Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Robert Verkerk briefs anti-fluoride campaigners
ANH-Intl's executive and scientific director was asked to present at the Truth Juice meeting in Birmingham in April 2012
USA - Anti-Fluoride Activist Runs for Austin City Council
On the Friday, April 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Laura Pressley in-studio. Laura is running for Austin City Council. She is the co-founder of an Austin, Texas based company that provides clean, pure, fluoride-free and chemical-free drinking water. Pressley worked in the semiconductor industry and has been involved in a number of volunteer activities, including serving on several Austin non-profit boards.
Switzerland - Levels of tooth decay on rise
Friday, 27 April, 2012, 13:34
Levels of tooth decay on rise
Fizzy drinks are bad for your teeth.
That’s nothing new.
But levels of tooth decay are reaching new worrying levels.
And Swiss dentists are sounding the alarm.
They say up to 30 percent of people in the country have tooth decay and in many cases sugared drinks are to blame.
Dentist Jaqueline Banon spoke to public television RTS: “It’s basic advice, avoid all sweetened drinks which are also acidic—such as coca cola of course, everyone knows that—but also ice tea. If you must drink them do so with a meal and rinse your mouth with water afterwards.”
Levels of tooth decay on rise
Fizzy drinks are bad for your teeth.
That’s nothing new.
But levels of tooth decay are reaching new worrying levels.
And Swiss dentists are sounding the alarm.
They say up to 30 percent of people in the country have tooth decay and in many cases sugared drinks are to blame.
Dentist Jaqueline Banon spoke to public television RTS: “It’s basic advice, avoid all sweetened drinks which are also acidic—such as coca cola of course, everyone knows that—but also ice tea. If you must drink them do so with a meal and rinse your mouth with water afterwards.”
UK Daily Echo two page spread on fluoride

"I have always been of the opinion that you do not mass-medicate people against their will.
"This has been done without asking the people and, in my opinion, we shouldn't force people to do something that you haven't first asked their opinion for. You can't do that for everything, but when it's something as significant as medicating a water supply I think you should make sure you have asked the people for their opinion first.
"I've voted against it at each and every opportunity and will continue to do that until there's a full referendum of those people who are affected."
The Lib Dem's Adrian Vinson said: "We are opposed to the addition of fluoride to Southampton's water supply both because its benefits have not been scientifically demonstrated and because we are against enforced medication.
"It was the Liberal Democrats that forced a vote in the council that brought about a change in the council's position. If and when we have any additional powers in this matter we would use them to stop the scheme."
Meanwhile, Labour group leader Richard Williams said: "Certainly, if the opportunity arises it is something I would be happy to take back to council to redebate it.
"The other option would be to have some sort of local referendum on this and ask the people because it's such an emotive issue, and I wouldn't want to rule that out.
"I'm keen to engage people in democracy where we can, and this would be a great way of trying to empower people to have a say, and give us an open and fair mandate.
"My personal view on it is both times I voted in favour of fluoridation, but I certainly wouldn't push that on others.
"When I was a child I came from a fluoridated area, and I saw there were some potential benefits from that.
"But we've certainly not regarded it as a matter of policy in a political context. It's a matter of conscience, and I've always encouraged members to vote the way that's right for them.
"Lots of people have very strong opinions one way or the other, but it's not necessarily an issue that is a Labour or Conservative thing."
Friday, April 27, 2012
Put fluoride in all water supplies; LETTERS
Put fluoride in all water supplies; LETTERS
Daily Post (Liverpool)
April 26, 2012
I CONGRATULATE the Daily Post on highlighting the shocking state of children' teeth in North Wales (April 16), with almost half of children under 5 having tooth decay. The problem is proportionally worse for children from poor backgrounds. This adds up to a picture of pain, misery and a loss of self esteem, hundreds of general anaesthetics, lost working days for parents, and a waste of precious NHS money that could be put to better use.
It is not necessary - dental disease is preventable.
The Welsh Government's 'Designed to Smile' programme has started in North Wales. It includes tooth brushing, healthy eating and drinking, dental screening and fluoride varnish applications. There is need for a radical solution, which will make a dramatic impact on children's dental health and will be particularly effective in raising the standard of teeth of the very poorest children, bringing them up to the levels enjoyed by the more affluent. This measure is fluoridation of water supplies.
Is it safe? Yes, fluoride is present in all water supplies and in some parts of the UK it occurs naturally at a level of 1 part per million. Fluoridation schemes increase the level to 1 part per million. There has been long experience of such schemes in the USA [since 1944], Republic of Ireland [1960s] and the West Midlands [1980s]. All schemes have been closely monitored and there has been no evidence of any adverse health effects.
Does it work? Yes, where fluoridation has been introduced there has been a dramatic reduction in children's tooth decay, particularly for the poorest children, bringing their dental health up to the levels of children in the most affluent areas. The Republic of Ireland [mainly fluoridated] has up to 50% less tooth decay than in Northern Ireland [non-fluoridated].
Here in North Wales the benefits of fluoridation have been proved. In 1964 water supplies on Anglesey were fluoridated at 1 part per million. A study in 1987 showed that the children on Anglesey had 65% less tooth decay than on mainland Gwynedd. Significantly the teeth of the poorest children were as healthy as those in the most affluent parts of the UK.
To their lasting shame Welsh Water stopped fluoridating in 1992 (at the time they had the legal power to do this). Now the teeth of the children of Anglesey are as bad as elsewhere in North Wales.
So, there is a radical and cost effective solution to achieve a significant reduction in children's tooth decay in North Wales. It is surely not too much to ask people to agree a measure which harms nobody, and prevents much pain and suffering to children.
Huw Thomas (formerly Chief Executive, Gwynedd Health Authority).
? Please keep your letters concise and give your name, address and telephone number. Letters may be edited and are published at the editor's discretion.
Fancy responding to this former CEO?
Daily Post (Liverpool)
April 26, 2012
I CONGRATULATE the Daily Post on highlighting the shocking state of children' teeth in North Wales (April 16), with almost half of children under 5 having tooth decay. The problem is proportionally worse for children from poor backgrounds. This adds up to a picture of pain, misery and a loss of self esteem, hundreds of general anaesthetics, lost working days for parents, and a waste of precious NHS money that could be put to better use.
It is not necessary - dental disease is preventable.
The Welsh Government's 'Designed to Smile' programme has started in North Wales. It includes tooth brushing, healthy eating and drinking, dental screening and fluoride varnish applications. There is need for a radical solution, which will make a dramatic impact on children's dental health and will be particularly effective in raising the standard of teeth of the very poorest children, bringing them up to the levels enjoyed by the more affluent. This measure is fluoridation of water supplies.
Is it safe? Yes, fluoride is present in all water supplies and in some parts of the UK it occurs naturally at a level of 1 part per million. Fluoridation schemes increase the level to 1 part per million. There has been long experience of such schemes in the USA [since 1944], Republic of Ireland [1960s] and the West Midlands [1980s]. All schemes have been closely monitored and there has been no evidence of any adverse health effects.
Does it work? Yes, where fluoridation has been introduced there has been a dramatic reduction in children's tooth decay, particularly for the poorest children, bringing their dental health up to the levels of children in the most affluent areas. The Republic of Ireland [mainly fluoridated] has up to 50% less tooth decay than in Northern Ireland [non-fluoridated].
Here in North Wales the benefits of fluoridation have been proved. In 1964 water supplies on Anglesey were fluoridated at 1 part per million. A study in 1987 showed that the children on Anglesey had 65% less tooth decay than on mainland Gwynedd. Significantly the teeth of the poorest children were as healthy as those in the most affluent parts of the UK.
To their lasting shame Welsh Water stopped fluoridating in 1992 (at the time they had the legal power to do this). Now the teeth of the children of Anglesey are as bad as elsewhere in North Wales.
So, there is a radical and cost effective solution to achieve a significant reduction in children's tooth decay in North Wales. It is surely not too much to ask people to agree a measure which harms nobody, and prevents much pain and suffering to children.
Huw Thomas (formerly Chief Executive, Gwynedd Health Authority).
? Please keep your letters concise and give your name, address and telephone number. Letters may be edited and are published at the editor's discretion.
Fancy responding to this former CEO?
Health Minister Visits Pioneering Northern Ireland Dental Research Trial
Health Minister Visits Pioneering Northern Ireland Dental Research Trial
Source: Northern Ireland Executive
Published Thursday, April 26, 2012 - 10:11
Health Minister Edwin Poots today marked the completion of the first phase of a pioneering research study aimed at making a significant improvement to the oral health of young children in Northern Ireland.
The Northern Ireland Caries Prevention in Practice (NIC-PIP) trial is a landmark research study monitoring the oral health of some 1,200 children aged 2-4 over a four-year period. Around 88 dentists are participating right across Northern Ireland.
During a visit to the Arches Centre in East Belfast, the Minister saw at firsthand how the trial is progressing. He said: “This is the first time that such a trial has been undertaken in Western Europe and is a major coup for Northern Ireland. Although we know that fluoride varnish works in clinically controlled environments, it has never been tested as to whether these topical fluorides are effective in ‘real life’ settings such as dental practices.
“If this trial is able to prove effectiveness and cost effectiveness of topical fluorides in dental practice, it will revolutionise how we care for young dental patients and will dramatically reduce dental caries in our population. It will also shift the focus of the dental service towards preventive care.”
The trial provides an opportunity to test the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of professionally applied fluoride varnish to the teeth of children under five years of age. It will measure how many children remain free of decay and the incidence of toothache and extractions across the group.
The Minister continued: “I am very happy to support this trial today which I hope will provide the necessary evidence to underpin preventive care in high street dental practices.
“We spend almost £100 million of health service funding on high street dentistry and much of this money is spent repairing the effects of dental decay. I am keen to turn this around and focus on the prevention of dental disease which will improve the oral health of our children and will be a more cost effective use of our dental budget.”
Michael Donaldson, Head of Dental Services, Health and Social Care Board, said:
“The HSCB sees the NIC-PIP trial as world class research that will help commissioners and policy makers across the UK decide how best to prevent dental decay in young children’s teeth. A very significant spin-off of this project is that we now have the experience, relationships and the infrastructure to take part in other groundbreaking trials aimed at improving dental health.”Professor Martin Tickle, Dental Public Health & Primary Care, University of Manchester, said: “This is a landmark trial for dentistry and its findings will inform the development of dental services policy in Northern Ireland the UK and also internationally. The Chief Dental Officer and the Department of Health in Northern Ireland should be congratulated for their far-sighted approach in supporting the trial and their commitment to improving the evidence based for dental services.”
The project brings together the University of Manchester, the Health and Social Care Board, the Community Dental Service, the British Dental Association and the Research and Development Office.
Source: Northern Ireland Executive
Published Thursday, April 26, 2012 - 10:11
Health Minister Edwin Poots today marked the completion of the first phase of a pioneering research study aimed at making a significant improvement to the oral health of young children in Northern Ireland.
The Northern Ireland Caries Prevention in Practice (NIC-PIP) trial is a landmark research study monitoring the oral health of some 1,200 children aged 2-4 over a four-year period. Around 88 dentists are participating right across Northern Ireland.
During a visit to the Arches Centre in East Belfast, the Minister saw at firsthand how the trial is progressing. He said: “This is the first time that such a trial has been undertaken in Western Europe and is a major coup for Northern Ireland. Although we know that fluoride varnish works in clinically controlled environments, it has never been tested as to whether these topical fluorides are effective in ‘real life’ settings such as dental practices.
“If this trial is able to prove effectiveness and cost effectiveness of topical fluorides in dental practice, it will revolutionise how we care for young dental patients and will dramatically reduce dental caries in our population. It will also shift the focus of the dental service towards preventive care.”
The trial provides an opportunity to test the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of professionally applied fluoride varnish to the teeth of children under five years of age. It will measure how many children remain free of decay and the incidence of toothache and extractions across the group.
The Minister continued: “I am very happy to support this trial today which I hope will provide the necessary evidence to underpin preventive care in high street dental practices.
“We spend almost £100 million of health service funding on high street dentistry and much of this money is spent repairing the effects of dental decay. I am keen to turn this around and focus on the prevention of dental disease which will improve the oral health of our children and will be a more cost effective use of our dental budget.”
Michael Donaldson, Head of Dental Services, Health and Social Care Board, said:
“The HSCB sees the NIC-PIP trial as world class research that will help commissioners and policy makers across the UK decide how best to prevent dental decay in young children’s teeth. A very significant spin-off of this project is that we now have the experience, relationships and the infrastructure to take part in other groundbreaking trials aimed at improving dental health.”Professor Martin Tickle, Dental Public Health & Primary Care, University of Manchester, said: “This is a landmark trial for dentistry and its findings will inform the development of dental services policy in Northern Ireland the UK and also internationally. The Chief Dental Officer and the Department of Health in Northern Ireland should be congratulated for their far-sighted approach in supporting the trial and their commitment to improving the evidence based for dental services.”
The project brings together the University of Manchester, the Health and Social Care Board, the Community Dental Service, the British Dental Association and the Research and Development Office.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
USA - Just Say No to chemicals in our water
Just Say No to chemicals in our water -- Citizens jammed the CBWD board meeting last Thursday to voice displeasure at having fluoride added to district drinking water. Photo by Becky Gillette
About 25 people attending a meeting of the Carroll Boone Water District (CBWD) board April 19 expressed concerns about proposed fluoridation of public water and were told by board president, James Yates, that it would do no good to contact him regarding the fluoride mandate. Yates recommended people opposed to fluoridation contact the Arkansas Dept. of Health (ADH) and their state legislators................

Health Minister Edwin Poots is considering adding fluoride
Health Minister Edwin Poots is considering adding fluoride to water in Northern Ireland in a bid to curb the rate of tooth decay in young people.Health Minister Edwin Poots is considering adding fluoride to water in Northern Ireland in a bid to curb the rate of tooth decay in young people.
Northern Ireland has the worst oral health in the UK and young people in the region have the worst rate of dental decay in western Europe.
The DUP MLA said the public should be ashamed of their dental hygiene.
"We've failed miserably," he said, before adding that children were being allowed far too much sugary food and drink from a very early age - in some cases before the age of one year.
Mr Poots said the public needed to get to grips with dental hygiene.
On Wednesday, the first stage of a major dental research trial investigating the problem was completed.
Around 1,200 children aged 2-4 are involved in the trial, which is the first of its kind in western Europe.
Fluoride was painted on the back of the children's teeth to prevent decay and reverse existing damage, and their dental health will be monitored over a four-year period.
Michael Donaldson, Head of Dentistry at the Health Board, said a "generally poor diet" is not the only factor behind poor dental health in the region.
"There are deprivation factors and unemployment issues that make it difficult for those families to eat more healthily, to brush their teeth more frequently.
"They may not be able to afford the fluoride toothpaste frequently enough to give their kids the preventative effect," he added.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Fluoride Is Poison: A Demonstration | Melissa Melton | Infowars Reporter Contest Entry #3
Ignore the bit about the Nazi connection it is not proven.
Project aims to curb tooth decay among NI children
Project aims to curb tooth decay among NI children
A major research project is under way in Northern Ireland to try to curb the problem of dental decay among young children.
About 1,200 children aged between two and four have been randomly selected to take part in the trial.
It comes after research indicates NI has the worst teeth in the UK.
The study is investigating the prevention of tooth decay over four years and is said to be the first of its kind in western Europe.
Health Minister Edwin Poots will be marking the completion of the first stage of the project on Wednesday.
Michael Donaldson, head of dental studies at the health board, said dental decay in Northern Ireland was quite a problem, particularly among young children.
"This project is really trying to prevent disease among young children," he said.
"What we are really doing is painting a little, thick varnish on teeth which contains fluoride and that will hopefully prevent dental decay developing.
"If it does develop, it can help reverse it."
He said bad dental health among children was a combination of poor diet and lack of teeth brushing.
"We don't want to blame parents, we want to support them. This is why this trial, which is really another form of support of parents, is so important."
A major research project is under way in Northern Ireland to try to curb the problem of dental decay among young children.
About 1,200 children aged between two and four have been randomly selected to take part in the trial.
It comes after research indicates NI has the worst teeth in the UK.
The study is investigating the prevention of tooth decay over four years and is said to be the first of its kind in western Europe.
Health Minister Edwin Poots will be marking the completion of the first stage of the project on Wednesday.
Michael Donaldson, head of dental studies at the health board, said dental decay in Northern Ireland was quite a problem, particularly among young children.
"This project is really trying to prevent disease among young children," he said.
"What we are really doing is painting a little, thick varnish on teeth which contains fluoride and that will hopefully prevent dental decay developing.
"If it does develop, it can help reverse it."
He said bad dental health among children was a combination of poor diet and lack of teeth brushing.
"We don't want to blame parents, we want to support them. This is why this trial, which is really another form of support of parents, is so important."
India - Bathinda Enemies in the water
Bathinda Enemies in the water
Bharat Khanna , Hindustan Times
Mansa , April 25, 2012 Email to Author
Last Updated: 11:08 IST(25/4/2012)
Cancer in Mansa, and fluoride and arsenic contents in the region’s groundwater have shot up together. Many whom the state government had promised aid for treatment died being patient, and the rest continue to wait for systems that will purify water.
The regime supported 73 cancer patients and put 27 in queue. Of the 92 it declined to help, seven died after pleading on and on for assistance. Some were short of papers.
In June 2010, a team from the Centre for Ground Water Board (CGWB) collected samples of drinking water from Bhikhi and Mansa blocks of the district and tested it for only fluoride and arsenic.
In September 2011, it took more than 300 samples and checked for arsenic, lead, zinc, antimony, manganese, cadmium, copper, colour, odour, hydrogen potential, conductivity, chloride, carbonate, bi-carbonate, sulphade, nitrate, fluoride, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium in all five blocks.
Study discredited
The district health department, in its last cancer survey from 2006 to 2011, came out with a report it no longer trusts. Its reason—auxiliary nurses and midwives, and accredited social health activists (ASHA workers) who did the investigation.
Birth defects
At Bakhshiwala in the Budhlada constituency, arsenic and fluoride have not only caused cancer but also birth defects of the physical and mental nature. “The state’s help is an eyewash,” said Sadhu Singh, former sarpanch of Bakhshiwala. “The groundwater at Bakhshiwala is oily, even when the RO water-filter unit is installed.” Arsenic is known to damage the nervous, urinary, and reproductive systems severely.
Harmanjot Kaur (2), Khuspreet Singh (6), Jagdev Kaur (12), Chanranjit Kaur (12), Laddi Singh (19), Veerpal Kaur (20), Satpal Singh (22), Manghu Singh (23), Harmeet Singh (23), Gaganpal Singh (23), Jugraj Singh (24), Amarjit Kaur (25), Major Singh (28), Paramjit Kaur (40), Gurwinder Singh (6), Gurdeep Singh (6), Sukhchain Singh (10), Jaswant Singh (42) and Kala Singh; all from one village, were born with defects....
Bharat Khanna , Hindustan Times
Mansa , April 25, 2012 Email to Author
Last Updated: 11:08 IST(25/4/2012)
Cancer in Mansa, and fluoride and arsenic contents in the region’s groundwater have shot up together. Many whom the state government had promised aid for treatment died being patient, and the rest continue to wait for systems that will purify water.
The regime supported 73 cancer patients and put 27 in queue. Of the 92 it declined to help, seven died after pleading on and on for assistance. Some were short of papers.
In June 2010, a team from the Centre for Ground Water Board (CGWB) collected samples of drinking water from Bhikhi and Mansa blocks of the district and tested it for only fluoride and arsenic.
In September 2011, it took more than 300 samples and checked for arsenic, lead, zinc, antimony, manganese, cadmium, copper, colour, odour, hydrogen potential, conductivity, chloride, carbonate, bi-carbonate, sulphade, nitrate, fluoride, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium in all five blocks.
Study discredited
The district health department, in its last cancer survey from 2006 to 2011, came out with a report it no longer trusts. Its reason—auxiliary nurses and midwives, and accredited social health activists (ASHA workers) who did the investigation.
Birth defects
At Bakhshiwala in the Budhlada constituency, arsenic and fluoride have not only caused cancer but also birth defects of the physical and mental nature. “The state’s help is an eyewash,” said Sadhu Singh, former sarpanch of Bakhshiwala. “The groundwater at Bakhshiwala is oily, even when the RO water-filter unit is installed.” Arsenic is known to damage the nervous, urinary, and reproductive systems severely.
Harmanjot Kaur (2), Khuspreet Singh (6), Jagdev Kaur (12), Chanranjit Kaur (12), Laddi Singh (19), Veerpal Kaur (20), Satpal Singh (22), Manghu Singh (23), Harmeet Singh (23), Gaganpal Singh (23), Jugraj Singh (24), Amarjit Kaur (25), Major Singh (28), Paramjit Kaur (40), Gurwinder Singh (6), Gurdeep Singh (6), Sukhchain Singh (10), Jaswant Singh (42) and Kala Singh; all from one village, were born with defects....
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
USA - This Daily Habit Can Damage Your Brain
This Daily Habit Can Damage Your Brain, Disrupt Your Bones, and Stain and Pit Your Teeth April 24 2012
The largest state legislature in the U.S. recently passed a bill mandating infant fluoride warnings on all water bills in fluoridated communities. On March 15, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 253-23 in favor of the bill.
Thanks to a 13-2 recommendation from the House Resources, Recreation, and Development committee, there was no debate over the bill on the House floor. The bill will now go to the Senate. According to the text of the billi , the warning would read:
"Your public water supply is fluoridated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis. Consult your child's health care provider for more information."........
Lengthy Dr Mercola article.
The largest state legislature in the U.S. recently passed a bill mandating infant fluoride warnings on all water bills in fluoridated communities. On March 15, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 253-23 in favor of the bill.
Thanks to a 13-2 recommendation from the House Resources, Recreation, and Development committee, there was no debate over the bill on the House floor. The bill will now go to the Senate. According to the text of the billi , the warning would read:
"Your public water supply is fluoridated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis. Consult your child's health care provider for more information."........
Lengthy Dr Mercola article.
UK - Today’s children have serious tooth decay
Today’s children have serious tooth decay
Date published: 23 April 2012
According to a recent ‘Tonight’ programme shown on ITV, a third of children in the UK have tooth decay by the time they start primary school.
Children under five years old are commonly having as many as fourteen milk teeth extracted and these hospital procedures are on the rise.
Thirty-six thousand hospital procedures to remove decayed teeth take place on children aged seventeen and under every year. Two-thirds of children under twelve years old require general anaesthetic in order to have their decayed teeth extracted, which is both traumatic for the child and expensive for the NHS. This accounts for ten to fifteen percent of all the anaesthesia given to children.
Currently one hundred children are admitted to hospital each month, which costs the NHS £2.8 billion per year.
Action for Sick Children devised the Dental Playbox Project in response to this issue. The aim is to increase understanding amongst parents and children of the importance of good dental care and regular visits to the dentist.
There are three main oral health messages that Action for Sick Children promotes and these three messages are being mirrored by the British Dental Health Foundation during its thirty-sixth annual oral health campaign, ‘National Smile Month 2012’.
During National Smile Month 2012 Action for Sick Children facilitators will be touring schools, nurseries and community centres, holding free sessions lasting up to an hour. To book a FREE Playbox Session, receive the newsletter, request a resource pack or for more information, email: or call 01663 766 445.
National Smile Month 2012 is running this year from the 20 May until the 20 June, with co-ordinated events across the UK.
It isn't visiting dentists that is priority it is cutting down on unhealthy food and drink for good dental and physical health.
Date published: 23 April 2012
According to a recent ‘Tonight’ programme shown on ITV, a third of children in the UK have tooth decay by the time they start primary school.
Children under five years old are commonly having as many as fourteen milk teeth extracted and these hospital procedures are on the rise.
Thirty-six thousand hospital procedures to remove decayed teeth take place on children aged seventeen and under every year. Two-thirds of children under twelve years old require general anaesthetic in order to have their decayed teeth extracted, which is both traumatic for the child and expensive for the NHS. This accounts for ten to fifteen percent of all the anaesthesia given to children.
Currently one hundred children are admitted to hospital each month, which costs the NHS £2.8 billion per year.
Action for Sick Children devised the Dental Playbox Project in response to this issue. The aim is to increase understanding amongst parents and children of the importance of good dental care and regular visits to the dentist.
There are three main oral health messages that Action for Sick Children promotes and these three messages are being mirrored by the British Dental Health Foundation during its thirty-sixth annual oral health campaign, ‘National Smile Month 2012’.
During National Smile Month 2012 Action for Sick Children facilitators will be touring schools, nurseries and community centres, holding free sessions lasting up to an hour. To book a FREE Playbox Session, receive the newsletter, request a resource pack or for more information, email: or call 01663 766 445.
National Smile Month 2012 is running this year from the 20 May until the 20 June, with co-ordinated events across the UK.
It isn't visiting dentists that is priority it is cutting down on unhealthy food and drink for good dental and physical health.
Canada - City to keep fluoride in water
City to keep fluoride in water
But one more vote on the issue will come May 1
By CHIP MARTIN The London Free Press
Last Updated: April 23, 2012 9:00pm
Email StoryPrintSize A A AReport TypoShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on diggShare on favoritesShare on googleMore Sharing Services.Anti-fluoride activists left London city hall disappointed Monday after a civic committee backed the continued treatment of city water.
Catcalls and heckling greeted politicians who spoke in favour of staying the course that began in 1967 when Londoners voted to fluoridate.
But one more vote on the issue will come May 1 when city council considers endorsement by its civic works committee.
“I think council will shut down fluoridation in its vote,” Coun. Dale Henderson predicted, adding “we’re poisoning our water system.”
He drew sustained applause but he isn’t a member of the committee and couldn’t vote.
So lobbying will continue a few more days.
The committee was presented with a petition Coun. Stephen Orser said contained 1,414 signatures of Londoners demanding an immediate halt to fluoridation.
Orser, acting as deputy mayor while Mayor Joe Fontana promotes London in Korea, Japan and China, said he wants to be able to tell his daughter the city is no longer trying to poison her. He said he buys her bottled water.
The Ward 4 councillor said failing an immediate ban, the city should ask voters in a plebiscite at the 2014 election to determine its fate.
“The fairest thing is to let the people decide,” Orser insisted.
About 60 anti-fluoride activists watched the debate, and some had to be warned to behave or face eviction.
In a report, city administration addressed concerns about health and other issues raised at a public meeting in January.
City staff recommended continued treatment of city water with fluoride because it prevents cavities and because the practice is recommended by bodies such as the World Health Organization, Health Canada, Ontario’s chief medical officer of health and the Middlesex-London Health Unit.......
But one more vote on the issue will come May 1
By CHIP MARTIN The London Free Press
Last Updated: April 23, 2012 9:00pm
Email StoryPrintSize A A AReport TypoShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on diggShare on favoritesShare on googleMore Sharing Services.Anti-fluoride activists left London city hall disappointed Monday after a civic committee backed the continued treatment of city water.
Catcalls and heckling greeted politicians who spoke in favour of staying the course that began in 1967 when Londoners voted to fluoridate.
But one more vote on the issue will come May 1 when city council considers endorsement by its civic works committee.
“I think council will shut down fluoridation in its vote,” Coun. Dale Henderson predicted, adding “we’re poisoning our water system.”
He drew sustained applause but he isn’t a member of the committee and couldn’t vote.
So lobbying will continue a few more days.
The committee was presented with a petition Coun. Stephen Orser said contained 1,414 signatures of Londoners demanding an immediate halt to fluoridation.
Orser, acting as deputy mayor while Mayor Joe Fontana promotes London in Korea, Japan and China, said he wants to be able to tell his daughter the city is no longer trying to poison her. He said he buys her bottled water.
The Ward 4 councillor said failing an immediate ban, the city should ask voters in a plebiscite at the 2014 election to determine its fate.
“The fairest thing is to let the people decide,” Orser insisted.
About 60 anti-fluoride activists watched the debate, and some had to be warned to behave or face eviction.
In a report, city administration addressed concerns about health and other issues raised at a public meeting in January.
City staff recommended continued treatment of city water with fluoride because it prevents cavities and because the practice is recommended by bodies such as the World Health Organization, Health Canada, Ontario’s chief medical officer of health and the Middlesex-London Health Unit.......
Monday, April 23, 2012
Canada - Staff recommend water fluoridation continues
Staff recommend water fluoridation continues
COUNCIL: Opponents mock report, call for plebicite
By CHIP MARTIN, The London Free Press
Last Updated: April 22, 2012 6:36pm
City hall sees no reason to stop adding fluoride to London water, despite protests by anti-fluoride activists in January at a public forum.
So says a city administration report being presented Monday to the civic works committee after analyzing contrary evidence presented in January.
"In essence, council is being asked (by activists) to disregard the expert analysis and recommendations of local, provincial, federal and international public health agencies," says the 49-page report from city engineer John Braam and city water manager John Simon.
"Administration recommends that council not abandon the practice of relying upon the expertise provided by our public health officials, but rather that council confirm its confidence (in them)."
Coun. Steve Orser said he retains his concerns about fluoride and wants to see the issue put to London voters in the next election.....
COUNCIL: Opponents mock report, call for plebicite
By CHIP MARTIN, The London Free Press
Last Updated: April 22, 2012 6:36pm
City hall sees no reason to stop adding fluoride to London water, despite protests by anti-fluoride activists in January at a public forum.
So says a city administration report being presented Monday to the civic works committee after analyzing contrary evidence presented in January.
"In essence, council is being asked (by activists) to disregard the expert analysis and recommendations of local, provincial, federal and international public health agencies," says the 49-page report from city engineer John Braam and city water manager John Simon.
"Administration recommends that council not abandon the practice of relying upon the expertise provided by our public health officials, but rather that council confirm its confidence (in them)."
Coun. Steve Orser said he retains his concerns about fluoride and wants to see the issue put to London voters in the next election.....
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Fluoride blamed for many problems
Fluoride blamed for many problems
By Louise Schincariol, The Windsor Star April 21, 2012 I have been reading about the fluoride additive in our drinking water and felt strongly compelled to research and give my opinion on this very important matter.
I am a senior in my mid-80s and feel fortunate to have reached this age in spite of some health issues. But, do I believe my joint pain has been aggravated by our artificially fluoridated drinking water?
Do I blame fluoride exposure for members of my family having thyroid problems? Am I concerned for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren? You bet I am.
I cannot recall seeing so many of these conditions when I was younger. Do I believe that everyone should be forced to drink a toxic substance because a few people in charge think it's good for our teeth? Absolutely not.
I have learned the 2006 Report of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences designated kidney patients, diabetics, seniors and infants as "susceptible sub-populations" that are especially vulnerable to harm from ingested fluorides. And, the National Kidney Foundation stopped endorsing water fluoridation in 2007.
Also, fluoride accumulation increases with age, making the elderly more susceptible to hypothyroidism and, according to biochemist John Yiamouyannis and Dr. John R. Lee, fluoride disrupts collagen production causing damaged cartilage, ligaments and arteries.
In addition, chronic exposure has been associated with increased incidence of bone fractures and Alzheimer's disease.
How can the statistical rate of a saved half of one cavity be worth any of these conditions or resulting sad loss of quality of life? Please, those of you who have the authority to make things right, don't let us down.
Read more:
Commie Plot or Public-health Victory?
Commie Plot or Public-health Victory? April 22, 2012, 1:57 a.m. EDT
The Evening Sun
...But in order to believe that fluoride is useless, or even dangerous, I'd have to believe in a vast conspiracy, including government, the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association and the World Health Organization. I'd have to ignore what purports to be a half century of worldwide research that establishes the significant dental benefits to fluoride. And it seems to me many of the "facts" presented by the opponents of fluoride seem selective at best, misleading and inaccurate at worst. For example, the Fluoride Action Network makes much of the fact that few European countries fluoridate their water. What they don't tell you is that's because of the smaller, less-efficient water systems in many of those countries, where they fluoridate table salt instead. For a rebuttal to the anti-fluoride position, take a look at the Fluoride
Information Network ( and decide for yourself. Me, I have no problem deciding I have no problem with fluoride, and in fact believe I can probably thank it for my excellent dental health. And I just don't get the whole sinister-plot scenario or what makes some people that paranoid. Hmm, maybe it's something they're putting in the water that's making people think crazy thoughts. Oh, never mind. I'm starting to sound a little kooky myself. Marc Charisse is editor of The Evening Sun.
I hope Floride Action Network email him
The Evening Sun
...But in order to believe that fluoride is useless, or even dangerous, I'd have to believe in a vast conspiracy, including government, the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association and the World Health Organization. I'd have to ignore what purports to be a half century of worldwide research that establishes the significant dental benefits to fluoride. And it seems to me many of the "facts" presented by the opponents of fluoride seem selective at best, misleading and inaccurate at worst. For example, the Fluoride Action Network makes much of the fact that few European countries fluoridate their water. What they don't tell you is that's because of the smaller, less-efficient water systems in many of those countries, where they fluoridate table salt instead. For a rebuttal to the anti-fluoride position, take a look at the Fluoride
Information Network ( and decide for yourself. Me, I have no problem deciding I have no problem with fluoride, and in fact believe I can probably thank it for my excellent dental health. And I just don't get the whole sinister-plot scenario or what makes some people that paranoid. Hmm, maybe it's something they're putting in the water that's making people think crazy thoughts. Oh, never mind. I'm starting to sound a little kooky myself. Marc Charisse is editor of The Evening Sun.
I hope Floride Action Network email him
A HEALTHY mouth is now being regarded as key to a healthy body
A HEALTHY mouth is now being regarded as key to a healthy body. Poor dental hygiene has been linked to many illnesses, including diabetes and chronic heart disease – recent research suggests gammy gums are responsible for narrowing of the blood vessels, which is fatal in 30% of cases. Scientists now believe the bugs responsible for gum disease may have a role to play in the development of bowel cancer following the discovery of an abnormally large number of fusobacterium in colorectal tumour samples. Around 35,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with bowel cancer every year and sadly one in 10 die within a month of diagnosis.
I wish they would make up their mind it has just been announced that dental decay isn't the cause of diabetes etc as their are links with the class of people who let decay happen also have poor regard to a healthy life style. As for bowel cancer, I know one person who had dentures in his twenties and he still got cancer of the
I wish they would make up their mind it has just been announced that dental decay isn't the cause of diabetes etc as their are links with the class of people who let decay happen also have poor regard to a healthy life style. As for bowel cancer, I know one person who had dentures in his twenties and he still got cancer of the
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
"Give Kids A Smile®" Program With National Education Program
...According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, tooth decay affects some 16 million children in the United States, more than any other chronic infectious disease, including asthma, early-childhood obesity and diabetes. Untreated tooth decay causes pain and infections that may lead to problems in eating, speaking, playing and learning. What's more, according to Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General, children living in poverty suffer twice as much tooth decay as their more affluent peers, and their disease is more likely to go untreated. A disproportionate share of tooth decay, approximately 80 percent, is found in 25 percent of children, according to the National Institutes of Health....
Fluoridated USA
Canada - Fluoridation (not) good for dental health
Fluoride-free is the way to go
By Richard St. Denis, The Windsor Star April 20, 2012 3:05 AM Re: Fluoridation good for dental health, by Dr. Arlene King, April 16.
With all due respect, Dr. King is not a dentist or a toxicology expert. Dr. Hardy Limeback, associate professor and head of preventive dentistry at the University of Toronto, is officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water.
The Centre for Disease Control acknowledged fluoride benefits are mainly topical, not systemic, saying, "It makes more sense to deliver fluoride directly to the tooth in the form of toothpaste."
The National Kidney Foundation updated their position saying, "Individuals with chronic kidney disease should be notified of the potential risk of fluoride exposure." Has the City of Windsor done that?
Unlike other additives that eliminate water-borne pathogens, only fluoride is intended as a medical treatment, presumably to prevent tooth decay. Dr. Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate prize winner in medicine is one of the experts who helped keep fluoride out of Sweden, and he indicated that fluoride is not an essential nutrient.
The February issue of Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology published a study to show cavities do not increase when a community stops fluoridation in its water. The Canadian Dental Association said "dental fluorosis" is caused when higher than optimal amounts of fluoride are ingested in early childhood years. The Ontario Clean Water Act requires that local communities, such as Windsor, assess existing potential threats to their water, and they set out and implement the actions needed to reduce or eliminate these threats.
These toxic substances are addressed in the Canadian Environmental Protect Act under "First Priority Substances" proposed for elimination, and also violate the "Species at Risk Act."
Quebec, B.C., 97 per cent of Europe and over 60 Great Lakes communities have gone to providing fluoride-free water for good reasons. Windsor should be next.
RICHARD ST. DENIS, Great Lakes United, Lake Erie Region director, Windsor
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Gum disease 'does not cause heart trouble' : Any link 'coincidental', say scientists
By Daily Mail Reporter
19 April 2012
The belief that gum disease can lead to heart attacks and strokes is unfounded, experts said yesterday.
A panel of 13 U.S. scientists insisted there was no evidence for a causal link between bad gums and cardiovascular disease.
They reviewed 500 articles in scientific journals and concluded that while people with gum disease may be at greater risk of heart and artery problems, the association is probably coincidental. Both conditions shared common risk factors, such as smoking, and both produced similar inflammation markers.
Those common factors could help explain why diseases of the blood vessels and mouth can occur in tandem.
Research has shown that people with gum disease are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease as those without gum disease.
'Much of the literature is conflicting, but if there was a strong causative link, we would likely know that by now,' said Professor Peter Lockhart, co-chairman of the expert panel and chairman of oral medicine at the Carolinas Medical Centre in Charlotte, North Carolina. 'There's a lot of confusion out there.'..............
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
USA - Fluoride in Water Can Pose Health Risks
Fluoride in Water Can Pose Health Risks, Says People's Chemist Shane Ellison
SANTA FE, N.M., April 18, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- "Fluoride dangers are one of the greatest public health threats of modern times," said Shane Ellison, an award-winning chemist, author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, and founder of ( ).
"Water fluoridation has been hailed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as 'one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century,' for its purported ability to prevent tooth decay. But, you can't believe everything the government tells you," said Ellison. "Behind this glowing accolade lies a glaring scientific truth."
Putting fluoride in water started in the early 1950's, and continues today with buckets of sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, and fluorosilicic acid (FSA) dumped into our drinking water. By definition, it is forced medication, yet millions are unaware of the effects, he said.
Historically, dentists have asserted that water fluoridation is safe. But they're starting to catch on to the truth, he noted.
In an interview with the People's Chemist, the past president of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology and author of Whole-Body Dentistry, Mark A. Breiner, DDS, said, "Adding fluoride to drinking water is a massive human experiment."
Ellison said this "experiment" leads to fluoride toxicity and listed three reasons why we should end water fluoridation now.
Reason #1: Fluoride in water causes joint pain and fluorosisOnce ingested, fluoride compounds attack the structural integrity of our insides. Collagen, a web-like network connecting our skeletal system to muscles, is torn apart by fluoride. We feel it as joint stiffness, ligament damage, and aching bones. This same mechanism leads to browning of teeth, an outcome known as fluorosis. A whopping 23-30% of children living in areas with fluoridated drinking water suffer from these side effects.
Reason #2: Fluoride can cause cancer Cancer rates are at an all-time high. The best way to reverse the trend is to highlight environmental cancer risks like consuming fluoridated water. As early as 1984, laboratory studies began showing how fluoride damaged the DNA of mammalian cells, giving rise to uncontrolled cell growth. This didn't stop the push to continue the mass fluoride medication experiment.
Physicians on the front lines of illness are seeing side effects. When asked about water fluoridation, Dr. Gary Mezo, a Family Practice & Emergency PA-C/ARNP for 27 years, told Ellison he is "against water fluoridation simply based on the multiple cancer risks associated with it, particularly bone cancer." Population studies show that those who drink fluoridated water are up to seven times more likely to suffer from bone cancer.
Reason #3: Ingesting fluoride doesn't prevent cavities (dental caries)Fluoride in water doesn't protect against cavities. "I don't care if a million dentists believe this to be true, it simply isn't. Studies on fluoride ingestion prove it. It's pretty straightforward," Ellison said. "Those who swallow fluoride do not have fewer cavities than those who do not."
In 2001, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made this information public, stating that, "The prevalence of dental caries in a population is not inversely related to the concentration of fluoride in enamel, and a higher concentration of enamel fluoride is not necessarily more efficacious in preventing dental caries."
To protect yourself from cavities, Dr. Andrew M. Goldsmith, DDS, told Ellison via email that the main objective should not be fluoridation of water. Instead, he asserts that it "should be focused on education and thereby improving oral hygiene and decreasing the consumption of fermentable carbohydrates, for example sugar." In addition, add a xylitol-based toothpaste to your daily brushing routine and you're sure to thwart cavities.
"Water is perfect the way it is. Add any single ingredient to it and you screw it up," Ellison said. "Add a dash of salt to boiling water, it cools off. Toss a fistful of it on ice, it melts faster. Similarly, when we drink water laced with fluoride, our biochemistry changes for the worse."
Water is the only substance that can exist as a solid, liquid or gas, depending on the temperatures. The two hydrogen atoms that share an affinity for oxygen cause the water molecule to be V-shaped. These unique properties allow it to give life to everything on the planet, all by itself. Any single impurity strips water of its molecular supremacy.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012
USA - Cancer-Linked Fluoride Doesn’t Even Effectively Prevent Cavities
Cancer-Linked Fluoride Doesn’t Even Effectively Prevent Cavities
ShareMike Barrett
April 16, 2012
Despite numerous research pointing out the toxicity and harmful nature of fluoride, it continues to be added to the water supply. Being touted for its proposed benefits of reducing tooth decay and cavity development, fluoride is added to the water supplies of a significant number of cities and towns alike. Interestingly, research shows that the supposed benefits aren’t really what they appear at all, and that fluoride actually has no positive effect on reducing tooth decay or cavity development.
The West Virginia University Rural Health Research Center reports that urban U.S. children, with more exposure to fluoridated water and dental care, have just as many cavities as less fluoride-exposed rural children.
“For children’s dental health measures, it was found that fluoridation rates were not significantly related to the measures of either caries or overall condition of the teeth for urban or rural areas,” the researchers write.
Since the 1940′s, fluoride has been added to the water supply as a claimed method of preventing tooth decay. It was once believed (and still believed by some), that the primary benefits for teeth resulted from fluoride ingestion during the tooth-forming years. However, it is now thought by scientists, dentists, and researchers, that fluoride’s primary benefit comes from topical treatment, and not from ingestion. Fluoride has also been shown to be ineffective at preventing tooth decay in the pits & fissures of teeth, which is where most decay occurs.
Research conducted by the Cochrane Oral Health Group shows how the ingestion of fluoride is ineffective at reducing tooth decay in primary teeth. Not only does the research show that fluoride supplements are ineffective, but health risks from fluoride supplementation aren’t even studied enough for the supplements to be pushed in the first place. It was found that fluoride supplements, which are heavily endorsed by the CDC, provide no more benefit than topical treatments, which is safer due to minimal fluoride ingestion.
Adding to the downfall of fluoride use in our water supplies, the ineffective tooth-protecting nature of fluoride is accompanied by some serious health-related downfalls. In 1997, it was shown that water fluoridation caused about 10,000 cancer deaths in epidemiological studies by Dr. Dean Burk, former head of the Cytochemistry Section at the National Cancer Institute and Yiamouyiannis. Another research paper documents how fluoride ingestion causes tumor growth rates to increase by 25% at only 1 ppm (part per million), while also producing melanotic tumors and increasing carcinogenesis of other chemicals.
Based on the research at hand, it is safe to say that fluoride ingestion should be avoided if at all possible. Investing in a reverse osmosis water filtration unit is one solution to reducing fluoride ingestion, while drinking distilled water for 3-6 months may also reduce the soft tissue fluoride levels.
ShareMike Barrett
April 16, 2012
Despite numerous research pointing out the toxicity and harmful nature of fluoride, it continues to be added to the water supply. Being touted for its proposed benefits of reducing tooth decay and cavity development, fluoride is added to the water supplies of a significant number of cities and towns alike. Interestingly, research shows that the supposed benefits aren’t really what they appear at all, and that fluoride actually has no positive effect on reducing tooth decay or cavity development.
The West Virginia University Rural Health Research Center reports that urban U.S. children, with more exposure to fluoridated water and dental care, have just as many cavities as less fluoride-exposed rural children.
“For children’s dental health measures, it was found that fluoridation rates were not significantly related to the measures of either caries or overall condition of the teeth for urban or rural areas,” the researchers write.
Since the 1940′s, fluoride has been added to the water supply as a claimed method of preventing tooth decay. It was once believed (and still believed by some), that the primary benefits for teeth resulted from fluoride ingestion during the tooth-forming years. However, it is now thought by scientists, dentists, and researchers, that fluoride’s primary benefit comes from topical treatment, and not from ingestion. Fluoride has also been shown to be ineffective at preventing tooth decay in the pits & fissures of teeth, which is where most decay occurs.
Research conducted by the Cochrane Oral Health Group shows how the ingestion of fluoride is ineffective at reducing tooth decay in primary teeth. Not only does the research show that fluoride supplements are ineffective, but health risks from fluoride supplementation aren’t even studied enough for the supplements to be pushed in the first place. It was found that fluoride supplements, which are heavily endorsed by the CDC, provide no more benefit than topical treatments, which is safer due to minimal fluoride ingestion.
Adding to the downfall of fluoride use in our water supplies, the ineffective tooth-protecting nature of fluoride is accompanied by some serious health-related downfalls. In 1997, it was shown that water fluoridation caused about 10,000 cancer deaths in epidemiological studies by Dr. Dean Burk, former head of the Cytochemistry Section at the National Cancer Institute and Yiamouyiannis. Another research paper documents how fluoride ingestion causes tumor growth rates to increase by 25% at only 1 ppm (part per million), while also producing melanotic tumors and increasing carcinogenesis of other chemicals.
Based on the research at hand, it is safe to say that fluoride ingestion should be avoided if at all possible. Investing in a reverse osmosis water filtration unit is one solution to reducing fluoride ingestion, while drinking distilled water for 3-6 months may also reduce the soft tissue fluoride levels.
Canada - POLL: Teeth bared in fluoride report debate
POLL: Teeth bared in fluoride report debate
Water fluoridation Some spoke in support of fluoridation, some against at Monday's board of health meeting.
Scott Gardner/The Hamilton Spectator
PollCity councilors are meeting to decide to continue or discontinue water fluoridation. City councillors are into their fourth hour of discussion about fluoride in Hamilton’s water.
The city’s public health staff is presenting its annual report about water fluoridation and a decision isn’t expected to be made today. Still, a steady string of delegates have shared their thoughts about the effects of fluoride at this afternoon’s public health committee meeting.
Some spoke in support of fluoridation, including Ontario’s medical officer of health Dr. Arlene King, and Dr. Peter Cooney, the chief dental officer with Health Canada. Many more spoke out against the practice — including Councillor Terry Whitehead, who argued that there’s a link between fluoride and autism.
The meeting has been raucous, with the antifluoridation advocates shouting out to the mayor and delivering a hearty round of applause after every delegate.
Water fluoridation Some spoke in support of fluoridation, some against at Monday's board of health meeting.
Scott Gardner/The Hamilton Spectator
PollCity councilors are meeting to decide to continue or discontinue water fluoridation. City councillors are into their fourth hour of discussion about fluoride in Hamilton’s water.
The city’s public health staff is presenting its annual report about water fluoridation and a decision isn’t expected to be made today. Still, a steady string of delegates have shared their thoughts about the effects of fluoride at this afternoon’s public health committee meeting.
Some spoke in support of fluoridation, including Ontario’s medical officer of health Dr. Arlene King, and Dr. Peter Cooney, the chief dental officer with Health Canada. Many more spoke out against the practice — including Councillor Terry Whitehead, who argued that there’s a link between fluoride and autism.
The meeting has been raucous, with the antifluoridation advocates shouting out to the mayor and delivering a hearty round of applause after every delegate.
Monday, April 16, 2012
4:6 Your Toxic Tap Water • Professor Paul Connett
Professor of Chemistry Paul Connett's environmental activism goes beyond his classes.
Investigations into the scientific evidence against the practice of water fluoridation has become a family affair for the Connett household. His son Michael '99 is the research director and Webmaster for the Fluoride Action Network (, and his wife, Ellen, is also involved in researching the topic. All three presented scientific papers at the 26th Conference of the International Society for Fluoride Research, held in Wiesbaden, Germany, recently.
Paul Connett has received numerous awards and citations for his work, and frequently participates in community discussions on fluoridation. A graduate of Cambridge University, Connett holds a Ph.D. from Dartmouth College and joined the faculty at St. Lawrence in 1983. Connett's opposition to incineration as a method of managing solid waste, based on his chemical
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Oral Health Month and Children
Oral Health Month and Children
13/04/2012 – April is Oral Health Month. Despite improved access to dental care for some children, the number of youngsters with cavities is on the increase.
April is Oral Health Month, prompting the release of new studies on dental health care and reminders about old advice left unheeded, forgotten good habits like regular brushing and flossing.
“Poor oral health can affect a person's quality of life. Oral pain, missing teeth or oral infections can influence the way a person speaks, eats and socializes,” says the Canadian Dental Association.
Not only can poor dental health affect children’s self-image and mental health or cause physical pain, it can lead to serious problems down the road. Dental disease is associated with diabetes, heart complications and infections.
In Canada, despite advancements in oral health care, the rate of children with cavities is rising, even among fluoridated communities. The causes are linked to such factors as parental oversight, the consumption of processed foods and a lack of fluoride in the local drinking water.
Of course, there’s no need to be overzealous, carting children to the dentist more often than is necessary. The American Dental Association has found that patients are having more dental x-rays than is recommended, while researchers from Yale University have found that people with the most common form of brain tumours have had more dental x-rays that those without. It is recommended that children receive x-rays no more than every 1-2 years (1.5-3 years for teenagers)......
a lack of fluoride in the local drinking water? They just wrote that the rate of children with cavities is rising, even among fluoridated communities.
No x-rays are betteer I'd rather have cavities than a brain tumour.
13/04/2012 – April is Oral Health Month. Despite improved access to dental care for some children, the number of youngsters with cavities is on the increase.
April is Oral Health Month, prompting the release of new studies on dental health care and reminders about old advice left unheeded, forgotten good habits like regular brushing and flossing.
“Poor oral health can affect a person's quality of life. Oral pain, missing teeth or oral infections can influence the way a person speaks, eats and socializes,” says the Canadian Dental Association.
Not only can poor dental health affect children’s self-image and mental health or cause physical pain, it can lead to serious problems down the road. Dental disease is associated with diabetes, heart complications and infections.
In Canada, despite advancements in oral health care, the rate of children with cavities is rising, even among fluoridated communities. The causes are linked to such factors as parental oversight, the consumption of processed foods and a lack of fluoride in the local drinking water.
Of course, there’s no need to be overzealous, carting children to the dentist more often than is necessary. The American Dental Association has found that patients are having more dental x-rays than is recommended, while researchers from Yale University have found that people with the most common form of brain tumours have had more dental x-rays that those without. It is recommended that children receive x-rays no more than every 1-2 years (1.5-3 years for teenagers)......
a lack of fluoride in the local drinking water? They just wrote that the rate of children with cavities is rising, even among fluoridated communities.
No x-rays are betteer I'd rather have cavities than a brain tumour.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Bitter truth in sweets
Bitter truth in sweets
Writtten by Bhaby See
Published : Saturday, April 14, 2012 00:00
OH yes, cold softdrinks, colas and sweetened beverages are so refreshing to drink this summer. But the sugar contents can make you sick and give you tooth decay.
Sugar-sweetened drinks are the main cause of different types of heart disease, diabetes and premature deaths.
Several studies showed that even consuming zero-calorie sweetened drinks leads to weight gain. And obesity is strongly linked to both heart disease and diabetes. Drinking just one to two sugar-laden beverages a day raises diabetes risk by 26 percent.
Consuming too much sugar not only hurts your internal organs and weakens teeth, your skin is affected too and aging is accelerated because of fructose.
Researchers from the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague recently demonstrated that the skin of rats fed a high-fructose solution were least elastic. The more sugary foods and drinks people consumed, the deeper their facial wrinkles.
It’s because when sugar enters the blood stream, glucose is released and the sugar forms harmful molecules called advanced glycation end products. This then cross-links with collagen and elastin fibers, making the normally resilient tissues weak or inflexible, thus the skin that doesn’t bounce back is more prone to wrinkles and sagging.
Writtten by Bhaby See
Published : Saturday, April 14, 2012 00:00
OH yes, cold softdrinks, colas and sweetened beverages are so refreshing to drink this summer. But the sugar contents can make you sick and give you tooth decay.
Sugar-sweetened drinks are the main cause of different types of heart disease, diabetes and premature deaths.
Several studies showed that even consuming zero-calorie sweetened drinks leads to weight gain. And obesity is strongly linked to both heart disease and diabetes. Drinking just one to two sugar-laden beverages a day raises diabetes risk by 26 percent.
Consuming too much sugar not only hurts your internal organs and weakens teeth, your skin is affected too and aging is accelerated because of fructose.
Researchers from the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague recently demonstrated that the skin of rats fed a high-fructose solution were least elastic. The more sugary foods and drinks people consumed, the deeper their facial wrinkles.
It’s because when sugar enters the blood stream, glucose is released and the sugar forms harmful molecules called advanced glycation end products. This then cross-links with collagen and elastin fibers, making the normally resilient tissues weak or inflexible, thus the skin that doesn’t bounce back is more prone to wrinkles and sagging.
Canada - Fluoridation is foolhardy
Fluoridation is foolhardy
By James Winter, The Windsor Star April 14, 2012 12:00 AM
If Mayor Eddie Francis and company decide to keep fluoridating our water supply, they may well have to raise our taxes to pay for the class action lawsuits which will result. In the U.S., there are several lawsuits against municipal governments for the damages caused by fluoride, and the unauthorized dispensation of drugs.
Lawsuits are currently underway in Clallam County, Washington, Gallatin, Tennessee and the southern district of California.
Another U.S. federal court case has been filed against Nestle U.S.A. and Gerber product company for selling fluoridated bottled water and causing fluoridosis.
What damages, you ask? In 2006, the U.S. National Research Council documented numerous negative effects of fluoride on many organ systems including increased potential risk for bone fractures (the well-documented disease of skeletal fluorosis) possibly increased risk of osteosarcoma, reduced IQ, thyroid dysfunction, endocrine dysfunction and more.
Windsor is adding fluorosilicic acid to our water, a toxic waste byproduct collected from the smokestack scrubbers of the phosphate fertilizer industry.
Has this drug called "fluoride" ever received Health Canada approval as a drug? Have medication doses and drug interactions been considered?
Has anyone even written a prescription for this drug?
University of Toronto professor of dentistry, Dr. Hardy Limeback, is a leading Canadian fluoride authority who is often cited by health officials in their defence of fluoridated water. He is also a long-standing consultant to the Canadian Dental Association.
Limeback says fluoride may be destroying our bones, our teeth and our overall health. Although he still believes fluoride in toothpaste is effective against tooth decay, he says it doesn't need to be added to our water and we may be taking unnecessary risks by doing so.
"There is no point swallowing fluoridated water. The only benefit comes with direct contact with the teeth," Limeback says.
How long will this foolhardiness continue?
By James Winter, The Windsor Star April 14, 2012 12:00 AM
If Mayor Eddie Francis and company decide to keep fluoridating our water supply, they may well have to raise our taxes to pay for the class action lawsuits which will result. In the U.S., there are several lawsuits against municipal governments for the damages caused by fluoride, and the unauthorized dispensation of drugs.
Lawsuits are currently underway in Clallam County, Washington, Gallatin, Tennessee and the southern district of California.
Another U.S. federal court case has been filed against Nestle U.S.A. and Gerber product company for selling fluoridated bottled water and causing fluoridosis.
What damages, you ask? In 2006, the U.S. National Research Council documented numerous negative effects of fluoride on many organ systems including increased potential risk for bone fractures (the well-documented disease of skeletal fluorosis) possibly increased risk of osteosarcoma, reduced IQ, thyroid dysfunction, endocrine dysfunction and more.
Windsor is adding fluorosilicic acid to our water, a toxic waste byproduct collected from the smokestack scrubbers of the phosphate fertilizer industry.
Has this drug called "fluoride" ever received Health Canada approval as a drug? Have medication doses and drug interactions been considered?
Has anyone even written a prescription for this drug?
University of Toronto professor of dentistry, Dr. Hardy Limeback, is a leading Canadian fluoride authority who is often cited by health officials in their defence of fluoridated water. He is also a long-standing consultant to the Canadian Dental Association.
Limeback says fluoride may be destroying our bones, our teeth and our overall health. Although he still believes fluoride in toothpaste is effective against tooth decay, he says it doesn't need to be added to our water and we may be taking unnecessary risks by doing so.
"There is no point swallowing fluoridated water. The only benefit comes with direct contact with the teeth," Limeback says.
How long will this foolhardiness continue?
Why Do We Love Our Poisons?
Why Do We Love Our Poisons?
Published Saturday, April 14, 2012 2:05 am
by John Rehill
BRADENTON -- Technology has taken us to a place where we quickly dump a music or video player, a computer or appliance, or just about anything that is upgradeable, in favor of the next best thing. But not true when it comes to what is actually better for us, even if the alternative threatens our longevity or quality of life. What is it that promotes this Stockholm Syndrome romance we have with harms-way?
Mercury, asbestos and lead, all have laws governing how and where they can be used. These toxic elements are carcinogens and poison to the body. Rigid restrictions are necessary because the consequences for not recognizing their effects far exceed any gains once got. So much that the price we now pay for that period of use, may cost us hundreds of times their historic value to get past their legacy. Many of those who have lost loved ones from our culture's intemperate use of toxins, will never get past the aftermath.
Adopting changes to distance these substances from our lives didn't come easy, because there were those invested in these products that fought tooth and nail to keep them on the market. Quick to denounce any science that supported the spiraling decline in the health of those handling them, supporters denied any connection to possible hazard, and would dismiss the claims as being made by wackos.
That is what many of those who for decades sold hair dryers, toasters, heaters, roof and floor tiles said, and they hailed the use of asbestos in them as being a wonder product. Vermiculite had high levels of asbestos, and it was used in fertilizers and pesticides through out the farming industry. For decades it was use in baby power, cosmetics and even feminine hygiene talc, until the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified talc with asbestos as carcinogenic.
Asbestos dates back to ancient Rome, where historians documented respiratory diseases among the slave that worked in the asbestos mines. In the 20th century it found its way into thousands of products and although it remained linked to lung disease (cancer) America couldn't get enough of it for the construction of war ships.
Back in 2005, in Missoula Montana, seven W.R. Grace & Co. executives were indicted for not announcing or protecting the workers in their mines from what they knew was highly toxic asbestos contaminated ore. Hundreds died and thousands got sick but the bounty for owners was plentiful.
Today, there are still thousands of products from around the world that contain asbestos and other dangerous substances. Its that way because of the profit, for the rest of us, it cost our quality of life and what we pay for healthcare.
America spends over two TRILLION dollars annually on healthcare, and a large amount of that can be contributed to the overwhelming amount of toxins that we allow to be put in most of what we consume. We allow it by not reaching for alternatives, changing a few habits or just out right refusing to purchase products that contain poisons.
The asbestos story is the same as the story of lead, mercury, arsenic and many others in an endless chain of placebo fixes with devastating consequences. Society convincingly sold many of these products to us with little more than a promise to cure label. We find ourselves defending products, like they are family, nurturing a love for them without question. To some they are family, as far as they built the family fortune.
Fluoride is a prime example of this. Its introduction came in the 20s and 30s from ALCOA and the Mellon family, it was a byproduct from mining bauxite to make aluminum for war planes. As it was then, and still today, a byproduct of the phosphate mines, and if not disposed of into our water, it would have to be disposed of at a toxic waste dump. It comes from the scrubbers when making fertilizers.
Fluoride is a known toxin that causes cancer, severe bone fractures and retardation in children. Hundreds of studies have produced scientific evidence supporting the overwhelming consequences for using fluoride. There is not one peer review study demonstrating that ingesting fluoride prevents tooth decay and its use in that capacity is not approved by the FDA. Drinking it to prevent tooth decay is like drinking sunscreen to prevent sunburn.
It was quite successfully used for many decades as rat poisoning and insecticide. Rain runoff from phosphate manufacturing plants has carried their concentrated fluoride into fields, killing dozens of cattle at a time, and into rivers killing thousands of fish, until the EPA ordered the companies to put scrubbers on their equipment and dispose of it off site. It is now being taken to your local water departments. Here is the manufactures safety data sheet, or if your water department fluoridates the water, they are required to send you one upon request.
A major university study conducted over decades compared rates of bone cancer in Northern Ireland, where water is fluoridated, and the South where water is not treated with fluoride. The rates of rare bone cancer (osteosarcoma) were 45% higher in the North. Dr. Robert Carlton, a 20 year career scientist for the EPA, said, "Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time."
Many physicians feel as much as half of the Rheumatism arthritis, that plaques young and old, could be directly connected to the residual effects of fluoride use. Reduced testosterone, fertility, low birthrate and a reduction in IQ in children have all been linked to continual use of fluoride, and yet we throw caution to the wind when it comes our habitual uses of what is so likely to harm us.
Many of our bad choices are linked to irrational behavior. We propose to exercise caution for our choices with love, money and friends, but not so much with the substances we allow ourselves to be exposed to. If we were to embrace the precautionary principal as quickly as we do the next iPhone, it could empower our lives more than any product in history.
Imagine if we had taken the precautionary principal approach towards derivatives, Chernobyl or the Iraq war. There is no austerity program that could possibly equate to the level of savings we all would have, had our congressional leaders listened to those who warned them of the damage those finical weapons of mass-destruction could do. There is no rational that trumps the loss of the many thousands of our kids gone to that fruitless thoughtless war, and the 50,000 more maimed, not to mention the trillion dollars spent.
How many congressman and senators, who voted derivatives into every finical institution in America and gave them the right to leverage their holdings by more that 30 times their value, are standing up and announcing what a good idea that was. Probably the same amount that are eager to explain why we sacrificed our kids to a place that is now worst off then when we went there to fix it.
There is a lot to be said for caution, and why we take the short trip around it. I just don't understand the argument against it.
Northern Ireland isn't fluoridated Southern Ireland is. He got that mixed up.
Published Saturday, April 14, 2012 2:05 am
by John Rehill
BRADENTON -- Technology has taken us to a place where we quickly dump a music or video player, a computer or appliance, or just about anything that is upgradeable, in favor of the next best thing. But not true when it comes to what is actually better for us, even if the alternative threatens our longevity or quality of life. What is it that promotes this Stockholm Syndrome romance we have with harms-way?
Mercury, asbestos and lead, all have laws governing how and where they can be used. These toxic elements are carcinogens and poison to the body. Rigid restrictions are necessary because the consequences for not recognizing their effects far exceed any gains once got. So much that the price we now pay for that period of use, may cost us hundreds of times their historic value to get past their legacy. Many of those who have lost loved ones from our culture's intemperate use of toxins, will never get past the aftermath.
Adopting changes to distance these substances from our lives didn't come easy, because there were those invested in these products that fought tooth and nail to keep them on the market. Quick to denounce any science that supported the spiraling decline in the health of those handling them, supporters denied any connection to possible hazard, and would dismiss the claims as being made by wackos.
That is what many of those who for decades sold hair dryers, toasters, heaters, roof and floor tiles said, and they hailed the use of asbestos in them as being a wonder product. Vermiculite had high levels of asbestos, and it was used in fertilizers and pesticides through out the farming industry. For decades it was use in baby power, cosmetics and even feminine hygiene talc, until the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified talc with asbestos as carcinogenic.
Asbestos dates back to ancient Rome, where historians documented respiratory diseases among the slave that worked in the asbestos mines. In the 20th century it found its way into thousands of products and although it remained linked to lung disease (cancer) America couldn't get enough of it for the construction of war ships.
Back in 2005, in Missoula Montana, seven W.R. Grace & Co. executives were indicted for not announcing or protecting the workers in their mines from what they knew was highly toxic asbestos contaminated ore. Hundreds died and thousands got sick but the bounty for owners was plentiful.
Today, there are still thousands of products from around the world that contain asbestos and other dangerous substances. Its that way because of the profit, for the rest of us, it cost our quality of life and what we pay for healthcare.
America spends over two TRILLION dollars annually on healthcare, and a large amount of that can be contributed to the overwhelming amount of toxins that we allow to be put in most of what we consume. We allow it by not reaching for alternatives, changing a few habits or just out right refusing to purchase products that contain poisons.
The asbestos story is the same as the story of lead, mercury, arsenic and many others in an endless chain of placebo fixes with devastating consequences. Society convincingly sold many of these products to us with little more than a promise to cure label. We find ourselves defending products, like they are family, nurturing a love for them without question. To some they are family, as far as they built the family fortune.
Fluoride is a prime example of this. Its introduction came in the 20s and 30s from ALCOA and the Mellon family, it was a byproduct from mining bauxite to make aluminum for war planes. As it was then, and still today, a byproduct of the phosphate mines, and if not disposed of into our water, it would have to be disposed of at a toxic waste dump. It comes from the scrubbers when making fertilizers.
Fluoride is a known toxin that causes cancer, severe bone fractures and retardation in children. Hundreds of studies have produced scientific evidence supporting the overwhelming consequences for using fluoride. There is not one peer review study demonstrating that ingesting fluoride prevents tooth decay and its use in that capacity is not approved by the FDA. Drinking it to prevent tooth decay is like drinking sunscreen to prevent sunburn.
It was quite successfully used for many decades as rat poisoning and insecticide. Rain runoff from phosphate manufacturing plants has carried their concentrated fluoride into fields, killing dozens of cattle at a time, and into rivers killing thousands of fish, until the EPA ordered the companies to put scrubbers on their equipment and dispose of it off site. It is now being taken to your local water departments. Here is the manufactures safety data sheet, or if your water department fluoridates the water, they are required to send you one upon request.
A major university study conducted over decades compared rates of bone cancer in Northern Ireland, where water is fluoridated, and the South where water is not treated with fluoride. The rates of rare bone cancer (osteosarcoma) were 45% higher in the North. Dr. Robert Carlton, a 20 year career scientist for the EPA, said, "Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time."
Many physicians feel as much as half of the Rheumatism arthritis, that plaques young and old, could be directly connected to the residual effects of fluoride use. Reduced testosterone, fertility, low birthrate and a reduction in IQ in children have all been linked to continual use of fluoride, and yet we throw caution to the wind when it comes our habitual uses of what is so likely to harm us.
Many of our bad choices are linked to irrational behavior. We propose to exercise caution for our choices with love, money and friends, but not so much with the substances we allow ourselves to be exposed to. If we were to embrace the precautionary principal as quickly as we do the next iPhone, it could empower our lives more than any product in history.
Imagine if we had taken the precautionary principal approach towards derivatives, Chernobyl or the Iraq war. There is no austerity program that could possibly equate to the level of savings we all would have, had our congressional leaders listened to those who warned them of the damage those finical weapons of mass-destruction could do. There is no rational that trumps the loss of the many thousands of our kids gone to that fruitless thoughtless war, and the 50,000 more maimed, not to mention the trillion dollars spent.
How many congressman and senators, who voted derivatives into every finical institution in America and gave them the right to leverage their holdings by more that 30 times their value, are standing up and announcing what a good idea that was. Probably the same amount that are eager to explain why we sacrificed our kids to a place that is now worst off then when we went there to fix it.
There is a lot to be said for caution, and why we take the short trip around it. I just don't understand the argument against it.
Northern Ireland isn't fluoridated Southern Ireland is. He got that mixed up.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Health Ministry Finds that Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay
Dental News, April 30th, 2010
Health Ministry Finds that Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay
Statistics from a study conducted by the New Zealand Ministry of Health suggest that there are no advantages derived from fluoridation. These statistics actually match similar arguments set forth by the American Dental Association
Statistics from a study conducted by the New Zealand Ministry of Health suggest that there are no advantages derived from fluoridation. These statistics actually match similar arguments set forth by the American Dental Association.
The latter organization conducted a large study on some 39000 American children and found that they did not derive any advantages from the use of fluoride.
The process of fluoridation is the practice of adding fluoride minerals to a water source so that people can get exposed to the mineral through drinking water. Some bodies of water already have fluoride in them and do not need fluoride added.
The fluoride is allegedly added so that it can help in the prevention of cavity development. The practice of adding fluoride to water is suppose to allow many people, regardless of income, to receive healthy doses of fluoride. Yet, recent studies are revealing that the fluoridation practices do little in terms of cavity prevention, if anything at all.
The study conducted in New Zealand by the Ministry of Health reveals that children living in areas with no fluoride have one percent fewer cavities than those children that reside in regions where fluoridation is offered. Nevertheless, the Health Ministry still asserts that some thirty percent of children will gain some advantages from regular fluoridation.
While the assertion may seem somewhat paradoxical, the statistics offered by the organization mix low and high socioeconomic towns and cities to supply a figure to represent the nation. This mixing of statistics results in a rather poor representation of what is really going on.
Some researchers argue that the statistics would reveal that both groups of tested children would benefit from fluoridation if fluoridation had advantages.
In truth, the statistics are actually revealing that children are simply not benefiting from the use of fluoridation. The bottom line is that the Ministry of Health is trying to make the use of fluoridation sound more promising.
Some researchers suggest that the Ministry is acting against at least fifty years of studies that indicate fluoridation does not provide an adequate defense against cavities.
Health Ministry Finds that Fluoridation Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay
Statistics from a study conducted by the New Zealand Ministry of Health suggest that there are no advantages derived from fluoridation. These statistics actually match similar arguments set forth by the American Dental Association
Statistics from a study conducted by the New Zealand Ministry of Health suggest that there are no advantages derived from fluoridation. These statistics actually match similar arguments set forth by the American Dental Association.
The latter organization conducted a large study on some 39000 American children and found that they did not derive any advantages from the use of fluoride.
The process of fluoridation is the practice of adding fluoride minerals to a water source so that people can get exposed to the mineral through drinking water. Some bodies of water already have fluoride in them and do not need fluoride added.
The fluoride is allegedly added so that it can help in the prevention of cavity development. The practice of adding fluoride to water is suppose to allow many people, regardless of income, to receive healthy doses of fluoride. Yet, recent studies are revealing that the fluoridation practices do little in terms of cavity prevention, if anything at all.
The study conducted in New Zealand by the Ministry of Health reveals that children living in areas with no fluoride have one percent fewer cavities than those children that reside in regions where fluoridation is offered. Nevertheless, the Health Ministry still asserts that some thirty percent of children will gain some advantages from regular fluoridation.
While the assertion may seem somewhat paradoxical, the statistics offered by the organization mix low and high socioeconomic towns and cities to supply a figure to represent the nation. This mixing of statistics results in a rather poor representation of what is really going on.
Some researchers argue that the statistics would reveal that both groups of tested children would benefit from fluoridation if fluoridation had advantages.
In truth, the statistics are actually revealing that children are simply not benefiting from the use of fluoridation. The bottom line is that the Ministry of Health is trying to make the use of fluoridation sound more promising.
Some researchers suggest that the Ministry is acting against at least fifty years of studies that indicate fluoridation does not provide an adequate defense against cavities.
Good, healthy food essential in avoiding cavities, enamel loss
Good, healthy food essential in avoiding cavities, enamel loss
High sugar content in many snacks wreaks havoc on teeth
By LINDA ROSENBAUM, For Postmedia News April 12, 2012 An apple a day may not only keep the doctor at arm's length, it may also keep the dentist at bay.
Eating healthy foods and avoiding snacks and drinks high in sugar help prevent cavities. But good nutritional habits are not always easy for Canadians to maintain. Many of us are drawn to foods high in sugar content and people often snack throughout the day.
"One of the biggest problems is at night," says Suzanne Pupkin, a Toronto dental hygienist. "I have patients who get up during the night and have a glass of apple or orange juice before going back to sleep. It's the worst thing they can do."......
Lots of good advice in full article.
High sugar content in many snacks wreaks havoc on teeth
By LINDA ROSENBAUM, For Postmedia News April 12, 2012 An apple a day may not only keep the doctor at arm's length, it may also keep the dentist at bay.
Eating healthy foods and avoiding snacks and drinks high in sugar help prevent cavities. But good nutritional habits are not always easy for Canadians to maintain. Many of us are drawn to foods high in sugar content and people often snack throughout the day.
"One of the biggest problems is at night," says Suzanne Pupkin, a Toronto dental hygienist. "I have patients who get up during the night and have a glass of apple or orange juice before going back to sleep. It's the worst thing they can do."......
Lots of good advice in full article.
Canada - Fluoride to be discussed
Fluoride to be discussed
Posted 18 hours ago
LAMBTON COUNTY'S MEDICAL Officer of Health, Dr. Christopher Greensmith, and others will speak to Petrolia council about fluoride in the town's drinking water, at council's next meeting on Monday, April 23. Petrolian Al Petersen has asked council to discontinue fluoridation because of concerns about the additive. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the council chamber at Victoria Hall. Greensmith supports fluoridation.
A MEDICAL Officer of Health who didn't support it would not last long in the job.
Posted 18 hours ago
LAMBTON COUNTY'S MEDICAL Officer of Health, Dr. Christopher Greensmith, and others will speak to Petrolia council about fluoride in the town's drinking water, at council's next meeting on Monday, April 23. Petrolian Al Petersen has asked council to discontinue fluoridation because of concerns about the additive. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the council chamber at Victoria Hall. Greensmith supports fluoridation.
A MEDICAL Officer of Health who didn't support it would not last long in the job.
UK - Echo letter

THE Southampton councillor who was "shocked at the fluoride battle" should come to Tamworth.
He would be truly shocked. We have had fluoride forced on our unwitting and unwilling, population for 25 years. For the last nine years I fought to get our council to scrutinise this issue. It took a 1,000-strong residents' petition to finally force debate.
Unlike Southampton's councillors, Tamworth's somehow think it perfectly
OK to discuss and take decisions in secret, excluding even other councillors.
And they stubbornly refused to see or hear any information other than the ludicrously tiny amount they allowed themselves to see. Tamworth's great and good finally came to their decision - to keep fluoride in our water.
I'm so jealous Southampton and Hampshire have such quality politicians who actually listen to their people.
Tamworth, Staffs.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
New research shows that fluoride chemicals added to U.S. public water supplies are not reducing tooth decay
NEW YORK, April 11, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- New research shows that fluoride chemicals added to U.S. public water supplies are not reducing tooth decay as promoted and promised by government agencies, reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF).
Using federal statistics, the West Virginia University Rural Health Research Center reports that urban U.S. children, with more exposure to fluoridated water and dental care, have just as many cavities as less fluoridation-exposed rural children. (1)
The researchers write: "For children's dental health measures, it was found that fluoridation rates were not significantly related to the measures of either caries or overall condition of the teeth for urban or rural areas."
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says fluoridation reduces tooth decay. But, this study and others shows it hasn't. Tooth decay crises are occurring in all fluoridated cities, states and countries. And, the CDC reports the incidence and severity of children's primary tooth decay recently increased.
"Fortunes are wasted on fluoridation schemes that fail to prevent cavities while unnecessarily exposing children to fluoride's adverse drug effects," says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President.
New York City spends millions of dollars annually on fluoridation. Yet another study proves fluoridation fails in NYC also.
NYC's Chinese-American 2-to-11-year-olds, living in the low-income area of Manhattan's Chinatown have much more primary tooth decay when compared to white and other minority groups nationally (NYS Dental Journal June/July 2011).
Most of NYC's Chinese-American children are U.S. born - 63% have primary tooth decay compared to only 38% of children in a national study.
The authors write, "This high prevalence of caries in the primary dentition is also similar to a national survey of children in mainland China, where three out of four children were found to be affected by caries in primary teeth," averaging about 5 decayed teeth.
More evidence that fluoridation fails New York is here
Legislation ( Int 0463-2011 ) is pending to stop fluoridation in New York City. Council Member Peter F. Vallone, Jr, the chief sponsor, says "There is a growing body of evidence that fluoride does more harm than good."
"Fluoride is neither a nutrient nor required for healthy teeth. Fluoridation must end," says Beeber.
Contact: Paul Beeber, JD, 516-433-8882
Using federal statistics, the West Virginia University Rural Health Research Center reports that urban U.S. children, with more exposure to fluoridated water and dental care, have just as many cavities as less fluoridation-exposed rural children. (1)
The researchers write: "For children's dental health measures, it was found that fluoridation rates were not significantly related to the measures of either caries or overall condition of the teeth for urban or rural areas."
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says fluoridation reduces tooth decay. But, this study and others shows it hasn't. Tooth decay crises are occurring in all fluoridated cities, states and countries. And, the CDC reports the incidence and severity of children's primary tooth decay recently increased.
"Fortunes are wasted on fluoridation schemes that fail to prevent cavities while unnecessarily exposing children to fluoride's adverse drug effects," says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President.
New York City spends millions of dollars annually on fluoridation. Yet another study proves fluoridation fails in NYC also.
NYC's Chinese-American 2-to-11-year-olds, living in the low-income area of Manhattan's Chinatown have much more primary tooth decay when compared to white and other minority groups nationally (NYS Dental Journal June/July 2011).
Most of NYC's Chinese-American children are U.S. born - 63% have primary tooth decay compared to only 38% of children in a national study.
The authors write, "This high prevalence of caries in the primary dentition is also similar to a national survey of children in mainland China, where three out of four children were found to be affected by caries in primary teeth," averaging about 5 decayed teeth.
More evidence that fluoridation fails New York is here
Legislation ( Int 0463-2011 ) is pending to stop fluoridation in New York City. Council Member Peter F. Vallone, Jr, the chief sponsor, says "There is a growing body of evidence that fluoride does more harm than good."
"Fluoride is neither a nutrient nor required for healthy teeth. Fluoridation must end," says Beeber.
Contact: Paul Beeber, JD, 516-433-8882
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Ireland - Cutting your teeth on Ireland's dental service
Cutting your teeth on Ireland's dental service
The Irish Times
April 10, 2012
Up to half of children in Ireland have tooth decay by the age of five yet the public dental screening service does not kick in until at least the age of seven
WHEN PARENTS celebrate the milestone of their baby s first tooth at about six months, the prospect of bringing the child to the dentist seems very far off.
Certainly, if they take their lead from the public dental service in this country, it is not something to think about until well into primary school.
But in fact the Irish Dental Association recommends that children are brought for their first check-up by the age of one.
In the US, where it was recently reported that dental decay is on the rise in pre-school children for the first time in 40 years, both the American Academy of Paediatrics and the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry stress the importance of children having a dental home by their first birthday. They are then more likely to receive appropriate preventive and routine oral healthcare.
Up to half of children in Ireland have tooth decay by the age of five yet the public dental screening service does not kick in until at least the age of seven.....
One minute they have wonderful teeth far better than NI apart from 40% fluorosis then you read this.
The Irish Times
April 10, 2012
Up to half of children in Ireland have tooth decay by the age of five yet the public dental screening service does not kick in until at least the age of seven
WHEN PARENTS celebrate the milestone of their baby s first tooth at about six months, the prospect of bringing the child to the dentist seems very far off.
Certainly, if they take their lead from the public dental service in this country, it is not something to think about until well into primary school.
But in fact the Irish Dental Association recommends that children are brought for their first check-up by the age of one.
In the US, where it was recently reported that dental decay is on the rise in pre-school children for the first time in 40 years, both the American Academy of Paediatrics and the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry stress the importance of children having a dental home by their first birthday. They are then more likely to receive appropriate preventive and routine oral healthcare.
Up to half of children in Ireland have tooth decay by the age of five yet the public dental screening service does not kick in until at least the age of seven.....
One minute they have wonderful teeth far better than NI apart from 40% fluorosis then you read this.
Monday, April 09, 2012
UK - Should we fluoridate our water supply? No, says Elizabeth A McDonagh
Should we fluoridate our water supply? No, says Elizabeth A McDonagh
by Our Correspondent, Western MailApr 9 2012
OUR principal objection to water fluoridation is that it is indiscriminate mass-medication by the state.
Fluoridated water is presented by health authorities as having the properties to prevent tooth decay, especially in children.
It thus fulfils the European Union’s definition of a medicinal product for human use – “any substance or combination of substances presented as having properties for treating or preventing disease in human beings”.
Article five of the Council of Europe’s Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine enshrines the individual’s right to withhold consent to any medical intervention.
It is significant that UK and Ireland (the Republic), which have fluoridated water supplies, have failed to sign this important agreement.
Fluoride, internalised during tooth development, can cause teeth to become permanently mottled and stained, a condition known as “dental fluorosis”.
One part per million (ppm) of fluoride in drinking water – the so-called optimal level at which dental fluorosis was expected to be very mild – has been reduced independently by several fluoridating countries, including Hong Kong, Canada and Ireland, because at 1ppm, the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis became unacceptable.
There has never been a high quality scientific study showing that water containing 1ppm fluoride has any worthwhile lasting benefit to teeth.
Comparisons of DMF rates between different areas are misleading because they take no account of the many factors that influence tooth decay, such as sugar consumption and expenditure on preventive treatments.
Much clearer evidence exists for the effectiveness of topical fluoride applications (toothpastes, gels and varnishes), which do not involve coercion.
Since the introduction of fluoride toothpastes in the 1970s, most Western countries have shown marked improvement in tooth decay rates regardless of fluoridation status.
Forcing water consumers to ingest fluoride in their drinking water without their individual, informed consent doesn’t make sense because fluoride has never been shown to have any essential physiological role in humans.
After about 50 years of dentists’ belief that fluoride had to be ingested to benefit teeth, the US Center for Disease Control wrote, in 1999: “Fluoride prevents dental caries predominately after eruption of the tooth into the mouth, and its actions primarily are topical for both adults and children.” So swallowing fluoride isn’t necessary.
It is impossible to control the daily amount anyone receives. That depends on how much fluoridated water is drunk but also on how much fluoride is obtained from other sources – foods, including drinks, pharmaceuticals and air pollution.
Fluoride is a poison. It interferes with vital cell functions and cannot be justifiably represented as a beneficial supplement.
The World Health Organisation’s guideline value (the recommended maximum on safety grounds) in drinking water is 1.5mg per litre, which is 1.5ppm. This maximum is reflected in the EU’s current drinking water directive. Thus, there is a very narrow margin between the 1ppm advocated for fluoridation schemes and the 1.5ppm maximum to avoid cumulative harm.
In India, high natural levels of fluoride in ground water have crippled millions of relatively young people. India has adopted an absolute maximum for fluoride in drinking water of 1ppm but recommends “the less, the better”.
Many people in the UK are already over-exposed to fluoride, with 25% getting more than is safe. This figure rises to 67% in fluoridated areas.
The US National Research Council’s Review Fluoride in Drinking Water (2006) identifies “susceptible subpopulations” in respect of fluoride. Infants and small children are highly susceptible to fluoride’s toxicity.
With water fluoridation, fluoride goes to everybody who drinks the water, from the very young to the very old and to people in all states of health. Even the toothless get their daily dose.
Baby formula mixed with fluoridated water could supply a baby with up to 200 times as much fluoride as mother’s milk – a number of studies indicate naturally-occurring fluoride, at levels not much higher than 1ppm, lowers IQ in children.
Typically, kidneys remove only a third to half of a person’s fluoride intake. Retained fluoride accumulates throughout life and is stored mainly in the bones. This may lead, years later, to pain or fracture and the cause may go unrecognised.
Absurdly, fluoride is added to all the piped water leaving the treatment works but less than 1% of that water is consumed by children. The rest is lost in leaks; is used by industry or domestically for bathing, laundry, washing the car, irrigating the garden and flushing the toilet.
The Water Act 2003 removed a water company’s former discretion to fluoridate or not. A three-month public consultation must be held prior to any new scheme. Despite many Parliamentary assurances that fluoridation would not be imposed without a majority of the affected population in favour, the wording of the regulation on consultations allowed the South Central Strategic Health Authority to ignore the wishes of the population of Southampton and South West Hampshire who were consulted in 2008.
Almost three-quarters (72%) of the written responses to that consultation rejected fluoridation but South Central Strategic Health Authority voted unanimously to fluoridate and still plans to do so although SHAs in England will be abolished in April 2013.
Proposing new schemes and terminating existing schemes in England will subsequently become the responsibility of local authorities. All affected councils in Southampton and south west Hampshire are opposed to the planned scheme and it is hoped they will jointly propose its termination at the earliest opportunity.
In Wales, the responsibility for proposing new schemes – and terminating existing schemes if there ever are any – becomes the responsibility of the Welsh Government. The National Pure Water Association (NPWA) understands it has no current plans to do so.
Since 1999, oral health in Welsh children has been addressed by the Designed to Smile programme. The programme’s protocols vary with age group, and include educational initiatives, tooth brushing with fluoride toothpaste and professionally applied topical fluoride treatments. The results are being evaluated.
Meanwhile, the Assembly’s children and young people committee has investigated the issue and in its report said the Welsh Government should keep the evidence for fluoridating water supplies in Wales “under review”.
We would urge Welsh residents both to write to their AMs, asking them to reject all calls to fluoridate Welsh water supplies, and to lobby the UK government for the repeal of the fluoridation sections of the Water Industry Act 1991 as amended.
The NPWA has campaigned against water fluoridation, nationally and internationally, for more than 50 years. NPWA has called for a halt to all UK fluoridation schemes and for all legislation regarding water fluoridation to be withdrawn from the statute books.
by Our Correspondent, Western MailApr 9 2012
OUR principal objection to water fluoridation is that it is indiscriminate mass-medication by the state.
Fluoridated water is presented by health authorities as having the properties to prevent tooth decay, especially in children.
It thus fulfils the European Union’s definition of a medicinal product for human use – “any substance or combination of substances presented as having properties for treating or preventing disease in human beings”.
Article five of the Council of Europe’s Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine enshrines the individual’s right to withhold consent to any medical intervention.
It is significant that UK and Ireland (the Republic), which have fluoridated water supplies, have failed to sign this important agreement.
Fluoride, internalised during tooth development, can cause teeth to become permanently mottled and stained, a condition known as “dental fluorosis”.
One part per million (ppm) of fluoride in drinking water – the so-called optimal level at which dental fluorosis was expected to be very mild – has been reduced independently by several fluoridating countries, including Hong Kong, Canada and Ireland, because at 1ppm, the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis became unacceptable.
There has never been a high quality scientific study showing that water containing 1ppm fluoride has any worthwhile lasting benefit to teeth.
Comparisons of DMF rates between different areas are misleading because they take no account of the many factors that influence tooth decay, such as sugar consumption and expenditure on preventive treatments.
Much clearer evidence exists for the effectiveness of topical fluoride applications (toothpastes, gels and varnishes), which do not involve coercion.
Since the introduction of fluoride toothpastes in the 1970s, most Western countries have shown marked improvement in tooth decay rates regardless of fluoridation status.
Forcing water consumers to ingest fluoride in their drinking water without their individual, informed consent doesn’t make sense because fluoride has never been shown to have any essential physiological role in humans.
After about 50 years of dentists’ belief that fluoride had to be ingested to benefit teeth, the US Center for Disease Control wrote, in 1999: “Fluoride prevents dental caries predominately after eruption of the tooth into the mouth, and its actions primarily are topical for both adults and children.” So swallowing fluoride isn’t necessary.
It is impossible to control the daily amount anyone receives. That depends on how much fluoridated water is drunk but also on how much fluoride is obtained from other sources – foods, including drinks, pharmaceuticals and air pollution.
Fluoride is a poison. It interferes with vital cell functions and cannot be justifiably represented as a beneficial supplement.
The World Health Organisation’s guideline value (the recommended maximum on safety grounds) in drinking water is 1.5mg per litre, which is 1.5ppm. This maximum is reflected in the EU’s current drinking water directive. Thus, there is a very narrow margin between the 1ppm advocated for fluoridation schemes and the 1.5ppm maximum to avoid cumulative harm.
In India, high natural levels of fluoride in ground water have crippled millions of relatively young people. India has adopted an absolute maximum for fluoride in drinking water of 1ppm but recommends “the less, the better”.
Many people in the UK are already over-exposed to fluoride, with 25% getting more than is safe. This figure rises to 67% in fluoridated areas.
The US National Research Council’s Review Fluoride in Drinking Water (2006) identifies “susceptible subpopulations” in respect of fluoride. Infants and small children are highly susceptible to fluoride’s toxicity.
With water fluoridation, fluoride goes to everybody who drinks the water, from the very young to the very old and to people in all states of health. Even the toothless get their daily dose.
Baby formula mixed with fluoridated water could supply a baby with up to 200 times as much fluoride as mother’s milk – a number of studies indicate naturally-occurring fluoride, at levels not much higher than 1ppm, lowers IQ in children.
Typically, kidneys remove only a third to half of a person’s fluoride intake. Retained fluoride accumulates throughout life and is stored mainly in the bones. This may lead, years later, to pain or fracture and the cause may go unrecognised.
Absurdly, fluoride is added to all the piped water leaving the treatment works but less than 1% of that water is consumed by children. The rest is lost in leaks; is used by industry or domestically for bathing, laundry, washing the car, irrigating the garden and flushing the toilet.
The Water Act 2003 removed a water company’s former discretion to fluoridate or not. A three-month public consultation must be held prior to any new scheme. Despite many Parliamentary assurances that fluoridation would not be imposed without a majority of the affected population in favour, the wording of the regulation on consultations allowed the South Central Strategic Health Authority to ignore the wishes of the population of Southampton and South West Hampshire who were consulted in 2008.
Almost three-quarters (72%) of the written responses to that consultation rejected fluoridation but South Central Strategic Health Authority voted unanimously to fluoridate and still plans to do so although SHAs in England will be abolished in April 2013.
Proposing new schemes and terminating existing schemes in England will subsequently become the responsibility of local authorities. All affected councils in Southampton and south west Hampshire are opposed to the planned scheme and it is hoped they will jointly propose its termination at the earliest opportunity.
In Wales, the responsibility for proposing new schemes – and terminating existing schemes if there ever are any – becomes the responsibility of the Welsh Government. The National Pure Water Association (NPWA) understands it has no current plans to do so.
Since 1999, oral health in Welsh children has been addressed by the Designed to Smile programme. The programme’s protocols vary with age group, and include educational initiatives, tooth brushing with fluoride toothpaste and professionally applied topical fluoride treatments. The results are being evaluated.
Meanwhile, the Assembly’s children and young people committee has investigated the issue and in its report said the Welsh Government should keep the evidence for fluoridating water supplies in Wales “under review”.
We would urge Welsh residents both to write to their AMs, asking them to reject all calls to fluoridate Welsh water supplies, and to lobby the UK government for the repeal of the fluoridation sections of the Water Industry Act 1991 as amended.
The NPWA has campaigned against water fluoridation, nationally and internationally, for more than 50 years. NPWA has called for a halt to all UK fluoridation schemes and for all legislation regarding water fluoridation to be withdrawn from the statute books.
UK - Echo - Fluoride: still fighting

IT SEEMS all very quiet at the moment regarding the fluoride proposal.
Just to let everyone know, we, the campaigners, haven't gone away and have no intention of doing so. I and many others will be glad when the SHA can understand that people don't want fluoride added to their water supply.
Even Southern Water has admitted that it would be very difficult for them to implement such a scheme.
The SHA must understand that we still live in a democratic country and we want our water left alone, free of a toxic fluoride.
It is unthinkable that they want to add this to our water when it is dangerous to our health, especially babies. There is more evidence against fluoride than for it. What normal person would want it?
MRS KENCHINGTON, address supplied.
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Canada - Let's find out more about fluoride
Let's find out more about fluoride
By Judith Ann Parent, The Windsor Star April 7, 2012 Re: Fluoride debate: Advice for city council, Star editorial, March 19.
Although this editorial speaks loudly for those who support adding hydrofluorosilicic acid/HFS known as "fluoride" to our water, such as the Ontario Dental Association, Health Canada and others, simply supporting something does not make it safe.
In all fairness, Windsor, LaSalle and Tecumseh residents deserve to be informed about the negative effects fluoride has on our health. Since its inception here in Windsor in 1953, clinical data or toxicological studies have never been done to prove the safety of HFS.
In fact, both the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine have reported a greater incidence of hip fractures in fluoridated areas. The National Institute of Environmental and Health Services has linked fluoridation with some cancers.
Although HFS is well known to cause dental fluorosis on teeth, it can also have an adverse effect on bones (known as skeletal fluorosis), impair kidney function, reduce thyroid activity and more. The potential for harm increases as the amount that we ingest and absorb increases.
For instance, infants drink more for their body size, and their kidneys aren't fully developed and able to filter out as much fluoride as an adult can, so this puts them at higher risk for fluoride-associated health problems.
For the sake of everyone's health, let's follow the lead of Lakeshore, Amherstburg and the rest of Essex County by being cautious until more is known about the true safety of fluoride, and make the decision to stop adding this toxic substance to Windsor, Tecumseh and LaSalle's water.
A five-year moratorium is a good place to start.
By Judith Ann Parent, The Windsor Star April 7, 2012 Re: Fluoride debate: Advice for city council, Star editorial, March 19.
Although this editorial speaks loudly for those who support adding hydrofluorosilicic acid/HFS known as "fluoride" to our water, such as the Ontario Dental Association, Health Canada and others, simply supporting something does not make it safe.
In all fairness, Windsor, LaSalle and Tecumseh residents deserve to be informed about the negative effects fluoride has on our health. Since its inception here in Windsor in 1953, clinical data or toxicological studies have never been done to prove the safety of HFS.
In fact, both the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine have reported a greater incidence of hip fractures in fluoridated areas. The National Institute of Environmental and Health Services has linked fluoridation with some cancers.
Although HFS is well known to cause dental fluorosis on teeth, it can also have an adverse effect on bones (known as skeletal fluorosis), impair kidney function, reduce thyroid activity and more. The potential for harm increases as the amount that we ingest and absorb increases.
For instance, infants drink more for their body size, and their kidneys aren't fully developed and able to filter out as much fluoride as an adult can, so this puts them at higher risk for fluoride-associated health problems.
For the sake of everyone's health, let's follow the lead of Lakeshore, Amherstburg and the rest of Essex County by being cautious until more is known about the true safety of fluoride, and make the decision to stop adding this toxic substance to Windsor, Tecumseh and LaSalle's water.
A five-year moratorium is a good place to start.
North Americans dumbed down by government putting fluoride in drinking water
Video on web page.
Water, or H20, is essential for human existence. And it ought to go without saying that without clean, unpolluted water humanity is imperiled. Yet in the 1930s a cabal of elites including titans of the aluminum industry and nascent nuclear industry decided to rid themselves of the problem of disposing with the toxic substance of fluoride by lobbying for its addition to civilian drinking water.
Edward Bernays, the founding father of modern propaganda was hired to sell water-fluoridation to the American people as was Dr. Harold Hodge who was the chief toxicologist for the Manhatten project.
Last year Calgary’s city council, after coming under pressure from citizen anti-fluoride activists, voted to stop imposing the potentially harmful substance on the people of Calgary. But citizens in many other North American cities are still being forcefully medicated by unethical politicians who appear to be influenced more by powerful vested interests than by common sense.
Cities like here in Lethbridge, Alberta where water is still fluoridated much to the displeasure of many of its residents.
With at least 18 peer-reviewed studies demonstrating that elevated levels of fluoride exposure leads to IQ deficits in children, along with many other potential afflictions, one cannot help wondering whether those in power know that they benefit from having a dumbed down citizenry and thus continue to pump fluoride into the public’s water to foster acquiescence to their hegemony.
Water, or H20, is essential for human existence. And it ought to go without saying that without clean, unpolluted water humanity is imperiled. Yet in the 1930s a cabal of elites including titans of the aluminum industry and nascent nuclear industry decided to rid themselves of the problem of disposing with the toxic substance of fluoride by lobbying for its addition to civilian drinking water.
Edward Bernays, the founding father of modern propaganda was hired to sell water-fluoridation to the American people as was Dr. Harold Hodge who was the chief toxicologist for the Manhatten project.
Last year Calgary’s city council, after coming under pressure from citizen anti-fluoride activists, voted to stop imposing the potentially harmful substance on the people of Calgary. But citizens in many other North American cities are still being forcefully medicated by unethical politicians who appear to be influenced more by powerful vested interests than by common sense.
Cities like here in Lethbridge, Alberta where water is still fluoridated much to the displeasure of many of its residents.
With at least 18 peer-reviewed studies demonstrating that elevated levels of fluoride exposure leads to IQ deficits in children, along with many other potential afflictions, one cannot help wondering whether those in power know that they benefit from having a dumbed down citizenry and thus continue to pump fluoride into the public’s water to foster acquiescence to their hegemony.
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Sugar and Toddlers’ Teeth

Sugar and Toddlers’ Teeth
by Ruth Kinzey in Refresh
Apr. 6, 2012 3:39pmRSS
If you are a parent who has toddlers, you can’t help but be concerned about news reports describing the increase in preschoolers’ tooth decay.
Nationwide, dentists are seeing a surge in this medical problem, which doesn’t appear to be linked to any specific income level. And although the CDC reported in 2007 that preventive measures, such as sealants, had helped reduce decay in children six and older, there were warning signs even then for children ages two to five years.
One contributor to this trend appears to be linked to the sugar found in juices and snacks. In December, The Environmental Working Group (EWG) announced the results of a study in which two-thirds of the 84 brands of children’s breakfast cereals reviewed contained more added sugar by weight than government recommended. In fact, the EWG discovered that only one out of every four cereals for children met their recommendations.
Fruit juices, a favorite of many young children, contribute to the level of sugar passing through the mouths of these babes as well. Add to the equation carbohydrate-rich foods, filled with sugars and starches, which are fed to little ones in the form of ready-to-go-processed snacks, and the toddlers are likely collecting a mouthful of future cavities.
Even gummy vitamins, while supplying important vitamins and minerals, can be problematic due to the soft and sticky residue left on baby teeth.
Friday, April 06, 2012
USA - SG bill to implement fluoride filters
To protect the health needs of more students, Student Government is working on a plan to implement safer drinking water.
Student Government passed a bill last week to install fluoride filters on at least two drinking fountains on campus, making UT the first college in the nation to offer such a plan, said Student Government representative Robert Love, public affairs graduate student and author of the bill. Love said he hopes to unveil the fluoride-free fountains by the end of the semester but is still waiting on a signature from the Student Government president and approval from the University.
“We’ve all heard that fluoride is good for our teeth because it’s in our toothpaste,” Love said. “But the toothpaste label says not to swallow. When the fluoride is in the water, it is being swallowed so it’s not just on our teeth anymore. It’s in our bodies where it’s not helpful.”
Love said fluoride is especially harmful to those with kidney disease, thyroid disease and diabetes. Fluoride forces the kidneys to work harder because it is another substance to filter, replaces iodine in the thyroid and because people with diabetes must drink more water, they are more at risk of developing brittle bones if the water contains fluoride, Love said.
“The resolution will be signed,” said outgoing Student Government President Natalie Butler. “I think it is fine that those students who are concerned about fluoride have options on campus.”
Love said the cost of the filtered fountains is estimated at about $200 per fountain per year, which is much cheaper than originally estimated. He said he hopes this increases support.
Love said he does not support all the fountains being filtered because he believes students deserve a choice.
“Having clean water is so important to having good health,” Love said. “If there is something wrong with the water, it hurts the people and the plants and animals we eat because they also drink that water. Water fluoridation is an issue of helping those who cannot afford dental care but at the expense of others. If you are going to enact a health policy, it needs to help everyone.”
American studies senior Taylor Metting said she has osteopenia, an early form of osteoporosis, and dental fluorosis, a condition resulting from fluoride replacing calcium in teeth. She said her doctor recommends she consume as little fluoride as possible, so she has had to avoid drinking water on campus unless she brings her own treated water, which gets expensive.
“The fact that people are unaware of the potential negative health effects of fluoride is disheartening, and having fluoride-free fountains could help educate people on this topic,” Metting said.
Water naturally includes fluoride, but the government adds more in an attempt to prevent cavities, Love said.
“This is really great for the University,” Love said. “Hopefully we can get more than two filtered fountains so people all over campus can get fluoride-free water.”
Student Government passed a bill last week to install fluoride filters on at least two drinking fountains on campus, making UT the first college in the nation to offer such a plan, said Student Government representative Robert Love, public affairs graduate student and author of the bill. Love said he hopes to unveil the fluoride-free fountains by the end of the semester but is still waiting on a signature from the Student Government president and approval from the University.
“We’ve all heard that fluoride is good for our teeth because it’s in our toothpaste,” Love said. “But the toothpaste label says not to swallow. When the fluoride is in the water, it is being swallowed so it’s not just on our teeth anymore. It’s in our bodies where it’s not helpful.”
Love said fluoride is especially harmful to those with kidney disease, thyroid disease and diabetes. Fluoride forces the kidneys to work harder because it is another substance to filter, replaces iodine in the thyroid and because people with diabetes must drink more water, they are more at risk of developing brittle bones if the water contains fluoride, Love said.
“The resolution will be signed,” said outgoing Student Government President Natalie Butler. “I think it is fine that those students who are concerned about fluoride have options on campus.”
Love said the cost of the filtered fountains is estimated at about $200 per fountain per year, which is much cheaper than originally estimated. He said he hopes this increases support.
Love said he does not support all the fountains being filtered because he believes students deserve a choice.
“Having clean water is so important to having good health,” Love said. “If there is something wrong with the water, it hurts the people and the plants and animals we eat because they also drink that water. Water fluoridation is an issue of helping those who cannot afford dental care but at the expense of others. If you are going to enact a health policy, it needs to help everyone.”
American studies senior Taylor Metting said she has osteopenia, an early form of osteoporosis, and dental fluorosis, a condition resulting from fluoride replacing calcium in teeth. She said her doctor recommends she consume as little fluoride as possible, so she has had to avoid drinking water on campus unless she brings her own treated water, which gets expensive.
“The fact that people are unaware of the potential negative health effects of fluoride is disheartening, and having fluoride-free fountains could help educate people on this topic,” Metting said.
Water naturally includes fluoride, but the government adds more in an attempt to prevent cavities, Love said.
“This is really great for the University,” Love said. “Hopefully we can get more than two filtered fountains so people all over campus can get fluoride-free water.”
Thursday, April 05, 2012
USA - An unnecessary additive
An unnecessary additive
Thursday, April 5, 2012
We are very concerned that total fluoride exposure is not safe for children. EPA is relying on outdated science to support this increase in fluoride exposure. – Richard Wiles
From the "should be a bigger news story than it is" file comes this alarming reality: The New Jersey Legislature is attempting to pass bills that would require the addition of fluoride to every public water supply in the state. With little or no public input or address regarding this topic, our state leaders have chosen to pursue the addition of MORE fluoride to public water. Conversationally referred to as the "New Jersey Public Water Supply Fluoridation Act" in both houses, S-959 has already received a favorable vote from the Senate subcommittee, while the Assembly is pondering the outcome of Bill 1811 in this session.
Oh big deal, you say. Fluoride is good for your teeth because it protects the enamel. It occurs naturally in many aquifers. While both of these things are true, neither statement tells the whole story. In fact, getting a full account of fluoride – its dental benefits, natural presence in water, and possible side-effects – is no easy task for the casual observer. However, after a few hours’ research on the Internet, I have been able to discern a few things regarding this elusive topic.
1: Currently only 20 percent of New Jersey residents are exposed to added fluoride in their drinking water. This makes NJ the fourth-least fluoridated state in America. 2: Fluoride’s benefit to dental enamel is purely topical, so it makes no sense to ingest it into the body by placing it in drinking water. 3: Too much fluoride in the body can lead to organ damage, including that of the thyroid and the brain. It can also reduce IQ levels in children and cause teeth to become brittle from overexposure, a condition called dental fluorosis. 4: In January 2011, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) proposed a lowering of fluoride levels in municipal water supplies, so why on earth are NJ legislators attempting to increase population exposure to this hazardous additive? 5: Fluoride is easily obtained by using toothpaste that contains it, so why is it necessary to put it into our water supply as well?
From the way it is treated by our culture, you’d think fluoride was a magical element, worthy of protection and the utmost secrecy (kind of like Dick Cheney). I remember brushing my teeth as a kid and being strongly encouraged by my mother not to swallow the toothpaste. It was terrible-tasting stuff anyway, so that wasn’t a problem, but it was many years before I understood why I wasn’t to ingest any of that minty froth. Fluoride seemed to be a friend, but only when used properly. It is, in reality, a serious poison. Like mercury, it can be useful in very small doses, but you wouldn’t want to experience an overdose of it.
In anticipation of these pending bills becoming law, many New Jersey municipalities – including Butler, Riverdale, and West Milford – are drafting their own resolutions against the force-feeding of fluoride into the water supply. Regardless of the health implications discussed above, the towns are primarily taking issue with the expense of such a project. Calling it an unfunded mandate from the state, they are rejecting it because the high cost of initializing and maintaining fluoride programs will be passed on directly to state taxpayers.
When you think about how little of the fluoridated water will actually be used to prevent dental decay, it makes sense to reject the notion altogether. Consider how many residents buy spring water instead of drinking from the tap, and how many others use filtration systems that will probably eliminate fluoride on its way into the home. Yet nearly everyone uses water from the tap to wash their clothes, their bodies, their floors, and to water their plants, gardens, and vegetables. So all of that preciously-laden fluoride water will be running off into the sewer drains instead of into our bodies, its intended target. What a waste!
Join me and the NJ League of Municipalities, the NJ Sierra Club, the NJ Business and Industry Association, and the citizens' group No Fluoride New Jersey in standing up against these ridiculous, expensive, potentially dangerous bills.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
We are very concerned that total fluoride exposure is not safe for children. EPA is relying on outdated science to support this increase in fluoride exposure. – Richard Wiles
From the "should be a bigger news story than it is" file comes this alarming reality: The New Jersey Legislature is attempting to pass bills that would require the addition of fluoride to every public water supply in the state. With little or no public input or address regarding this topic, our state leaders have chosen to pursue the addition of MORE fluoride to public water. Conversationally referred to as the "New Jersey Public Water Supply Fluoridation Act" in both houses, S-959 has already received a favorable vote from the Senate subcommittee, while the Assembly is pondering the outcome of Bill 1811 in this session.
Oh big deal, you say. Fluoride is good for your teeth because it protects the enamel. It occurs naturally in many aquifers. While both of these things are true, neither statement tells the whole story. In fact, getting a full account of fluoride – its dental benefits, natural presence in water, and possible side-effects – is no easy task for the casual observer. However, after a few hours’ research on the Internet, I have been able to discern a few things regarding this elusive topic.
1: Currently only 20 percent of New Jersey residents are exposed to added fluoride in their drinking water. This makes NJ the fourth-least fluoridated state in America. 2: Fluoride’s benefit to dental enamel is purely topical, so it makes no sense to ingest it into the body by placing it in drinking water. 3: Too much fluoride in the body can lead to organ damage, including that of the thyroid and the brain. It can also reduce IQ levels in children and cause teeth to become brittle from overexposure, a condition called dental fluorosis. 4: In January 2011, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) proposed a lowering of fluoride levels in municipal water supplies, so why on earth are NJ legislators attempting to increase population exposure to this hazardous additive? 5: Fluoride is easily obtained by using toothpaste that contains it, so why is it necessary to put it into our water supply as well?
From the way it is treated by our culture, you’d think fluoride was a magical element, worthy of protection and the utmost secrecy (kind of like Dick Cheney). I remember brushing my teeth as a kid and being strongly encouraged by my mother not to swallow the toothpaste. It was terrible-tasting stuff anyway, so that wasn’t a problem, but it was many years before I understood why I wasn’t to ingest any of that minty froth. Fluoride seemed to be a friend, but only when used properly. It is, in reality, a serious poison. Like mercury, it can be useful in very small doses, but you wouldn’t want to experience an overdose of it.
In anticipation of these pending bills becoming law, many New Jersey municipalities – including Butler, Riverdale, and West Milford – are drafting their own resolutions against the force-feeding of fluoride into the water supply. Regardless of the health implications discussed above, the towns are primarily taking issue with the expense of such a project. Calling it an unfunded mandate from the state, they are rejecting it because the high cost of initializing and maintaining fluoride programs will be passed on directly to state taxpayers.
When you think about how little of the fluoridated water will actually be used to prevent dental decay, it makes sense to reject the notion altogether. Consider how many residents buy spring water instead of drinking from the tap, and how many others use filtration systems that will probably eliminate fluoride on its way into the home. Yet nearly everyone uses water from the tap to wash their clothes, their bodies, their floors, and to water their plants, gardens, and vegetables. So all of that preciously-laden fluoride water will be running off into the sewer drains instead of into our bodies, its intended target. What a waste!
Join me and the NJ League of Municipalities, the NJ Sierra Club, the NJ Business and Industry Association, and the citizens' group No Fluoride New Jersey in standing up against these ridiculous, expensive, potentially dangerous bills.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Time to Tax Sugary Drinks
Time to Tax Sugary Drinks
April 02, 2012|Michael Jacobson | U.S. News & World ReportThere is no doubt that too much sugar, in the form of high-fructose corn syrup found in soft drinks and plain cane or beet sugar, is a prime cause of weight gain, obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, and other problems. Federal, state, and local governments, as well as the food industry itself, have a responsibility to inform consumers of the problem and implement measures that get people eating less sugar.
Soda pop and other sugar-based drinks are the single largest source of calories in the American diet. Given the fact that obesity and diabetes are such expensive diseases to treat, it makes sense for governments to levy taxes on sugar-based drinks, both to raise revenue and to reduce consumption. Many states already tax soda and snack foods, so it's hardly a novel idea. A tax could raise billions of dollars and, depending on the rate, reduce consumption, particularly among minors. Governments could use some of that revenue to fund health-promotion programs, such as the hard-hitting campaigns that New York City is sponsoring.......
Good idea rather than keep on about fluoride.
April 02, 2012|Michael Jacobson | U.S. News & World ReportThere is no doubt that too much sugar, in the form of high-fructose corn syrup found in soft drinks and plain cane or beet sugar, is a prime cause of weight gain, obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, and other problems. Federal, state, and local governments, as well as the food industry itself, have a responsibility to inform consumers of the problem and implement measures that get people eating less sugar.
Soda pop and other sugar-based drinks are the single largest source of calories in the American diet. Given the fact that obesity and diabetes are such expensive diseases to treat, it makes sense for governments to levy taxes on sugar-based drinks, both to raise revenue and to reduce consumption. Many states already tax soda and snack foods, so it's hardly a novel idea. A tax could raise billions of dollars and, depending on the rate, reduce consumption, particularly among minors. Governments could use some of that revenue to fund health-promotion programs, such as the hard-hitting campaigns that New York City is sponsoring.......
Good idea rather than keep on about fluoride.
What damage is fluoride doing?
What damage is fluoride doing?
By Tia Toutant, The Windsor Star April 4, 2012 12:00 AM Re: Demand an end to fluoride in water, by Alice Daglian, March 29.
Thank you, Mrs. Daglian, for bringing the issue of dental fluorosis to the public's attention. As you mentioned, this is a disease caused by ingesting too much fluoride.
My son suffers from dental fluorosis. He was diagnosed when he was only three years old at his first dental appointment. I was shocked to learn that his teeth will be permanently discoloured and damaged because of fluoride.
My son had never been exposed to fluoride by way of toothpaste or dental products, only the fluoride found in our drinking water supply and what was in the baby formula.
This was another fact I was shocked and sad to learn that babies fed formula mixed with fluoridated water are exposed to a lot more fluoride than breastfed babies. I'd nursed my son for the first year before switching to formula.
As my son's permanent teeth are growing in, we can see the effects of dental fluorosis on them. I wish I'd known of the dangers of ingesting fluoride.
And we can only wonder what the biological effects of this disease mean for my son's bones, brain and other tissues. And because water filter systems adequate to remove fluoride are so expensive, we're sickened by the fact that we continue to have to expose him to this toxin so long as it is added to our municipal water supply.
By Tia Toutant, The Windsor Star April 4, 2012 12:00 AM Re: Demand an end to fluoride in water, by Alice Daglian, March 29.
Thank you, Mrs. Daglian, for bringing the issue of dental fluorosis to the public's attention. As you mentioned, this is a disease caused by ingesting too much fluoride.
My son suffers from dental fluorosis. He was diagnosed when he was only three years old at his first dental appointment. I was shocked to learn that his teeth will be permanently discoloured and damaged because of fluoride.
My son had never been exposed to fluoride by way of toothpaste or dental products, only the fluoride found in our drinking water supply and what was in the baby formula.
This was another fact I was shocked and sad to learn that babies fed formula mixed with fluoridated water are exposed to a lot more fluoride than breastfed babies. I'd nursed my son for the first year before switching to formula.
As my son's permanent teeth are growing in, we can see the effects of dental fluorosis on them. I wish I'd known of the dangers of ingesting fluoride.
And we can only wonder what the biological effects of this disease mean for my son's bones, brain and other tissues. And because water filter systems adequate to remove fluoride are so expensive, we're sickened by the fact that we continue to have to expose him to this toxin so long as it is added to our municipal water supply.
USA - These things have ruined our endocrine health
April 3, 2012
These things have ruined our endocrine health Cumberland Times-News The Cumberland Times-News Tue Apr 03, 2012, 08:36 PM EDT
2012 — It has been known since 1945 in Europe that sugar was the main culprit in weight gain.
It is interesting how the sugar and dental lobbies during this time period got together to promote their so called silver bullet for tooth decay called water fluoridation.
Sixty years later their promotion efforts on this so called preventive health program has in effect ruined the endocrine health of millions of Americans.
In the February, 2012 Blaylock Wellness Report, Dr. Russell Blaylock had a great review on “The Secret Science of Losing Fat.”
He spells out clearly, how the mainstream thoughts of too many calories and too little exercise rarely succeed in shedding unwanted fat or solving this health disaster.
He goes into detail about how sugar and additives such as fluoride and glutamate contribute to our obesity epidemic.
Blaylock states, “I am convinced that fluoridated water and the use of fluoride tablets for small children has led to the epidemic of hypothyroidism or thyroid deficiency, in the United States. When the thyroid is underactive, our cholesterol levels spike, and we become obese.”
Water fluoridation has be a complete failure, because it does not reduce tooth decay, but instead it harms the endocrine health for humans and animals alike. Fluoride is a well known protoplasmic poison that inhibits all types of enzymes and hydrogen bonds. These enzymes are the basic building blocks of life.
Back in 20006, I saw a presentation by Kathleen Thiessen, PhD., called fluoride effects on the endocrine system. Her findings as a member of the NRC’s review of fluoride was quite eye opening.
Part of her discussion focused on fluorides effects on the thyroid coupled with an interference with glucose metabolism.
Some studies report increased blood glucose, decreased insulin, impaired glucose tolerance.
One study (Trivedi et al. 1993) showed impaired glucose tolerance in 40 percemt of young adults with endemic fluorosis. Fasting serum glucose concentrations related to serum fluoride concentrations. Impaired glucose tolerance reversed after six months with reduced fluoride intake.
From this information, I felt that there could be a strong association between obesity related endocrine disorders and the consumption of additives to our diets like fluoride, MSG and aspartame.
Last fall Ronald Fetsko, PhD. PAC., did a presentation in Frostburg on a weight loss program called HCG. This weight loss program helps the patient take back control of their declining endocrine health, even if they have developed type II diabetes, impaired thyroid function, and high blood pressure.
His practice is a testament that the secret to optimal health lies in a better understanding of how nutrition and food additives are affecting your endocrine system.
The future of preventive health care is truly a better focus on improving endocrine health and discarding outdated practices that do more harm than good.
Bernard W. Miltenberger
April 3, 2012
These things have ruined our endocrine health Cumberland Times-News The Cumberland Times-News Tue Apr 03, 2012, 08:36 PM EDT
2012 — It has been known since 1945 in Europe that sugar was the main culprit in weight gain.
It is interesting how the sugar and dental lobbies during this time period got together to promote their so called silver bullet for tooth decay called water fluoridation.
Sixty years later their promotion efforts on this so called preventive health program has in effect ruined the endocrine health of millions of Americans.
In the February, 2012 Blaylock Wellness Report, Dr. Russell Blaylock had a great review on “The Secret Science of Losing Fat.”
He spells out clearly, how the mainstream thoughts of too many calories and too little exercise rarely succeed in shedding unwanted fat or solving this health disaster.
He goes into detail about how sugar and additives such as fluoride and glutamate contribute to our obesity epidemic.
Blaylock states, “I am convinced that fluoridated water and the use of fluoride tablets for small children has led to the epidemic of hypothyroidism or thyroid deficiency, in the United States. When the thyroid is underactive, our cholesterol levels spike, and we become obese.”
Water fluoridation has be a complete failure, because it does not reduce tooth decay, but instead it harms the endocrine health for humans and animals alike. Fluoride is a well known protoplasmic poison that inhibits all types of enzymes and hydrogen bonds. These enzymes are the basic building blocks of life.
Back in 20006, I saw a presentation by Kathleen Thiessen, PhD., called fluoride effects on the endocrine system. Her findings as a member of the NRC’s review of fluoride was quite eye opening.
Part of her discussion focused on fluorides effects on the thyroid coupled with an interference with glucose metabolism.
Some studies report increased blood glucose, decreased insulin, impaired glucose tolerance.
One study (Trivedi et al. 1993) showed impaired glucose tolerance in 40 percemt of young adults with endemic fluorosis. Fasting serum glucose concentrations related to serum fluoride concentrations. Impaired glucose tolerance reversed after six months with reduced fluoride intake.
From this information, I felt that there could be a strong association between obesity related endocrine disorders and the consumption of additives to our diets like fluoride, MSG and aspartame.
Last fall Ronald Fetsko, PhD. PAC., did a presentation in Frostburg on a weight loss program called HCG. This weight loss program helps the patient take back control of their declining endocrine health, even if they have developed type II diabetes, impaired thyroid function, and high blood pressure.
His practice is a testament that the secret to optimal health lies in a better understanding of how nutrition and food additives are affecting your endocrine system.
The future of preventive health care is truly a better focus on improving endocrine health and discarding outdated practices that do more harm than good.
Bernard W. Miltenberger
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Australia - Science on fluoride was clear in 2006
Science on fluoride was clear in 2006
By David McRae, The Windsor Star April 3, 2012 3:10 AM Re: Fluoride is just one of many factors, by Mare Moore, March 27.
Mare Moore is exactly correct: major tooth extractions occur just the same in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. So, too, children with excellent teeth are found in both communities.
Unfortunately, the promoters of water fluoridation do not appear to care for science in the way they spruik their pet project. The promoters also entirely ignore that some individuals get serious side effects from continuous fluoride intake. The science behind this has been clear since the 2006 publication of the National Research Council's report on Fluoride in Drinking Water.
DAVID McRAE, Geelong, Australia
By David McRae, The Windsor Star April 3, 2012 3:10 AM Re: Fluoride is just one of many factors, by Mare Moore, March 27.
Mare Moore is exactly correct: major tooth extractions occur just the same in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. So, too, children with excellent teeth are found in both communities.
Unfortunately, the promoters of water fluoridation do not appear to care for science in the way they spruik their pet project. The promoters also entirely ignore that some individuals get serious side effects from continuous fluoride intake. The science behind this has been clear since the 2006 publication of the National Research Council's report on Fluoride in Drinking Water.
DAVID McRAE, Geelong, Australia
Monday, April 02, 2012
USA - Hundreds stand in rain for Mission of Mercy dental clinic tickets
Hundreds of people in need of dental care braved the wet weather in Roanoke on Saturday morning, to get a free ticket to next Friday's Mission of Mercy dental clinic.
The Virginia Dental Associated passed out about 900 tickets for the clinic, which will be held at the Roanoke Civic Center on March 30th. Most of the tickets were given away in the first 20 minutes they were available. The hand out took place in the parking lot of the Advance Auto Parts building at Crossroads Mall.
"I think it's just indicative of the times we're in. People don't have access to dental care, don't have access to dental insurance, or simply can't afford their co-pay," said Alison Jorgensen, with Mission of Mercy.
Roanoke, Virginia, is fluoridated:NYSCOF
The Virginia Dental Associated passed out about 900 tickets for the clinic, which will be held at the Roanoke Civic Center on March 30th. Most of the tickets were given away in the first 20 minutes they were available. The hand out took place in the parking lot of the Advance Auto Parts building at Crossroads Mall.
"I think it's just indicative of the times we're in. People don't have access to dental care, don't have access to dental insurance, or simply can't afford their co-pay," said Alison Jorgensen, with Mission of Mercy.
Roanoke, Virginia, is fluoridated:NYSCOF
Sunday, April 01, 2012
N Ireland - Cross-party support building for Tooth Commission
Cross-party support building for Tooth Commission
Alan in Belfast,Sun 1 April 2012, 8:30am0
Monday’s Irish News is expected to lead shocking statistics about variations in childhood dental health, including details of greater numbers of teeth falling out from children attending CCMS primary schools than those in the state sector. The leaked draft is believed to be an early version of the final report which is due to be shared with Assembly members of the Health committee on Monday morning, and will be followed by a statement to the full Assembly by the Health Minister Edwin Poots.
Compared with other regions, Northern Ireland is the tooth decay capital of the UK and Ireland. The report is expected to confirm the findings of an earlier 2002 Children’s Oral Health in NI report which highlighted that “the average number of missing, filled or decayed teeth is far higher among children from low-income households than for other children”.
Other research has already shown that “children living within the 20% most deprived wards in Northern Ireland are almost twice as likely (47%) to have experienced dental decay as children from the 20% most affluent wards (25%)”.
However, the Irish News will reveal a previously undiscovered anomaly in childhood dental decay. The leaked report states that considerably more Catholic primary school children are losing teeth than numbers of Protestant counterparts.
Reacting to the leaked report, Sue Ramsey – Sinn Féin chair of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Committee – is calling for urgent action by the minister to address this issue of inequality. She criticised department officials who she said had suppressed this data and not revealed the full facts when they briefed the committee about oral hygiene last April.
In a rare show of cross-party solidarity, the West Belfast MLA was joined by UUP MLA for Lagan Valley Basil McCrea who called for the immediate resignation of Edwin Poots, saying that Protestant teeth had as much right to fall out as Catholic ones.
Alliance health spokesperson Kieran McCarthy said he agreed in principle with the need to address dental health issues more seriously. However, he distanced himself from some of his fellow MLAs’ remarks, saying that it was time that the unionist and nationalist parties “rinsed their mouths” and “took the religion out of teeth”. “Besides”, he added, “even the dogs on the street know that most decayed teeth are coloured yellow”.
Together the three MLAs appealing for the Executive to eliminate tooth decay and the causes of tooth decay through a panel of experts in a ‘Tooth Commission’.
The (acting) Chief Dental Officer – Mr Donncha O’Carolan – refused to be drawn on the alleged gaps in the mouths of children, but concentrated on the wider issues:
The oral health of Northern Ireland’s population is the worst in the United Kingdom and this has been the case for many years. Over the decades the oral health of our society has improved but the gains we have experienced have been much less than those seen by our neighbours.
He added:
The Republic of Ireland, which once had worse children’s dental health than Northern Ireland now, thanks to water fluoridation, boasts the lowest tooth decay levels in Europe.
No mention of the fluorosis the obvious sign of fluoride excess in Southern Ireland.
Alan in Belfast,Sun 1 April 2012, 8:30am0
Monday’s Irish News is expected to lead shocking statistics about variations in childhood dental health, including details of greater numbers of teeth falling out from children attending CCMS primary schools than those in the state sector. The leaked draft is believed to be an early version of the final report which is due to be shared with Assembly members of the Health committee on Monday morning, and will be followed by a statement to the full Assembly by the Health Minister Edwin Poots.
Compared with other regions, Northern Ireland is the tooth decay capital of the UK and Ireland. The report is expected to confirm the findings of an earlier 2002 Children’s Oral Health in NI report which highlighted that “the average number of missing, filled or decayed teeth is far higher among children from low-income households than for other children”.
Other research has already shown that “children living within the 20% most deprived wards in Northern Ireland are almost twice as likely (47%) to have experienced dental decay as children from the 20% most affluent wards (25%)”.
However, the Irish News will reveal a previously undiscovered anomaly in childhood dental decay. The leaked report states that considerably more Catholic primary school children are losing teeth than numbers of Protestant counterparts.
Reacting to the leaked report, Sue Ramsey – Sinn Féin chair of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Committee – is calling for urgent action by the minister to address this issue of inequality. She criticised department officials who she said had suppressed this data and not revealed the full facts when they briefed the committee about oral hygiene last April.
In a rare show of cross-party solidarity, the West Belfast MLA was joined by UUP MLA for Lagan Valley Basil McCrea who called for the immediate resignation of Edwin Poots, saying that Protestant teeth had as much right to fall out as Catholic ones.
Alliance health spokesperson Kieran McCarthy said he agreed in principle with the need to address dental health issues more seriously. However, he distanced himself from some of his fellow MLAs’ remarks, saying that it was time that the unionist and nationalist parties “rinsed their mouths” and “took the religion out of teeth”. “Besides”, he added, “even the dogs on the street know that most decayed teeth are coloured yellow”.
Together the three MLAs appealing for the Executive to eliminate tooth decay and the causes of tooth decay through a panel of experts in a ‘Tooth Commission’.
The (acting) Chief Dental Officer – Mr Donncha O’Carolan – refused to be drawn on the alleged gaps in the mouths of children, but concentrated on the wider issues:
The oral health of Northern Ireland’s population is the worst in the United Kingdom and this has been the case for many years. Over the decades the oral health of our society has improved but the gains we have experienced have been much less than those seen by our neighbours.
He added:
The Republic of Ireland, which once had worse children’s dental health than Northern Ireland now, thanks to water fluoridation, boasts the lowest tooth decay levels in Europe.
No mention of the fluorosis the obvious sign of fluoride excess in Southern Ireland.