Saturday, February 28, 2015
The Campaigning Group, “Hampshire Against Fluoride” met for possibly the last time this afternoon, for a very happy occasion.
They held a party to celebrate the success of the campaign to keep fluoride out of local tap water and to thank everyone who played an active part in the campaign.
It’s been a pleasure working with HAF and a good example of politicians, Lib Dem, Conservative and Green all pulling together, showing a united front to see off this threat.
Sometimes I wish I had a £1 for every time I was told that we wouldn’t be able to stop the health authorities from imposing this on the population. I’m glad we kept going.
It was certainly a victory for democracy and we may not have succeeded were it not for a lot of coverage from the local press.
Oddly enough, it was a little sad to realise that we wouldn’t be meeting up again. I made a few new friends and it was really nice to join them in celebrating what has been a local success with national implications.
Exposure to fluoridated water and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder prevalence among children and adolescents in the United States: an ecological association
Abstract (provisional)
Fluoride Water Poisoning In South America Leaves 40 Children In Hospital
Teachers had given the children, aged between seven and eleven years old, water which had fluoride tablets dissolved in them. The tablets caused numbness and vomiting in the children who were shortly after taken to hospital.
Doctors treated the children with intravenous solutions to counter the fluoride poisoning. Parents of the children at the school are angry that they were not informed of the plan to give the school kids fluoride tablets in the water and are demanding answers from authorities.
Hong Kong - Take fluoride out of our water
The average fluoride content in treated water supplied by the Water Supplies Department was 0.49 mg/L during the period from October 2012 to September 2013.
I refer to the letter by David Wong, of the Water Supplies Department ("Fluoridation of drinking water protects teeth", February 8) in reply to the letter by G. Holloway, ("Orwellian practice must end in HK", January 27).
Fluoride is a toxic additive that harms brain functioning in adults and children. It can be lethal at only five grams. Like G. Holloway, I would like to know why Hong Kong's water supply, unlike many advanced countries, is still being treated with toxic fluoride.
Mr Wong took a defensive stance on fluoridation, citing outdated studies, while never showing concern for the other side.
He ambiguously never states what exactly is being added to our water (sodium fluoride or calcium fluoride), where it was sourced from, or how - as a by-product of aluminium manufacturing.
He says the Water Supplies and Health departments will keep monitoring fluoride content and "the latest scientific development". Well, those departments haven't been monitoring closely enough.
Numerous studies show harm from consuming fluoride. Many cities have chosen to abandon fluoridation and it is now Hong Kong's turn.
Researchers from Harvard University and China Medical University indicate that fluoride adversely affects cognitive development and IQ in children.
Fluoride, when combined with other heavy metals like lead, mercury and aluminium, is also being linked to Alzheimer's disease. Finally, overexposure to fluoride causes fluorosis, an enamel defect resulting in white or brown spots on teeth.
Hong Kong needs to stop adding chemicals to our water. If it's really about oral health, like Mr Wong says it is, let's encourage proper brushing and flossing instead, and let's also immediately eliminate soda and sugar-laden beverages from all schools.
Paramount to all of this, however, is the fact that ending Hong Kong's toxic water fluoridation will reduce the potential harm to our brains, and the young brains of future generations.
Dr William Hirzy, senior vice-president of the union representing scientists at the US Environmental Protection Agency, said, in 1999: "In summary, we hold that fluoridation is an unreasonable risk. That is, the toxicity of fluoride is so great and the purported benefits associated with it are so small - if there are any at all - that requiring every man, woman and child to ingest it borders on criminal behaviour on the part of governments." Is anyone else thirsty for change?
Friday, February 27, 2015
Fluoride in Birmingham's water could cause depression and weight gain - scientists
The team from the Centre for Health Services Studies at the University of Kent found doctors in the region had recorded 30 per cent higher than expected rates of underactive thyroid.
But Birmingham health bosses insisted there were no risks, emphasising this was just ‘one report’ against extensive research over the years – and said the city’s excellent teeth was a key benefit.
Researchers said GPs in the West Midlands were nearly twice as likely to report high hypothyroidism prevalence as Greater Manchester, where it is not added to drinking water.
The report said: “The findings of the study raise particular concerns about the validity of community fluoridation as a safe public health measure.”
Hypothyroidism symptoms can include tiredness, weight gain, mental slowing, and depression.
Nationally, research suggested up to 15,000 people could be suffering needlessly from thyroid problems which can cause depression, weight gain, fatigue and aching muscles.
Lead author Professor Stephen Peckham, from the Centre for Health Service Studies, said: “I think it is concerning for people living in those areas. The difference between the West Midlands, which fluoridates, and Manchester, which doesn’t was particularly striking. There were nearly double the number of cases in Manchester.
“Underactive thyroid is a particularly nasty thing to have and it can lead to other long-term health problems. I do think councils need to think again about putting fluoride in the water. There are far safer ways to improve dental health.”
The thyroid gland, which is found in the neck, regulates the metabolism as well as many other systems in the body. The study, which is published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, said the effects of fluoride on the thyroid have long been observed, but there have been no population studies that have examined this.
“The finding of this cross-sectional study has important implications for public health policy in the UK and in other countries where fluoride is added to drinking water or in other forms such as fluoridated milk and salt,” it added.........
Thursday, February 26, 2015
High Fluoride in Drinking Water May Be Linked To Hypothyroidism
Professor Stephen Peckham
Director, Centre for Health Services Studies
Professor of Health Policy
Department of Health Services Research and Policy
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Director, Policy Research Unit in Commissioning and the Healthcare System University of Kent
Medical Research: What is the background for this study? What are the main findings?
Response: Community water fluoridation remains a controversial public health measure. There have been continued debates about both its effectiveness in the prevention of dental caries and also its safety. Previous studies have suggested that there is an association between fluoride ingestion and the incidence of hypothyroidism few population level studies have been undertaken. In April 2014 Public Health England published a monitoring report that used secondary analysis of routine health statistics to identify whether water fluoridation in England was associated with any adverse health outcomes. While hypothyroidism data is available this was not included in their monitoring report. In England approximately 10% of the population lives in areas with community fluoridation schemes and hypothyroidism prevalence can be assessed from general practice data. Tt examine whether there is a relationship – as suggested in smaller studies – we used a cross-sectional study design using secondary data to develop binary logistic regression models of predictive factors for hypothyroidism prevalence at practice level using 2012 data on fluoride levels in drinking water, 2012/13 Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) diagnosed hypothyroidism prevalence data, 2013 General Practitioner (GP) registered patient numbers, and 2012 practice level Index of Multiple Deprivation scores. We found a positive association between fluoride levels and hypothyroidism. High hypothyroidism prevalence was found to be at least 30% more likely in practices located in areas with fluoride levels in excess of 0.3mg/L. This population study supports earlier hypotheses that fluoride is associated with hypothyroidism. In the UK water is fluoridated at 1ppm (1mg/L) and in areas where water is fluoridated the model predicts that after controlling for other factors, practice populations are significantly more likely to have higher levels ofhypothyroidism than those in non-fluoridated areas. Higher levels of fluoride in drinking water, therefore, provide a useful contribution for predicting prevalence of hypothyroidism. For example in contrasting two urban areas we found that practices located in the West Midlands (a wholly fluoridated area) are nearly twice as likely to report high hypothyroidism prevalence in comparison to Greater Manchester (non-fluoridated area).
Medical Research: What should clinicians and patients take away from your report?
Response: The finding of this cross-sectional study has important implications for public health policy in the UK and in other countries where fluoride is added to drinking water or in other forms such as fluoridated milk and salt. In many areas of the world hypothyroidism is a major health concern and in addition to other factors – such as iodine deficiency – fluoride exposure should be considered as a contributing factor. To minimize the risk of increasing the prevalence of hypothyroidism, it is important, therefore, to limit fluoride ingestion from all sources. This would be particularly important in areas where iodine concentrations are low, given the potential action of fluoride as an iodine inhibitor. Consideration needs to be given to reducing fluoride exposure and public dental health interventions should stop interventions reliant on ingested fluoride and switch to topical fluoride and non-fluoride based interventions. The findings of the study raise particular concerns about the validity of community fluoridation as a safe public health measure.
Medical Research: What recommendations do you have for future research as a result of this study?
Response: There are some limitations to this observational study but the use of large scale data and using practice populations has enabled greater confidence in the reported findings. However, future research which measures individual fluoride exposure would be useful.
Published on 25 Feb 2015
Unlike the US, the UK doesn’t have universal fluoridation. This has allowed an epidemiological study comparing health effects, with the result being that those drinking fluoridated water are more likely to suffer from thyroid disorders leading to obesity and depression. You’ll be surprised at the fluoride concentrations that are correlated with disease and loss of IQ points.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Australia - Fluoride safe, but final review pending
Australians have been reassured that fluoride in drinking water is effective and safe, despite international studies linking it to lower IQs and thyroid problems.
The National Health and Medical Research Council expects to maintain its support for fluoridation of water supplies, based on the findings of a review so far.
The NHMRC review of scientific evidence on water fluoridation and health is being conducted by University of Sydney researchers.
"Fluoridation of drinking water remains the most effective and socially equitable means of achieving community-wide exposure to the caries (tooth decay) prevention effects of fluoride," NHMRC chief Warwick Anderson said on Wednesday.
UK research published earlier this week found water fluoridation could be linked to underactive thyroid cases, which in turn are linked to depression, obesity and fatigue.
The University of Kent study said doctors surgeries in high-fluoride areas like the West Midlands were nearly twice as likely to report high hypothyroidism prevalence than Greater Manchester, where it wasn't added to drinking water.
Underactive thyroid cases were 30 per cent more likely in the areas of highest fluoridation, or more than 0.3mg/litre.
In Australia, the recommended fluoride level is 0.6mg/litre to 1.1 mg/litre.
A 2012 Chinese study found children who lived in areas with high fluoride exposure had lower IQ scores than those in low-exposure areas.
However, the exposed groups had access to drinking water with fluoride concentrations up to 11.5 mg/litre, so concentrations were above the level recommended for public drinking water in Australia.
Most Australian towns and cities were fluoridated in the 1960s and 1970s.
Fluoride naturally occurs in the water. Water fluoridation is the topping up of these levels to strengthen teeth against tooth decay.
The NHMRC is expected to release a draft paper on the findings of its fluoride review by the end of the year.
- To be published end of the year and they now know it is safe................................Not biased then.
Is your tap water poisoning you?
The troubling question on everyone's lips as scientists warn fluoride put in water to protect teeth could spark depression
How safe is our tap water? It has long been a source of national pride that we can drink straight from our taps without trepidation.
But mounting scientific evidence shows that well-intentioned efforts to make our water healthier - by adding fluoride to prevent tooth decay - may actually be having serious long-term effects on our health.
Scientists warn that the risks of this controversial public health policy include brain impairment in children, liver and kidney disease, crippling bone disorders and, ironically, disfigured teeth.
Investigators also argue that fluoridation does not bring significant benefits over other health initiatives, such as encouraging children and adults to brush their teeth properly.
Scientists warn that the risks of 'water fluoridation' include brain impairment in children, liver and kidney disease, crippling bone disorders and, ironically, disfigured teeth
Scientists warn that the risks of 'water fluoridation' include brain impairment in children, liver and kidney disease, crippling bone disorders and, ironically, disfigured teeth
Yesterday, a new danger was added to the risk list when researchers at the University of Kent warned that the mineral may be responsible for causing depression, weight gain and tiredness.
They argue that these debilitating symptoms are the result of hypothyroidism — the failure of the thyroid gland to produce hormones that regulate the metabolism. Their study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, says that areas of England with water fluoridation are linked to rates of hypothyroidism 30 per cent higher than expected.
The watchdog Public Health England moved to assure people that 'the totality of evidence, accumulated over decades of research, tells us that water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure, and shows no association with reduced thyroid function'.
Fluoride in water is 'linked to thyroid problem which causes...
But Professor Stephen Peckham, who led the new study, said that instead of putting more fluoride in our water, the policy should be reversed: 'Consideration needs to be given to reducing fluoride exposure,' he said.
That may not be so easily done. More than five-and-a-half million of us already have tap water artificially fluoridated to the 'optimum' level of one part per million parts of water (1ppm), according to the British Fluoridation Society (BFS).
Areas of the country with fluoridation schemes include Cumbria, Cheshire, Tyneside, Northumbria, Durham, Humberside, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, the West Midlands and Bedfordshire.
A further 330,000 people drink supplies that are naturally fluoridated by rocks in the ground to the level of 1ppm — including residents of Hartlepool and Easington in the North East of England, Uttoxeter in Staffordshire and parts of North Hampshire and South Berkshire.
(Other parts of Britain, which are not artificially fluoridated and have low natural levels of fluoride in local rocks, see concentrations of 0.1ppm or even lower in their drinking water.)
That's about one in ten of the population exposed to the 1ppm fluoride level, says the BFS, which promotes the treatment of UK water.
The medicinal use of fluorides for the prevention of dental decay began in January 1945 when community water supplies in Grand Rapids, America, were fluoridated to 1ppm. But health concerns have meant that in recent years that level has been reduced in the U.S. to 0.7ppm.
Nonetheless, politicians and dentists here are pushing for more of us to have our water supplemented to that 1ppm level.
Only last month, leaders at the Royal College of Surgeons' faculty of dental surgery published a report saying greater fluoridation would cut the admission to hospital annually of some 26,000 children aged between five and nine for tooth decay. 'Water fluoridation is one way of overcoming that,' said the faculty's dean, professor Nigel Hunt.
In December, Labour shadow health secretary Andy Burnham pledged to make a priority of adding fluoride to water if his party wins the Election. 'It's a simple way to improve the health of children. There is no evidence it damages health,' he argued.
Public Health England moved to assure people that 'the totality of evidence, accumulated over decades of research, tells us that water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure
Public Health England moved to assure people that 'the totality of evidence, accumulated over decades of research, tells us that water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure
Certainly, it's recognised by the NHS that fluoride disrupts the process of decay by making enamel more resistant to acid attack — which is the cause of rotting teeth — and reducing plaque bacteria's ability to produce acid. The mineral also strengthens enamel in children's growing teeth.
However, if a chemical affects the human body in one way, it is almost certainly bound to change other things. And it is these side-effects that particularly alarm some scientists.
It is also worth noting that the mineral which occurs naturally in water is calcium fluoride, while the chemical used to supplement levels of water is sodium fluoride — which critics say can be more dangerous to health.
As well as specifically physical side-effects related to fluoridation, there are also concerns over its effect on our brains.
A 2012 analysis of previous studies found strong indications that fluoride supplementation may hinder children's intellectual development, causing on average a drop of seven IQ points.
Fluoride in water may also harm internal organs. A Polish laboratory study found evidence of liver damage that seems to have been caused by the fluoride interfering with the way our bodies use antioxidants to defend against tissues breaking down.
There are also suspected links with kidney disease. One study has found an association between high levels of fluoride in the water and painful kidney stones, which were four times more common than in a similar area without high fluoride, researchers found.
The most obvious evidence of harm from fluoride supplementation is dental fluorosis, where teeth become mottled and discoloured by over-exposure. It is also possible that chronic bone disease skeletal fluorosis can be caused by ingesting large amounts of fluoride, which can lead to crippling arthritis, bone fractures and muscle weakness.
In response to the established risks, it is recommended by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency that an adult does not consume more than 3-4mg of fluoride per day — the equivalent of drinking three to four litres of water with 1ppm fluoride (the UK has established no maximum RDA of fluoride).
But it is more complicated than that. The dangers from exposure to fluoride have been increased over the past few years as the mineral has increasingly been added to commercial products — not only toothpaste but others such as baby milk formula.
Even tea can push you over the limit, especially in areas with fluoridated water. A study by Derby University found cheap supermarket tea is particularly high in the mineral, which occurs in it naturally. Four mugs of tea can contain as much as 6mg.
Nevertheless, local authorities are currently pushing, with the encouragement of Public Health England, to fluoridate more people's water.
But the backlash has begun. Earlier this month, protesters in Hull launched a campaign to halt the city council's plans to add fluoride to their water.
Figures show 43 per cent of children in Hull are suffering tooth decay, one of the worst rates in the country. However, local protesters, such as Paddy Holdsworth, of East Yorkshire Against Fluoride, fear the dangers of unwanted side-effects. 'This is compulsory medication,' he says. 'It is just crazy.'
Another obstacle lies in the path of the pro-fluoridation camp — a significant hole in their argument that mineral supplementation is the best way to improve mass dental health
About ten years ago, a review of previous evidence by York University researchers found that tooth decay in children across Europe had fallen, irrespective of fluoride in the water. Indeed, the countries showing the biggest decrease — Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland and Denmark — do not fluoridate their supplies.
'This probably reflects use of fluoridated toothpastes and other factors, including perhaps nutrition,' said the investigators in the British Medical Journal, who concluded that the evidence 'on the potential benefits and harms of adding fluoride to water is relatively poor'.
This argument was perhaps unwittingly reinforced last year by national survey evidence from Public Health England itself. The authority warned that drinking fruit juice and squash from bottles and feeding cups was responsible for significant amounts of tooth decay, and called for under-threes to have milk and water.
And surely it is just such mass education — not mass medication — that in the long term will improve dental health.
Our health chiefs should treat us as adults. Rather than slipping something into our water, isn't it high time these authorities introduced sanctions against parents who fecklessly allow their children's teeth to rot?
- Researchers have said the mineral could cause depression and weight gain
- Brain impairment, kidney disease, bone disorders are possible side-effects
- Public Health England has assured people that 'water fluoridation' is safe
How safe is our tap water? It has long been a source of national pride that we can drink straight from our taps without trepidation.
But mounting scientific evidence shows that well-intentioned efforts to make our water healthier - by adding fluoride to prevent tooth decay - may actually be having serious long-term effects on our health.
Scientists warn that the risks of this controversial public health policy include brain impairment in children, liver and kidney disease, crippling bone disorders and, ironically, disfigured teeth.
Investigators also argue that fluoridation does not bring significant benefits over other health initiatives, such as encouraging children and adults to brush their teeth properly.
Scientists warn that the risks of 'water fluoridation' include brain impairment in children, liver and kidney disease, crippling bone disorders and, ironically, disfigured teeth
Scientists warn that the risks of 'water fluoridation' include brain impairment in children, liver and kidney disease, crippling bone disorders and, ironically, disfigured teeth
Yesterday, a new danger was added to the risk list when researchers at the University of Kent warned that the mineral may be responsible for causing depression, weight gain and tiredness.
They argue that these debilitating symptoms are the result of hypothyroidism — the failure of the thyroid gland to produce hormones that regulate the metabolism. Their study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, says that areas of England with water fluoridation are linked to rates of hypothyroidism 30 per cent higher than expected.
The watchdog Public Health England moved to assure people that 'the totality of evidence, accumulated over decades of research, tells us that water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure, and shows no association with reduced thyroid function'.
Fluoride in water is 'linked to thyroid problem which causes...
But Professor Stephen Peckham, who led the new study, said that instead of putting more fluoride in our water, the policy should be reversed: 'Consideration needs to be given to reducing fluoride exposure,' he said.
That may not be so easily done. More than five-and-a-half million of us already have tap water artificially fluoridated to the 'optimum' level of one part per million parts of water (1ppm), according to the British Fluoridation Society (BFS).
Areas of the country with fluoridation schemes include Cumbria, Cheshire, Tyneside, Northumbria, Durham, Humberside, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, the West Midlands and Bedfordshire.
A further 330,000 people drink supplies that are naturally fluoridated by rocks in the ground to the level of 1ppm — including residents of Hartlepool and Easington in the North East of England, Uttoxeter in Staffordshire and parts of North Hampshire and South Berkshire.
(Other parts of Britain, which are not artificially fluoridated and have low natural levels of fluoride in local rocks, see concentrations of 0.1ppm or even lower in their drinking water.)
That's about one in ten of the population exposed to the 1ppm fluoride level, says the BFS, which promotes the treatment of UK water.
The medicinal use of fluorides for the prevention of dental decay began in January 1945 when community water supplies in Grand Rapids, America, were fluoridated to 1ppm. But health concerns have meant that in recent years that level has been reduced in the U.S. to 0.7ppm.
Nonetheless, politicians and dentists here are pushing for more of us to have our water supplemented to that 1ppm level.
Only last month, leaders at the Royal College of Surgeons' faculty of dental surgery published a report saying greater fluoridation would cut the admission to hospital annually of some 26,000 children aged between five and nine for tooth decay. 'Water fluoridation is one way of overcoming that,' said the faculty's dean, professor Nigel Hunt.
In December, Labour shadow health secretary Andy Burnham pledged to make a priority of adding fluoride to water if his party wins the Election. 'It's a simple way to improve the health of children. There is no evidence it damages health,' he argued.
Public Health England moved to assure people that 'the totality of evidence, accumulated over decades of research, tells us that water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure
Public Health England moved to assure people that 'the totality of evidence, accumulated over decades of research, tells us that water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure
Certainly, it's recognised by the NHS that fluoride disrupts the process of decay by making enamel more resistant to acid attack — which is the cause of rotting teeth — and reducing plaque bacteria's ability to produce acid. The mineral also strengthens enamel in children's growing teeth.
However, if a chemical affects the human body in one way, it is almost certainly bound to change other things. And it is these side-effects that particularly alarm some scientists.
It is also worth noting that the mineral which occurs naturally in water is calcium fluoride, while the chemical used to supplement levels of water is sodium fluoride — which critics say can be more dangerous to health.
As well as specifically physical side-effects related to fluoridation, there are also concerns over its effect on our brains.
A 2012 analysis of previous studies found strong indications that fluoride supplementation may hinder children's intellectual development, causing on average a drop of seven IQ points.
Fluoride in water may also harm internal organs. A Polish laboratory study found evidence of liver damage that seems to have been caused by the fluoride interfering with the way our bodies use antioxidants to defend against tissues breaking down.
There are also suspected links with kidney disease. One study has found an association between high levels of fluoride in the water and painful kidney stones, which were four times more common than in a similar area without high fluoride, researchers found.
The most obvious evidence of harm from fluoride supplementation is dental fluorosis, where teeth become mottled and discoloured by over-exposure. It is also possible that chronic bone disease skeletal fluorosis can be caused by ingesting large amounts of fluoride, which can lead to crippling arthritis, bone fractures and muscle weakness.
In response to the established risks, it is recommended by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency that an adult does not consume more than 3-4mg of fluoride per day — the equivalent of drinking three to four litres of water with 1ppm fluoride (the UK has established no maximum RDA of fluoride).
But it is more complicated than that. The dangers from exposure to fluoride have been increased over the past few years as the mineral has increasingly been added to commercial products — not only toothpaste but others such as baby milk formula.
Even tea can push you over the limit, especially in areas with fluoridated water. A study by Derby University found cheap supermarket tea is particularly high in the mineral, which occurs in it naturally. Four mugs of tea can contain as much as 6mg.
Nevertheless, local authorities are currently pushing, with the encouragement of Public Health England, to fluoridate more people's water.
But the backlash has begun. Earlier this month, protesters in Hull launched a campaign to halt the city council's plans to add fluoride to their water.
Figures show 43 per cent of children in Hull are suffering tooth decay, one of the worst rates in the country. However, local protesters, such as Paddy Holdsworth, of East Yorkshire Against Fluoride, fear the dangers of unwanted side-effects. 'This is compulsory medication,' he says. 'It is just crazy.'
Another obstacle lies in the path of the pro-fluoridation camp — a significant hole in their argument that mineral supplementation is the best way to improve mass dental health
About ten years ago, a review of previous evidence by York University researchers found that tooth decay in children across Europe had fallen, irrespective of fluoride in the water. Indeed, the countries showing the biggest decrease — Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland and Denmark — do not fluoridate their supplies.
'This probably reflects use of fluoridated toothpastes and other factors, including perhaps nutrition,' said the investigators in the British Medical Journal, who concluded that the evidence 'on the potential benefits and harms of adding fluoride to water is relatively poor'.
This argument was perhaps unwittingly reinforced last year by national survey evidence from Public Health England itself. The authority warned that drinking fruit juice and squash from bottles and feeding cups was responsible for significant amounts of tooth decay, and called for under-threes to have milk and water.
And surely it is just such mass education — not mass medication — that in the long term will improve dental health.
Our health chiefs should treat us as adults. Rather than slipping something into our water, isn't it high time these authorities introduced sanctions against parents who fecklessly allow their children's teeth to rot?
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Stop water fluoridation, says public health expert
research led by a public health expert at the University of Kent
suggests water fluoridation in England is linked to higher rates of
underactive thyroid.
Stephen Peckham, of the University’s Centre for Health Service
Studies, says a switch to other approaches to protecting tooth health
should be considered.
research published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community
Health, Professor Peckham and the research team identified that water
fluoridation above a certain level is linked to 30 per cent higher
than expected rate of underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) in
researchers looked at the 2012 levels of fluoride in the drinking
water supply, using data provided by the Drinking Water Inspectorate
for individual postcodes. They looked at the national prevalence of
underactive thyroid diagnosed by family doctors in England in 2012-13
and recorded in their national quality and incentive scheme (QOF)
returns. Complete data were provided for 7935 general practices out
of a total of 8020.
researchers also carried out a secondary analysis, comparing two
built up areas, one of which (West Midlands) was supplied with
fluoridated drinking water, and the other of which (Greater
Manchester) was not.
taking account of influential factors, such as female sex and older
age, both of which are linked to increased risk of hypothyroidism,
they found an association between rates of the condition and levels
of fluoride in the drinking water. In areas with fluoride levels
above 0.7mg/l, they found higher than expected rates of
hypothyroidism than in areas with levels below this dilution.
rates of hypothyroidism were at least 30% more likely in practices
located in areas with fluoride levels in excess of 0.3mg/l. And
practices in the West Midlands were nearly twice as likely to report
high rates of hypothyroidism as those in Greater Manchester.
England, around 10% of the population (6 million) live in areas with
a naturally or artificially fluoridated water supply of 1mg fluoride
per litre of drinking water.
Peckham said that research was ‘observational’, so no definitive
conclusions should be drawn about cause and effect. He also
emphasised that the researchers were not able to take account of
other sources of fluoride, often found in dental products and food
and drink.
he pointed out that the findings echo those of previous research and
that while they were only able to look at diagnosed hypothyroidism,
there might also be other cases of impaired thyroid function that
have not yet been diagnosed - and treated.
Peckham concluded that consideration needs to be given to reducing
fluoride exposure. Public dental health interventions should ‘stop
those reliant on ingested fluoride and switch to topical
fluoride-based and non-fluoride-based interventions’, he said.
research is published in the latest issue of the Journal of
Epidemiology & Community Health, which is the official journal of
the Society of Social Medicine. See here for the research:
further information or interview requests at the University of Kent
contact Martin Herrema in the press office.
01227 823581/01634 888879
releases can also be found at
of Kent on Twitter:
to editors
Centre for Health Service Studies (CHSS) is a centre of research
excellence that undertakes a wide range of health services research
including clinical trials, research on the organisation and delivery
of services, survey work, rapid evidence reviews and service
evaluations and provides the NIHR Research Design Service in Kent.
CHSS has particular methodological expertise in quantitative methods
and service evaluation. CHSS has extensive experience of working
collaboratively with healthcare staff and organisations. For more
information see our website
University of Kent – the UK’s European university – was
established at Canterbury in 1965. It has almost 20,000 students and
operates campuses or study centres at Canterbury, Medway, Tonbridge,
Brussels, Paris, Athens and Rome. It has long-standing partnerships
with more than 100 major European universities and many others across
the world, including institutions in Argentina, China, Japan, USA,
Canada, Malaysia and Peru.
is one of the few universities to be consistently rated by its own
students as one of the best in the UK for the quality of its teaching
and academic provision. This includes its position amongst the top 10
multi-faculty universities for overall satisfaction in the 2013
National Student Survey, positioning it within a select band of
institutions that have achieved an overall satisfaction rate of 90%
and above. It was also ranked 20th in the 2014 Guardian University
Guide, 28th in the Sunday Times University League Table 2013, and
28th in the Complete University Guide 2014.
the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, Kent placed 24th out of 159
participating institutions in the UK for its world-leading research,
while 97% of its academic staff work in schools or centres where the
research is rated as either internationally or nationally excellent.
is worth £0.6 billion to the economy of the South East, with its
students contributing £211 million to that total. The University
also supports directly or indirectly almost 6,800 jobs in the South
East (source: Viewforth Consulting, 2009-10).
2012, Kent launched a campaign to celebrate its 50th anniversary.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Are chemicals to blame for cancer
I think cancer numbers in those centuries would show an alarming increase and it could be due to what we have been putting into our food, air and water.
It is increasingly alarming to read about all the chemicals that are being put into our foods such as dyes, preservatives and stabilisers.
Our air is polluted and recently our water was compulsorily "medicated" by fluoride.
Are we all victims of these foreign chemicals?
Recently, I was given a cake of soap and was horrified to read it contained 26 chemicals!
The most creepy paragraph recently was that in some insecticides sprayed on our crops there remained the possibility they could in the future to be found to alter our chromosomes!
If our chromosomes are in danger, so are our immune systems.
DOROTHY ROW, Toowoomba
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Should you have your children use fluoridated toothpaste? Fluoridated toothpaste does prevent dental caries or cavities. So, you should use fluoridated tooth...
Letter: Studies Point to the Dangers of fluoridation
uArticle courtesy of Gloucester Times | February 14, 2015 | Gloucester Times | Shared as educational material
A study published in 2007 sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control still seems to be accurate.
It found that over 80 percent of dentists don’t understand how fluoride works. They prefer to repeat the discredited 1940s mythology of the magic bullet than admit that any perceived benefits from fluoride are almost exclusively topical.
Dentists enjoying their mantle of authority tell anecdotal stories that are not substantiated by epidemiological evidence. They testify to seeing a worsening decay rate after fluoride is removed from the water. However, the studies done to evaluate the impact after a period of several years all found that the decay rate remained stable or continued to decrease after fluoridation ceased.
Although these results surprised the dental researchers conducting the studies, they were consistent with world studies using World Health Organization data that demonstrate both fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries had the same decrease in cavities over the same period of time.
Those results were not released to the public, until Dr. Yiamouyiannis filed a Freedom of Information Act to release that data. The data demonstrated essentially identical decay rates in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities consistent with the results seen by Dr. John Colquhoun, chief dental officer of New Zealand, a former proponent of fluoridation who changed his mind when he looked at the data for the entire country.
Dentists trust the marketing materials from the ADA, whose own “evidence-based dentistry” 2011 meta-analysis only identified three out of 59 studies as useable. The authors also categorized those three studies as “low to moderate quality” and noted that a flaw in the studies was that they did not consider any adverse health effects other than dental fluorosis.
From this literature review of three poor-quality and “limited” trials, they concluded that fluoride causes fluorosis, and it “may” be beneficial in communities where “culturally acceptable.” From this, the ADA gets “safe and effective” and “thousands of studies.”
Personally, I trust the much more scientific and inclusive whole health studies conducted in the Netherlands that concluded, “As a summary of our research, we are now convinced that fluoridation of the water supplies causes a low-grade intoxication of the whole population, with only the approximately 5 percent most sensitive persons showing acute symptoms.The whole population being subjected to low-grade poisoning means that their immune systems are constantly overtaxed. With all the other poisonous influences in our environment, this can hasten health calamities” (Dr. Hans Moolenburgh, 1993).
I also trust the analysis of National Research Council scientist Dr. Kathleen Thiessen, whose affidavit is part of a 2015 legal suit in Canada protesting “gross disproportionality,” i.e., that the marginal benefit to some does not justify the risk of harm to others.
Dr. Thiessen has said, “The available data, responsibly interpreted, indicate little or no beneficial effect of water fluoridation on oral health.”
Karen Favazza Spencer
USA - Bennington: Citizens Against Fluoridated Water speak out
Posted on February 21, 2015 by Under:Health
The Bennington Citizens Against Fluoridated Water hosted a forum discussion on Thursday, in response to the previous week’s panel hosted by the pro-fluoride Bennington Oral Health Coalition.
The forum, which was broadcast live on Catamount Access Television (CAT-TV) as an episode of “Bennington Tonite,” hosted by Mike Bethel, featured a five-person panel made up of two prominent New England anti-fluoride advocates and three Bennington residents who oppose fluoridation for a variety of reasons. Held at the Bennington fire facility, the forum was moderated by Annette Smith, executive director of Vermonters for a Clean Environment.
The panel was made up of local engineer Jerry Albert; Kathleen Krevetski, a registered nurse who has led the fight to remove fluoride from Rutland’s water supply; Dr. Alex Tenentes, a local optometrist; Linda Crawford, a registered nurse from Bennington who was diagnosed with a fluoride allergy; and Dr. Deborah Moore, a longtime advocate who has led organizations that have twice prevented fluoridation from being implemented in Worcester, Mass., and executive director of Second Look, a national non-profit that, “evolved from grassroots frustration with public policies that are so controversial that useful, factual information becomes almost impossible for the public and even professionals to sort out,” according to their website.
For the first hour of the program, the panel participated in a roundtable discussion, with questions asked by Smith. Afterward, the public was invited to ask questions of the panel. While not as well attended as the previous week’s forum, this event did see many members of the public, and several select board candidates, turn out.
“I know that if I were in the shoes of the people of Bennington right now, I would be confused,” said Smith as an introduction to the panel discussion, “There is no shortage of good people, and everybody is trying to do the right thing. We heard from good people last week who are promoting the use of fluoride in the water, and tonight we’re going to hear from good people who think it’s a really bad idea.”
Moore, who noted that she was not a dentist or medical doctor, but a longtime special education teacher who held her Ph.D. in a “relevant field of study,” told the story of how she had become involved in the fluoride debate. “I owe being an activist to the fluoride mandate that happened in Worcester, Mass. in 1996,” she said, “At that time, I knew as much about fluoride as other people generally do, which is not much at all. I knew it was in my toothpaste, and was supposed to be good for teeth, but I also knew I didn’t want a chemical added to the water, even if it was supposed to be good for children’s teeth, or even my teeth. Before I went to the city council hearing in 1996, I felt I had to convince myself there was any case at all against fluoridation.”
Crawford told her story as well, which involved two consecutive dangerous allergic reactions to products containing fluoride, which led her doctors to the conclusion that she had an allergy to fluoride. She now has to be very careful about the products she consumes, and moved to Bennington because the town did not fluoridate its water. She rejected the sameness of natural and artificial fluoride, saying, “Fluoride that is found naturally in water is made by Mother Nature. Man cannot mimic Mother Nature. The stuff they put in the water to fluoridate it is actually a toxic waste from the phosphate fertilizer industry.”
“I want to talk about common sense, because that’s how I got into it,” said Krevetski, who said she first became an activist when Rutland attempted to put the disinfectant chloramine in the water in 2012. She said she had been told that fluoride was another dangerous chemical in the water, and when Bennington began to discuss fluoridation, she said, “I went to the board of aldermen and said, ‘This is a waste of money, we should take it out of the water.’ Then I started researching it.”
“I remember eating toothpaste when I was a kid,” said Crawford, “Bubble gum, all of it. Well now you can’t do it. Oh my goodness! Let’s use our common sense.”
Albert said that he rejected the idea that fluoride was a panacea that would solve all of Bennington’s oral health problems. “I wanted to dispel some wild ideas that we’d have this utopia society,” he said, “and it’ll be great, all we have to do is sprinkle some fluoride powder over our reservoir and all the children will be dancing in the streets and happy.” Albert told the story of how three of his children had taken fluoride vitamins as infants, and each of those children needed oral surgery for crooked teeth, while the fourth, who did not take fluoride, did not.
Tenentes rejected the idea that fluoridating the water would save taxpayer money. “You can’t put a price tag on American freedom,” he said.
Even Smith, the moderator, commented on the safety of fluoride, “There is a lot of good science on this topic, and there is overwhelming evidence that it is a neurotoxin, a poison.”
To view the full forum, watch it rebroadcast on CAT-TV, or check their YouTube channel.
Residents of Bennington and North Bennington will be able to vote on the question, Article 15, on March 3.
“Let’s get the money to the mouths,” argued Tenentes in closing, “not down the toilet and down the drain
The Bennington Citizens Against Fluoridated Water hosted a forum discussion on Thursday, in response to the previous week’s panel hosted by the pro-fluoride Bennington Oral Health Coalition.
The forum, which was broadcast live on Catamount Access Television (CAT-TV) as an episode of “Bennington Tonite,” hosted by Mike Bethel, featured a five-person panel made up of two prominent New England anti-fluoride advocates and three Bennington residents who oppose fluoridation for a variety of reasons. Held at the Bennington fire facility, the forum was moderated by Annette Smith, executive director of Vermonters for a Clean Environment.
The panel was made up of local engineer Jerry Albert; Kathleen Krevetski, a registered nurse who has led the fight to remove fluoride from Rutland’s water supply; Dr. Alex Tenentes, a local optometrist; Linda Crawford, a registered nurse from Bennington who was diagnosed with a fluoride allergy; and Dr. Deborah Moore, a longtime advocate who has led organizations that have twice prevented fluoridation from being implemented in Worcester, Mass., and executive director of Second Look, a national non-profit that, “evolved from grassroots frustration with public policies that are so controversial that useful, factual information becomes almost impossible for the public and even professionals to sort out,” according to their website.
For the first hour of the program, the panel participated in a roundtable discussion, with questions asked by Smith. Afterward, the public was invited to ask questions of the panel. While not as well attended as the previous week’s forum, this event did see many members of the public, and several select board candidates, turn out.
“I know that if I were in the shoes of the people of Bennington right now, I would be confused,” said Smith as an introduction to the panel discussion, “There is no shortage of good people, and everybody is trying to do the right thing. We heard from good people last week who are promoting the use of fluoride in the water, and tonight we’re going to hear from good people who think it’s a really bad idea.”
Moore, who noted that she was not a dentist or medical doctor, but a longtime special education teacher who held her Ph.D. in a “relevant field of study,” told the story of how she had become involved in the fluoride debate. “I owe being an activist to the fluoride mandate that happened in Worcester, Mass. in 1996,” she said, “At that time, I knew as much about fluoride as other people generally do, which is not much at all. I knew it was in my toothpaste, and was supposed to be good for teeth, but I also knew I didn’t want a chemical added to the water, even if it was supposed to be good for children’s teeth, or even my teeth. Before I went to the city council hearing in 1996, I felt I had to convince myself there was any case at all against fluoridation.”
Crawford told her story as well, which involved two consecutive dangerous allergic reactions to products containing fluoride, which led her doctors to the conclusion that she had an allergy to fluoride. She now has to be very careful about the products she consumes, and moved to Bennington because the town did not fluoridate its water. She rejected the sameness of natural and artificial fluoride, saying, “Fluoride that is found naturally in water is made by Mother Nature. Man cannot mimic Mother Nature. The stuff they put in the water to fluoridate it is actually a toxic waste from the phosphate fertilizer industry.”
“I want to talk about common sense, because that’s how I got into it,” said Krevetski, who said she first became an activist when Rutland attempted to put the disinfectant chloramine in the water in 2012. She said she had been told that fluoride was another dangerous chemical in the water, and when Bennington began to discuss fluoridation, she said, “I went to the board of aldermen and said, ‘This is a waste of money, we should take it out of the water.’ Then I started researching it.”
“I remember eating toothpaste when I was a kid,” said Crawford, “Bubble gum, all of it. Well now you can’t do it. Oh my goodness! Let’s use our common sense.”
Albert said that he rejected the idea that fluoride was a panacea that would solve all of Bennington’s oral health problems. “I wanted to dispel some wild ideas that we’d have this utopia society,” he said, “and it’ll be great, all we have to do is sprinkle some fluoride powder over our reservoir and all the children will be dancing in the streets and happy.” Albert told the story of how three of his children had taken fluoride vitamins as infants, and each of those children needed oral surgery for crooked teeth, while the fourth, who did not take fluoride, did not.
Tenentes rejected the idea that fluoridating the water would save taxpayer money. “You can’t put a price tag on American freedom,” he said.
Even Smith, the moderator, commented on the safety of fluoride, “There is a lot of good science on this topic, and there is overwhelming evidence that it is a neurotoxin, a poison.”
To view the full forum, watch it rebroadcast on CAT-TV, or check their YouTube channel.
Residents of Bennington and North Bennington will be able to vote on the question, Article 15, on March 3.
“Let’s get the money to the mouths,” argued Tenentes in closing, “not down the toilet and down the drain
Saturday, February 21, 2015
USA - House passes bill on local control of fluoridation
After debate, House passes bill on local control of fluoridation
Published on 20 Feb 2015
Fluoride is Toxic and Causes Cancer watch, Fluoride is Toxic and Causes Cancer episode, Fluoride is Toxic and Causes Cancer video, watch episode, full episode, Fluoride is Toxic and Causes Cancer watch full episodes, That's what Ramiel Nagel says and discusses in this interview. Find out why he says you should avoid fluoride at all costs and how it seems to not be a real
Friday, February 20, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
HB1355, The local control of water regarding flouride bill, was debated and passed in the Arkansas House Public Health, Welfare, & Labor Committee. Activist weren't able to attend due to an ice storm. The bill would give local communities the chance to adjust the amount of Fluoride in their water, possibly to zero. Several government bureaucrat groups testified against the bill, which passed with 11 votes.
In this video, Representative Charlene Fite talks about how government regulations take away a home owner's right to adjust fluoride in their home.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Imagine a place where the state mass medicates the population with a scientifically proven toxin that itself is a freely acknowledged waste product of heavy industry. This mass medication takes place irrespective of citizens health needs, is arbitrary in its administration, and is enforced without any democratic consensus or independent scrutiny. In addition this mass medication costs taxpayers tens of millions of dollars a year, and yet 99.99% of its output never hits its intended target.
Monday, February 16, 2015
N.I. Major children’s dental study underway
Over 1,200 children from across 22 dental practices have been taking part in a pioneering research study aimed at making a significant improvement to the oral health of young children in Northern Ireland.Northern Ireland has the highest level of childhood dental decay in the UK and in order to tackle this issue, a partnership between academia and healthcare professionals has been created to develop this unique dental trial.
The trial is evaluating the use of fluoride varnish and fluoride toothpaste in preventing dental decay. Participating children have been involved in the trial for up to three years.
Community dental staff from across the five Health Trusts recently took part in a dental training and calibration exercise, kindly hosted by St Joseph’s Primary School, Crumlin.
Children from Year 2 and Year 3 participated in the training which will ensure that the effect of the varnish and toothpaste can be accurately measured. Academic and clinical staff from University of Manchester and Lancashire Care Dental Services facilitated the training and calibration which was carried out in line with national protocols for epidemiological assessment of children’s teeth.
Michael Donaldson, Head of Dental Services, Health and Social Care Board, said: “This is the first time that such a large research trial has been undertaken in the UK and is a major coup for Northern Ireland. Although we know that fluoride varnish is very effective when tested under tightly controlled circumstances, it is less clear whether these topical fluorides are as effective in ‘real life’ settings such as dental practices.
“If this trial is able to prove effectiveness and cost effectiveness of topical fluorides in dental practice, it will change how we care for young dental patients and, in time, markedly reduce the amount of dental decay experienced by young children. It will also shift the focus of our dental service to preventive care.”
Solveig Noble, Clinical Director of Community Dental Services, Northern Health and Social Care Trust, said:
“As community dentists, we see young children in pain from advanced tooth decay on a daily basis. At this stage the only option is dental extractions under general anaesthetic in hospital. This is extremely traumatic for the child and their parents and often leads to increased anxiety for future dental treatment. We are therefore delighted to be involved in this ground-breaking research as our service actively supports preventative measures that will lead to the reduction of tooth decay in young children.
“On behalf of the NIC-PIP team, I would also like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to St Joseph’s primary school in Crumlin – in particular the children in primary 2 and 3 for their warm welcome and for facilitating this training.”
Channel 4’s ‘Junk Food Kids’ filming in Leeds sparks tooth decay warning
A Leeds dentist who sees some of the worst cases of childhood tooth decay in Yorkshire is urging parents to stop the rot.
The warning comes ahead of the broadcast of a new two-part Channel 4 documentary called ‘Junk Food Kids: Who’s To Blame?’, which was largely filmed in Leeds hospitals and will air on Wednesday at 10pm.
Uncovering some of the most extreme cases of childhood obesity and associated tooth decay, the series features one 13-year-old who weighs 16st and is being assessed for £12,000 gastric band surgery.
Last year the YEP revealed that nearly one in five children in Leeds suffer from tooth decay by the age of three – seven per cent higher than the national average.
Stephen Fayle, a consultant paediatric dentist at Leeds General Infirmary’s Leeds Dental Institute which features in the programme, said that although the series focuses on the worst end of the spectrum, childhood tooth decay is a “big public health risk”.
He said: “Between five to nine years of age, dental decay is the most common reason why children are coming into hospital care – many are having to have a general anaesthetic to have teeth removed.
“We need to make sure parents understand the importance of doing basic stuff before their children get to three like using fluoride toothpaste two times a day and avoiding letting children go to sleep with fruit based drinks – they often think it’s healthy. Even bottles of milk and formula milk is highly decay producing.”
Mr Fayle, who estimates that he takes out 7,000 to 10,000 children’s teeth a year, revealed that numerous times each year he will see children under three that have decay in all 20 baby teeth.
In 2013/14 26,000 children had to go to hospital to have rotten teeth removed under general anaesthetic in Britain, largely as a result of poor diet and a lack of tooth brushing.
Visit for information on dental health or for more on the Channel 4 programme.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
South Dublin County Council vote to remove fluoride from the public water supply- Cllr Danny O Brien
12 February, 2015 - by Danny O'Brien
Sinn FéinSouth Dublin County Cllr Danny O Brien has today welcomed the decision of South Dublin County Council to pass his motion to remove fluoride from the public water supply.
Cllr O Brien said:
“Today is a good day for the people of South Dublin as the council has joined with other councils around the country that have passed similar motions. I would like to thank the other councillors who supported my motion to remove fluoride from our water supply. The government needs to listen to the councils and the Minister for Health should act by passing a bill to stop adding unnecessary chemicals to the public water supply.
In 1964, after the 1960 Water Supply Act, fluoride was put into the public water supply to reduce tooth decay rates. However, today people get enough fluoride in their toothpaste. Some countries, e.g. Germany did practice fluoridation however this practice stopped after the German reunification. Nowadays the majority of countries in Europe don’t add fluoride to their water and their tooth decay rates are still falling or remaining the same.
The HSE spends over €4.5 million to add fluoride to the water supply. This money could be put to better use by reducing the number of people on trolley beds around the country.”
Right type of fluid intake is vital to health
Drinking the correct fluids can cleanse the body, burn fat and improve energy levels.
Not drinking enough of the right fluids and too much of the wrong fluids results in tiredness, headaches, fatigue and excess body fat.
So…what should you drink?
Water is the ultimate fluid that our bodies need. It makes up close to 70 per cent of our body. And our organs contain an even higher percentage. The liver, for example, comprises nearly 95 per cent water.
Water shuttles nutrients throughout our body and helps rid it of toxins. It helps to assimilate the water-soluble vitamins and it regulates our body temperature. It lubricates joints, helps with digestion and promotes healthy skin. It plays a role in every chemical reaction within our cells.
When your body doesn’t get enough water, it holds on to what it has. The result? Water retention.
This is a simple survival mechanism. Your body has a tendency to hold on to and store what it doesn’t think it will get in the future. Once you start drinking more water, your body recognizes that it is getting a steady external supply, and it starts letting go of the water weight it’s been holding. That water retention in your waist, face, and ankles is released because there is no longer a reason for your body to store it.
I recommend between two to three litres a day depending on how much exercise you do – and avoid tap water as it is very often contaminated with fluoride and chlorine. Your best option is purchasing a water filter.
Quite often I hear people saying how they don’t like water or find it boring so here are some other options to make it more interesting to drink as well as further improving the benefits.
ADD LEMONS: Not only will this give your water extra flavour but lemon juice will add vitamin C, help to cleanse the liver and get rid of toxins. Hot lemon water in the mornings is a perfect way to wake up your body and start the day.
ADD CUCUMBER AND LIMES: These not only benefit your liver and skin, they will also give your water a clean, fresh flavour.
GREENS DRINKS: Another great option to cleanse your body and detox your liver. There are some great greens powders you can buy but make sure they are not full of added ingredients that will actually do your body more harm than good.
Go for high-quality brands, which are more expensive but definitely worth the investment. Or, even better, make your own by blending organic green vegetables, lemons, limes, cucumber and mint to give it more flavour. You’ll find plenty of recipes online and I promise it will taste better than you think.
HERBAL AND FRUIT TEAS: There are so many different flavours out there, just find the ones you like. You don’t have to drink them hot. Leave them to cool and it will be similar to a fruit juice.
COCONUT WATER: Agreat post-workout drink. Not only will it hydrate your body naturally and replace electrolytes lost through sweating but it tastes so fresh and will remind you of being abroad in the sunshine.Avoid drinking high-sugar fruit juices, energy drinks and carbonated fizzy drinks. These will not only cause weight gain, but give you fake energy highs followed by energy slumps.
Natural is the only way, so up your fluid intake to feel and look great.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Published on 13 Feb 2015
On Wednesday October 15th 2014, Conservative councillor Alison Foster put forward a motion on behalf of Fluoride Free Bedford (FFB) that would effectively put plans to re-fluoridate the town on hold. The town's population has been consuming fluoridated water since approximately the year 1970 without any formal review of the health dangers or impacts.
FFB's motion was passed at the meeting under the watchful gaze of members of the group. In November, Conscience Communications spoke to Cynthia Bagchi from FFB, who revealed that the Council had changed the wording of the motion in the minutes of the meeting quite significantly. She explains here exactly what happened.
Clean-water campaigner Erin Brockovich urges people to question water fluoridation while visiting Australia
Fluoride query: Clean-water campaigner Erin Brockovich.
Erin Brockovich, the internationally renowned clean-water campaigner who is visiting Australia to talk about water contamination, has urged her Facebook followers to question water fluoridation.
In several posts, the most recent of which was added on Thursday morning, Ms Brockovich posted anti-fluoride material and urged her followers to read research claiming that fluoride is dangerous.
"Do your own reading," she urged when posting a link to research claiming that fluoride accumulates in the human pineal gland to very high levels.
Australia's top fluoride expert, Professor Wendell Evans, disputes claims that fluoride damages this gland, while Australian and American health authorities and governments say there is no proof that fluoride is dangerous.
Ms Brockovich came to fame when Julia Roberts played her in the movie Erin Brockovich in 2000. Roberts won an Academy Award for the role.
The film dramatised the single mother's investigation into Pacific Gas & Electric in Hinkley, California, which revealed the company had poisoned the town's water for more than 30 years by leaking toxic chromium 6 into the groundwater. It resulted in a massive settlement for the people of that town.
Since then, Ms Brockovich has been a campaigner for a range of issues, including oil spills and compensation for women who claim to have been suffered side-effects caused by depo-provera birth-control injections.
In Australia, she appeared as an ambassador for Shine Lawyers at a meeting in Oakey, Queensland, to talk about water contamination.
On Thursday morning, Ms Brockovich posted a new update detailing "why the United States' Environmental protection Agency (EPA) Headquarters' Union of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation".The post says that most of its members had thought that fluoride's only effects were beneficial – such as reductions in tooth decay – until recently.
Ms Brockovich's posts have been seized upon by the Fluoride Action Network Australia, which has reposted and shared Ms Brockovich's comments to its own members.
Her comments coincided with a renewed campaign by local anti-fluoride activists ahead of a forum on the topic by US anti-fluoride activist Paul Connett at the University of Technology, Sydney, on February 21.
Dr Connett argues that fluoridation's role in the decline of tooth decay is in doubt, even saying that where fluoridation of the water had been stopped, tooth decay had decreased – an assertion disputed by all public health associations.
Leading health and dental experts have refused to attend the forum, claiming the panel is stacked with those opposed to fluoride and biased.
In Sydney, Ms Brockovich recently told lawyers: "What will be our legacy? Our lasting legacy will be our fight for cleaner water, good land and respect for society."