Thursday, November 30, 2017
Apparently, there's nothing bad to say about vaccines—so any news about side effects, life-threatening reactions or ineffectiveness has been placed there by Russian hackers, a British tabloid newspaper has claimed.
Cyber units in Russia—supposedly responsible for Brexit and Donald Trump's election—are now looking to overthrow Western civilization by placing bad news about the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) and flu vaccines on social media sites, says the Daily Mirror.
The Mirror reports that "Russian cyber units are spreading false information about flu and measles jabs, experts claim."
It states that "health chiefs have had emergency meetings over the spread of 'fake news' over vaccination campaigns", but unfortunately not a single expert the newspaper interviewed could back up the extraordinary claim with any evidence, and a closer read reveals nobody except the reporter actually made the claim in the first place.
It isn't entirely clear why the Russian hackers would seek to raise doubts about the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations, but the timing of the story could have something to do with a sudden outbreak of measles in several of the UK's northern cities.
The outbreaks happened just months after a major health agency had applauded the UK for having 'eliminated' measles. Last September, The European Regional Verification Commission announced that not a single case of measles had been reported in the UK for 36 months, an official measure of whether a contagious disease has been eradicated.
Taking the plaudits, the UK's head of immunisation, Dr Mary Ramsay, said at the time: "National vaccine coverage of the first MMR dose in five-year-olds has hit the World Health Organization (WHO) 95 per cent target". This is the magic number for achieving herd immunity.
The new cases have happened among children and adults who haven't been vaccinated, say health officials, and in areas that have a 94 per cent take-up of the MMR vaccine. This small short-fall is down to parents being scared off from having their children vaccinated after reading "false information on the internet", says the newspaper.
SPOTSYLVANIA- Spotsylvania supervisors looking at the pros and cons of fluoride in county water. Question the area health director.
Scientists have come up with a simple colour-changing test to detect fluoride in drinking water. They say it could help prevent skeletal fluorosis, a crippling bone disease, especially in developing countries. CGTN's Terry Wangari has more.
USA - Edgartown - Decayed trust
The real debate in Edgartown isn’t over whether or not to add fluoride to the town’s water supply. The real debate is over how the board of health went about its decision to add fluoride to the town’s water supply. Perhaps knowing there would be a public outcry similar to what happened in Oak Bluffs several years ago, the board of health decided to take its vote quietly, without much advance public input. The Oct. 10 vote was approved by chairman Harold Zadeh and board member Dr. Garrett Orazem. Board member Kathie Case abstained.
It wasn’t until Bill Chapman, chairman of the town’s water commission, brought the issue to the attention of the board of selectmen that the general public caught wind that a decision had been made.That announcement triggered an immediate and passionate reaction from the public, spurred by the the town’s board of water commissioners, who were left out of the decision-making process.
We understand that the board of health’s role is to protect public health, but the water commission controls the water supply, and selectmen control the purse strings. It would seem prudent to consult both before charging ahead with a decision that requires buy-in from both boards. Science has spoken on the benefits of fluoride in the fight against tooth decay. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) calls fluoridation of water “one of 10 great health achievements of the 20th century.”
The CDC has found that the benefits far outweigh the risks of adding fluoride.
“Drinking fluoridated water keeps teeth strong and reduces cavities (also called tooth decay) by about 25 percent in children and adults,” the CDC states. “By preventing cavities, community water fluoridation has been shown to save money for families and for the U.S. healthcare system.”
But this isn’t about the benefits of fluoride, it’s more about the benefits of having an open and transparent process that leaves the public feeling good about a decision — one they’re going to have to pay for in the long run. That didn’t happen in Edgartown.
Last week, the board of health had an opportunity to change the focus and, once again, failed. Given the public outcry, the board held a meeting to reconsider its vote and, ultimately, decided to let it stand. It was a tone-deaf decision. Petitioners had already gathered the necessary signatures to bring the issue before voters at town meeting, so opponents already achieved their objective. But that’s shortsighted. What people, and the water commission in particular, wanted was a more open process ahead of the issue going to town meeting. Let’s face it, fluoridation was going to have to go to voters anyway because of the cost of adding fluoride to the water system. The $640,000 capital expense is something that would have to be approved by voters. There is also an annual cost of operations estimated at $14,500.
“We’d like to start out by apologizing to the water department,” Mr. Zadeh said at the board’s Nov. 21 meeting. “You should have been involved from the start. We found out Wednesday that there are 400 names on the petition, so it will be put on a ballot. That was our intent anyways.”
Board of health members said they will spend the next few months educating voters on the benefits of fluoride, and trying to win over those who object to adding a chemical to everyone’s drinking water.
Board members have made that a steep hill to climb by not including other town boards and the public from the beginning of the process.
Letters to the editor: Australian Dental Association NSW supports water fluoridation
Since water fluoridation began in NSW more than 60 years ago we have seen considerable improvements in oral health, and no reliable evidence that water fluoridation as practised in Australia is associated with any adverse health effects or chronic conditions.
The safety of fluoridation was confirmed again as recently as November 2017 by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the expert body responsible for developing health advice for the Australian community, health professionals and governments.
The NHMRC’s Public Statement on Water Fluoridation and Human Health in Australia states: “There is no reliable evidence of an association between community water fluoridation at current Australian levels and any health problems.”
Worldwide, fluoridation has been endorsed by more than 150 scientific, health, professional and government organisations, with the World Health Organization saying: “Fluoridation of water supplies, where possible, is the most effective public health measure for the prevention of dental decay.”
Fluoride is not a medicine, but a naturally-occurring substance found in natural water sources and common foods, including tea and seafood. The process of fluoridation adjusts the fluoride level to deliver the optimum amount to protect teeth. In places such as Narrabri, residents’ teeth are already protected by the levels of naturally-occurring fluoride in the water. In others, like Tamworth, the community has enjoyed the oral health advantages of fluoridation for over 50 years.
Fluoride in drinking water benefits everyone throughout their lifetime, from childhood to old age, making teeth more resistant to decay and helping to repair early tooth decay.
Children and the elderly, people living in rural and remote Australia, families on lower incomes and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have higher rates of dental decay. So do people living without water fluoridation. Only 7 per cent of NSW residents, including those in Gunnedah, do not have access to fluoridated water.
Tooth decay can have devastating effects including pain, infection and impacts on appearance, and can result in time away from school and paid work. Alarmingly, it can also lead to hospitalisation. In the Hunter New England health district in 2015-16, dental conditions led to more than 2,300 potentially preventable hospital admissions. Many of these patients were children under 5, whose rotten teeth had to be filled or pulled out under general anaesthetic.
ADA NSW urges Gunnedah Shire Council to implement fluoridation so the entire community can enjoy the benefits of improved oral health.
Residents with questions about water fluoridation can speak to their dentist or GP. If they want to protect their and their family’s teeth, they can make a submission supporting fluoridation at
Dr Kathleen Matthews, BDS Grad Cert Clinical Ed
Vice President ADA NSW
All evidence showing harm is branded as unreliable yet their evidence of course is unimpeachable.
The removal of fluoride from aqueous solution by a lateritic soil adsorption: Kinetic and equilibrium studies
The use of natural sorbents to remove fluoride from drinking water is a promising alternative because of its low-cost and easy implementation. In this article, fluoride adsorption on a latosol soil from Misiones province (Argentina) was studied regarding kinetic and equilibrium aspects. Experiments were conducted in batch at room temperature under controlled conditions of pH 4–8) and ionic strength (1–10 mM KNO3). Experimental data indicated that adsorption processes followed a PSO kinetic where initial rates have showed to be influenced by pH solution. The necessary time to reach an equilibrium state had resulted approximately 30 min. Equilibrium adsorption studies were performed at pH 8 which is similar to the natural groundwater. For that, fluoride adsorption data were successfully adjusted to Dubinin-Ataskhov model determining that the fluoride adsorption onto soil particles mainly followed a physical mechanism with a removal capacity of 0.48 mg g−1. Finally, a natural groundwater was tested with laterite obtaining a reduction close to 30% from initial concentration and without changing significantly the physicochemical properties of the natural water. Therefore, it was concluded that the use of lateritic soils for fluoride removal is very promising on a domestic scale.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Australia - Opponents say documents prove fluoride plants failing

The Fluoride Free Northern Rivers (FFNR) group said documents released under Freedom of Information laws revealed breakdowns at the plants at Corndale, Knockrow, Clunes and Durroughby.
The group also said its plan to launch legal action against selected North Coast councils was still going ahead but had been delayed as they were awaiting judgement from another fluoride challenge currently underway in the Federal Court.
FFNR has accused Rous of failing to provide any information or warning to the public arising from the break downs and overdose spikes that had occurred in the first 20 months of operation of the four fluoride dosing plants..........................
On Monday, November 13th, FAN's Board of
Directors voted unanimously to approve the
following mission statement:
We wanted you, our supporters and campaigners, to be among the first to see the statement and the mission that FAN is dedicated to undertaking.
“The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is
dedicated to protecting public health by ending water fluoridation and other
involuntary exposures to fluoride. FAN is achieving these goals by educating the
public, decision makers, and the media. FAN is supporting volunteers in
communities affected by fluoridation and is holding government health and
regulatory agencies accountable. FAN is committed to the principles of
environmental justice and is drawing special attention to subpopulations which
are disproportionally harmed by fluoride, including low income populations and
communities of color."
We wanted you, our supporters and campaigners, to be among the first to see the statement and the mission that FAN is dedicated to undertaking.
Latest Fluoride News
Campaigners Thank Port Angeles for Vote (Washington)-Port Angeles City Council to Discuss Fluoride December 5th (Washington)
-Voters to Decide Edgartown Fluoride Debate (Massachusetts)
-Oxford County Warns Residents About High Fluoride Levels (Ontario)
-Fluoride Lobby Asks North Marshall Utilities to Return Fluoride (Alabama)
-Supreme Court Tackles Medication Angle of Fluoridation Case (New Zealand)
-Arguments Made By Experts For and Against Fluoridation of Flint (Michigan)
-Do you Want X in Your Drinking Water (Oregon)
-Athens, Texas Mayor Asks for Discussion on Ending Fluoridation (Texas)
Stuart Cooper Campaign
DirectorFluoride Action Network
See all FAN bulletins online
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Why your kids NEED tap water: Children who just drink bottled water to avoid lead-poisoning have drastically higher risk of tooth decay
- Children who drink exclusively bottled water are more likely to have decaying teeth and cavities
- Since the Flint, Michigan water crisis, water bottle sales have shot up as families worry that their tap water might have lead in it
- A new study found that almost half of all American children have tooth decay, while only 3 percent have dangerous levels of lead in their blood
- That 15 percent of children that drank only bottled water were at greater risk of having tooth decay
Flint, Michigan, experienced a contamination problem with its water supply after the city started using the Flint River
The city was originally getting its water from Detroit, but made the switch to the river in April 2014.
Children living in Flint then started to experience an extreme increase in lead levels in the blood.
A study showed lead levels in children doubled after the city made the switch.
This toxic chemical is damaging to a child's brain development and growth.
The mayor of Flint declared the city in a state of emergency in December 2015 as officials scrambled to figure out a solution to the increase in lead.
Residents in the city protested until the government switched the water supply back to coming from Detroit.
But the increased lead exposure could have irreversible effects on the people most affected.
Officials don't know if it will ever be safe for residents to ingest the water from Flint.
View comments in the Mail most like me think it is propaganda to push fluoride.
It's too much sugar and lack of dental care.
Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico
Some evidence suggests that fluoride may be neurotoxic to children. Few of the epidemiologic studies have been longitudinal, had individual measures of fluoride exposure, addressed the impact of prenatal exposures or involved more than 100 participants.
Our aim was to estimate the association of prenatal exposure to fluoride with offspring neurocognitive development.
Some evidence suggests that fluoride may be neurotoxic to children. Few of the epidemiologic studies have been longitudinal, had individual measures of fluoride exposure, addressed the impact of prenatal exposures or involved more than 100 participants.
Our aim was to estimate the association of prenatal exposure to fluoride with offspring neurocognitive development.
In this study, higher levels of maternal urinary fluoride during pregnancy (a proxy for prenatal fluoride exposure) that are in the range of levels of exposure in other general population samples of pregnant women as well as nonpregnant adults were associated with lower scores on tests of cognitive function in the offspring at 4 and 6–12 y old.
Community water and salt fluoridation, and fluoride toothpaste use, substantially reduces the prevalence and incidence of dental caries (Jones et al. 2005) and is acknowledged as a public health success story (Easley 1995). Our findings must be confirmed in other study populations, and additional research is needed to determine how the urine fluoride concentrations measured in our study population are related to fluoride exposures resulting from both intentional supplementation and environmental contamination. However, our findings, combined with evidence from existing animal and human studies, reinforce the need for additional research on potential adverse effects of fluoride, particularly in pregnant women and children, and to ensure that the benefits of population-level fluoride supplementation outweigh any potential risks.
Call for more studies! When will there be a definitive study recognised by all authorities?
Monday, November 27, 2017
Australia Vaccination: All Doctors Under The Gun; Minister Of Health Keeps Lying

Vaccinating every child has become so important to Hennessy, she’s declared that a doctor who writes an exemption will be ignored. In fact, that doctor, by implication, will be considered “rogue.”
He could have his license to practice stripped. He could be prosecuted. He could be denied a way to earn a living.
Instead, in order to allow a child an exemption from taking vaccines, evidence must be shown from some sort of medical registry. How this system will work is not clear.
What is clear: In violation of privacy, all children’s medical records and history will be recorded and made available to health/government authorities, who will then see whether there is a prior incident where a child has reacted badly to a vaccine, whether the child has an allergy to vaccine ingredients (such as chicken eggs), whether there is a history of adverse vaccine reactions in the child’s family.
The government, not the child’s doctor, will decide whether vaccination can be skipped or must take place.
And because the State is firmly and irretrievably pro-vaccine, despite evidence showing vaccines are ineffective and dangerous, you can see how this plan will work out. Like sheep, children will be led into the pen where the needles are waiting.
Doctors who stand up and say no to vaccination, for any reason, will be excommunicated.
So it is now time for doctors, singly, and in groups, to stand up and speak up. Their silence is collaboration.
The Crazz Files, one of the great Australian websites exposing vaccines, is now running a piece about Meryl Dorey, a brave and brilliant woman who is the head of AVN, “Australia’s national vaccine-safety consumer health lobby group…[Dorey] has called upon Jill Hennessy, Victoria’s Health Minister, to demonstrate that, “There are no risks in vaccinating your children”.
Dorey: “I am asking the Minister to do voluntarily what she is forcing upon children – to take the entire vaccination schedule over the next 4 years, starting with the birth dose of Hepatitis B, and continuing on to the 4-year old dose of DTPa-IPV.”
“There are currently 41 vaccinations administered to children in Australia between birth and 4 years of age – more if you are of Aboriginal or Torres-Strait Islander descent. Ms Hennessy needs to take all of these vaccines and also receive an annual flu shot as recommended for all children over the age of 6 months to show her faith in the safety of this medical procedure.”
“The terms are as follows: Minister Hennessy must undergo a complete physical from an ACNEM-trained physician who will assess her health status, do a full analysis of her bloodwork and refer her for an MRI scan to show a baseline level of her overall condition so that any vaccine-injuries can be noted should they occur. These tests must be repeated at the conclusion of the 4-year period. A small amount of each vaccine vial is to be drawn out just prior to injection to be assessed at an independent laboratory [to make sure the vaccine is standard].”
I agree completely. Let Minister of Health Hennessy prove her point that all vaccines are safe and effective. Starting now.
No more beating around the bush making claims.
Take all the vaccines you claim are wonderful for children.
I say Hennessy knows nothing about vaccines. She’s a parrot, repeating what “experts” say based on what other “experts” say. That’s all.
And you doctors in Australia: why can’t you support this simple plan and demand Hennessy do what she wants children to do?
Or do you think it’s laughable and trivial that you once took an oath to do no harm?
Australia is a prime battleground. The country is rapidly devolving into a medical police state. At the same time, more people are speaking out against compulsory vaccines.
The time to tell and expose the truth is now.
By the way, Jill Hennessy should ask any “expert” to provide her with a well-done study proving that taking vaccines in combination, all at once, is safe.
I’m talking about a long-term double-blind study, with two large groups, tracking all participants for several years.
If she asks, she’ll be surprised. Such a study doesn’t exist.
But the medical establishment insists it knows this practice is perfectly safe.
That’s called fake scientific news.
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at orOutsideTheRealityMachine.
USA - LETTER: Anti-fluoride community thanks Port Angeles for vote
Thank you to all the voters who participated in the recent “no more fluoridation” ballot measure.
As answered “no” by the 57.5 percent majority of voters by Nov. 7 to “shall the city of Port Angeles add fluoride to its municipal water supply?” and coupled with the prior action taken in August 2016 by the City Council to stop the inclusion of fluoridation to the public’s water utility service, the local “anti-fluoridation” groups thank the voting community and extends appreciation to the city to now honor that legal public ballot measure declaration that they will consider withholding the insertion of future fluoridation into the public’s water utility service.
The voting public fully expects the city to honor that publicly made decision as provided by the legal majority of voters, thus reminding the community that the City Council is formed to represent all citizens and honor the results of the voting community on all municipal measures.
Thank you to the new “incoming” City Council for honoring the public’s vote for “no more fluoridation” in Port Angeles.
Paul Lamoureux,
Port Angeles
EDITOR’S NOTE: Paul Lamoureux is a longtime supporter and representative of the anti-fluoridation groups Our Water, Our Choice! and Clallam County Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, according to anti-fluoridation leader Eloise Kailin.
As answered “no” by the 57.5 percent majority of voters by Nov. 7 to “shall the city of Port Angeles add fluoride to its municipal water supply?” and coupled with the prior action taken in August 2016 by the City Council to stop the inclusion of fluoridation to the public’s water utility service, the local “anti-fluoridation” groups thank the voting community and extends appreciation to the city to now honor that legal public ballot measure declaration that they will consider withholding the insertion of future fluoridation into the public’s water utility service.
The voting public fully expects the city to honor that publicly made decision as provided by the legal majority of voters, thus reminding the community that the City Council is formed to represent all citizens and honor the results of the voting community on all municipal measures.
Thank you to the new “incoming” City Council for honoring the public’s vote for “no more fluoridation” in Port Angeles.
Paul Lamoureux,
Port Angeles
EDITOR’S NOTE: Paul Lamoureux is a longtime supporter and representative of the anti-fluoridation groups Our Water, Our Choice! and Clallam County Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, according to anti-fluoridation leader Eloise Kailin.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
The proposed re-fluoridation of Flitwick and District, Central Bedfordshire
Dear Public Health England,
I have been told that Anglian Water is now able to restore water treatment and fluoride dosing at Pulloxhill Water Treatment Works (WTW) for the supply of water to Flitwick and District (Central Bedfordshire) after a break of 21 years. In 1996, fluoridation ceased at Pulloxhill WTW because, we are told, the raw water, even after treatment was not potable. This implies that fluoridation did not cease because of technical problems with the fluoridation equipment. Residents were not consulted. In fact, when fluoridation started there in the late 1960’s (date to be confirmed) they were not asked for their permission to have a hazardous acid added to their drinking water.
From an examination of the minutes of Central Bedfordshire's Health and Well-Being Board the issue has not been discussed formally by the Board and it seems as though PHE has decided to grasp this opportunity to order Anglian Water to produce a fluoridation feasibility report by basing their request on an obscure piece of UK legislation which may have been misinterpreted by PHE.
Please provide the following information and documents:
1. The name, section and clause of the relevant law which has been used to justify a resumption of water fluoridation after a break of 21 years.
2. The reasoning behind citing this particular piece of law.
3. A scanned copy of the fluoridation contract which was signed in the 1960s or 1970s by the Health Authority of the day and the Water Company of the day which may or may not have been the local authority’s water board.
4. Why has the issue not been discussed by mid-Bedfordshire's Health and Well-Being Board?
5. Has the issue been discussed in camera with Councillor Spurr (Chair of the H&WB Board) and is he aware of the annual revenue which Central Bedfordshire will be required to provide if fluoridation resumes?
6. Has the amount of public finance required to fluoridate Flitwick and District been calculated?
7. ALL email correspondence and hard copy letters generated by PHE Bedfordshire and Anglian Water up until 24th November 2017 inclusive relating to Water Fluoridation.
8. Has Anglian Water stated that the fluoridation equipment which was present at Pulloxhill WTW prior to 1996 is NOT fit for purpose?
9. Has new fluoridation equipment for Pulloxhill WTW been purchased and installed?
10. Current dental decay statistics for dmft and DMFT for 5-year-olds and 12-year-olds for Flitwick and District (ie. the villages which are due to be supplied with treated fluoridated water).
11. Benchmark data for dmft and DMFT for 5-year-olds and 12-year-olds in Flitwick and District immediately prior to 1996. This data is required in order to demonstrate that dental hygiene amongst children in the area has worsened or improved since fluoridation ceased in 1996. For both sets of data, please adjust for population changes.
12. Acknowledge that Mrs M Scott Director of Public Health, Bedfordshire and Mrs C Shohet, Deputy Director of Public Health, Bedfordshire, have read the Bedford Impact report November 2015 in which Feema Francis was unable to demonstrate that dmft had increased in Bedford after fluoridation had ceased in the Borough in 2009.
13. PHE Bedfordshire is a successor organisation 3 steps removed from the organisation which originally initiated Water Fluoridation in Flitwick and District. It is my understanding that successor organisations cannot invoke a contract agreed by earlier organisations which no longer exist. Please confirm that you have taken legal advice regarding this. What was the advice?
14. Has a new fluoridation contract been signed during 2017 between PHE Bedfordshire and Anglian Water in respect of Flitwick and District?
15. If a new contract has been signed, it is my understanding that this constitutes a new fluoridation scheme, whether or not new fluoridation equipment is indicated. Has legal advice been sought to ensure that PHE Bedfordshire is complying with the relevant sections on Water Fluoridation in the Water Industries Act 1991 (as amended). If so, what was the advice?
1. The name, section and clause of the relevant law which has been used to justify a resumption of water fluoridation after a break of 21 years.
2. The reasoning behind citing this particular piece of law.
3. A scanned copy of the fluoridation contract which was signed in the 1960s or 1970s by the Health Authority of the day and the Water Company of the day which may or may not have been the local authority’s water board.
4. Why has the issue not been discussed by mid-Bedfordshire's Health and Well-Being Board?
5. Has the issue been discussed in camera with Councillor Spurr (Chair of the H&WB Board) and is he aware of the annual revenue which Central Bedfordshire will be required to provide if fluoridation resumes?
6. Has the amount of public finance required to fluoridate Flitwick and District been calculated?
7. ALL email correspondence and hard copy letters generated by PHE Bedfordshire and Anglian Water up until 24th November 2017 inclusive relating to Water Fluoridation.
8. Has Anglian Water stated that the fluoridation equipment which was present at Pulloxhill WTW prior to 1996 is NOT fit for purpose?
9. Has new fluoridation equipment for Pulloxhill WTW been purchased and installed?
10. Current dental decay statistics for dmft and DMFT for 5-year-olds and 12-year-olds for Flitwick and District (ie. the villages which are due to be supplied with treated fluoridated water).
11. Benchmark data for dmft and DMFT for 5-year-olds and 12-year-olds in Flitwick and District immediately prior to 1996. This data is required in order to demonstrate that dental hygiene amongst children in the area has worsened or improved since fluoridation ceased in 1996. For both sets of data, please adjust for population changes.
12. Acknowledge that Mrs M Scott Director of Public Health, Bedfordshire and Mrs C Shohet, Deputy Director of Public Health, Bedfordshire, have read the Bedford Impact report November 2015 in which Feema Francis was unable to demonstrate that dmft had increased in Bedford after fluoridation had ceased in the Borough in 2009.
13. PHE Bedfordshire is a successor organisation 3 steps removed from the organisation which originally initiated Water Fluoridation in Flitwick and District. It is my understanding that successor organisations cannot invoke a contract agreed by earlier organisations which no longer exist. Please confirm that you have taken legal advice regarding this. What was the advice?
14. Has a new fluoridation contract been signed during 2017 between PHE Bedfordshire and Anglian Water in respect of Flitwick and District?
15. If a new contract has been signed, it is my understanding that this constitutes a new fluoridation scheme, whether or not new fluoridation equipment is indicated. Has legal advice been sought to ensure that PHE Bedfordshire is complying with the relevant sections on Water Fluoridation in the Water Industries Act 1991 (as amended). If so, what was the advice?
Yours faithfully,
Joy Warren
from Outer Activism to Inner Activism
Hi Pure Water Lover,
I shared my FB Live this Tuesday on how I moved from outer activism to inner activism. I had intended on creating a PDF to share my story with you. When I was putting the finishing touches on the PDF I realised I couldn't hold back what I wanted to share, so it has ended up becoming an e-book which expands on my message of how I moved from outer activism to inner activism.
It has taken me a whole lot of time to process, learn, fail, rewrite and reroute my direction. Finally I have integrated all the parts of the puzzle which I want to share with you now.
I would love if you could take a read and let me know your biggest takeaway from it.
Love and Pure Water,
Aisling xo
I shared my FB Live this Tuesday on how I moved from outer activism to inner activism. I had intended on creating a PDF to share my story with you. When I was putting the finishing touches on the PDF I realised I couldn't hold back what I wanted to share, so it has ended up becoming an e-book which expands on my message of how I moved from outer activism to inner activism.
It has taken me a whole lot of time to process, learn, fail, rewrite and reroute my direction. Finally I have integrated all the parts of the puzzle which I want to share with you now.
I would love if you could take a read and let me know your biggest takeaway from it.
Love and Pure Water,
Aisling xo
Friday, November 24, 2017
Australia - EPA probes Westfield toxic waste handling
Poisonous aluminium salt slag was discovered by workers, who noticed a pungent smell, during excavation of a car park near Northcott Drive in mid August....
....The hazardous material was dug up by contractors installing a new sewer line and tests revealed the slag contained arsenic, cyanide, chloride, aluminium, sulphide and fluoride.
According to the Greencap report, the main concern is the slag’s “leachability” and its reactivity to water and humidity that can cause “toxic, harmful, explosive, poisonous and unpleasant odorous gases”.
Australia -- Bottled water: Concerns aired at Beechworth public meeting
ALLAN THOMPSON, The Weekly Times
TEMPERS were tested when up to 200 people packed a public meeting in Beechworth last night to address growing community concern about the use of groundwater for bottled water in the area.
Organisers, Indigo, Alpine and Towong councils kept a tight rein on the meeting, keeping the question and answer section of the forum brief and to the point.
Even so, the depth of emotion was apparent as supporters and opponents of the bottled water industry strongly argued their case and, on one occasion, started talking over the top of each other.
Indigo Shire Council Mayor Jenny O’Connor said the bottled water industry had come out of “left field” and councils keep “hitting brick walls with legislation” trying to regulate it.
She believed the water should be kept at its source for agriculture and community use rather than used for bottled water while Alpine Mayor Ron Janas expressed concern on the impact and cost of the trucks used to transport water on local infrastructure. He described the water as “liquid gold” for some and said there were moral and ethical concerns over its use.
New Towong Mayor, Aaron Scales told the meeting he was worried about local amenity.
“We are trying to encourage people to move into our area and if that amenity is not there, then they won’t move,” he said.
However, Black Mount Spring Water owner Tim Carey, who extracts and trucks the local water to Asahi in Albury, defended the industry, saying only 0.1 per cent of water extracted from the ground in Australia was used for bottled water. The industry was legal and Goulburn Murray Water closely monitored the aquifers to ensure it was sustainable, he said. He gained support from a number of speakers in the audience who claimed tap water was a health risk due to the chlorine and fluoride added to it.
“We used to kill rabbits with fluoride,” one man told the crowd.
However, guest speaker Huw Kingston, who led the charge to make his hometown of Bundanoon in NSW the first in the world to become plastic bottle water free, said there were high levels of public health control over tap water and it was perfectly safe. He added bottled water often contained a percentage of tap water as well as the same chemicals.
He said despite the monitoring of the aquifers by authorities we didn’t really know what was happening underground. “We mess with aquifers at our peril,” he said. “They are a life-giving force. We have already messed up our rivers, let’s not do the same for our aquifers. There are too many unanswered questions.”
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Mouthwash may kill beneficial bacteria in mouth and trigger diabetes, Harvard study suggests
Sarah Knapton, science editor
22 NOVEMBER 2017 • 5:54PM
Mouthwash may seem a beneficial, or at least harmless, addition to a daily tooth brushing routine.
But a new study suggests that swilling with anti-bacterial fluid could be killing helpful microbes which live in the mouth and protect against obesity and diabetes.
While mouthwash is supposed to target the bacteria which cause plaque and bad breath, in fact, it is indiscriminate, washing away beneficial strains.
Researchers at Harvard University found that people who used mouthwash twice a day were around 55 per cent more likely to develop diabetes or dangerous blood sugar spikes, within three years.
Although previous studies have found that poor oral hygiene can lead to health problems elsewhere in the body, it is the first research to show that seemingly positive practices can have unexpectedly negative consequences.
Kaumudi Joshipura, professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health, said: “Most of these antibacterial ingredients in mouthwash are not selective.
“In other words, they do not target specific oral bacteria-instead, these ingredients can act on a broad range of bacteria.”
The study looked at 1,206 overweight people aged between 40 and 65 who were deemed at risk of getting diabetes.
Over the study period around 17 per cent of people developed diabetes or pre-diabetes, but that rose to 20 per cent for those using mouthwash once a day, and 30 per cent for those who used it in the morning and evening.
Prof Joshipura said helpful bacteria in the mouth can protect against diabetes and obesity, including microbes which help the body produce nitric oxide, which regulates insulin levels.
Nitric oxide is also important for regulating the metabolism, balancing energy and keeping blood sugar levels in check.
Mouthwashes date back thousands of years, but the first commercial product was developed in the late 19th century, and named Listerine, after Joseph Lister, the British surgeon. It was originally used as a surgical antiseptic but by the 1920s was being sold as a cure for bad breath, as well as a floor cleaner and dandruff remedy.
TodaThe British Dental Associationdoes not list daily mouthwash use as a necessary component of proper oral health care and warn the fluid, does not ensure "food buildup and plaque are removed from your teeth."
A study published earlier this year in the Journal of Periodontal Research found that some mouth bacteria seem to protect against diabetes and obesity.
And another study from 2013 found just a week of mouthwash could decrease a person's oral nitrite production by 90 per cent, lowering blood nitrite levels by a quarter. These shifts in production led to visible blood pressure spikes.
“The indiscriminate routine use of antibacterial mouthwash products may cause more harm than good, in light of recent studies, and further supported by findings from this study,” the new research concluded.
“Mouthwash use may also have a detrimental impact on diabetes control and possible complications, as these share some common NO-mediated pathways with blood pressure and diabetes.”
The research was published in the journal Nitric Oxide.y many mouthwashes contain powerful bacteria killing solutions including chlorhexidine, triclosan, cetylpyridinium chloride, alcohol, essential oils, fluoride and peroxide.
Yet getting rid of helpful bacteria also makes room for potentially harmful bacteria to thrive, the researchers warn, and have advised that sticking to one rinse a day may be advisable.
22 NOVEMBER 2017 • 5:54PM
Mouthwash may seem a beneficial, or at least harmless, addition to a daily tooth brushing routine.
But a new study suggests that swilling with anti-bacterial fluid could be killing helpful microbes which live in the mouth and protect against obesity and diabetes.
While mouthwash is supposed to target the bacteria which cause plaque and bad breath, in fact, it is indiscriminate, washing away beneficial strains.
Researchers at Harvard University found that people who used mouthwash twice a day were around 55 per cent more likely to develop diabetes or dangerous blood sugar spikes, within three years.
Although previous studies have found that poor oral hygiene can lead to health problems elsewhere in the body, it is the first research to show that seemingly positive practices can have unexpectedly negative consequences.
Kaumudi Joshipura, professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health, said: “Most of these antibacterial ingredients in mouthwash are not selective.
“In other words, they do not target specific oral bacteria-instead, these ingredients can act on a broad range of bacteria.”
The study looked at 1,206 overweight people aged between 40 and 65 who were deemed at risk of getting diabetes.
Over the study period around 17 per cent of people developed diabetes or pre-diabetes, but that rose to 20 per cent for those using mouthwash once a day, and 30 per cent for those who used it in the morning and evening.
Prof Joshipura said helpful bacteria in the mouth can protect against diabetes and obesity, including microbes which help the body produce nitric oxide, which regulates insulin levels.
Nitric oxide is also important for regulating the metabolism, balancing energy and keeping blood sugar levels in check.
Mouthwashes date back thousands of years, but the first commercial product was developed in the late 19th century, and named Listerine, after Joseph Lister, the British surgeon. It was originally used as a surgical antiseptic but by the 1920s was being sold as a cure for bad breath, as well as a floor cleaner and dandruff remedy.
TodaThe British Dental Associationdoes not list daily mouthwash use as a necessary component of proper oral health care and warn the fluid, does not ensure "food buildup and plaque are removed from your teeth."
A study published earlier this year in the Journal of Periodontal Research found that some mouth bacteria seem to protect against diabetes and obesity.
And another study from 2013 found just a week of mouthwash could decrease a person's oral nitrite production by 90 per cent, lowering blood nitrite levels by a quarter. These shifts in production led to visible blood pressure spikes.
“The indiscriminate routine use of antibacterial mouthwash products may cause more harm than good, in light of recent studies, and further supported by findings from this study,” the new research concluded.
“Mouthwash use may also have a detrimental impact on diabetes control and possible complications, as these share some common NO-mediated pathways with blood pressure and diabetes.”
The research was published in the journal Nitric Oxide.y many mouthwashes contain powerful bacteria killing solutions including chlorhexidine, triclosan, cetylpyridinium chloride, alcohol, essential oils, fluoride and peroxide.
Yet getting rid of helpful bacteria also makes room for potentially harmful bacteria to thrive, the researchers warn, and have advised that sticking to one rinse a day may be advisable.
USA - Fluoride Question Goes to Edgartown Voters
The decision about whether to add fluoride to Edgartown’s public water supply will now go before voters next April, following a successful petition effort by residents.
The Edgartown town clerk’s office confirmed Wednesday that a petition had been certified with enough signatures to place the fluoridation question before voters at the annual town meeting next spring. The question will require a vote on the town meeting floor and by ballot at the annual town election, assistant town clerk Karen Medeiros said.
Meanwhile, at a meeting Tuesday, the Edgartown board of health stood by its vote last month to take steps to add fluoride to the water supply. The vote has sparked heated debate at meetings before the board of health and water commission in recent weeks.
Board of health members Harold Zadeh and Dr. Garrett Orazem reaffirmed their Oct. 10 vote to fluoridate the town water supply. The third board member, Kathie Case, abstained from the original vote and was not at the meeting.
The board’s decision was published Oct. 20. Under state law, town voters then had 90 days to gather a petition to bring the matter before town meeting.
And while the successful petition ensures a binding vote in the spring, members of the town water commission and other residents at the meeting Tuesday again called on the board of health to rescind its vote. Critics have cited both concerns about the health effects of fluoridation and what they claim was a flawed process.......................
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
The Robert Scott Bell Show LIVE 11/21/17 - Fluoride Alert, Wholetones for Healing
Paul 23 minutes in.
Local water systems receive national honor
Sioux City Journal-18 hours ago
DES MOINES | Eight Northwest Iowa communities have been awarded Water Fluoridation Quality Awards from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and ...
What about the communities not meeting these high standards?
USA - Ebensburg to keep fluoride in water temporarily
Ebensburg borough manager Dan Penatzer said a fifth member of its board is being appointed, and once she becomes familiar with the fluoride issues, council members will reconsider their decision.
Penatzer said that vote will likely happen in the spring.
This comes after the city of Johnstown voted unanimously in July to stop adding fluoride to its water.
Anti-Psychotic Drugs and The Destruction of Society’s Social Fabric
In this part I would like to present another case study involving a young girl and her mother which could easily be any mother and daughter just enjoying life until something happens that warrants her to walk to the dark side. In addition what you should know about Fluoride.
Check out the Previous Articles in this series:
Case Study: Emily
(summarized from Peter Breggin’s great book “Medication Madness”)
This is yet one of hundreds, thousands of Prozac stories, and despite the mountains of evidence that Prozac, an anti-depressant is a dangerous drug that can damage lives and families and has done so, it is still made available on prescription...................................
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
UK - To: Central Bedfordshire Council
Halt the reintroduction of fluoride to Pulloxhill and surrounding areas
Campaign created by
Anna Bragga

We, the undersigned, want Central Bedfordshire Council to halt the reintroduction of fluoride to the Pulloxhill water supply and surrounding areas until councillors have had time to look at the issue seriously. The Pulloxhill water treatment works covers:
Barton Le Clay
Flitton and Greenfield
Barton Le Clay
Flitton and Greenfield
* already partially fluoridated, so will become completely fluoridated
** partially served by Pulloxhill
** partially served by Pulloxhill
Why is this important?
OVER 300 STUDIES have found that fluoride is a neurotoxin, and a new study published on 19th September 2017 proves again that the chemical lowers the IQ in children born to mothers consuming fluoridated water during their pregnancy. The research includes:
1) Over 100 animal studies showing that prolonged exposure to varying levels of fluoride can damage the brain, particularly when coupled with an iodine deficiency, or aluminium excess.
2) 50 human studies linking moderately high fluoride exposures with reduced intelligence.
3) 45 animal studies reporting that mice or rats ingesting fluoride have an impaired capacity to learn and/or remember.
4) 12 studies (7 human, 5 animal) linking fluoride with neurobehavioural deficits (e.g., impaired visual-spatial organisation).
5) 3 human studies linking fluoride exposure with impaired foetal brain development.
6) A new study published on September 19th 2017 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives shows a link between fluoride exposure in pregnant women and lowered intelligence in children.
Fluoridated countries do not have less tooth decay than non-fluoridated countries.
Fluoride in water is linked to thyroid problems which causes weight gain, depression and tiredness.
The chemicals used to fluoridate the water are hazardous waste by-products of the phosphate fertiliser industry. It is illegal to dump these chemicals into rivers and lakes or release the parent gases into the atmosphere.
When the water supply is fluoridated, there is no adequate control over the dose or who gets it.
If you do not want fluoride in your water and you live in a fluoridated area then you have no choice. This is one of the worst medical practices.
Campaign Website
Campaign Website
How it will be delivered
The petition will be delivered to Central Bedfordshire Council.