledge that a few years ago would be unavailable.
Pre-and postnatal exposition to fluorides induce changes in rats liver morphology by impairment of antioxidant defense mechanisms and COX induction
Fluorides are common in the environment and are absorbed mostly in the stomach and gut, it can easily move through cell membranes and its accumulation can cause harmful effects in skeletal and soft tissues. One of the most important F- accumulation sites is the liver.
The aim of this study was to determine whether F- can cause inflammation in rat liver by affecting the activity of antioxidant enzymes and changes in the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and thromboxane B2 (TXB2).
Materials and methods
An in vivo model of prenatal and postnatal exposure to sodium fluoride (NaF) was used to carry out the experiment. Animals from control group received tap water to drink, while animals exposed to F- received drinking water containing NaF, 50 mg/L. In serum and liver we analyzed F- concentration, in liver - antioxidant enzymes activity, PGE2 and TXB2 concentration and immunolocalization of COX1 and COX2 proteins were measured.
We observed significant changes in F- concentration only in liver. The results of this study showed that F- affects antioxidant enzymes activity, COX2 protein expression and PGE2 synthesis in liver. Also, in some regions of the liver of rats exposed to F-, the hepatocytes were diffusely altered, with changes resembling microvesicular steatosis.
Chronic exposure to F− during development causes an accumulation of this element in the liver and changes in antioxidant enzymes activity and cyclooxygenase expression. Long term exposure to this element is toxic to the liver and can cause disturbances in its homeostasis.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Australia - Oberon fluoride fight: rally held and opponents are getting organised

More than 40 people attended what was called a Freedom of Choice rally at the Oberon Community Centre on Tuesday as the town digests last week’s conclusion to a months-long divisive community debate. One of the organisers of Tuesday’s rally, Racheal Maher, said she believed council's decision had taken away the very basic human right of freedom of choice.
"The Oberon community fought with everything they had to stand against amalgamation [with Bathurst], for their independence, their right to make their own decisions and on July 17, at Oberon Council's ordinary meeting, everything that fight represented was taken away,” she said.
"This is not an argument for or against fluoridation - it's much greater than that. It's an opportunity to protect your right to live in a community that supports freedom of the individual.
"If people choose to use fluoride, I respect that right, and ask you to please do the same for me and many others by not taking that choice away.”
Council meeting approves addition of fluoride to water supply
Chris Freeman, who also spoke at the rally, said "council is ultimately the voice of the people, not NSW Health or the dental industry”.
“We who are opposed to fluoridation feel the choice of the people has, in this case, been dismissed as unreliable or ignored," he said.
Mr Freeman encouraged those at the rally to write to local members, councillors and the NSW Ombudsman.
Many at the rally expressed their concerns in regards to a phone poll sponsored by NSW Health and conducted by the Social Research Centre from June 14 to 16 – particularly about the fact only 371 people were surveyed.
Mr Freeman told the Oberon Review a request for an investigation into how the survey was conducted had been submitted.
He said that as a result of the rally, a new committee will be formed and will meet next Tuesday at the Oberon RSL Club at 3.30pm.
"Concerned mothers are door-knocking with a new petition. In just two days, they have received 100 names - all opposed to fluoridation," he said.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
What You Can Do To Protect Yourself
The same preventive measures that I recommended last time can also help minimize your exposure to chlorine and fluoride. They are:
Don’t drink water straight out of the tap. Instead, invest in a high-quality reverse osmosis water filtration system. Reverse osmosis is the most effective way to filter out the harmful toxins that tap water can contain. Although such units may seem expensive, their cost pales in comparison to the harm that is caused by continuously drinking unfiltered tap water.
In addition, reverse osmosis systems are both a healthier and more cost-effective solution than drinking bottled water. Studies have shown that many brands of bottled water are no healthier than tap water, and in many cases are actually less healthy. In addition, the plastic bottles now pose a serious threat to our environment. Over the long run, you’ll also pay far less for a reverse osmosis system and replacement filters compared to the accumulative cost of buying bottled water.
If you are on the go a lot and like to have pure filtered water available to you away from home, invest in a non-disposable, eco-friendly water bottle so that you can take your pure, filtered water from your home with you.
Invest in a shower filter. As I mentioned above, showering and bathing in unfiltered tap water accounts for 70% of all the water-borne toxins you and your loved ones are exposed to. To prevent this, you need to install a quality shower filter inside of your shower head. This is easy to do and can go a long way towards minimizing your exposure to water-borne toxins.
Help your body detoxify itself. Exposure to environmental toxins is sadly unavoidable these days. All of us are constantly exposed to toxins each and every day, which is one of the reasons cancer is far more prevalent in the 21st century than it was at the dawn of the 20th.Environmental toxicity is far more prevalent and dangerous today than at any other time in
New Greens Dietary Supplement
history. Therefore, it’s important that you do all you can to help your body cope with its task of detoxification. To do so, I recommend you eat only organically produced foods whenever possible. Ideally, your diet should be primarily plant-based and rich in whole foods that contain lots of fiber, which helps your body to eliminate toxins.
I also recommend that you supplement your diet with antioxidant and detoxifying nutrients. These include beta carotene and other carotenoids, vitamins B3 (niacin) and B6 in conjunction with other B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E (in its natural, not synthetic, form), garlic, magnesium, zinc, and liver-cleansing herbs such as milk thistle (your liver is your body’s main internal organ of detoxification). In addition, be sure to drink adequate amounts of pure, filtered water each day, along with detoxifying beverages such as organic black or green tea, both of which have anticancer properties.
In addition, don’t use toothpaste and other dental products that contain fluoride. You can find non-fluoridated alternatives to such products at your local health food store.
God bless,
The same preventive measures that I recommended last time can also help minimize your exposure to chlorine and fluoride. They are:
Don’t drink water straight out of the tap. Instead, invest in a high-quality reverse osmosis water filtration system. Reverse osmosis is the most effective way to filter out the harmful toxins that tap water can contain. Although such units may seem expensive, their cost pales in comparison to the harm that is caused by continuously drinking unfiltered tap water.
In addition, reverse osmosis systems are both a healthier and more cost-effective solution than drinking bottled water. Studies have shown that many brands of bottled water are no healthier than tap water, and in many cases are actually less healthy. In addition, the plastic bottles now pose a serious threat to our environment. Over the long run, you’ll also pay far less for a reverse osmosis system and replacement filters compared to the accumulative cost of buying bottled water.
If you are on the go a lot and like to have pure filtered water available to you away from home, invest in a non-disposable, eco-friendly water bottle so that you can take your pure, filtered water from your home with you.
Invest in a shower filter. As I mentioned above, showering and bathing in unfiltered tap water accounts for 70% of all the water-borne toxins you and your loved ones are exposed to. To prevent this, you need to install a quality shower filter inside of your shower head. This is easy to do and can go a long way towards minimizing your exposure to water-borne toxins.
Help your body detoxify itself. Exposure to environmental toxins is sadly unavoidable these days. All of us are constantly exposed to toxins each and every day, which is one of the reasons cancer is far more prevalent in the 21st century than it was at the dawn of the 20th.Environmental toxicity is far more prevalent and dangerous today than at any other time in
New Greens Dietary Supplement
history. Therefore, it’s important that you do all you can to help your body cope with its task of detoxification. To do so, I recommend you eat only organically produced foods whenever possible. Ideally, your diet should be primarily plant-based and rich in whole foods that contain lots of fiber, which helps your body to eliminate toxins.
I also recommend that you supplement your diet with antioxidant and detoxifying nutrients. These include beta carotene and other carotenoids, vitamins B3 (niacin) and B6 in conjunction with other B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E (in its natural, not synthetic, form), garlic, magnesium, zinc, and liver-cleansing herbs such as milk thistle (your liver is your body’s main internal organ of detoxification). In addition, be sure to drink adequate amounts of pure, filtered water each day, along with detoxifying beverages such as organic black or green tea, both of which have anticancer properties.
In addition, don’t use toothpaste and other dental products that contain fluoride. You can find non-fluoridated alternatives to such products at your local health food store.
God bless,
USA - Essex Town Council Says ‘No’ to Fluoride in Drinking Water
July 24, 2018
by CBC News
“There wasn’t really much of a debate tonight,” said Sherry Bondy, moments after Essex town council voted against putting fluoride back in their drinking water.
It was a unanimous vote which differs from the stance of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit — both cite fluoride as a safe and cost-effective measure to prevent oral disease.
“That’s not our municipal responsibility to put fluoride in the water. If the province wants to look at it, that’s a different game, different talk. But it’s not up to us,” Bondy said.
The Town of Essex currently gets its water from two sources:
the Town of Amherstburg — which removed fluoride from its water in April 2011
the Union Water Supply System — which has never fluoridated its water.
Bondy, who raised the motion, is concerned with the associated costs. She, along with every other councillor, said it’s not the town’s job to add fluoride to water.
by CBC News
“There wasn’t really much of a debate tonight,” said Sherry Bondy, moments after Essex town council voted against putting fluoride back in their drinking water.
It was a unanimous vote which differs from the stance of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit — both cite fluoride as a safe and cost-effective measure to prevent oral disease.
“That’s not our municipal responsibility to put fluoride in the water. If the province wants to look at it, that’s a different game, different talk. But it’s not up to us,” Bondy said.
The Town of Essex currently gets its water from two sources:
the Town of Amherstburg — which removed fluoride from its water in April 2011
the Union Water Supply System — which has never fluoridated its water.
Bondy, who raised the motion, is concerned with the associated costs. She, along with every other councillor, said it’s not the town’s job to add fluoride to water.
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
From Ann
Daily Mail 24.7.18
Concerns are mounting
about adverse reactions caused by a group of widely prescribed antibiotics
called quinolones & fluoroquinolones. In some people, even a short
course can cause permanent damage, including tendon rupture, joint problems
& nerve pain. Last month, patients affected testified to “European
Medicines Agency” (EMA) in a public hearing in London, in a review by the safety
committee. This was only the 2nd ever public hearing held by the EMA
- the first was into epilepsy drug valproate, which can cause birth defects.
It’s a sign that long-standing concerns about these antibiotics are finally
being taken seriously. Quinolones & fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum
antibiotics. Fluoroquinolones are newer drugs & more frequently
prescribed. They work against salmonella & E.coli, recurrent urinary tract
infections, prostate inflammation & serious lung infections. Ciprofloxacin,
a fluoroquinolone, is the most prescribed of the group. Others include
levofloxacin, moxifloxacin & norfloxacin. In 2017 GPs wrote over 675,000
prescriptions for quinolones & fluoroquinolones in England alone. About the
same number again is used in hospitals. In US these drugs carry prominent
health warnings on the risks of tendonitis, tendon rupture & permanent
nerve damage. The latest warning issued 2 weeks ago by US Food & Drug
Admin, highlighted brain related side-effects - memory impairment,
delirium etc. It’s thought that because fluoroquinolones act on mitochondria –
powerhouses in cells - the effects can be felt all over the body. So far UK’s
“Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency” has remained silent,
despite 10,838 adverse reactions & 107 deaths for ciprofloxacin alone in
UK between 1990 & 2018. Around 100 patients have joined “Quinolone
Toxicity Support UK” complaining of ongoing disabling problems. “Side effects
are grossly under-reported” says Neal Millar, consultant orthopaedic surgeon
& lecturer in immunology at Glasgow Uni.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Fluoridated Irish Kids Experience Massive Tooth Decay Epidemic
The labeling of high-sugar cereals, yogurts and juices for children as “healthy” is contributing to an epidemic of tooth decay, a leading dental surgeon has warned.
New research has found that 60 per cent of Irish children who required dental treatment under general anesthetic before they turned five needed teeth extracted. Some children are having as many as nine teeth pulled by the time they are 12.
Further worsening the situation, the Journal of the Irish Dental Association found that 60% of the 347 required being put under anesthesia before the age of 5 to resolve tooth decay issues.
But what’s not being discussed is the fact that fluoride contains hydrofluorosilicic acid, which is a corrosive acid. It can eat through pure metal. It can eat through concrete and hazmat suits. So what do we assume it could do to children’s teeth?
Children are the subjects of a load of fluoridation processes via their dentists and even their own toothpaste and drinking water. The combination is deadly. But it seems Ireland, the only country to not ban fluoridation, chooses to blame other factors; all factors that are present in all the other EU countries which do not share the dental tooth decay epidemic.
The government’s obtuse position is likely one of convenience. Fluoridation is big business around the world, particularly in the United States. It is a shame that profits come before our children’s health, but it is also not surprising in the least.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Friday, July 20, 2018
Fluoride Destroys Your Health in Obvious (And Stealthy) Ways
Fluoride Destroys Your Health in Obvious (And Stealthy) Ways
By EDITOR July 19, 2018
Few people realize just how far-reaching the effects of long-term exposure to fluoride can be.
Dental fluorosis may be the most obvious manifestation of fluoride damage as it discolors and pits people’s teeth, but much of the other harm it causes is not as easy to see and is often blamed on something else. Here’s a look at a few of the ways in which fluoride destroys your health.
Cognitive and IQ problems
Many people feel fluoridated water is a big reason for the general “dumbing down” of society we’ve seen in recent years. It makes sense when you consider that fluoride is a neurotoxin and 50 human studies have linked exposure to it with lower intelligence.
It affects people of all ages, with fetal brain development also suffering from fluoride exposure. One study from Harvard Medical School linked elevated levels of fluoride to lowered IQs in children. Other studies have found that it can cause memory impairments and even brain damage.
Higher risk of heart disease
Because so much fluoride accumulates in the aorta, your heart can be affected by it significantly. Fluoride leads to oxidative stress and an inflammatory response, spurring atherosclerosis and heart damage.
In addition, fluoride in ground water has been linked to high blood pressure and a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.
Male infertility
One of the less obvious effects of fluoride exposure is male infertility. Lots of people fail to connect their troubles conceiving to the chemical, even though more than 60 studies have shown that it can impact male reproduction by reducing the quantity and motility of sperm as well as testosterone levels.
If you need further proof, consider the fact that American communities where the drinking water contains more than 3 ppm of fluoride had lower fertility rates than those areas with lower levels of fluoride in a study, even though the amount in question was within the limits of what the EPA considers “safe.”
Weaker bones and skeletal fluorosis
Here’s another reason to avoid fluoride: It’s been found in studies to weaken bones. Some studies have found that areas with 4 mg per liter of fluoride in the drinking water have higher rates of fractures and lower cortical bone density. Animal studies have also found bone strength reductions at the hands of exposure to fluoride.
In addition, long-term exposure to fluoride has been found to cause skeletal fluorosis, which can lead to serious bone distortions and a “hunchback.” This is often misdiagnosed because it can look like other joint and bone diseases, like osteoarthritis.
Cell DNA damage and cancer
Fluoride causes genetic damage that can contribute to cancer. It’s been linked to lung and bladder cancers in particular, and some experts believe it can increase the risk of malignancies.
In one study, boys who were exposed to fluoridated water as children were found to have a significantly higher chance of developing bone cancer as adolescents.
Endocrine disruption
Fluoride can impact your endocrine function, inhibiting the secretion of insulin, T3, T4 and other hormones. It also impacts melatonin, which is responsible for regulating your sleep and wake cycle.
Gastrointestinal issues
Ingesting even small amounts of fluoride can cause stomach lining damage and vomiting in some people. Poison Control Centers get thousands of calls each year about excessive fluoride ingestion by children in the form of toothpaste, which can cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.
Fluoride can damage your health in many different ways. If you have fluoride in your water or your toothpaste, it’s time to start making some changes if you want to preserve your health.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Australia - Oberon fluoride: council meeting approves addition to water supply

But the peace might not last long as fluoridation opponents are already warning that the battle isn’t over.
Oberon councillors voted 5-3 in favour of fluoridation at their ordinary meeting on Tuesday night after a months-long debate in the town that had, at times, become personal.
Previous attempts to introduce the dental health measure had been unsuccessful, the most recent being in 2014, when councillors voted 5-3 against fluoridation.
The Oberon Council chambers were packed on Tuesday night for the ordinary meeting.
Councillor Mark Kellam, who moved the motion to allow the fluoridation to go ahead, said his decision was based on sound evidence.
"I've listened to all the pros and cons and all the objective evidence and I've made this decision to fluoridate,” he said.
Oberon Council general manager Gary Wallace's report to the council said NSW Health commissioned the Social Research Centre to gauge the Oberon community’s views on fluoridation.
"The survey found that 53 per cent of all respondents agreed with adding fluoride to the public drinking water supply, 35 per cent disagreed and 12 per cent neither agreed or disagreed,” the report said.
Cr Brenda Lyon disagreed with the report findings.
"There were only 371 people contacted – this is not a good indication,” she said.
Not ready to give up the fight against fluoride
THE battle isn’t over.
That’s the message from those opposed to fluoride being added to Oberon’s water supply after councillors voted to go ahead with the measure on Tuesday night.
The packed council chambers soon emptied after the decision as those opposed shook their heads in shock.
Veronika Cvitanovic said as disappointing as she found Tuesday night's decision, she was more disappointed because she felt councillors had ignored all of the council feedback.
"The council feedback showed 69 per cent stated they were against fluoridation, yet councillors chose to rely on the phone survey which showed 53 per cent were in favour,” she said.
"If they had combined the raw data, they would have realised that 60 per cent were against and only 40 per cent were for fluoridation.
"But what I find even more interesting is the council feedback had 192 in favour and the survey had 197 in favour. Coincidence? I think not.
"Also, why did the survey stop at 371 respondents? Perhaps they were finding it hard to manufacture the result they required to justify their position that they had already settled upon?"
Chris Freeman said he believed the motion to fluoridate the water was clearly decided long before Tuesday’s vote.
"The proponents of fluoridation in the community and on the council who insist that NSW Health and the ADA [Australian Dental Association] are the only voices reliably worth listening to are now out in the open and on notice,” he said.
"More than enough of the community have spoken loudly and clearly that they don't want fluoride in the water. I commend the councillors who voted against it. This is not over."
Mr Freeman said that despite the outcome, he wanted to offer his sincere gratitude to all Oberon Council staff, particularly general manager Gary Wallace, Sharon Swannell and Lynette Safranek, who he said had worked behind the scenes to sort out what must have been a tsunami of conflicting data.
"I can appreciate the many hours of work that went into last [Tuesday] night's culmination,” he said. “Truth will prevail. The next chapter begins."
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Australia - Oberon becomes one of the last NSW towns to fluoridate its water
One of the last remaining towns in New South Wales without fluoridation has decided to add it to its drinking water.
The Oberon Council on the state's central tablelands has voted five-to-three to add fluoride to the town's supply after several months of heated debate and campaigning.
It is one of eight local governments in NSW, out of more than 100 local councils in the state, that has been asked to consider fluoridation by Health Minister Brad Hazzard..........
The Oberon Council on the state's central tablelands has voted five-to-three to add fluoride to the town's supply after several months of heated debate and campaigning.
It is one of eight local governments in NSW, out of more than 100 local councils in the state, that has been asked to consider fluoridation by Health Minister Brad Hazzard..........
Anti-fluoride campaigners in Oberon angry at a decision to introduce fluoride
Oberon residents Veronika Cvitanovic and Tracey Watson are disappointed by the council's support for fluoride.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
F.A.N Newsletter
July 17, 2018
The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has
created a new video series to provide the public and decision-makers with a
basic understanding of fluoride, to dispel myths surrounding fluoridation, and
answer common questions. The series, entitled “Fluoride Fundamentals,” is being
launched today with a short video featuring FAN’s Director Paul Connett, PhD,
answering the question: “Is Fluoride a Nutrient?”
FAN’s Education and Outreach Director,
Jay Sanders, along with Connett, have already produced numerous videos that
cover topics including, concentration vs. dose, naturally occurring fluoride,
sources of fluoride exposure, the Nazi myth, and more. The videos are short,
engaging, science-focused, and meant to be shared far and wide.
post our first video on your own social media pages, or like, comment, and share
FAN’s Facebook post containing the video. Please also post
the video as a comment anytime you see a fluoridation discussion on social
media, or in the comments beneath fluoride-related online news
Hopefully by now you’ve spoken to your
family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers about the elevated risk
fluoride poses to the fetus during pregnancy. Consider taking a few more “First
Steps” to help us spread the word about the Moms2B Avoid Fluoride campaign. You
could even get a free t-shirt and bumper stickers!
1-“Like” and review our
Moms2B Facebook page. This is an easy way to maintain contact with this
educational effort, and learn about new resources, research, and progress. This
also enables you to quickly share our posts on the subject, making education and
outreach even easier.
2- Distribute this
flyer to your health food stores, coffee
shops, post office, libraries, laundromats, community centers, area WIC offices,
daycares, local women’s health centers, bus stops and stations, and wherever an
accessible bulletin board or a public space with a lot of pedestrian traffic.
Hand materials out at area events, farmers markets, “4th” Trimester meetings,
yoga classes, book clubs, or anywhere else you’ll find a captive
3- Send
letters-to-the-editor to your
local newspapers. This is a useful way to educate residents, journalists, and
community leaders simultaneously.
Would you like a free t-shirt and bumper stickers? Please share your Moms2B
campaign stories, successes, photos, and videos with FAN by emailing them
to: Moms2B@fluoridealert.org
We will
share your story on this website and with fellow supporters of this campaign to
inspire them, show solidarity, and offer examples of successful and unique
campaign ideas. People who share their experiences will receive a FREE
T-shirt and two bumper stickers (see them
also share your own Moms2B campaign ideas, art, warning posters, social media
info-graphics or memes, and other educational materials with us. You could also
be eligible to receive a t-shirt or bumper stickers.
Moms2B Update from Vermont
Campaigner and FAN Editorial Advisor,
Jack Crowther, has been busy educating the citizens of Rutland, Vermont about
our Moms2B campaign. He recently shared the following update and strategy
suggestion, which we hope others will be inspired by:
Here's an update on what I'm up to in Rutland:
1. Sent this letter to the local school board asking to appear and present on the fluoride-neurotoxicity/IQ research and findings. I attached the FAN flyer to my letter to prep them.
My thinking is that school board members are less political than city councilors, less worried about being popular and serving more out of an interest in education. Therefore they might be more open-minded about re-examining fluoridation. If they would take a position against it, it might induce the Board of Aldermen (our version of a city council) to re-examine the issue.
2. I'm having two 3' X 4' banners printed at Staples (<$100) to mount on a large piece of lauan plywood and display in a rack on the back of my pickup. Here is a picture of the banner that I put together on the computer from components published by FAN.
consider how you can utilize the same strategy in your community, or use FAN
materials to create your own campaign strategy; then share your ideas and
updates with fellow campaigners by emailing your achivements and thoughts to:
Latest Fluoride News:
-Fluoride Debate Comes Back to Brooksville (Florida)
-Fluoridation Resumes in Albuquerque (New Mexico)
-Ballot Wording Ok’d for Houston Fluoridation Vote (Missouri)
-Meadville Takes Another Step Closer to Fluoridation (Pennsylvania)
-Why Fluoridation is one of the Greatest Crimes Against Humanity (U.S.A.)
-Essex Town Council Rejects Fluoridation Chemicals (Ontario)
-Fluoride Concerns as Darlington and Tees Valley Study Practice (U.K.)
-Letter: What About the Experts who say no to Fluoride (Australia)
For more fluoride related media, please visit FAN’s News Archive.
Are You Fluoridated?
Guest writer for Wake Up World
It’s time we look at the fact that we are being dosed with a chemical, in an unmonitored and unstudied way, without our consent.
What if I told you that your drinking water, and everything made from it – drinks to soups – was poisoned? What if I then told you that this poison was being presented as a health-giving intervention, presumed to be in your best interest? You might wonder how such a reality could have ever taken hold.
The sordid history of fluoridation reads like a sci-fi novel, now, being brought to the attention of the masses by efforts such as this short documentary entitled Our Daily Dose. Spend 20 minutes taking this in:
Fluoride is out of an era when “…valium was prescribed to housewives, feet were x-rayed for shoe size, cigarettes were harmless, and nuclear testing was exciting to watch. We knew less and understood the world differently.”
Despite superficial claims to aid in tooth decay prevention, internal documents reveal that fluoride was a fertilizer industry byproduct that found a home in municipal water “treatment”. Not dissimilar to the crediting of vaccination with decline in infectious disease, decline in tooth decay (until 2010) has been attributed to fluoridation of the water supply, despite the fact that this trend has been mirrored in countries with unfluoridated water. What it does result in, however, is dental fluorosis, a tell-tail sign of toxicity.
With public policy lagging behind emerging science by decades, safe fluoride ingestion amounts have decreased by 40% since 1962 (from 1.6ppb to 0.7) with no apologies for former claims of safety over those 40 years. Concerningly, longitudinal data implicates fluoride’s effects on brain function as measured by IQ. Perhaps this is an unintended consequence? Perhaps it has served as a fringe benefit to keep the populace subdued in this way? Graham Hancock might agree.
Then there is the emergence of data implicating fluoride, a halogen, in endocrine disrupting effects on thyroid which is undoubtedly related to the 23 million Americans on Synthroid, and data from the BMJ demonstrating that fluoridated water doubles the risk of hypothyroidism.
It’s time we look at the fact that we are being dosed with a chemical, in an unmonitored and unstudied way, without our consent.
We used to think that the dose made the poison. Now we understand that the picture of risk is far more nuanced, and better encompassed by concepts like the “cocktail effect“. This chemical isn’t prescribed based on weight, nor has any safe level truly been established by anything other than administrative handwaving. Today, babies fed formula made with tap water can ingest up to 100% greater doses than is deemed “acceptable”. Fluoride also crosses the placenta and is dosed to your growing fetus as part of a soup of environmental toxicants. Haven’t our babies and children been subjected to enough population-level experimentation?
While it is likely that policy will be forced to submit to the growing wave of science implicating fluoride as a brain and body poison without a known biochemical profile in any given individual’s physiology, what to do in the meantime?
Related reading:
- Fluoride – The Only Drug Intentionally Added to Your Tap Water
- Scientific Review Shows Fluoridation Does Not Prevent Cavities
- The Fluoride Deception Continues as US Government Ignores Fluoride’s Role as an Endocrine Disruptor
Also by this author:
About the author:
Monday, July 16, 2018
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Oberon review - Australia - Letter | Truth will prevail on fluoride and its use
THEY say the first victim in war is the truth. Is this a war? It’s certainly a war of words, and a war for the truth. When I first realised that everything I’d heard and seen about fluoride from the government, dentists and television wasn’t entirely kosher it was 2014, and I’d been living in this little town of ours for about four years. Although I’ve lived many places, Oberon was the first place I’d landed where I felt a strong sense of community.
What got me out of my chair about fluoride in 2014 (the last time it reared its scaly head) was that deep sense of community among the people standing against it. They were and still are a very sincere and well-focused group of concerned local people who have spent an inordinate amount of time researching and understanding as much of the information available about sodium fluoride as they can. Their company and encouragement in the last four years has been deeply inspiring and helped me see the truth about many big issues we all collectively face in this troubled world of ours. Sodium fluoride and its uses are but one. Getting this type of fluoride (unnatural) exposed and revealed for all to see how dangerous it is to human health and, more importantly, how much we’re consuming already, is the challenge ahead and together it can be done.
Out of convenience and profit, fluoride has penetrated our industrial, pharmaceutical and manufacturing sectors over the last 60 years via slick marketing and good engineering. It happens to be very useful in medicine, machinery, cookware, lighting, food, beverages and welding rods, to name a few. Of course, the dental industry’s credibility and profits are under major threat from any change in the mass perception of fluoride as ‘safe, effective and equitable’, and the industry is fighting to keep its market share, jobs and businesses from losing face. Thousands of their professional colleagues around the world have spoken out, and continue to do so, against fluoridation. Many dentists in NSW have left fluoride behind and run thriving businesses; toothpaste and dental product manufacturers are producing more fluoride-free products. Time to let it end and move toward a better world, cleansed of toxic industrial waste. Truth always prevails.