District Attorney Nico LaHood and wife Davida tell the story of their son and daughter's vaccine injury to Polly Tommey of the VaxXed Team. Camera by Joshua Coleman and Anu Vaidya and editing by Joshua Coleman.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
District Attorney Nico LaHood and wife Davida tell the story of their son and daughter's vaccine injury to Polly Tommey of the VaxXed Team. Camera by Joshua Coleman and Anu Vaidya and editing by Joshua Coleman.
Toxins in Your Toothpaste: Are You Using the Right Kind?
If would be nice to be able to trust in the inherent goodness of product manufacturers—to believe that they wouldn’t sell us something that’s blatantly harmful.
Sadly, though, this just isn’t the way the world works. More often than not, companies will simply include whatever ingredients get the job done for the cheapest manufacturing cost, even if it means turning a blind eye to the adverse health effects caused by their products.
In some ways, manufacturing practices are improving (or at least companies are beingforced to do so). Just recently, the Chemical Safety Act for the 21st Century was signed into law. This improvement upon the Toxic Substance Control Act will ensure more stringent regulation of the toxic chemicals used across many industries, so it’s definitely a step in the right direction.
The Chemical Safety Act only pertains to EPA-regulated chemicals and products, though—which means that all cosmetics are excluded.
This is very bad news, given the vast array of poisons found in conventional self-care products. We’ve talked some of them in previous articles: antibacterial soaps, lotions,“microbead” shampoos and conditioners, sunscreens, and more. Toothpaste poses many of the same risks.
Many toothpaste brands contain harmful ingredients like fluoride, carrageenan, artificial surfactants, detergents, and foaming agents, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, PEG’s and propylene glycol, triclosan, toxic industrial byproducts, and GMO ingredients.
So which toothpaste is best?
Luckily, the Cornucopia Institute also identified which toothpaste brands live up to their health claims. Here’s their top 5 picks…
- Bronner’s All-One Toothpaste
- Green People Toothpaste
- Poofy Organics Happy Teeth Organic Toothpaste
- Miessence Toothpaste
- Made Simple Skincare Mint Sweet Orange Toothpaste
These exceptional products contain none of the chemicals listed above. Instead, they implement certified organic coconut oil, essential oils, and healing clays. These natural substances work just as well (or better) at preventing tooth decay, keeping gums healthy, and whitening teeth—coconut oil has even been shown to accomplish all these feats on its own, and the addition of other oils and clays only boosts its efficacy.
Choosing a safe, natural brand of toothpaste is a win-win—your teeth will receive superior care, and your body will be protected from the short and long-term side effects of the other, chemical-laden varieties.
Fluoridation Useless for Low-Income Children, Federal Data Shows
Fluoridation Useless for Low-Income Children, Federal Data Shows
NEW YORK, Aug. 30, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- CDC 2011/2012 statistics reveal low-income children's tooth decay rates are increasing substantially - despite record numbers of children served fluoride from water, foods, dental products and medicines causing an overall alarming surge in fluoride-overdose symptoms – dental fluorosis (discolored teeth), reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF)
Decay rates for children, living 100% below the Federal Poverty Level, are 40% in three- to five-year-olds; 69% in six- to nine-year-olds; and 74% in 13-15 year-olds, based on Federal data (2011/2012 NHANES) to be presented at an American Public Health Association Meeting 11/2/16).
Previous cavity rates (NHANES III 1988-1994) for similar children's primary teeth were much lower - 30% of 2-5 year-olds; 42% of 6-12 year-olds and 34% of 15-18 year-olds' permanent teeth.
"Claims that poor children need fluoride are without merit or evidence," says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President. "It's the dental care delivery system that needs fixing. Low-income Americans need dental care not fluoride."
In fact, dental Expenses were a leading contributor to Medical Debt in 2012
Along with low-income children's rampant cavities, all children's dental fluorosis rates surged, according to CDC's 2011-2012 NHANES survey. Fifty-eight percent of all children (6-19 year olds) now have fluorosis, with a staggering 21% of children displaying moderate fluorosis on at least two teeth. Black children are most afflicted.
"Fluorosis is the outward sign of fluoride toxicity," says Beeber.
"By focusing on fluoridation instead of diet and dentist-access, organized dentistry allowed a national dental health crisis to occur on its watch and created a new one – dental fluorosis," says dentist David Kennedy, past-president of IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology). "It's reckless to allow organized dentistry to vouch for fluoride safety. Adverse health effects, outside of the oral cavity from ingested fluoride, are not within the purview of dentistry, according to the California Board of Dental Examiners."
Claims that stopping fluoridation would raise tooth decay rates are disproved by several studies. Also, Poughkeepsie NY stopped fluoridation in 2008. Third-graders cavity rates declined steadily – 61% in 2013; 51% in June 2014; 45% in October 2014; and 31% in 2015, according to NYU researchers.
Research shows fluoride ingestion is more likely to cause fluorosis than prevent a cavity, according to Fluoride Action Network
Contact: David Kennedy, DDS davidkennedy-dds@cox.net 800-728-3833
Paul Beeber, JD nyscof@aol.com
Australia - Fluoride still a divisive issue in Lismore election
Each candidate received a score from 1 to 6 on how they would vote if motions were put forward on a range of fluoride issues in the next council.
FFNR spokesperson Leisa Webb said the questions ranged from fluoridating the Nimbin water supply to suspending the operation of the dosing plants under various scenarios, such as reviewing the Corndale plant breakdowns ‘Two further questions on whether to halt funding Rous Water for fluoridation and support for a referendum at the next election were also asked,’ she said. ‘In collating the results two conservative candidates Gianpiero Battista and a Mayoral favourite Neil Marks each scored zero. Cr Marks responded by saying “Your questions are now irrelevant…..no longer in the realm of local government in the Lismore LGA”.
‘The alternative conservative Greg Bennett scored 6 on the grounds “purely as a rights issue I believe people have a right to choose whether they consume this chemical or not”. ‘Big Rob scored 2 stating generally on suspending plant operations that he “…cannot respond without further information.”
Vanessa Ekins from the Greens scored 6 saying she was ‘’prepared to move such motions” (to suspend the operation of the dosing plants and for a referendum). ‘Labor’s favourite son, Isaac Smith, broke with former Mayor Jenny Dowell to score 5 out of 6. ‘He lost a point because he did not support a referendum believing it to be to divisive in the community. ‘The survey results indicate that there may well be a realignment of the council numbers to it’s historical stance of actively opposing water fluoridation for Lismore.
‘If the electorate votes or preferences anti fluoride candidates Isaac Smith, Vanessa Ekins or Greg Bennett for Mayor, the balance in the council may definitely swing in favour of councillors opposed to fluoridation. ‘Except for Cr Dowell, no other mayor, whatever political persuasion, had ever supported Lismore to be fluoridated.
‘We very much welcome Isaac Smith’s strong support if elected to help get the fluoride out of our water supply. ‘Also Greg Bennett should be especially commended while Vanessa Ekins had shown great courage in the last council and Rous, sometimes against vehement opposition, keeping the fluoride issue on the agenda. ‘We encourage voters in this council election, whether conservative or progressively inclined, to support anti fluoride candidates to make Lismore safe again from forced medication given without consent,’ Ms Webb said.
First Scottish Childsmile Room opens at Arbroath dentist
The ‘Under the Sea’ Childsmile room has been designed to help children feel comfortable and relaxed visiting the dentist. Trained
Childsmile nurses will provide free preventative treatment such as fluoride application, dietary advice and effective toothbrushing instruction. Dentist Ian Robertson said: “We strongly believe that prevention is better than cure. Instilling good habits in children at an early age is vitally important to avoid future dental problems, which is why we invested in the Childsmile room.”
Officially opening the room, Donna Kirk, Principal coordinator with NHS Tayside’s Oral Health Improvement Team said: “It is a real honour to be invited to the opening of the Childsmile room. The practice has been really keen to ensure that they deliver the Childsmile oral health messages to their patients at an early age. “They felt that by having a dedicated room for parents and children where they can get advice and support around toothbrushing and diet, they can reduce the chances of their patients needing fillings and other treatment. “Attending your dentist regularly is important to ensure that your child can receive the preventive interventions they need to help them to maintain a healthy mouth. Toothache still remains one of the highest reasons for school absence and the highest reason for general anaesthetic admission to hospital. Brushing your child’s teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste is the best way to prevent tooth decay.”
USA - Village residents with contaminated water speak at hearing
The contamination in Hoosick Falls was revealed in 2014 by lab tests paid for by Michael Hickey, who was looking for answers after his father died of kidney cancer. Hickey's voice cracked several times Tuesday as he told state lawmakers about his experience.
Also scheduled to testify are residents who have accused the administration of taking too long to warn people their water was contaminated with PFOA, a toxic chemical used in making Teflon and similar materials.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
More than 1,000 children under five had teeth extractions in Glasgow
More than 1,000 children aged five and under had teeth extracted last year in Greater Glasgow.
The figures show that almost a quarter of young Scots children having teeth taken out were in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area.However, they also show that extractions of kids’ teeth in Glasgow have been cut in half since the Millennium.
The figures were released following a parliamentary question by Scottish Conservative Public Health Spokesman, Miles Briggs MSP. They include extractions for orthodontic reasons and trauma, as well as decay. Glasgow had the highest rate in Scotland with 1,010 children up to the age of five.
As previously reported in the Evening Times, in 2000/01 when records were first kept, the number of teeth pulled out of children’s mouths in the Greater Glasgow health board area was 26,355. By 2015/16, the latest full year’s figures, the total had dropped to 12,516 - a reduction of more than 50%.
A number of initiatives in schools and nurseries have helped improve dental health leading to less decay.The Childsmile programme provides fluoride varnishing and dental health education in schools and nurseries. Scottish Conservative Public Health Spokesman, Miles Briggs MSP, said: “It is hugely concerning that there are still thousands of children aged under five having to have teeth extracted in Scotland every year.
“While in some cases teeth will need to be removed as they are growing in the wrong place or as a result of accidental damage, a big proportion of these children will have teeth extracted due to preventable dental decay. “The Scottish Government simply isn’t making enough real progress to help address poor dental health in our young children and stop them developing rotten teeth.
“They need to tackle this problem head on, by providing better education about the problems associated with poor oral health and by encouraging parents to register their new born children with a dentist as soon as possible.”The Childsmile programme was set up in 2001, and it is estimated to have saved more than £6 million in dental costs.
Speaking earlier this month, Anas Sarwar, Labour health spokesman and a former NHS dentist, said the 50% reduction in extractions was welcome, and partly do with prevention programmes.
He added: "However, we cannot be complacent, as there is still a high level of tooth decay among children."
Why Is The Truth About Fluoride So Confusing?
Dentistry has been a bit behind the times on getting good research about the things that we dentists recommend. There is a ton of misinformation out there about fluoride. On one side you’ve got the people who claim that fluoride is the best thing since sliced bread while on the other side you’ve got people who believe fluoride is a giant government conspiracy for mind control. The truth actually lies somewhere in the middle (minus the mind control part). Dental schools currently teach a lot of the pro-fluoride misinformation while internet forums and homepathic doctors preach a lot of the anti-fluoride misinformation. It shocks me that you can barely find anyone with a reasonable and scientific explanation as to it’s risks and benefits when it comes to using it in dentistry.
I remember when I was in school that fluoride was put up on a pedestal as the best possible thing for our patients, with no discussion of the downsides to using it in various ways. None at all. They didn’t teach us about any of the latest scientific studies or even encourage us to look at them. All we were told was that the CDC called water fluoridation one of the 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century (we’ll get to that in a little bit), therefore water fluoridation was obviously a great thing… right?
What Is Fluoride?
First, what is fluoride? Fluoride is the negative ion of fluorine, the lightest halogen gas on the periodic table. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in many different sources around the world. It can be found in certain mineral deposits, usually in the form of calcium fluoride and is also found in varying concentrations in seawater and fresh groundwater. In seawater it is typically found at around 1 part per million (ppm) while in fresh groundwater it can range anywhere from 0.01 ppm to 0.3 ppm. Occasionally some fresh water sources have extremely high levels of fluoride (up to about 10 ppm). For comparison, most areas that fluoride their water try to keep it around 0.8-1.2ppm.
How Does Fluoride Work?
Fluoride, when applied in the correct form and concentration is known to strengthen teeth. So how does this work? Your tooth enamel is made up of small crystals of primarily hydroxyapatite. This crystals are packed very densely and there is an extremely small amount of water left (only about 4%). In comparison, your bones have about 30% water. When acid starts breaking down the crystals in your enamel, your body works to rebuild those crystals, if conditions are right. This is known as remineralization. If fluoride is present during this process it creates a slightly different crystal made up of fluoroapatite. These crystals tend to be larger and grow more quickly. They’re also less prone to being broken down by acid. This is why the presence of fluoride helps reduce cavities.
The History of Water Fluoridation
In the 19th and early 20th century, scientists noticed that some people had brown, mottled teeth that seemed to be more resistant to cavities. This staining was called the “Colorado Brown Stain”. Eventually scientists figured out that the people who developed this staining were people who were exposed to high levels of fluoride in their drinking water (naturally occuring). This brown staining is known today as fluorosis.
Over time they worked out what they thought were the optimal levels of fluoride in the drinking supply. These levels limited the occurrence of fluorosis but they thought it would also reduce cavities. The first test program was done in Grand Rapids Michigan in 1945 and quickly spread throughout the United States over the next 15 years. Approximately 2/3 of water supplies are fluoridated in the United States today.
Many other countries also fluoridate their water supplies or add fluoride to their salt.
Does Water Fluoridation Reduce Cavities?
Here is where it gets interesting. Early studies and evidence indicated significant reductions in occurrence of cavities. This was before fluoride containing toothpastes and mouthrinses were regularly used. Most of these studies were done before 1975 and weren’t terribly scientific. The Cochrane Collaboration did a review of all the available scientific literature out there and came to the conclusion that there is “very little evidence” proving the effectiveness of water fluoridation on cavity reduction. This doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work, but rather that there are literally no quality studies to make any conclusions from. Also, many of the studies were done in a time when oral health was treated very differently. New, quality studies would really need to be done to get an accurate picture of how effective it is.
There are, however, several other ways we can look at the effect of water fluoridation to see if it is actually effective today. The Cochrane Collaboration did another review about the effect of fluoride supplementation on cavity incidence. Fluoride supplementation is somewhat similar to water fluoridation in that children take a fluoride supplement that increases levels of fluoride in their whole body (as opposed to topical application of fluoride). The study found that fluoride supplements did decrease the levels of decay but only when compared to no fluoride use. When topical fluoride was used (as with fluoride toothpaste) there was no difference in cavity incidence between the two!
One study compared two neighboring towns in Canada. One removed fluoride from their water supply while the other left fluoride in it. Cavity rates actually went down in the town where fluoride was removed while the town that left fluoride in the water supply had the same levels of decay.
A 2007 article looked at decay rates in countries both with and without water fluoridation. All these countries had varying exposure of their populations to fluoride. The authors found that decay rates in all countries dropped significantly over the last 3 decades, whether or not the water supplies were fluoridated.
So what does all this tell us? Fluoridation of the water was likely effective in 1945 because there wasn’t widespread use of fluoride toothpaste or mouthrinses. Today, with the common use of fluoride toothpastes, professional fluoride varnish applications every 6-12 months, and fluoride mouthrinses, water fluoridation appears to be mostly ineffective. In addition to being mostly ineffective today, it also carries multiple risks that are just now starting to be known (we’ll cover these in a little bit).
Is Fluoride In Toothpaste Effective?
Compared to water fluoridation, fluoride in toothpaste is pretty straightforward. Most toothpastes contain between 1000-1500 parts per million of fluoride. Study after study has shown a benefit to topically using fluoride in toothpaste. The Cochrane Collaboration did a review on how well fluoride toothpaste works in reducing cavities in children and came to the conclusion that on average, consistent use of fluoride toothpaste over 1000 ppm reduces cavities by approximately 24%. This included 79 separate studies with around 73,000 total children studied. There really isn’t any doubt, whatsoever that fluoride in toothpaste is effective.
The Dangers of Fluoride
Systemic (fully body) fluoride exposure has several possible dangers. Systemic fluoride exposure is most often the result of water fluoridation, high levels of naturally occurring fluoride in the water, and eating / swallowing toothpaste. Fortunately, topical exposure of your teeth to fluoride does not carry these same risks.
- Fluorosis – Fluorosis is the most common side effect from excess fluoride exposure. Fluorosis shows up as white or brown spots on teeth. Lower levels of fluoride exposure cause minimal speckling while high levels cause an extreme brown mottling of the teeth that can cause significant cosmetic problems. It’s estimated that a water fluoride level of 0.7 ppm (lower than many municipal supplies) will cause fluorosis that is noticeable in 12% of people! Most water supplies are fluoridated to around 1 ppm, which likely carries even higher rates of fluorosis. I personally see patients with fluorosis all the time in my dental practice. I’ve seen higher and higher rates of children with fluorosis over the years.
- Underactive thyroid – Another recent study found a link between water fluoride levels over 0.3 ppm and higher rates of underactive thyroid glands (nearly 30% higher). This study was based in England and compared rates of hypothyroidism in populations with fluoridated water vs those that didn’t. The study included information from almost every general medical practice in England. While not a perfect study, it does bring up some very serious concerns about the possibility of thyroid disorders as related to fluoride exposure.
- ADHD – Another recent study showing possible harm from water fluoridation. Researchers compared data of average fluoride exposure from water fluoridation and compared it to rates of ADHD diagnoses. Those areas with higher levels of fluoride exposure, had higher levels of ADHD diagnoses, even after controlling for many other variables. As with the study on thyroid problems, this didn’t prove any causation but also brings up a possible serious complication of water fluoridation.
- Reduced IQ – It has been suspected for some time that fluoride can be slightly neurotoxic to the developing brain. Harvard recently completed a study along with researchers in China that studied IQ levels compared to fluoride levels in the water supply. On average IQ’s were 7 points lower in populations with fluoride in the water supply. The level of IQ impairment was directly related to the level of fluoride in the water system.
- Overdose – Overdoses from fluoride are pretty rare. The amount of fluoride needed to create an overdose are quite a bit more than you’d find in a tube of toothpaste, so even if you manage to eat the entire thing, you’re still probably fine. The danger of a fluoride overdose comes from the fact that fluoride combines with calcium and makes it unavailable to your body. Calcium is used for many different things in your body and low fluoride levels (hypocalcemia) can literally kill you.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) And The American Dental Association (ADA) Stance
Despite all this evidence, these two huge organizations still claim that there is no credible evidence of harm by water fluoridation and that they believe it is highly effective in reducing decay. Why is this? Honestly, I’m not quite sure. The scientific evidence is quite clear about the harms and limited effectiveness of water fluoridation today. These types of claims are one of the reasons why I started this website. There is a serious lack of real information out there about certain dental issues facing people today. Big organizations like these don’t change quickly and in the meantime can cause real harm.
My Fluoride Conclusions
My personal opinion is that fluoride should be removed from the water supply. It likely has little effect on decay rates today and has a high incidence of adverse effects compared to it’s effectiveness. Instead, there should be an emphasis on education about topical fluoride products such as toothpaste, mouthrinses, and professional applications of fluoride varnish.
India - Excess fluoride leads to chronic diseases: Study
Though fluoride presence in groundwater is mainly due to natural contamination, the studies have revealed that anthropogenic activities like using fertilizers and pesticides containing phosphates, discharge of untreated industrial effluents and depletion of groundwater are also responsible for the high fluoride levels.
Following recent orders passed by the National Green Tribunal (NGT), the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) and Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) jointly identified industries in the state that are using groundwater and require no objection certificate (NOC) from the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA)..............
USA - Arguments for fluoride don’t hold water
Monday, August 29, 2016
Mayor Steve Skadron deserves kudos for informing a presidential candidate about Aspen’s efforts and reputation for climate change. Unfortunately, there is a glaring significant hypocritical incongruency that Aspen continues to carry out. Aspen (and Snowmass) continue to pour a highly toxic substance into our drinking water. This disrespect to the environment is based on antiquated beliefs based on junk science and an unwillingness to respect an individual’s right to choose what they put into their body.
There are numerous studies which conclude that fluoride is lethal to the aquatic environments of streams. Yet, Aspen refuses to accept current research about fluoride and its dangerous impacts on our health as well as the planet’s health.
Our planet is being poisoned to death. Numerous communities around the world are coming to the realization that it is no longer right to put this toxin into the water. They are making the decision to stop this pollution. Aspen has not come to this realization.
With Aspen being at the headwaters for many, our actions are having an impact on all of those who are downstream. Many people like to thump their chests about Aspen’s environmental reputation as a leader.
The definition of pollution is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects. According to definition, Aspen (and Snowmass) are polluters.
If the strength of our local economy is directly related the health of our natural environment, then the appropriate action is to stop contaminating our waters. This would benefit both our economy and our health.
Our mountain values do include respect of our natural environment. Basic tenets of going to our back country to enjoy nature are to pack out what you pack in and to leave no trace. The less we add to nature, the better we are. We should not be adding anything to our natural environment. The arrogance to continue doing this needs to change.
People can still put fluoride into their bodies by other means if they still choose to do so. Our drinking water should not be used as a delivery system for any substance, especially one that is an unapproved drug by the FDA and is a toxin.
It is time for Aspen and Snowmass to stop polluting our waters. If not, then we have to admit that we are not walking the talk. We are still part of the problem when it comes to polluting our planet.
It is time for this craziness to stop. The arguments to put fluoride in the drinking system no longer hold water.
Dr. Tom Lankering
NZ - Fluoride debate looms in Chch DHB elections
With a population of more than 500,000, Canterbury is by far the region with the largest number of people drinking unfluoridated water.
RNZ spoke to all seven elected board members but only two were willing to offer an opinion on fluoride; David Morrell who supports it and Andy Dickerson who is against it.
Fluoride Free New Zealand national co-ordinator Mary Byrne said her group was standing its own candidate in the DHB elections and would actively promote those against it.
Not enough was known about the impact fluoride could have on mental health and it did not make any difference in reducing rates of tooth decay, she said.
"People in Canterbury haven't been worried about fluoridation up until now and we now know there are a lot of people concerned because we were at an expo there a couple of weeks ago and the vast majority of people knew about fluoridation potentially coming and they were definitely opposed."
But the clinical director of the region's community dental service, Martin Lee, said Ms Byrne and her group were wrong.
"Fluoridation first started in New Zealand in Hastings in 1954 and they've been making claims that fluoride causes defects in brain function, cancer, the list goes on and on and on - and this has been going on for over 60 years.
"Now you've got to figure, if there was something to it, we would know by now."
The benefits of fluoridation in combination with regular brushing and a low-sugar diet were clear, and groups like Fluoride Free New Zealand were spreading myths rather than facts, which was frustrating, Dr Lee said.
"It is really, really easy to plant the seed of doubt and it is very hard to root out once you've got it in there," he said.
"The anti-fluoridationists become very vociferous and they claim they've got piles of highly placed experts who are saying fluoridation is bad for you or it doesn't work, and it's not true."
The legislation passing responsibility for putting fluoride in the water to DHBs is still being drafted.
It's expected any change would not take effect until at least 2018.
Monday, August 29, 2016
By: Devvy
August 29, 2016
Who in this country doesn't want to see every child born be as healthy as possible and maintain good health for a lifetime? I wish it could be that way for every child on this planet.
The issue of harmful vaccines remains a huge issue in this country but gets very little media time other than the Internet. I covered this in depth in my book, Taking Politics Out Of Solutions, as well as the FDA (Federal Death Administration) because millions and millions of Americans don't know the truth. They are force fed propaganda by doctors, the media and politicians bribed with campaign donations.
Just like our war against those dangerous 'smart' meters on the homes of tens of millions of Americans. Go look at the money trail for your state rep and senator and you'll understand why they refuse to put the health of their constituents above big energy companies who don't give a damn about your health or your family.
Politicians in the dying State of California either too ignorant to understand the subject matter or who depend on bribes from the big pharmaceutical houses have backed parents into a corner with mandatory vaccines. I say DAMN them and those who vote them back into office for forcing harmful vaccines before a child can enter school.
Yes, I am passionate about this because I have spent countless hours doing research. If you haven't read my column, Polio Vaccine, Cancer and Dr. Mary's Monkey, please take the time to read it if truth is what you seek. All the research I've done by individuals who are top notch in the fields of medicine and science are written off as anti-government tin-foil hat nut cakes who want to endanger your child as if they are the reincarnation of Josef Mengele. Not only is that an insult to those dedicated Americans imminently qualified on the subject matter, it is simply the standard smear tactic used everyday in this country by media and professional politicians.
California passed a mandatory vaccines law which went straight to the courts by parents who do not want to see their child either die from a vaccine (Try the HPV vaccine that has killed so many young girls and maimed thousands) or suffer life long major health problems. That is not hyperbole. Government watch dog groups like Judicial Watch and individuals who do nothing but document real cases of harm by certain vaccines aren't making it all up.
US judge upholds state law requiring vaccinations, August 27, 2016
"A federal judge refused Friday to block California's new vaccination law, which requires children in public and private schools to be inoculated against 10 contagious illnesses and eliminates an exemption based on their parents’ personal beliefs.
“Society has a compelling interest in fighting the spread of contagious diseases through mandatory vaccination of school-age children,” U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw of San Diego said in denying an injunction against enforcement of the law, sought by 17 parents and four antivaccine organizations.
"The right to freely practice one's religion, one of the rights invoked by opponents of the new law, “does not outweigh the state's interest in public health and safety,” Sabraw said.
"The law was prompted by a measles outbreak in 2014 that was traced to youngsters at Disneyland who hadn't been vaccinated. Implemented last month, the new measure makes California one of three states, along with West Virginia and Mississippi, to require all schoolchildren to be vaccinated against illnesses such as measles, mumps, tetanus and rubella, regardless of their parents’ religious or personal opposition. The only exceptions are for students with doctor-certified medical exemptions and for disabled students in individual education programs."
No equal protection under the law for those parents.
Ah, the famous measles outbreak from kiddies at Disneyland. More people die from the measles vaccine than it helps. Here's a second column of mine that covers both the Disneyland measles hysteria and more so I don't need to rehash it here. And, grand parents, please make it available to your grown children with kids. Vaccine Safety: Why Media and Politicians Lie
The article above regarding the judge's ruling also states: "While the law says that all children must be vaccinated, it requires parents to provide immunization records only when a student is entering kindergarten or the seventh grade. That means an elementary-school student with a previous parental exemption does not need to be vaccinated until the seventh grade, and students in the eighth grade or higher with a past exemption won't require any vaccinations."
Too many parents have emailed me over the years who deeply regret caving in and allowing their children to get vaccinated with anything other than the basics like for my family: small pox, polio and DPT: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus. No measles vaccine. My daughter received only those; she was born in 1975. Yep, we all got the measles and stayed home from school. Once it was over, back to school and no dangerous cocktail injected into our bodies. Those parents aforementioned all have children with either autism or chronic ailments like respiratory problems.
Parents can home school in California to escape the state using their child(ren) as guinea pigs but most either cannot afford to have the mom stay at home or either parent doesn't feel they have enough schooling themselves to be able to teach their children. Let me tell you there are fabulous home schooling groups and organizations all across this country that can and will help parents with the process and curriculum. Yes, it means giving up leisure and fun times but your child's health is paramount over anything else.
As soon as that sickening bill was signed into law by former cocaine sniffing governor, Jerry Brown, two couples and one single mother sent me email: That's it, they moving out of California. One husband is selling their business and the other two are simply quitting their jobs as soon as their plan to relocate is firm. None of them can afford to home school so they are leaving. Not because they want children to die from diseases but because they have taken the time to study the research that is as solid as Mt. Kilimanjaro. Obviously, not every parent in California can do that and are faced with a terrible, terrible dilemma.
As with so many other issues so damaging to our country and citizens, it all begins with rotten politicians who think they know more than you. Career politicians bought and paid for by special interest groups for everything from 'smart' meters to fluoride to vaccines. What's so tragic is those scoundrels continue to get reelected because the people don't know the truth. Just like the misapplication of the federal income tax, Fukushima and so many other issues.
But, when enough people do know the truth, then the heat becomes so hot those rotten miscreants in state houses can be thrown out of office. In my two columns above is a plethora of sources for research. If you haven't seen the documentary, VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe, I highly recommend (and I receive no compensation for recommending it) you see it. If you read my Dr. Mary's Monkey column, you know what I'm talking about. A vaccine that 'coincidentally' saw an epidemic follow: cancer.
Theaters around the country are still showing VAXXED. If money is an issue, split the cost between friends for the DVD which finally comes out Sept. 13. MARK it on your calendar. You can also purchase it as a digital stream on your computer. If you do get the DVD, watch it and then hold a 'watch party' with not just family and friends, but invite your pastor, minister or priest if you personally know them. If you do know a member of your state legislature, invite that person.
Ask your pediatrician to watch the DVD. Now, I can tell you the first thing 90% of them will say is vaccines are safe, I don't need to watch it and so forth. Try this that was so effective with my Why A Bankrupt America booklet. Ask your pediatrician to watch the DVD because you would like their qualified opinion on the content. Dr. Smith, I trust you with my child's health so could you please watch this and tell me where the producers, doctors and scientists are wrong along with the research? That way you are not putting your pediatrician on the spot to call you a conspiracy nut. You're asking for their medical opinion. It's so important to start the dialogue off where the doctor doesn't become defensive. Click here for 'how to watch'.
August 29, 2016
Who in this country doesn't want to see every child born be as healthy as possible and maintain good health for a lifetime? I wish it could be that way for every child on this planet.
The issue of harmful vaccines remains a huge issue in this country but gets very little media time other than the Internet. I covered this in depth in my book, Taking Politics Out Of Solutions, as well as the FDA (Federal Death Administration) because millions and millions of Americans don't know the truth. They are force fed propaganda by doctors, the media and politicians bribed with campaign donations.
Just like our war against those dangerous 'smart' meters on the homes of tens of millions of Americans. Go look at the money trail for your state rep and senator and you'll understand why they refuse to put the health of their constituents above big energy companies who don't give a damn about your health or your family.
Politicians in the dying State of California either too ignorant to understand the subject matter or who depend on bribes from the big pharmaceutical houses have backed parents into a corner with mandatory vaccines. I say DAMN them and those who vote them back into office for forcing harmful vaccines before a child can enter school.
Yes, I am passionate about this because I have spent countless hours doing research. If you haven't read my column, Polio Vaccine, Cancer and Dr. Mary's Monkey, please take the time to read it if truth is what you seek. All the research I've done by individuals who are top notch in the fields of medicine and science are written off as anti-government tin-foil hat nut cakes who want to endanger your child as if they are the reincarnation of Josef Mengele. Not only is that an insult to those dedicated Americans imminently qualified on the subject matter, it is simply the standard smear tactic used everyday in this country by media and professional politicians.
California passed a mandatory vaccines law which went straight to the courts by parents who do not want to see their child either die from a vaccine (Try the HPV vaccine that has killed so many young girls and maimed thousands) or suffer life long major health problems. That is not hyperbole. Government watch dog groups like Judicial Watch and individuals who do nothing but document real cases of harm by certain vaccines aren't making it all up.
US judge upholds state law requiring vaccinations, August 27, 2016
"A federal judge refused Friday to block California's new vaccination law, which requires children in public and private schools to be inoculated against 10 contagious illnesses and eliminates an exemption based on their parents’ personal beliefs.
“Society has a compelling interest in fighting the spread of contagious diseases through mandatory vaccination of school-age children,” U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw of San Diego said in denying an injunction against enforcement of the law, sought by 17 parents and four antivaccine organizations.
"The right to freely practice one's religion, one of the rights invoked by opponents of the new law, “does not outweigh the state's interest in public health and safety,” Sabraw said.
"The law was prompted by a measles outbreak in 2014 that was traced to youngsters at Disneyland who hadn't been vaccinated. Implemented last month, the new measure makes California one of three states, along with West Virginia and Mississippi, to require all schoolchildren to be vaccinated against illnesses such as measles, mumps, tetanus and rubella, regardless of their parents’ religious or personal opposition. The only exceptions are for students with doctor-certified medical exemptions and for disabled students in individual education programs."
No equal protection under the law for those parents.
Ah, the famous measles outbreak from kiddies at Disneyland. More people die from the measles vaccine than it helps. Here's a second column of mine that covers both the Disneyland measles hysteria and more so I don't need to rehash it here. And, grand parents, please make it available to your grown children with kids. Vaccine Safety: Why Media and Politicians Lie
The article above regarding the judge's ruling also states: "While the law says that all children must be vaccinated, it requires parents to provide immunization records only when a student is entering kindergarten or the seventh grade. That means an elementary-school student with a previous parental exemption does not need to be vaccinated until the seventh grade, and students in the eighth grade or higher with a past exemption won't require any vaccinations."
Too many parents have emailed me over the years who deeply regret caving in and allowing their children to get vaccinated with anything other than the basics like for my family: small pox, polio and DPT: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus. No measles vaccine. My daughter received only those; she was born in 1975. Yep, we all got the measles and stayed home from school. Once it was over, back to school and no dangerous cocktail injected into our bodies. Those parents aforementioned all have children with either autism or chronic ailments like respiratory problems.
Parents can home school in California to escape the state using their child(ren) as guinea pigs but most either cannot afford to have the mom stay at home or either parent doesn't feel they have enough schooling themselves to be able to teach their children. Let me tell you there are fabulous home schooling groups and organizations all across this country that can and will help parents with the process and curriculum. Yes, it means giving up leisure and fun times but your child's health is paramount over anything else.
As soon as that sickening bill was signed into law by former cocaine sniffing governor, Jerry Brown, two couples and one single mother sent me email: That's it, they moving out of California. One husband is selling their business and the other two are simply quitting their jobs as soon as their plan to relocate is firm. None of them can afford to home school so they are leaving. Not because they want children to die from diseases but because they have taken the time to study the research that is as solid as Mt. Kilimanjaro. Obviously, not every parent in California can do that and are faced with a terrible, terrible dilemma.
As with so many other issues so damaging to our country and citizens, it all begins with rotten politicians who think they know more than you. Career politicians bought and paid for by special interest groups for everything from 'smart' meters to fluoride to vaccines. What's so tragic is those scoundrels continue to get reelected because the people don't know the truth. Just like the misapplication of the federal income tax, Fukushima and so many other issues.
But, when enough people do know the truth, then the heat becomes so hot those rotten miscreants in state houses can be thrown out of office. In my two columns above is a plethora of sources for research. If you haven't seen the documentary, VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe, I highly recommend (and I receive no compensation for recommending it) you see it. If you read my Dr. Mary's Monkey column, you know what I'm talking about. A vaccine that 'coincidentally' saw an epidemic follow: cancer.
Theaters around the country are still showing VAXXED. If money is an issue, split the cost between friends for the DVD which finally comes out Sept. 13. MARK it on your calendar. You can also purchase it as a digital stream on your computer. If you do get the DVD, watch it and then hold a 'watch party' with not just family and friends, but invite your pastor, minister or priest if you personally know them. If you do know a member of your state legislature, invite that person.
Ask your pediatrician to watch the DVD. Now, I can tell you the first thing 90% of them will say is vaccines are safe, I don't need to watch it and so forth. Try this that was so effective with my Why A Bankrupt America booklet. Ask your pediatrician to watch the DVD because you would like their qualified opinion on the content. Dr. Smith, I trust you with my child's health so could you please watch this and tell me where the producers, doctors and scientists are wrong along with the research? That way you are not putting your pediatrician on the spot to call you a conspiracy nut. You're asking for their medical opinion. It's so important to start the dialogue off where the doctor doesn't become defensive. Click here for 'how to watch'.
Cairns doctors revive local industry body to state case for fluoride
Jim Campbell, The Cairns Post
August 29, 2016 3:00am
CAIRNS medical professionals have revived a once-powerful representative body with the aim of convincing the city that fluoride should be added to the water supply.
The Cairns Local Medical Association, which was at its peak in the 1990s, met at the weekend and agreed to generate a petition to council signed by local doctors stating the case for the preventive health measure.
Dr Sarah Coll said there was an “overwhelming consensus” in the Cairns medical community that fluoride should be returned to the city’s water supply. Dr Coll said scientific evidence showed fluoride improved the dental health of everyone from breastfed babies through to adults.
“We’re actually quite horrified that fluoride was removed from our water,” she said. “I know that sounds like strong language but the medical community was mortified when that decision was made on behalf of our community.”
Cairns Regional Council made the decision to remove the fluoride from Cairns’ water supply in 2013, after it had been introduced for just two years.
Council has included the fluoride issue in its extensive community survey, Our Cairns, which will close on Wednesday.
Dr Coll said if council needed legal advice it would consult lawyers, so the same principle should apply when it needed medical advice.
Mayor Bob Manning has refused to be drawn on the issue, saying “the science” would be deciding factor.
Water and Waste Committee chair Councillor Richie Bates welcomed the contribution from Cairns Local Medical Association and implored fellow councillors to seek expert advice on the issue.
Cr Bates said he wrote to the mayor earlier this year requesting a presentation to councillors on fluoride by experts at James Cook University but he received no response.
“It is really our obligation as a council to seek out the best expert advice,” he said.
JCU head of dentistry Professor Neil Meredith penned an opinion piece for Saturday’s Weekend Post, in which he consulted 220 scientific papers and publications and concluded Cairns should join 80 per cent of Australia enjoying the benefits of water fluoridation.
August 29, 2016 3:00am
Dr Sarah Coll said there was an “overwhelming consensus” in the Cairns medical community that fluoride should be returned to the city’s water supply. Dr Coll said scientific evidence showed fluoride improved the dental health of everyone from breastfed babies through to adults.
“We’re actually quite horrified that fluoride was removed from our water,” she said. “I know that sounds like strong language but the medical community was mortified when that decision was made on behalf of our community.”
Cairns Regional Council made the decision to remove the fluoride from Cairns’ water supply in 2013, after it had been introduced for just two years.
Council has included the fluoride issue in its extensive community survey, Our Cairns, which will close on Wednesday.
Dr Coll said if council needed legal advice it would consult lawyers, so the same principle should apply when it needed medical advice.
Mayor Bob Manning has refused to be drawn on the issue, saying “the science” would be deciding factor.
Water and Waste Committee chair Councillor Richie Bates welcomed the contribution from Cairns Local Medical Association and implored fellow councillors to seek expert advice on the issue.
Cr Bates said he wrote to the mayor earlier this year requesting a presentation to councillors on fluoride by experts at James Cook University but he received no response.
“It is really our obligation as a council to seek out the best expert advice,” he said.
JCU head of dentistry Professor Neil Meredith penned an opinion piece for Saturday’s Weekend Post, in which he consulted 220 scientific papers and publications and concluded Cairns should join 80 per cent of Australia enjoying the benefits of water fluoridation.
Is Fluoride Damaging Your Health?
...............Researchers studied the numbers of people in England diagnosed with hypothyroidism and found that areas with fluoride levels above 0.7 milligrams per liter of water (the lowest level recommended by the CDC) had at least 30 percent more cases than areas with lower levels.
When researchers compared two areas head-to-head — one that had fluoridated drinking water (West Midlands) and one that did not (Greater Manchester), rates of hypothyroidism in the fluoridated area were twice that of the unfluoridated area.
Lead author Stephen Peckham says that authorities need to consider reducing fluoride exposure, including removing it from drinking water, and skipping fluoride treatments on teeth and switching to other methods to protect teeth.
Dr. Blaylock has warned of the dangers of fluoridated water for years, and believes it can cause a wide range of diseases. "It has been shown to be a major brain toxin, even in concentrations half of that approved for use in drinking water," he tells Newsmax Health.
"Degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s are possibly linked to drinking fluoridated water," he says.
He also warns of the possibility of cancer, behavioral problems, thyroid suppression, male infertility and impotence as examples of conditions that could be caused by fluoride.
"Most concerning is that it has been conclusively shown to increase the growth of many cancers; it is a leading cause of bone cancer in young boys," he says. "In addition, fluoride increases spontaneous fractures in women, is associated with some very rare cancers — such as cholangiosarcoma — and lowers IQ. "
It's easy to get too much fluoride, he says. "In addition to the fluoride in water, one has to add in the much higher levels from many foods and black tea. Raisins and other similar dehydrated foods have high levels.
"Also, many tissues concentrate fluoride, so over time the levels can be much higher."
Tap water is the largest source of fluoride for most people, and you can remove most of it by filtering. But not all water filters remove fluoride. Two types that remove much of the fluoride are reverse osmosis and deionizers. You can purchase spring water, which usually has low levels of fluoride, or you can buy a water distillation system which removes most of the fluoride.
In addition to filtering drinking water, Dr. Blaylock also recommends supplements that protect against the harmful effects of fluoride. They include:
Vitamin C: 1,000 milligrams twice a day
Vitamin D: 2,000 IU daily
Curcumin: 500 milligrams dissolved in two tablespoons of olive oil. Take twice a day
Read more: Is Fluoride Damaging Your Health?
When researchers compared two areas head-to-head — one that had fluoridated drinking water (West Midlands) and one that did not (Greater Manchester), rates of hypothyroidism in the fluoridated area were twice that of the unfluoridated area.
Lead author Stephen Peckham says that authorities need to consider reducing fluoride exposure, including removing it from drinking water, and skipping fluoride treatments on teeth and switching to other methods to protect teeth.
Dr. Blaylock has warned of the dangers of fluoridated water for years, and believes it can cause a wide range of diseases. "It has been shown to be a major brain toxin, even in concentrations half of that approved for use in drinking water," he tells Newsmax Health.
"Degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s are possibly linked to drinking fluoridated water," he says.
He also warns of the possibility of cancer, behavioral problems, thyroid suppression, male infertility and impotence as examples of conditions that could be caused by fluoride.
"Most concerning is that it has been conclusively shown to increase the growth of many cancers; it is a leading cause of bone cancer in young boys," he says. "In addition, fluoride increases spontaneous fractures in women, is associated with some very rare cancers — such as cholangiosarcoma — and lowers IQ. "
"Also, many tissues concentrate fluoride, so over time the levels can be much higher."
Tap water is the largest source of fluoride for most people, and you can remove most of it by filtering. But not all water filters remove fluoride. Two types that remove much of the fluoride are reverse osmosis and deionizers. You can purchase spring water, which usually has low levels of fluoride, or you can buy a water distillation system which removes most of the fluoride.
In addition to filtering drinking water, Dr. Blaylock also recommends supplements that protect against the harmful effects of fluoride. They include:
Vitamin C: 1,000 milligrams twice a day
Vitamin D: 2,000 IU daily
Curcumin: 500 milligrams dissolved in two tablespoons of olive oil. Take twice a day
Read more: Is Fluoride Damaging Your Health?
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Most doctors do not know this information': Celebrity chef 'Paleo' Pete Evans advises
Most doctors do not know this information': Celebrity chef 'Paleo' Pete Evans advises osteoporosis sufferer to stop eating dairy products
Celebrity chef Pete Evans has advised Osteoporosis suffer against dairySaid calcium in dairy products could remove calcium from the bones
Told an Osteoporosis sufferer 'most doctors do not know this information'
Osteoporosis results in brittle and fragile bones, caused by lack of calcium
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3761736/Chef-Paleo-Pete-Evans-advises-osteoporosis-sufferer-stop-eating-dairy-products.html#ixzz4IbuUtCwH
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Celebrity chef Pete Evans has advised an osteoporosis sufferer to stop consuming dairy products, saying 'calcium from dairy can remove the calcium from your bones'.
The advice appears to be opposite to the common medical direction that dairy products help protect against the disease, which results in brittle and fragile bones due to vitamin D and calcium deficiencies.
Evans gave the advice to a follower during one of his Facebook 'Q & A' sessions recently.
Chef Pete Evans at the CEO Cook Off in Sydney cathedral square in 2013
The woman wrote: 'I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. My doctor insists that medication is the only way, can Paleo help?'.
Evans responded: 'I would strongly suggest removing dairy and eat the paleo way as calcium from dairy can remove the calcium from your bones' and provided a link to his website.
He added that 'most doctors do not know this information'.
But Evans was slammed by Endocrinologist and medical director of Osteoporosis Australia Professor Peter Ebeling.
He told The Daily Telegraph 'He shouldn’t be saying these things. It’s really bad and just not true.
'The keystone to preventing osteoporosis is adequate calcium intake and this is achieved by three (daily) serves of calcium-rich foods like dairy. Dairy is the most easily available source and has the highest calcium content in it.'
He went on to say Osteoporosis Australia would happily to work with Evans to make him an ambassador with the right message.
Evans recently caused controversy when he advised that sunscreen was filled with 'poisonous chemicals' and said his sun protection was 'generally nothing as I keep an all over tan all year don't stay out for super long periods in the sun'.
Other comments, such as those regarding fluoride and paleo diets for babies, have also drawn the ire of health practitioners and scientists.
For Optimal Health, Mind Your Oral Microbiome and Avoid Fluoride, Harsh Mouth Rinses and Amalgam Fillings
Visit the Mercola Video Library
By Dr. Mercola
While often overlooked, your dental health can have a significant impact on your overall health. It's difficult to achieve high-level physical health if your oral health is ignored.
Dr.Gerry Curatola, founder of Rejuvenation Dentistry, has over 30 years' experience in biological dentistry. As Curatola notes, your mouth is your "gateway to total body wellness." Indeed, thousands of studies have linked oral disease to systemic disease.
Inflammation is known to be a disease-causing force leading to most chronic illness, and gum disease and other oral diseases produce chronic low-grade inflammation that can have a deleterious effect on every major organ system in your body.
Oral disease can therefore contribute to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer's, just to name a few. Advanced gum disease can raise your risk of a fatal heart attack up to 10 times. And, according to Curatola, if you get a heart attack related to gum disease, 9 times out of 10 it will be fatal.
There's also a 700 percent higher incidence of type 2 diabetes among those with gum disease, courtesy of the inflammatory effects of unbalanced microflora in your mouth...........
Saturday, August 27, 2016
USA Fluoride opponents claim court win on Healdsburg ballot measure language
In a sharp rebuke to Healdsburg officials and a victory for fluoride opponents, a Sonoma County judge has ordered the city to change its proposed language on a ballot question that asks voters to weigh in on use of the additive in the city’s water supply.
Vice Mayor Gary Plass said Friday that he was “shocked and disappointed” by the ruling, but city officials said they do not plan to appeal.
As a result, the question put to voters will go beyond the simplified version approved by the City Council earlier this month: “Shall the City of Healdsburg stop fluoridating its water supply?”
Instead, the ballot language will more closely mirror what proponents asked for — that the practice be stopped until the city or manufacturers can supply proof that fluoride is safe to ingest.
It will ask voters whether a moratorium on water fluoridation be instituted until the “manufacturer of the fluoridating chemical provides information regarding identification of any contaminants in the fluoridating chemical batch, and a toxicological report and verification of safety for the fluoridating chemical.”
Dawna Gallagher, a staunch fluoride opponent and former Rohnert Park City Council member who spearheaded the lawsuit against Healdsburg, said “it’s a victory for the California Election Code and the people of Healdsburg who signed a petition thinking it was going on the ballot a certain way and the city changed it completely.”
Is fluoridated water causing your hair loss?
Is fluoridated water causing your hair loss?
However, there are risks associated with drinking too much fluoridated water, with a recent study linking it to hypothyroidism – a condition known to influence hair loss.
Potential problems of fluoride
The biggest problem with consuming too much fluoride is that it starts to interfere with the way iodine works. Iodine is essential in thyroid hormone development, binding to the thyroid gland receptors.
As fluoride has a very similar structure to iodine, it too can fit into the receptor site and as it is both heavier and bigger than iodine, it often wins the battle into the receptor.
When fluoride takes over the receptors, it causes thyroid inflammation. It also prevents more thyroid hormones from being produced. So how does this relate to hair loss?
The link between hair loss and the thyroid hormone
Hair loss is known to sometimes be caused by a hormonal imbalance. In the case of thyroid disease, the thyroid hormones either drop or rise to a really unhealthy level. This in turn can affect the hair’s growth cycle. Hair loss is considered a side effect of thyroid disease, but the good news is it is usually only a temporary problem.
Did you know that hair growth often relies upon the thyroid gland to be healthy? If the hormonal levels are out of whack, it can cause all kinds of issues for the hair. Most commonly, it forces more of the hair to enter the resting phase, meaning when it sheds it will be a lot more noticeable.
If the thyroid hormone levels drop below a healthy level, hair loss can occur. If they rise to abnormal levels on the other hand, hair thinning can become a problem.
So, it’s clear thyroid disease does have an impact on hair loss, but it’s only recently that the condition has been linked to high levels of fluoridated water.
Friday, August 26, 2016
UK - Dentist’s fluoride risk warning
Around a quarter of UK children have tooth decay by the time they start school, with on average three teeth being affected, missing or filled. In fact, the British Dental Association states that last year (2014 / 2015) 179,218 teeth were removed in children aged nine and under, making dental decay one of the nation’s most common childhood diseases and the main reason for hospital admissions.
Fluoride varnish is a free NHS preventative treatment available to all children aged three and above providing they are clinically suitable. It offers protections against decay and strengthens teeth. mydentist practice manager Bev Sephton said: “Statistics show 30 per cent of children didn’t see an NHS dentist between 2012 and 2014. Indeed £30m was spent on tooth extractions for under 18’s in 2012/2013. “We’re committed to changing this trend and we are particularly keen for families with young children to register with us so they can benefit from free NHS fluoride varnish which is normally applied to children’s teeth twice a year from the age of three.” mydentist at Victoria Square is part of the largest network of dental care providers in the UK.
Its recent makeover has been inspired by what its seven million UK patients said they wanted from a dentist. “Dental care needs to be professional but that doesn’t mean it can’t be friendly too. We were determined to create an environment which was both warm and relaxing,” said Ms Henderson.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Australia - Fluoride Action Network Australia

.COUNCILLORS are staying very tight-lipped about how they will vote when regional water fluoridation comes before Mackay Regional Council at the end of the month.
“I want to bring the debate to council for a resolution this month, most likely at the monthly ordinary council meeting at the end of August,” Mayor Greg Williamson said.
Mayor Greg Williamson: Undecided. Believes there’s health benefits, unsure of morality of fluoridation.
Deputy mayor Amanda Camm: Unknown. On leave.
Cr Martin Bella: Leaning towards Yes. Wants a community-wide vote. Cr Laurence Bonaventura: Yes. Believes it’s in the community’s best interest.
Cr Kevin Casey: Undecided. Wants to discuss the issue further.
Cr Justin Englert: Undecided. Wants a community-wide vote.
Cr Fran Mann: Leaning towards No. Gauging community sentiment.
Cr Ross Gee: Undecided. Believes there’s health benefits, unsure of morality of fluoridation.
Cr Karen May: Undecided. Wants to see council’s internal report.
Cr Ayril Paton: Undecided. Wants a community-wide vote.
Cr Ross Walker: Unknown. Away until mid-August.
In a recent informal poll conducted by the Daily Mercury asking whether Mackay region’s water should remain fluoridated, 26% of voters said yes and 73% said no.
“I want to bring the debate to council for a resolution this month, most likely at the monthly ordinary council meeting at the end of August,” Mayor Greg Williamson said.
Mayor Greg Williamson: Undecided. Believes there’s health benefits, unsure of morality of fluoridation.
Deputy mayor Amanda Camm: Unknown. On leave.
Cr Martin Bella: Leaning towards Yes. Wants a community-wide vote. Cr Laurence Bonaventura: Yes. Believes it’s in the community’s best interest.
Cr Kevin Casey: Undecided. Wants to discuss the issue further.
Cr Justin Englert: Undecided. Wants a community-wide vote.
Cr Fran Mann: Leaning towards No. Gauging community sentiment.
Cr Ross Gee: Undecided. Believes there’s health benefits, unsure of morality of fluoridation.
Cr Karen May: Undecided. Wants to see council’s internal report.
Cr Ayril Paton: Undecided. Wants a community-wide vote.
Cr Ross Walker: Unknown. Away until mid-August.
In a recent informal poll conducted by the Daily Mercury asking whether Mackay region’s water should remain fluoridated, 26% of voters said yes and 73% said no.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
"Open wide!"
That's what we tell our patients when they are in the dental chair. For good reason. We need to see into their mouth. It's not just our patients, however, who need to "open wide!" But, I don't mean our mouths -- I mean our minds!
What dentistry requires of me
As a dentist, I need to take a specific number of continuing education hours to maintain my dental license in good standing. I take far more hours a year than I need for this requirement.
Recently, I attended a three-day professional program that reviewed new therapies in dentistry and current controversies. I learned some great information on the cutting edge of knowledge going forward. It was very exciting.
However, I expected some old myths of dentistry and questionable concepts would have been explored and debunked. Unfortunately, this did not happen.
While four prestigious gurus in the medical and dental teaching world presided over this three-day informative meeting, some existing notions were not disputed. For example, fluoride was presented as critical and required for dental health; prescription medications were described as the ultimate method to treat many oral diseases; and genetic predisposition was explained as the most important determinant of disease.
What I believe
Needless to say, any acute manifestation of disease needs to be treated first to make the patient comfortable and prevent severe outcomes -- just as you would need to remove a deep splinter from your finger before moving on. Thereafter, in my opinion, the emphasis should move to addressing the underlying causes -- those affecting individual cells that lead to various chronic diseases. This essential concept was not part of the conference.
I guess my immersion into functional medicine, primal nutrition, and primal lifestyle has preoccupied my mind. I need to remember there is a huge world of professionals out there who don't share my knowledge firsthand, who don't understand how environment is related to the development of disease, and who don't know what they don't know. I am constantly reminded that dentistry has a long way to go before its enlightenment.
Let's move forward
So much dental research is being published regarding new technologies with exciting potential. All dentists need to keep current with these exciting developments.
But, the basics of human function are foundational. Whatever happens on the cellular level affects the entire body. Dentists need to learn about evolutionary nutrition and lifestyle, as well as how both relate to dental disease. Dentistry needs to open its mind.
Not all motions, it seems, are meant to go anywhere really. For councillors who note their lack of powers, some of the motions that are discussed show a curious disregard for where the local authority’s scope ends.
In autumn 2014, Dublin councillors voted to call on the government to repeal existing legislation and make it an offence to add fluoride to water, even though they don’t have powers in that area. From the sidelines, debates like this can look like a waste of council time and resources.
“I think that’s a fair point,” said Chris Andrews of Sinn Fein, who was one of the councillors to put forward the fluoride motion. But sometimes, he says, it’s about making a point. “It’s highlighting it, advocating it, showing solidarity with a particular point of view,” he said.
With so little time, though, and a city facing significant challenges, some councillors argue that spending time on motions that are out of the council’s powers is a bit of a joke.
Irish News - Ask the Dentist: Childhood Obesity Strategy 'a huge leap backwards'
FOLLOWING the unveiling of the Childhood Obesity Strategy last week leading oral health charity the Oral Health Foundation has described it as an absolute disaster which will lead to another lost generation of children experiencing entirely unnecessary oral health problems.
The charity is supported in its disappointment by leading oral health organisation, the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT), which labelled the strategy a substantial backwards step in addressing the UK's children's oral health crisis.
The most glaring omissions include a blanket ban on junk food advertising during family TV shows and a ban on firms using cartoon characters in advertising. The strategy has also excluded an expected clampdown on multi-buy promotions for unhealthy food in supermarkets.
Speaking on the release of the strategy, Oral Health Foundation CEO Nigel Carter spoke of the unnecessary harm it will cause to thousands of children in Britain and Northern Ireland as well as for generations to come.
"Today's Childhood Obesity Strategy is a disaster. What we have see in it spells bad news for generations of our children," Dr Carter said.
"Tooth extraction is the single biggest reason for children being admitted to hospital for general anaesthetics in the UK. More than 33,000 young people have to get rotten teeth removed every year in hospital, yet this is entirely preventable.”
"We are incredibly disappointed but sadly not surprised by this move. The government continue to ignore the children's oral health crisis we are experiencing in the UK and are putting the wellbeing of millions of people a risk by bowing to pressure from the food and drink industry.
"We will continue to lobby the government for more decisive action and apply pressure on the food and drink industry until a telling change is made.”
Michaela ONeill, president of the BSDHT, added: "This was an opportunity for the government to make a real difference and we are incredibly disappointed to have to take a huge leap backwards in the fight against preventable oral health problems.
"We are encouraging parents and children to avoid a future of poor oral health by taking it into your own hands. The best way to do this is by ensuring you brush their teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste; cut down on how often you have sugary foods and visit your dentist regularly.”