Saturday, May 31, 2014
It's National Smile Month and people across North East Lincolnshire and beyond are being urged to do more to care for their teeth and general oral hygiene, as chief reporter Sarah Carey found out.
DO you do enough to look after you and your family's oral health?
As part of National Smile Month we're all being encouraged to do all we can to keep our teeth in tip top condition.
National Smile Month is hosted by the British Dental Health Foundation and one of the key messages in the campaign is the importance of getting children into good habits at a young age.
In recent years, there have been many improvements in the field of dental health, leading to a drop in the number of children under the age of five suffering from tooth decay in our region.
According to the latest figures released by Public Health England (PHE), following a survey of five year olds across Britain, in 2011/12 31 per cent of five-year-olds in North East Lincolnshire suffered tooth decay, compared to 37.4 per cent in the previous study, conducted in 2007/8.
The picture for the wider Yorkshire and Humber region, which encompasses North East Lincolnshire, was worse, with 34 per cent suffering decay. The national average is 28 per cent.
Michael Stanfield, clinical lead for community dental services at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG), who is also a specialist in special care dentistry for the Trust, said: "'The 2011/2012 five-year-olds survey shows that there has been a reduction in the proportion of children affected by dental decay.
"However, decay levels are still unacceptably high in some areas.
"Dental professionals, the NHS and local authorities need to work together to reduce dental decay in our local communities.
"The message for parents is to ensure that their children cut back on sugary snacks and drinks in between meals and brush their teeth with a fluoride toothpaste twice a day.".....................
It is not acceptable to fluoridate our water
I AGREE with Bernard J Seward's letter "Shame over push for fluoridation" (Bristol Post May 21) Scores of studies show that fluoride is harmful to health. The latest appeared in February this year when a leading paediatrician Philip J Landrigan and Professor Philippe Grandjean, a professor of environmental health at Harvard School of Public Health, reported on the dangers of fluoridation. This was published in The Lancet medical journal. After looking at 27 studies they've classified fluoride as a "developmental neurotoxin", which can harm children's brains and intelligence. The fluoride which occurs in very low amounts in some British water is calcium fluoride, whereas in fluoridation schemes they add a highly toxic waste called fluorosicilic acid.
The vital question is whether it is acceptable or permissible to compulsorily medicate whole populations without their consent in this country?" The answer to this is, of course, "No, it is not."
A Wills
Effect of physical activity on fluoride metabolism
Building on existing strong programmes of research in the Institute into both fluoride and physical activity, this research project will link the two areas of expertise in an innovative project. The aim of this research project is to investigate the effect of exercise on fluoride metabolism in human subjects by measuring urinary fluoride excretion and peak plasma fluoride concentration following exercise at different intensity levels.
Dental caries is still a significant public health problem in a large number of high income countries, affecting 60-90% of school children and is an increasing problem in developing countries. Due to the well established protective effect of fluoride against dental caries, it is added to the water supply, table salt or milk in some countries. There is very limited and contradictory evidence on how exercise might influence fluoride metabolism. This important research programme will help to build an understanding of the impact of exercise on fluoride absorption, excretion and retention in the body, which consequently will help provide a robust evidence base for stakeholders and decision makers in dental public health as well as other health professionals who may wish to review the fluoride dose and time of administration.
The student will be provided with a unique opportunity to undertake work with a strong supervisory team and make a significant contribution to an area where there is a real gap in understanding. The supervisory team will be Dr Vida Zohoori and Dr Liane Azevedo.
Entry Requirements
Applicants should hold or expect to obtain a good honours degree (2.1 or above) and/or Masters level qualification in a relevant discipline. The successful applicant will have good analytical skills. It is desirable that the applicant will have laboratory skills and/or experience of physical activity measurement.
I wonder who funds this?
Friday, May 30, 2014
Canada - Fluoride unethical, dangerous
Dental fluorosis is a visible side effect of fluoride poisoning during tooth formation.
Fluoridation chemicals have been added to Peterborough's water supply since 1973 with the intention of reducing tooth decay. Many dentists and researchers are now speaking out against the practice. Dr. Hardy Limeback, Associate Professor and Head of Preventive Dentistry (retired), University of Toronto stated: "Since April of 1999, I have publicly decried the addition of fluoride, especially hydrofluosilicic acid, to drinking water for the purpose of preventing tooth decay."
Also, in 1999, Dr. David Locker, BDs, PhD, Associate Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, concluded, "Canadian studies do not provide systematic evidence that water fluoridation is effective in reducing decay in contemporary child populations." See for further information.
Fluoride Free Peterborough is educating the public about the ineffectiveness, dangers, and ethical violation of water fluoridation. Our goal is for Peterborough to join the increasing number of un-fluoridated Canadian cities including Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Montreal, Quebec City, Fredericton, Windsor, Orillia, and Bobcaygeon....
Harmful substances to watch out for in toothpaste products
May 30, 2014 | Filed under: Consumer Business | Author: Anne Agbaje
Consumers are exposed to thousands of untested chemicals that range from endocrine disruptors in soaps, toothpastes, shampoo, makeup, etc. Hence, with a growing need for convenience among a larger working population, most well informed consumers are now more conscious as they now read labels when they go out to purchase goods from the store.
Triclosan is an ingredient added to consumer products ranging from toothpaste, hand wash and body washes, and even children’s toys to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. It is also added to antibacterial soaps and body washes.
For some consumers, they purchase toothpaste products and all these other items without bothering to read the list of ingredients making it up, trusting manufacturers to have the customer’s best interest at heart. So, when you are at the store next time, read those labels. For instance, toothpaste(s) contain several potentially harmful ingredients, including some that can lead to serious long-term health problems.
Sodium fluoride
Dentists have praised the virtues of fluoride for years, claiming it’s the best defence against tooth decay. Fluoride supposedly builds strong, healthy teeth. In reality, sodium fluoride, a by-product of aluminium manufacturing, can also be found in rat poisons and industrial pesticides.
Latest report by Akron Regional Poison Centre shows that ingesting 1/10 of an ounce of fluoride can kill a 100-lb. adult. Ingesting even a small amount of sodium fluoride may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Yet, despite its dangers, sodium fluoride continues to be a staple in all leading brands of toothpaste.
Found often in anti-bacterial products, triclosan supplements many toothpaste brands. Intriguingly, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies triclosan as a pesticide, stating it poses a risk to both human health and the environment. Scientists categorise triclosan as a chlorophenol, which is a type of chemical suspected of causing cancer in humans.
Consumers are exposed to thousands of untested chemicals that range from endocrine disruptors in soaps, toothpastes, shampoo, makeup, etc. Hence, with a growing need for convenience among a larger working population, most well informed consumers are now more conscious as they now read labels when they go out to purchase goods from the store.
Triclosan is an ingredient added to consumer products ranging from toothpaste, hand wash and body washes, and even children’s toys to reduce or prevent bacterial contamination. It is also added to antibacterial soaps and body washes.
For some consumers, they purchase toothpaste products and all these other items without bothering to read the list of ingredients making it up, trusting manufacturers to have the customer’s best interest at heart. So, when you are at the store next time, read those labels. For instance, toothpaste(s) contain several potentially harmful ingredients, including some that can lead to serious long-term health problems.
Sodium fluoride
Dentists have praised the virtues of fluoride for years, claiming it’s the best defence against tooth decay. Fluoride supposedly builds strong, healthy teeth. In reality, sodium fluoride, a by-product of aluminium manufacturing, can also be found in rat poisons and industrial pesticides.
Latest report by Akron Regional Poison Centre shows that ingesting 1/10 of an ounce of fluoride can kill a 100-lb. adult. Ingesting even a small amount of sodium fluoride may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Yet, despite its dangers, sodium fluoride continues to be a staple in all leading brands of toothpaste.
Found often in anti-bacterial products, triclosan supplements many toothpaste brands. Intriguingly, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies triclosan as a pesticide, stating it poses a risk to both human health and the environment. Scientists categorise triclosan as a chlorophenol, which is a type of chemical suspected of causing cancer in humans.
UK - Western Isles - Get ready for Childsmile 2014!
Last year, around 1,500 children in the Western Isles attended a Childsmile appointment at their local dental clinic and feedback was 100 per cent positive, with ‘going to the dentist’ being seen as a fun activity by many of the youngest members of our communities.
Childsmile is held on an annual basis and each child that attends an appointment gets a dental examination and receives diet advice, toothbrush instruction and an application of fluoride varnish where appropriate...........................
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Tees Radio
Go direct to Tees radio 5 days left to listen
Doug Cross at 1 hr 6 minutes and about 2 hrs in for more on fluoridation
F.A.N. Comment
recent New
Zealand study published in the American Journal of
Public Health, which claims to exonerate a link between fluoride and lowered
IQ, is scientifically flawed and reveals blatant examiner bias, says the
Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
study's co-author, pro-fluoridation activist and dentist Jonathan Broadbent, claimed: "Our findings
will hopefully help to put another nail in the coffin of the complete canard
that fluoridating water is somehow harmful to children's development." However,
the limitations of Broadbent's study mean it is inconclusive at
Paul Connett, PhD, FAN Executor Director says,
"Even if this study was high quality science, which it is not, it could not
cancel out over 100
animal and 45+ human studies showing fluoride can cause brain
deficits. Broadbent's research has serious weaknesses."
The study's small sample size of non-water-fluoridated subjects (99 compared to
891 water-fluoridated subjects) means it has low ability to detect an effect.
Even worse, 139 subjects took fluoride tablets, but Broadbent does not say
which. Since fluoride tablets are only recommended for children living in
non-water-fluoridated areas, there may have been little difference in total
fluoride intake between his comparison groups. Broadbent's failure to consider
total fluoride exposure may thus explain why he found "no
Broadbent falsely criticizes 27 previous studies linking fluoride to children's
lower IQ - implying they didn't adjust for any potentially confounding variables
like lead, iodine, arsenic, nutrition, parent's IQ, urban/rural and fluoride
from other sources. In fact, several of the studies did control for these
factors. A good example is Xiang's work, which has controlled for lead, iodine,
arsenic, urban/rural, fluoride from all sources, parent's education, and
socio-economic status (SES). Ironically, Broadbent failed to adjust for most of
these factors in his own study despite having access to information on many of
Of the four factors Broadbent did adjust for, most were only crudely
controlled. For example, SES was determined solely by the father's occupation
and classified into just 3 levels. Inadequate adjustment for SES could obscure a
lowering of IQ caused by fluoride, because almost all of the
non-water-fluoridated children came from one outlying town that had lower SES
than the fluoridated areas.
"Broadbent is one of New
Zealand's leading political promoters of fluoridation. He
is a dentist not a developmental neurotoxicologist," says Connett. "This single
weak study is hardly sufficient to outweigh the substantial body of evidence
showing fluoride's potential to harm the developing brain at relatively low
exposure levels."
Action Network
USA - Residents seek fluoride ban
Residents seek fluoride ban
Citing health concerns, opponents push officials to stop using it in city's water
NEWBURYPORT — Just when it appeared that the city’s water supply was adequate and flowing in the right direction, a bevy of North Shore health activists has launched a campaign to encourage city councillors to rid the city’s water of fluoride.
Dr. Daniel Eyink, a local physician, appeared before the City Council Tuesday night and urged councillors to cease the use of fluoride in the water supply.
Also speaking were about a half-dozen other anti-fluoride advocates, who cited a variety of sources in condemning the compound.
The opponents were from communities including Amesbury, Seabrook, Methuen, Boxford and Cambridge.
Eyink’s letter was referred to the council’s Public Utilities Committee, headed by Councilor Ari Herzog and including Jared Eigerman and Bruce Vogel.
It said in part, “As a physician here in Newburyport, I have serious health and ethical concerns around the fluoridation of our water supply. “There is no need to expose ... tissues to fluoride by swallowing it, as fluoride imposes many risks to the health of our organs, including risk to brain, thyroid gland and bones.”
Eyink’s letter stated that fluoride is increasingly present in the lives of children, in “other sources beside our drinking water including fluoride dental products, fluoride pesticides, fluoridated pharmaceuticals and processed food made with fluoridated water....
Citing health concerns, opponents push officials to stop using it in city's water
NEWBURYPORT — Just when it appeared that the city’s water supply was adequate and flowing in the right direction, a bevy of North Shore health activists has launched a campaign to encourage city councillors to rid the city’s water of fluoride.
Dr. Daniel Eyink, a local physician, appeared before the City Council Tuesday night and urged councillors to cease the use of fluoride in the water supply.
Also speaking were about a half-dozen other anti-fluoride advocates, who cited a variety of sources in condemning the compound.
The opponents were from communities including Amesbury, Seabrook, Methuen, Boxford and Cambridge.
Eyink’s letter was referred to the council’s Public Utilities Committee, headed by Councilor Ari Herzog and including Jared Eigerman and Bruce Vogel.
It said in part, “As a physician here in Newburyport, I have serious health and ethical concerns around the fluoridation of our water supply. “There is no need to expose ... tissues to fluoride by swallowing it, as fluoride imposes many risks to the health of our organs, including risk to brain, thyroid gland and bones.”
Eyink’s letter stated that fluoride is increasingly present in the lives of children, in “other sources beside our drinking water including fluoride dental products, fluoride pesticides, fluoridated pharmaceuticals and processed food made with fluoridated water....
UK - Bolton Tooth Decay
More than 2,800 children under 5 in Bolton already have tooth decay
9:43am Wednesday 28th May 2014 in News
By Charlotte Dobson, Health reporter
MORE than 2,800 children under five — in Bolton already have tooth decay, according to the latest public heath figure.
The figure makes up 43.4 per cent of the borough's under fives.
Now youngsters are being taught how to take care of their teeth during National Smile Month.
The Bolton teeth team have been busy promoting brushing and good oral healthcare at schools across the borough.
The smiley-scheme is designed to tackle the high rate of tooth decay among nursery children in Bolton.
Pupils at Washacre Primary School enjoyed a fun, but educational day with the oral health team from Bolton NHS Foundation Trust.
Each child in reception were shown how to brush their teeth and given a free toothbrush and tube of toothpaste.
Pupils also had the chance to hop aboard the “Brush Bus” and take their own “Smile Selfies.” Jennifer Bridge, oral health educator, said: “The children loved learning about how to look after their teeth.
“It’s a common misconception that their baby teeth don’t matter because they get a second set.
“Yet we see about 60 children a month who are having to have teeth taken out under general anaesthetic. Baby teeth are so important for a child’s confidence, eating and speech.
“A lot of children don’t brush their teeth at home and some don’t even own a toothbrush or use their sibling’s, which is not good at all.
“Miss Bridge is part of the team rolling out the new Bolton’s Healthy Early Years Scheme where children brush their teeth once a day at their nursery.
She added: “When children brush their teeth altogether it makes it a much more fun exercise and ensures they’re getting fluoride on their teeth at least once a day.”
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The debate on fluoride in the Dallas public water system was heard again at city hall Tuesday.
Fluoride is a mineral that naturally occurs in small amounts in Dallas water or even in some foods. What the city does is add enough chemical fluoride to reach .7 parts per million, a level recommended for optimum dental health by federal and professional dental groups.
But many younger Americans aren’t familiar with it. “I never had any problems, I never had a cavity,” Rachael Timm told CBS 11 News. And many in her generation aren’t familiar with fluoride, even though their teeth may have benefitted from it for years.
“From what I’ve read it seems relatively safe. And not have horrible things,” said another younger man, Jame Vahala.
Some older Americans, though, worry it’s one too many chemicals. Especially Baby Boomers who have consumed fluoridated water for decades, such as Rob Mayes.
“Right now, the way I’m living, especially at my age I am concerned about the different chemicals that are that are in our foods, and even in our water.” But he admits he doesn’t know much about fluoride’s supposed risks. “I can’t give you any real scientific reasons why I don’t want it in there, but I don’t.”....
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
NZ - Hastings residents stockpile fluoride-free water
ALTERNATIVE: Angela Hair, of the Fluoride Free Hastings group, is pleased Hastings City Council is creating "filling stations" so residents can get water without fluoride.
NZ - Tribunal sought for water fluoridation
Anti-fluoride campaigners have called for a regional tribunal to question the practice in Wellington.
A contingent of submitters addressed the Greater Wellington Regional Council this morning during hearings on the council's draft annual plan, once again questioning the compulsory fluoridation of the region's drinking water.
The council supplies water which has been fluoridated to meet levels recommended by the Ministry of Health to improve dental health. The water goes to Wellington, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt and Porirua.
However, submitters at Greater Wellington today called on the council to reconsider the practice, saying there was increasing evidence the levels in water were not enough to make a significant difference on dental health, as it was only residual fluoride in saliva that made a difference to oral health, and that was at such a diluted level it became insignificant.
Instead, people were absorbing fluoride at a level that failed to account for factors such as age, weight or individual tolerance, dentist Stan Litras argued.
"The toxic level is easily exceeded by children aged less than eight."
Lynn Jordan said the matter should be considered by a tribunal that properly considered the different arguments.. ......
Anti-fluoride campaigners have called for a regional tribunal to question the practice in Wellington.
A contingent of submitters addressed the Greater Wellington Regional Council this morning during hearings on the council's draft annual plan, once again questioning the compulsory fluoridation of the region's drinking water.
The council supplies water which has been fluoridated to meet levels recommended by the Ministry of Health to improve dental health. The water goes to Wellington, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt and Porirua.
However, submitters at Greater Wellington today called on the council to reconsider the practice, saying there was increasing evidence the levels in water were not enough to make a significant difference on dental health, as it was only residual fluoride in saliva that made a difference to oral health, and that was at such a diluted level it became insignificant.
Instead, people were absorbing fluoride at a level that failed to account for factors such as age, weight or individual tolerance, dentist Stan Litras argued.
"The toxic level is easily exceeded by children aged less than eight."
Lynn Jordan said the matter should be considered by a tribunal that properly considered the different arguments.. ......
Monday, May 26, 2014
Clonakilty in West Cork has become the second town in Ireland to achieve fluoride free status as part of the Fluoride Free Towns movement. Thanks to Owen Boyden and Anne Cullinane for placing Clonakilty on the map for fluoride free food and drinks. The businesses that have kindly and graciously committed to making this local initiative possible are The Fernhill House Hotel; The Lettercollum Kitchen Project; The Winery; Betty Brosnans, Coffee Mezzo, Jagged Edge and The Sticky Bun. All these businesses listed have given an assurance to their customers that beverage and food products made on their premises will be fluoride free, thus allowing their customers the opportunity to shop local and reduce their risk of exposure to the adverse health affects associated with fluoride ingestion.To see how you can help your town acquire fluoride free status, please follow the link here

Sunday, May 25, 2014
Water Fluoridation: A Critical Review of the Physiological Effects of Ingested Fluoride as a Public Health Intervention
Stephen Peckham1,2 and Niyi Awofeso3
1Centre for Health Services Studies, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NF, UK
2Department of Health Services Research and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
3e-School of Health and Environmental Studies, Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University, P.O. Box 71400, Dubai, UAE
2Department of Health Services Research and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
3e-School of Health and Environmental Studies, Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University, P.O. Box 71400, Dubai, UAE
Received 22 August 2013; Accepted 22 October 2013; Published 26 February 2014
Academic Editors: S. H. Hsu and A. Youk
Copyright © 2014 Stephen Peckham and Niyi Awofeso. This is an open access article distributed under theCreative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Fluorine is the world’s 13th most abundant element and constitutes 0.08% of the Earth crust. It has the highest electronegativity of all elements. Fluoride is widely distributed in the environment, occurring in the air, soils, rocks, and water. Although fluoride is used industrially in a fluorine compound, the manufacture of ceramics, pesticides, aerosol propellants, refrigerants, glassware, and Teflon cookware, it is a generally unwanted byproduct of aluminium, fertilizer, and iron ore manufacture. The medicinal use of fluorides for the prevention of dental caries began in January 1945 when community water supplies in Grand Rapids, United States, were fluoridated to a level of 1 ppm as a dental caries prevention measure. However, water fluoridation remains a controversial public health measure. This paper reviews the human health effects of fluoride. The authors conclude that available evidence suggests that fluoride has a potential to cause major adverse human health problems, while having only a modest dental caries prevention effect. As part of efforts to reduce hazardous fluoride ingestion, the practice of artificial water fluoridation should be reconsidered globally, while industrial safety measures need to be tightened in order to reduce unethical discharge of fluoride compounds into the environment. Public health approaches for global dental caries reduction that do not involve systemic ingestion of fluoride are urgently needed.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Health board supports fluoridation across Ontario
The local board of health has directed Dr. Hazel Lynn to support a motion next month that will call on the province to require that all municipal drinking water systems in Ontario contain Health Canada-recommended levels of fluoride.
The resolution, sponsored by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, is to be debated and voted on at an Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) annual general meeting June 3 in Richmond Hill.
Chatsworth Mayor Bob Pringle, a Grey County representative on the Grey-Bruce board of health, said reputable scientific studies show that water fluoridation is a safe and effective way to prevent tooth decay.
The motion directs alPHa to ask the provincial government to amend its Safe Drinking Water Act to mandate the fluoridation of all municipal water systems, when source-water levels are below the Health Canada recommended level of 0.7 milligrams per litre, to prevent dental caries.
It also calls on the province to provide both the funding and technical support to municipalities required for community water fluoridation.
Lynn, Grey-Bruce’s medical officer of health, is a voting member of alPHa, the non-profit association that represents public health units in Ontario. She plans to attend the AGM.
Lynn said she supports province-wide water fluoridation.
“Many communities, especially those with kids with very bad teeth, if they look at the literature realize that they could help these kids tremendously with very little cost,” she said.
“I think most people that look at it without a pre-formed belief system would say, of course we want fluoride, we want better teeth.”
Lynn presented seven motions to the board of health Friday that alPHa members will be asked to vote on next month. They include resolutions to request that Health Canada regulate the manufacturing of e-cigarettes and study their long-term health effects as well as to call on the province to ensure that all new provincially and municipally funded multi-unit dwellings are designated smoke-free.
The board directed Lynn to support all seven motions at the AGM.
Water fluoridation has become a highly controversial topic in many communities.
Public health agencies and most dentists say it is an effective way to prevent cavities.
Opponents, on the other hand, say water fluoridation is an outdated and ineffective practice that poses a threat to human health and should not be forced on people.
Owen Sound, which has been adding fluoride to its drinking water since 1965, will be holding a plebiscite as part of the Oct. 27 municipal election that will ask voters if they support discontinuing water fluoridation in the city.
The Grey-Bruce board of health already voted this spring to support the Simcoe Muskoka health unit’s motion, but Lynn said it will have more “oomph” if it is supported by all health units through alPHa.
Emotive picture but parents need education like Child Smile not fluoridation.
Emotive picture but parents need education like Child Smile not fluoridation.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Playing into the hands of those who are quick to call all of us conspiracy theorists. I can't imagine any of those listening to this will believe in in his revelations.
NZ - Dunedin IQ-fluoride study Sloppy Science
Fluoride Free New Zealand
(Fluoride Action Network NZ Inc)
(Fluoride Action Network NZ Inc)
20th May 2014
Dunedin IQ-fluoride study Sloppy Science
Dunedin IQ-fluoride study Sloppy Science
Not only were there too few unfluoridated children in this study to give reliable results (99), it is likely that they were a large proportion of the 139 children who took fluoride tablets. If so, there is no ‘unfluoridated’ group. Why was this not disclosed?
But worse, the study fails to allow for a whole range of confounding factors. The most important period for IQ damage is in the womb, yet the mothers’ fluoride intake and other factors like iodine deficiency were not controlled for. Similarly, there was poor information on total fluoride intake by these infants. Had the study actually been prospective as claimed, rather than retrospective, this essential information could have been available.
The Dunedin research report begins with the conclusion it set out to “prove” – that fluoridation is harmless. The first two named ‘researchers’ are two of NZ’s leading political promoters of fluoridation. They are dentists, not developmental neurotoxicologists.
In contrast, a Harvard University meta-analysis of studies was conducted by some of the world’s leading expert researchers into developmental neurotoxicology, who have no known bias on fluoridation policy. There were 27 studies reviewed. The total number now available is 43. The Dunedin authors wrongly dismiss this as a single study.
The Harvard review rightly caused concern to decision-makers as it showed a consistent lowering of IQ associated with fluoride intake. It is clearly the reason this Dunedin study has been published – as a political posturing, just as the tobacco companies funded and published ‘research’ showing cigarette smoking did not cause lung cancer.
The Dunedin IQ-fluoride study is missing just about all the confounding factors that the authors have criticised in the studies reviewed by the Harvard team. This is outright sloppy science. Broadbent criticizes the studies reviewed by Harvard for not controlling for these factors (when in fact some of them did) and then fails to control for them when the data is readily available to him.
This is a single ‘study’ by politically driven dentists against a robust analysis of 27 studies by world-leading experts in this field, from one of the world’s foremost universities. You’d have to have a pretty low IQ to not know whose opinion carries the more credible weight.
USA - Murfreesboro and LaVergne Receive Award for Adjusting Fluoride Level in Water
The CDC awards recognize communities that achieved excellence in community water fluoridation by maintaining a consistent level of fluoridated water throughout 2012. Tennessee was one of 32 states to have community water systems earning the awards.
“Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in water,” said Suzanne Hayes, DDS, director of the Tennessee Department of Health Oral Health Services. “By adjusting the amount of fluoride in its water supply system, a community can help residents of all ages prevent tooth decay and have improved oral health. Research shows every $1 invested in fluoridation saves at least $38 in costs for future dental treatment.”..............
Usual spin and brings to my mind the question, what about the water companies who don't achieve excellence in water fluoridation presuming they are referring to variance in administering the amount?
Not forgetting they also add arsenic and lead with every dose they do put in.
“Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in water,” said Suzanne Hayes, DDS, director of the Tennessee Department of Health Oral Health Services. “By adjusting the amount of fluoride in its water supply system, a community can help residents of all ages prevent tooth decay and have improved oral health. Research shows every $1 invested in fluoridation saves at least $38 in costs for future dental treatment.”..............
Usual spin and brings to my mind the question, what about the water companies who don't achieve excellence in water fluoridation presuming they are referring to variance in administering the amount?
Not forgetting they also add arsenic and lead with every dose they do put in.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
NZ - Court delay for Hamilton fluoride battle
A battle over whether fluoride returns to Hamilton water will head back to court in June.
Anti-fluoride campaigners are seeking an interim order from the High Court to stop a resumption of water fluoridation ahead of a full legal battle.
The case had been scheduled for Wednesday but is now expected to take place in June at a date yet to be determined.
The campaigners will also seek a judicial review at a later date.
Hamilton District Council stopped adding fluoride to its water in 2013, but councillors voted nine to one to reintroduce it after 70 per cent of voters backed fluoridation in a non-binding referendum held during local body elections.
Fluoridation was to have resumed on Monday but the council deferred it, pending the court hearing, after Safe Water Alternative lodged papers in the High Court wanting to test the council's decision.
Hamilton started fluoridating its water in 1966 to fight tooth decay. Opponents say fluoride causes health problems.
Justice Rodney Hansen in March ruled South Taranaki District Council does have the legal power to add fluoride to drinking water, knocking back the legal challenge of New Health NZ.
Hamilton councillors had decided to wait until the South Taranaki court decision before committing to fluoridation again.
UK - Bradford call for fluoride in tap water
Figures on Bradford children's rotten teeth prompt call for fluoride in tap water
6:00am Wednesday 21st May 2014 in News
The youngsters undergo operations under general anaesthetic for “dental caries” – infections caused by eating sugary food and failing to brush their teeth properly.
Official statistics show 462 children in the city under the age of five were admitted to hospital over a three-year period, or just under three every week.
Almost all have the rotten teeth extracted – and the figures do not include children who have teeth pulled out in dentist chairs.
Now Public Health England (PHE) has used the worrying statistics to make a fresh call for fluoride to be added to tap water, to dramatically cut decay.
The organisation says the main cause of rotten teeth in very young children is deprivation and the number of under-fives admitted to hospital is up to 45 per cent lower where water is fluoridated.
A PHE spokesman said: “Evidence suggests that fluoridating water is the single most effective step we can take to reduce tooth decay generally, both among children and adults, irrespective of personal behaviour.”A decision to introduce fluoridation rests with local authorities after consulting local people.
A spokesman for Bradford Council said it had not taken a stance on fluoridation, but did encourage parents to use fluoride varnish on their children’s teeth and he argued that – while Bradford remained worse than the national average – levels of tooth decay had fallen since 2008.
Dr Shirley Brierley, the Council’s public health consultant, said: “Bradford Council has invested in a number of programmes under the banner of ‘Building Brighter Smiles’, aimed at under-fives, which have improved these figures.”
Deborah Cochran, practice manager at Parkside Road Dental Care Unit in West Bowling, said: “We’ve had people come in here who barely know what a toothbrush is, and have never been to a dentist before in their lives.
“When you’re faced with that, it is a very difficult problem to combat.
“Adding fluoride to the water would definitely make a difference, but education is the key.”
Health experts have dismissed claims that fluoridation causes hip fractures and tooth stains – but the policy remains controversial.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Fluoride Concerns Finally Taken Seriously
By Dr. Mercola
Open, honest debate is crucial to furthering knowledge, resolving controversies and moving forward on important questions of public interest.
Debate as a form of reasoning and education can be traced back to ancient times, when philosophical debates were held in ancient Greece. To be successful, there must be integrity on both sides as well as respect.
Name-calling and disrespect have no place in a debate of matters relating to public health, but in the case of water fluoridation, this has been the standard procedure of fluoridation promoters for many decades.
So imagine everyone's surprise when in a recent Dallas city council meeting, three council members not only held back such insults but actually agreed that it was time to open up an honest discussion about the city's water fluoridation practices...............
Open, honest debate is crucial to furthering knowledge, resolving controversies and moving forward on important questions of public interest.
Debate as a form of reasoning and education can be traced back to ancient times, when philosophical debates were held in ancient Greece. To be successful, there must be integrity on both sides as well as respect.
Name-calling and disrespect have no place in a debate of matters relating to public health, but in the case of water fluoridation, this has been the standard procedure of fluoridation promoters for many decades.
So imagine everyone's surprise when in a recent Dallas city council meeting, three council members not only held back such insults but actually agreed that it was time to open up an honest discussion about the city's water fluoridation practices...............
Monday, May 19, 2014
Why Absorbing Fluoride in the Shower is Especially Dangerous
By Nick Meyer On May 18, 2014
Fluoride in the water supply is a problem that Americans and North Americans in particular deal with more than residents of other areas, but most of the time, the focus is on drinking water.
Water bottles that remove fluoride on the go, water pitchers and more are often employed, but what about removing fluoride from the water that we shower in?
The symptoms of too much fluoride exposure are pretty well known, and most of them are mild until the problem becomes more pronounced. They include: learning disorders (as Harvard researchers discovered recently), body temperature fluctuations including cold shivers, heart palpitations, depression, nausea, joint pain (as this is where fluoride and other chemical toxins can be stored), headaches and migraines, and much, much more.
Fluoride also greatly disrupts the thyroid gland, which can lead to weight gain and serious hormonal issues (that lead to more weight gain).
While we all love a good long, hot shower, the reality of the situation is that we’re exposing ourselves to high levels of toxic industrial fluoride, chlorine and other chemicals from our tap water as we’re doing it, and the more time we leave the shower head running the more time these chemicals have to interact with each other, creating newer, more toxic reactions (many of which haven’t been studied; this has been widely mentioned albeit not studied extensively due to the difficulty factor).
It’s been said that during each regular length shower, your skin absorbs the equivalent of a full glass of water, so even if you’re using a fluoride filter to remove it from your drinking water, the odds are that you’re still getting an (un)healthy dose every single day.
In order to combat fluoride exposure, be sure to buy your water from filtered sources and avoid tap water as much as you can, when it comes to drinking water that is.
For filtering fluoride from the shower, be aware that some brands including Aquasana, a popular shower filter brand, do not actually remove fluoride.
A full-house reverse osmosis system is probably best for removing fluoride from your home, but if you can’t get one, you may want to try the Omica Shower Filter.
I personally use this shower filter and replace it once a year, since chemicals and toxins can build up in the filter and I want to make sure I’m not absorbing them directly into my bloodstream while I take those otherwise relaxing (and hard to step out of) hot showers.
Fluoride in the water supply is a problem that Americans and North Americans in particular deal with more than residents of other areas, but most of the time, the focus is on drinking water.
The symptoms of too much fluoride exposure are pretty well known, and most of them are mild until the problem becomes more pronounced. They include: learning disorders (as Harvard researchers discovered recently), body temperature fluctuations including cold shivers, heart palpitations, depression, nausea, joint pain (as this is where fluoride and other chemical toxins can be stored), headaches and migraines, and much, much more.
Fluoride also greatly disrupts the thyroid gland, which can lead to weight gain and serious hormonal issues (that lead to more weight gain).
While we all love a good long, hot shower, the reality of the situation is that we’re exposing ourselves to high levels of toxic industrial fluoride, chlorine and other chemicals from our tap water as we’re doing it, and the more time we leave the shower head running the more time these chemicals have to interact with each other, creating newer, more toxic reactions (many of which haven’t been studied; this has been widely mentioned albeit not studied extensively due to the difficulty factor).
It’s been said that during each regular length shower, your skin absorbs the equivalent of a full glass of water, so even if you’re using a fluoride filter to remove it from your drinking water, the odds are that you’re still getting an (un)healthy dose every single day.
In order to combat fluoride exposure, be sure to buy your water from filtered sources and avoid tap water as much as you can, when it comes to drinking water that is.
For filtering fluoride from the shower, be aware that some brands including Aquasana, a popular shower filter brand, do not actually remove fluoride.
A full-house reverse osmosis system is probably best for removing fluoride from your home, but if you can’t get one, you may want to try the Omica Shower Filter.
I personally use this shower filter and replace it once a year, since chemicals and toxins can build up in the filter and I want to make sure I’m not absorbing them directly into my bloodstream while I take those otherwise relaxing (and hard to step out of) hot showers.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Dr. Brownstein's stance on iodine
1. Why thyroid cancer is the fastest growing cancer in the United States
2. The "touchy, feely" way to find thyroid nodules...
3. How "low-salt" recommendations contributes to thyroid disease
4. Why taking thyroid supplements WITHOUT addressing iodine is a bad idea.
1. Why thyroid cancer is the fastest growing cancer in the United States
2. The "touchy, feely" way to find thyroid nodules...
3. How "low-salt" recommendations contributes to thyroid disease
4. Why taking thyroid supplements WITHOUT addressing iodine is a bad idea.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
USA - Appalling: Task Force Tells Pediatricians and Doctors to ‘Paint’ Toxic Fluoride on Baby Teeth by Christina Sarich
“Children under three should never use fluoridated toothpaste. Or drink fluoridated water. And baby formula must never be made up using Toronto tap water. Never. In fluoridated areas, people should never use fluoride supplements. We tried to get them banned for children but (the dentists) wouldn’t even look at the evidence we presented.” ~ Toronto Star
Why any group would be tasked with poisoning young children with fluoride when it has been proven in countless studies to cause cognitive disorders, lowered IQ, and even bone and joint disease, is anyone’s guess. Harvard recently proved that fluoride was harmful to children:
“Choi and senior author Philippe Grandjean, adjunct professor of environmental health at Harvard Sschool of Public Health, and their colleagues collated the epidemiological studies of children exposed to fluoride from drinking water. The China National Knowledge Infrastructure database also was included to locate studies published in Chinese journals. They then analyzed possible associations with IQ measures in more than 8,000 children of school age; all but one study suggested that high fluoride content in water may negatively affect cognitive development.”
Yet pediatricians and other primary care doctors are to put fluoride on baby teeth as soon as they erupt.
Dr. Michael LeFevre said, “Only one in four preschool children is seeing a dentist, but most see a primary care clinician. Primary care clinicians can play an important complementary role in helping dentists keep children’s teeth healthy.”
What kind of person recommends fluoride for treating cavities if it will cause your baby’s brain to turn into mush? And since the ‘research is inconclusive, as to just how much fluoride should be administered’ – admitted to by USPSTF, then what business do they have telling doctors to administer it at all if they don’t know what levels are ‘effective’ and what levels are ‘harmful.’
Pediatric dentist Dr. Mary Hayes and a spokesperson for the American Dental Association welcomed the help from pediatricians, family doctors and nurse practitioners:
“It’s a good thing that dentistry and medicine are working hand in hand trying to attack decay in kids’ mouths.”
The task force also asks doctors to prescribe oral fluoride to baby’s with teeth if it has not been added to their drinking water.
Fluoride is Dangerous – Especially for Children
Kids are suffering from all kinds of diseases that weren’t common just decades ago. Fluoride is definately part of the problem. Disorders such as autism, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and dyslexia have soared, and this is due in part to the use of chemicals in municipal water supplies, and exposure to industrial contaminants such as lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, herbicides, pesticides, and fluoride.
Children’s bodies cannot tolerate this onslaught of chemicals. Fluoride accumulates in their tiny bodies (along with these other toxins) and causes skeletal fluorosis. It is a creeping disease that eventually makes the bones of a five year old look that those of an 108 year old woman suffering from arthritis.
What’s more – fluoride in any form — drops, tablets, or vitamins — has never been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (as required by law since 1938), and a lethal dose of NaF (an artificial fluoride) is 50 times smaller than that of CaF2 (a naturally-occurring fluoride) according to Dr. Hardy Limeback, biochemist and Professor of Dentistry, University of Toronto, former consultant to the Canadian Dental Association.
Why would mothers and fathers put a toxic waste that comes from the semiconductor and phosphate fertilizer industries in their baby’s mouths? Why would a task force be sent to tell doctors to encourage parents to do this?
“Contaminated with arsenic, lead, barium, cadmium, and mercury, no analyses of fluorosilicic acid are performed at the source, and only rudimentary analyses are performed at water treatment plants prior to their injection into public water systems. In many artificially fluoridated areas, the lead and copper content of the water exceeds EPA/Safe Drinking Water Act standards. This occurs because of the caustic nature of fluorosilicic acid and its capacity to leach copper and lead from soldered pipe joints and brass fixtures.” ~ Fluoridation: License to Dump Toxic Waste In The Name of Public Health”, Health Action Network, Fluoride Report No. 4, Jan (1997)
The American Dental Association has obviously ingested too much fluoridated water to think straight.
NZ - Councillors revive fluoridation issue
By Debbie Porteous
Not content to let the sleeping fluoridation bear lie, new city councillors Mike Lord and David Benson-Pope may poked it firmly in the stomach yesterday.
They suggested not only reinstating the city's previous fluoridation levels, but expanding the supply of fluoridated water to all of the city's reticulated areas.
The previous Dunedin City Council voted to drop the level of fluoride in the central city water supply, which serves 85% of the city's population, from 0.85mg per litre to 0.75mg per litre, following intense debate and lobbying on the issue.
Outlying areas of the city, including Mosgiel, have not to date had fluoride in their water supply.
Yesterday, Cr Lord said he had been so impressed by a recent presentation to councillors from Public Health South on the topic, he thought it would be a good idea to add fluoride, at the recommended Ministry of Health levels, to each reticulated Dunedin system not fluoridated at present.
''It's something we should do if we can.'..............
Not content to let the sleeping fluoridation bear lie, new city councillors Mike Lord and David Benson-Pope may poked it firmly in the stomach yesterday.
They suggested not only reinstating the city's previous fluoridation levels, but expanding the supply of fluoridated water to all of the city's reticulated areas.
The previous Dunedin City Council voted to drop the level of fluoride in the central city water supply, which serves 85% of the city's population, from 0.85mg per litre to 0.75mg per litre, following intense debate and lobbying on the issue.
Outlying areas of the city, including Mosgiel, have not to date had fluoride in their water supply.
Yesterday, Cr Lord said he had been so impressed by a recent presentation to councillors from Public Health South on the topic, he thought it would be a good idea to add fluoride, at the recommended Ministry of Health levels, to each reticulated Dunedin system not fluoridated at present.
''It's something we should do if we can.'..............
Friday, May 16, 2014
Ireland - Clonakilty becomes second ‘fluoride-free town’
By Eoin English
Irish Examiner Reporter
Irish Examiner Reporter
Seven local businesses — Fernhill House Hotel, The Lettercollum Kitchen Project, The Winery, Betty Brosnans, Coffee Mezzo, Jagged Edge and The Sticky Bun — have all installed reverse osmosis water filtration systems to assure their customers that all food and beverage products prepared on site are fluoride-free.
Con McLoughlin and Karen Austin run The Lettercollum Kitchen Project and are well-known in West Cork food circles for their organic produce.
“We appreciate the work that the Fluoride Free team have done to highlight the campaign for a fluoride-free Ireland which will improve the quality of water for everyone,” they said.
“We have our own well water in Timoleague, so we have always noticed a big difference with the town water. The filter system now means that we don’t have to cart our water in and out of town to drink and can make food with clean water and enjoy a tastier chemical-free coffee.”
Anne Cullinane, the Clonakilty Fluoride Free initiative co-ordinator and the town’s deputy mayor said she was delighted that the people of Clonakilty backed this initiative.
“Like Bantry did earlier this year, we are claiming fluoride-free status and I would like to thank my fellow town councillors who all support the idea,” she said.
This move by Clonakilty comes just a few months after Bantry acquired fluoride-free status and Cork County Council’s unanimous anti-fluoride motion was passed.
Fluoride-free status is achieved through a minimum of six businesses in a town having reverse osmosis fluoride filtration installed.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Fluoride Action Network
May 15, 2014
We have plenty of good news to share with you in this bulletin, including three fluoride-free victories, a letter from a doctor, an exciting conference announcement, and the audio from the latest teleconference.
Victories & Latest Developments
Three more U.S. communities have ended
fluoridation this week, joining the list of over 135 that have ended the
practice since 2010:- Boyne City, Michigan – City Commissioners voted 3-2 to end more than 40 years of fluoridation for the town’s approximately 4,000 residents. Commissioner Gene Towne summed up the council’s decision, saying: “It comes down to choice. I don’t see how you can control the dosage (of fluoride that people ingest) if it’s in everything. If there’s a chance that it could cause any health problems … this should all come down to your choice.”
- Buffalo and Union, Missouri – On Monday, Alderman voted to end a decade of fluoridation, saying the additive damaged equipment, city trucks, and was not economical. Also this week, councilors in Union, Missouri voted 7-1 to end fluoridation after the city's public service committee recommended the city not repair fluoride injection equipment destroyed by the corrosive additive. According to the City Engineer, “It’s an acid and it eats the pipes. Employees are handling it and they don’t want to be.”
There was also good news out of the United Kingdom, where a week ago councilors in Bolton pledged not to vote for fluoridation or hold a referendum to start the practice despite prodding from Public Health England to do so. A local MP, David Crausby, supported the decision, saying: “Our water should be pure and to put fluoride in water is mass medication, which is illegal…each individual should decide what they take in their water.”
Irish Medical Times Letter
An Irish doctor has written an excellent
letter condemning fluoridation. It was published in the countries premier
medical newspaper, the Irish Medical Times. Dr. Neville Wilson, of the
Leinster Clinic in Maynooth, authored the letter-to-the-editor entitled,
“We Must
Question Mass Medication Without ‘Benefit.’” Please read and share this
professional’s call for an end to fluoridation.
Conference Update
In the next couple of days we will be
sending out an official invite to the FAN's Fifth Citizens' Conference on
Fluoride, which this year will be held in Washington, D.C. on September 6-8. We
have booked the hotel and conference center, and have invited a number of expert
presenters from around the world to speak. We will be sharing this information
with you in an upcoming bulletin, as well as on a new FAN webpage where you will
be able to register for the conference. But this isn’t the only exciting news we
have to share with you!One expert who has accepted our invitation to present at the conference is osteopathic physician and alternative medicine entrepreneur Dr. Joseph Mercola. He has published many articles on the harms associated with fluoridation, and we are very excited to have him in attendance at our conference. Stay tuned for more conference updates.
International Teleconference
If you missed this past Saturday's
International Fluoride-free Teleconference you can now listen to the audio and
see the accompanying materials. The call focused on the impact of fluoride on
horses, and featured horse owner Cathy Justus (“Poisoned
Horses”), chemist Dr. Richard Sauerheber, and
veterinarian Dr. Larry Kelly.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action