Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
USA - Change Could Lower Levels
Arsenic in Drinking Water: Costly Change Could
Lower Levels
By Douglas Main, Staff Writer
Douglas Main, Staff Writer In early August, the Environmental Protection Agency is set to decide on a petition to change the source of fluoride in U.S. drinking water.
Currently, the source of fluoride in most public water supplies is fluorosilicic acid, according to government records. The petition calls for the EPA to instead require the use of pharmaceutical-grade sodium fluoride in water fluoridation, which is the addition of fluoride to drinking water for the purpose of preventing cavities.
Fluorosilicic acid is often contaminated with arsenic, and recent research has linked the arsenic from fluorosilicic acid in drinking water to as many as 1,800 extra cases of cancer yearly in the United States, said William Hirzy, a chemistry researcher American University in Washington, D.C. Hirzy, who worked at the EPA for 27 years, submitted the petition.
The study and petition grew out of what researchers believe is a lack of regulation and understanding of chemicals used in fluoridation, Hirzy said. Fluorosilicic acid has been shown to contain the carcinogens arsenic and lead, and to leach lead from water pipes, he said.
Billions in cancer costs
In the study, published in February in the journal Environmental Science and Policy, Hirzy and co-authors estimated that putting pharmaceutical-grade sodium fluoride into the water supply would reduce the amount of arsenic in drinking water by 99 percent. The arsenic at issue is the inorganic variety, a known human carcinogen, meaning it causes cancer. [Why Is Arsenic Bad for You?]
The switch would cost $100 million, but would save billions in reduced cancer costs, Hirzy said.....
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Big Business and Fluoridation
Letter from the Public: Big Business and Fluoridation
Posted in
I take exception to [the] comment in [a 2010 issue of] the Sheridan Press stating that tooth decay is the most common long term disease in children. I believe obesity, poor nutrition, inactivity, and poor daily oral hygiene all add up to far greater health problems for our children than just tooth decay.
Our children are being used as guinea pigs by ingesting all of the chemicals, dyes and additives in our food and water. Who knows what health problems they will all have in the next twenty years - irradiated meat in the school lunch, genetically altered plants, fluoridation of water.
Parents educate yourselves in your children’s best interests. You have to watch out for them because big business has only one interest in mind – money!
Do you have any idea what fluoride is? Look up sodium fluoride in the dictionary – a poisonous substance among other things used for treatment of teeth to prevent decay – although tooth decay is just as rampant today as it ever was. Sodium fluoride is also used in rat poison, cockroach powder, dyes & plastics, fumigants, insecticides, fire extinguishers, etc. What a perfect thing to put in your drinking water or rinse your child’s teeth with at school.
In 1945 millions of pounds of aluminum were going to waste during processing. This waste was in the form of the fine dust of aluminum filing tailings. This dust was so poisonous that it was hard to dispose of. In Hereford, Texas the water had a high content of calcium fluoride in its natural state – produced by nature – which seemed to assist in making teeth strong – so the aluminum trust decided arbitrarily to call the dust “sodium fluoride” and sell it to all cities in the U.S. to add to their municipal water supplies.
Enthusiasm by the public for a tooth decay prevention resulted in logic & reason being overshadowed by hasty, unsubstantiated tests and claims based on those inadequate tests powerful aluminum personnel put its resources behind overceding opposition to their grand plan to make a profit on their problem child, highly-toxic aluminum water.
I believe from many books and articles that I have read on this subject that unnatural fluoride is a slow and accumulative poison and according to Dr. Dean Buske, former chief biochemist at the National Cancer Institute, “more than 50,000 Americans a year are dying of cancer caused by fluoridated drinking water.” “Any institution who supports fluoridation is guilty of mass murder.”
Why not educate ourselves and our children on how to prevent tooth decay with diet instead of risking cancer with a virulent poison.
Nancy Mickelson
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Ireland - Fluoride battle heats
Debate | Fluoride battle heats up in Ireland as campaigners strip to back Sinn Féin bill
The 50-year-old battle to get fluoride(s) out of the Irish water supply kicked into high gear this summer as (impromptu) strippers thronged St. Stephen’s Green in support of a Sinn Féin bill, which is currently before the Dáil, to ban the controversial practice.
Leading the campaign is Aisling Fitzgibbon, a 26-year-old nutritionist from Tralee, who is taking the government to court. She has more than 8,000 supporters, including musicians Paddy Casey and Christy Moore.
Aisling has been stripping in public to highlight how the Irish government’s forced fluoridation policy puts her health at risk – by stripping her of her right to drink unmedicated water. Her mother Martha, who is a teacher, suggested the campaign might get more attention if Aisling took her clothes off, after her earlier attempts to highlight forced fluoridation as a human rights abuse in Ireland, were largely ignored.
Aisling is working with activists from Ireland and across the world, including the Fluoride Action Network and veteran Northern Ireland campaigner, Walter Graham. Graham managed to unite enemies such as Gerry Adams and Ian Paisley to defeat UK Government plans to fluoridate Northern Ireland’s water in the 1990s. Graham has recently been advising the current Sinn Féin environment spokesperson, Louth TD Brian Stanley, who presented his bill to ban fluoride(s) in the South to the Irish government in May.
Stanley maintains that it’s now generally accepted that the main action of fluoride on dental enamel is topical, so there is little benefit from drinking it. Babies are particularly at risk, because their bodies have not developed the ability to filter out toxins. And the effect of fluoride is cumulative; as he puts it: “There is no logic to putting it in every cell in your body. It was brought in when not everyone in Ireland had access to toothpaste. That is not true now.”............................
Friday, July 26, 2013
Gus Hastie on fluoride hypersensitivity
Published on 25 Jul 2013
Gus Hastie is a Chemical Engineer who discovered that he is hypersensitive to the fluoride chemicals added to the public water supply. Fluoride sensitivity is well documented in the literature (1-5% of the population), but the public are not informed of this. Many people are fluoride sensitive and simply do not know that they are.
They know that they feel sick and may be treated for any number of symptoms, but neither they nor their doctors have any idea that fluoride is the culprit.
NZ - Whiter than white
Regular news from the New Zealand Doctor newsroom
Latest reviews deal to all anti-fluoridation claims
Ruth Larsen
New Zealand's fluoridation monitoring consortium has reviewed local and international evidence and finds nothing to support anti-fluoride campaigners' arguments.
The National Fluoridation Information Service (NFIS) that monitors research on the merits of community water fluoridation advises today it has not found any evidence fluoridation causes adverse health effects....
Not even children getting fluorosis? Not even concern that the product used is only 98% pure and when you put tons of the stuff in a lot of lead, arsenic and other contaminants go in as well. Only yesterday it is revealed that poorer families buying cheap tea get more fluoride than the safe level. No wonder people are becoming more disillusioned with learned opinion.
Latest reviews deal to all anti-fluoridation claims
Ruth Larsen
New Zealand's fluoridation monitoring consortium has reviewed local and international evidence and finds nothing to support anti-fluoride campaigners' arguments.
The National Fluoridation Information Service (NFIS) that monitors research on the merits of community water fluoridation advises today it has not found any evidence fluoridation causes adverse health effects....
Not even children getting fluorosis? Not even concern that the product used is only 98% pure and when you put tons of the stuff in a lot of lead, arsenic and other contaminants go in as well. Only yesterday it is revealed that poorer families buying cheap tea get more fluoride than the safe level. No wonder people are becoming more disillusioned with learned opinion.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Fluoride 101 With Activist Ashley Jessica
Protest date worldwide? 21st September 2013
Australia - Water board worker’s fluoride fears
July 25, 2013,
AS this week's fluoride referendum brings Mount Isa closer to a decision, safety concerns surrounding the substance continue to grow.
In a Right to Information report recently obtained by The North West Star a Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) employee has spoken out about safety concerns regarding the possible future handling of fluoride.
With 25 years experience with fluoride operations, the MIWB worker said the procedure involves an "unacceptable risk to operators and maintainers".
While the current code of practice is not specific on the handling procedures, ther biological monitoring of workers exposed to fluoride involves collection and analysis before and after each shift.
The employee claims the proposed system devised by the plant contractor requires workers to slice open a 25 kilogram bag of fluoride powder and use a vacuum want to extract the powder, which is an acceptable method within the code, but workers believe the method to "represent the barest minimal standard".
There are a number of potential health hazards outlined within the the code of practice including toxic effects known as fluorisis, anaemia, increased bone density (osteosclerosis) and calcification of spinal ligaments
AS this week's fluoride referendum brings Mount Isa closer to a decision, safety concerns surrounding the substance continue to grow.
In a Right to Information report recently obtained by The North West Star a Mount Isa Water Board (MIWB) employee has spoken out about safety concerns regarding the possible future handling of fluoride.
With 25 years experience with fluoride operations, the MIWB worker said the procedure involves an "unacceptable risk to operators and maintainers".
While the current code of practice is not specific on the handling procedures, ther biological monitoring of workers exposed to fluoride involves collection and analysis before and after each shift.
The employee claims the proposed system devised by the plant contractor requires workers to slice open a 25 kilogram bag of fluoride powder and use a vacuum want to extract the powder, which is an acceptable method within the code, but workers believe the method to "represent the barest minimal standard".
There are a number of potential health hazards outlined within the the code of practice including toxic effects known as fluorisis, anaemia, increased bone density (osteosclerosis) and calcification of spinal ligaments
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
UK - cheap tea could brew up future health issues
How drinking too much cheap tea could brew up future health issues
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
By Zena Hawley
DRINKING some cheaper supermarket tea blends could be bad for people's health, according to a research study at the University of Derby.
There are worries that the tea blends contain enough fluoride to put people drinking at least four cups a day over their daily recommended levels, increasing the risk of skeletal and dental illnesses.
Levels of fluoride found in 38 tea products were compared with each other and to the US National Academy of Sciences' daily dietary reference intake of 4 milligrams a day, in the research by Laura Chan, Professor Aradhana Mehra and Professor Paul Lynch.
Significant differences in fluoride levels were discovered when economy black tea blends from the main supermarkets Asda, Tesco, Morrisons and Sainsbury's were compared with branded black and green tea blends and pure blends.
Economy black tea blends had the highest concentration of fluoride – an average of 6 milligrams per litre – over the recommended daily intake. Green tea blends had the next highest concentrations, followed by branded black blends with an average of 3.3 milligrams per litre and then pure blends with 0.7 milligrams.
Associate lecturer Laura Chan, who carried out the study for her PhD, said: "The tea plant, camellia sinensis, is a fluoride accumulator, with mature leaves storing most of the fluoride.
"When tea is harvested, these older leaves may be used to produce lower quality, stronger teas such as economy teas, whereas the bud and newer top leaves are used in the manufacture of higher grade and speciality teas.
"Although fluoride is considered an essential micro-nutrient for human health, in the prevention of tooth decay and promotion of healthy bone growth, excess fluoride in the diet can have detrimental effects.
"Dental fluorosis, the mottling of tooth enamel, and skeletal fluorosis, pain and damage to bones and joints through calcification, have occurred in the UK and America.
"All tea products should be considered as a main source of fluoride in the diet and we urge supermarkets and manufacturers of tea to consider stating fluoride concentration as part of the nutritional information found on food packaging."
The study is published in journal Food Research International.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
By Zena Hawley
DRINKING some cheaper supermarket tea blends could be bad for people's health, according to a research study at the University of Derby.
There are worries that the tea blends contain enough fluoride to put people drinking at least four cups a day over their daily recommended levels, increasing the risk of skeletal and dental illnesses.
Levels of fluoride found in 38 tea products were compared with each other and to the US National Academy of Sciences' daily dietary reference intake of 4 milligrams a day, in the research by Laura Chan, Professor Aradhana Mehra and Professor Paul Lynch.
Significant differences in fluoride levels were discovered when economy black tea blends from the main supermarkets Asda, Tesco, Morrisons and Sainsbury's were compared with branded black and green tea blends and pure blends.
Economy black tea blends had the highest concentration of fluoride – an average of 6 milligrams per litre – over the recommended daily intake. Green tea blends had the next highest concentrations, followed by branded black blends with an average of 3.3 milligrams per litre and then pure blends with 0.7 milligrams.
Associate lecturer Laura Chan, who carried out the study for her PhD, said: "The tea plant, camellia sinensis, is a fluoride accumulator, with mature leaves storing most of the fluoride.
"When tea is harvested, these older leaves may be used to produce lower quality, stronger teas such as economy teas, whereas the bud and newer top leaves are used in the manufacture of higher grade and speciality teas.
"Although fluoride is considered an essential micro-nutrient for human health, in the prevention of tooth decay and promotion of healthy bone growth, excess fluoride in the diet can have detrimental effects.
"Dental fluorosis, the mottling of tooth enamel, and skeletal fluorosis, pain and damage to bones and joints through calcification, have occurred in the UK and America.
"All tea products should be considered as a main source of fluoride in the diet and we urge supermarkets and manufacturers of tea to consider stating fluoride concentration as part of the nutritional information found on food packaging."
The study is published in journal Food Research International.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Tuesday, 23 July 2013 08:45
'As a follow-up to our earlier report on fluoridated food crops, the following report explains a bit more about the true toxicity of the food supply in regards to fluoride chemicals. According to fluoride expert Jeff Green, many non-organic foods contain extremely high levels of fluoride because of the pesticide chemicals sprayed on them -- and in some cases, non-organic produce contains up to 180 times the amount of fluoride found in tap water.'
Monday, July 22, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Bottled water causing cancer, heart disease in Pakistan
Around 12 brands of bottled water sold in Pakistan contain arsenic, which can cause skin diseases, diabetes, kidney problems, hypertension, heart disease, birth defects and cancer, a Pakistani agency has found.
The Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources collected 86 samples from bottled water brands from Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Sialkot, Dera Ghazi Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Multan, Bahawalpur, Tandojam, Karachi, Quetta, and Peshawar, the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) reported.
Comparison of analytical findings with the permissible limits of the Pakistan Standard Quality Control Authority revealed that 27 brands were unsafe due to chemical or microbiological contamination.
The report said 12 brands contained high levels of arsenic, whereas 10 contained microbiological contamination that may cause cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis and typhoid.
The remaining brands had high levels of sodium, potassium or fluoride.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Hampshire County Council consult QC
No existing scheme, power now with Council.
For the complete coverage go to HCC video of meeting
The relevant bit starts at 01:49:33.
For the complete coverage go to HCC video of meeting
The relevant bit starts at 01:49:33.
Canada - launch a pro-fluoride PR campaign
Henry Aubin: The issue of fluoridated water has resurfaced
Henry Aubin
MONTREAL — After years of obscurity, the idea of fluoridating the water supply is back.
Provincial public-health officials are pressing the Parti Québécois to retreat from its 2012 election pledge to end all fluoridation of water. The PQ government’s health minister, Réjean Hébert, favours a U-turn in principle, but he says he won’t urge municipalities to fluoridate their water unless popular opinion backs him. Public-health officials will therefore soon launch a pro-fluoride PR campaign.
Is fluoridating drinking water to reduce cavities in teeth a good idea?
It’s hard for ordinary lay people, such as myself, to know where the truth lies in this extremely controversial question. But I am sure of this: The question is complex, and the habit of many fluoride proponents to portray their critics as nitwits is uncalled for. (An op-ed piece in Wednesday’s Gazette by a Montreal cardiologist, Christopher Labos, offers an example: He lumped fluoridation critics in with the bodily-fluids nutcase in the movie Dr. Strangelove.)...........
They never give up
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Opinion: Opposition to fluoridated water is baffling
Christopher Labos is a cardiologist practising in Montreal. He was the 2012 winner of the Quebec Cardiology Association's Young Researcher Award.
In the 1964 movie Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Sterling Hayden explains to an increasingly nervous Peter Sellers that he launched a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union because the fluoridation of the water supply is a communist plot designed to sap Americans of their “precious bodily fluids.”
Now, some 50 years later, a group of similarly minded individuals with equally preposterous notions may have derailed plans to finally bring fluoridation to Quebec on a large scale.
The health minister, Réjean Hébert, seems to be backing down, after 3,894 individuals signed a petition sent to the National Assembly to ban the addition of fluoride to drinking water. This, in and of itself, is not a meaningful event. You can get any number of people to sign a petition about almost anything. But what this petition actually says cannot be left to stand unchallenged.
It asserts, among other things, that the scientific world is divided over the effectiveness of fluoridation. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Canadian Public Health Agency supports it, as does the Institut national de santé publique du Québec and the Canadian Dental Association. The World Health Organization has also published a report on the appropriate use of fluorides for human health.
Fluoride binds with apatite crystals in the dentine (the layer underneath the tooth’s enamel) and strengthens the entire structure of the tooth. Fluoride also makes teeth more resistant to cavity formation and also has some anti-bacterial properties. Reports from the University of York, the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia and the Centers for Disease Control all support the cavity-fighting benefit derived from water fluoridation....
The York Review did not
What the 'York Review' on the fluoridation of drinking water really found
Originally released : 28 October
A statement from the Centre for
Reviews and Dissemination (CRD).
In 1999, the Department of Health
commissioned CRD to conduct a systematic review into the efficacy and safety of
the fluoridation of drinking water. The review specifically looked at the
effects on dental caries/decay, social inequalities and any harmful effects. The
review was published on the CRD Fluoridation Review website and in the BMJ in
October 2000.
We are concerned about the continuing
misinterpretations of the evidence and think it is important that decision
makers are aware of what the review really found. As such, we urge interested
parties to read the review conclusions in full.
We were unable to discover any
reliable good-quality evidence in the fluoridation literature
What evidence we found suggested that
water fluoridation was likely to have a beneficial effect, but that the range
could be anywhere from a substantial benefit to a slight disbenefit to
children's teeth.
This beneficial effect comes at the
expense of an increase in the prevalence of fluorosis (mottled teeth). The
quality of this evidence was poor.
An association with water fluoride and
other adverse effects such as cancer, bone fracture and Down's syndrome was not
found. However, we felt that not enough was known because the quality of the
evidence was poor.
The evidence about reducing
inequalities in dental health was of poor quality, contradictory and
Since the report was published in
October 2000 there has been no other scientifically defensible review that would
alter the findings of the York review. As emphasised in the report, only
high-quality studies can fill in the gaps in knowledge about these and other
aspects of fluoridation. Recourse to other evidence of a similar or lower level
than that included in the York review, no matter how copious, cannot do
The full report is available via
the CRD Fluoridation Review
website. For more information, please
contact Paul
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
NFDC Backs David Harrison's call to reject fluoridation
Town District & County Councillor, David Harrison has secured the backing of New Forest District Council in making it clear to the newly created health body "Public Health England" that the council is firmly against plans to add fluoride to tap water in parts of the district.
Councillor Harrison, proposed an exceptional departure from the pre-arranged agenda at full council, to ask that NFDC give its backing to anti-fluoridation campaigners.
After some deliberation involving the Tory Council Leader and Chairman, it was agreed that they would indeed write to Public Health England making the agreed stance of the council crystal clear.
Speaking after the meeting Councillor Harrison said " I'm really pleased at this outcome. It's really important that Public Health England get a very clear message that democratically elected bodies, like New Forest District Council, won't tolerate health bosses forcing this chemical through tap water on our communities".
On Thursday, Hampshire County Council is expected to support a motion calling on Public Health England to abandon the plans.
Councillor Harrison, proposed an exceptional departure from the pre-arranged agenda at full council, to ask that NFDC give its backing to anti-fluoridation campaigners.
After some deliberation involving the Tory Council Leader and Chairman, it was agreed that they would indeed write to Public Health England making the agreed stance of the council crystal clear.
Speaking after the meeting Councillor Harrison said " I'm really pleased at this outcome. It's really important that Public Health England get a very clear message that democratically elected bodies, like New Forest District Council, won't tolerate health bosses forcing this chemical through tap water on our communities".
On Thursday, Hampshire County Council is expected to support a motion calling on Public Health England to abandon the plans.
NZ - Ministers’ ignorance & bullying over fluoridation challenge
Ministers’ ignorance & bullying over fluoridation challenge |
Ministers’ ignorance and bullying over fluoridation challenged
Press Release
Fluoride Action Network NZ
16th July 2013
Fluoride Action Network NZ
16th July 2013
Fluoride Action Network NZ (FANNZ) has demanded an explanation from both Ministers Judith Collins and Tony Ryall over their recent claims and vicious attacks.
Both Ministers have made scathing and unfounded remarks against the Hamilton City Council and/or FANNZ over the Council’s decision to end fluoridation. The Council decision was made after 4 days of hearings and a massive amount of written submissions through a thorough Tribunal process recommended by the Ministry of Health and the Office of the Prime Minister’s Science Advisor.
Both have been asked by FANNZ to substantiate their claims under the Official Information Act.
Minister Collins has tried to sidestep the request by claiming her comment was made as an MP, not as Minister of Justice. MPs’ comments are not subject to the Act, Ministers are. This is the height of hypocrisy. Minister Collins called the Hamilton Council ‘gutless’ for making a hard decision to do the right thing, knowing the backlash that was likely to follow. Now she won’t even justify her comment
Minister Ryall has forwarded the request for information to Ministry of Health, even though he made personal accusations. This suggests Minister Ryall is bending to pressure from the fanatical Ministry of Health who appear willing to stoop to any level to ensure fluoridation stays in New Zealand.
It is totally unacceptable in a free democracy that Ministers try to silence people and intimidate local government by bullying those who say something they or their Ministry disagrees with.......
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
NZ - One man's clever but bigoted view
Editorial: the fluoride debate
It’s time for decisions about the fluoridation of public water supplies to be taken away from local councils.
Hamilton is clearly being seen as a watershed of sorts, an unfluoridated one. The city’s council was recently lobbied by a clever and bellicose campaign into abolishing fluoridation. Predicting further “highly organised campaigns of misinformation”, Health Minister Tony Ryall ordered officials to marshall the strong scientific case for both the health benefits and safety of fluoridation in strengthening and protecting teeth against decay. The anti-fluoridation lobby saw the win as a stepping stone to the likes of Auckland and Wellington. Expect quite a contestWell he describes us as *bellicose and clever.
*warlike - combative - militant - pugnacious - martial
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Ireland - The naked truth?
The naked truth? Anti-fluoride protesters strip off to demand ‘safe’ water
The naked demonstration will “symbolise how we in Ireland have been stripped of our rights to clean safe water”, according to organisers.
PROTESTERS OPPOSED TO water fluoridation will gather in Dublin city centre today to demonstrate their dissatisfaction in an eye-catching way: a naked protest.
The protest, organised by The Girl Against Fluoride, will take place at 1pm outside Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre. The naked demonstration will “symbolise how we in Ireland have been stripped of our rights to clean safe water” according to the grassroots organisation’s Facebook page.
“We have been stripped of our rights not to be drugged against our will with unlicensed,untested chemicals. This is our opportunity to make people aware of what is in their drinking water,” it added.
The group, organised by Aisling FitzGibbon, is taking legal action against the Irish government in a bid to end the policy of mandatory water fluoridation in Ireland, claiming that it is harmful to public health.
UK - Council leaders in joint fight
Southampton fluoridation scheme: Council leaders in joint fight
Two council leaders are joining forces to fight a scheme which would see fluoride added to water supplies in Southampton and parts of Hampshire.
NHS chiefs agreed the move in 2009 but Public Health England (PHE) and Southern Water have yet to finalise details of the scheme.
PHE said it was still committed to a 2014 date to start fluoridation.
But Hampshire and Southampton council leaders believe new legislation may give them power to scrap the plan.
The South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) agreed to a request by Southampton City Primary Care Trust in 2009 to add fluoride to tap water for about 200,000 people, claiming it would be beneficial for children's health.
But the SHA was scrapped and its duties taken over by PHE on 1 April.
'Public opposed'
Simon Letts, leader of Southampton City Council, said no contract was signed between Southern Water and PHE when the new body took over.
He argues that as a result the scheme may not be classed as "existing" and, under new legislation, only councils have the power to decide on new fluoridation projects.
He said: "I am organising a meeting with the leader of Hampshire County Council to come up with a way forward.
"We will look at what we can do with as little cost to the public as possible. The council would probably vote against it [fluoridation] and we will also consider a referendum."
Hampshire leader Roy Perry believes it is "impossible" to ensure only the homes in the consultation area get fluoride and possible legal concerns could be delaying the implementation.
He said: "We think it is wrong to put medication in our supply. It is impossible to add fluoride and guarantee where it will go.
"I'm happy to meet up with [Mr Letts]. There is no doubt local public opinion is opposed to it."
Meanwhile, confusion remains as to what stage the scheme is currently at.
The health body said it was still waiting for a final feasibility study from Southern Water, but the water company said the report "is in their [PHE's] hands"
A PHE spokeswoman added: "[We] are not aware of having received and accepted a final, completed report."
Stephen Peckham, from Hampshire Against Fluoridation which is concerned about possible adverse health effects said: "The whole situation is causing confusion."
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Health data from New Zealand
Study examines fluoride, child development
By Eileen Goodwin
8:04 AM Tuesday Jul 9, 2013
Health data from New Zealand preschoolers is to be used to try to establish whether fluoride impedes child development.
University of Otago child health researcher Prof Barry Taylor said yesterday he was organising a multi-disciplinary team for a descriptive study using B4 School Check data.
Access to the information should be straightforward, pending the usual ethics approvals.
It was hoped results would be released within nine months.
The study would not look at whether fluoridation prevented tooth decay.
Prof Taylor said the evidence did not support fears of adverse developmental effects, and he suspected the planned study would not show these effects.
However, academics should not have closed minds.
"There have been many things in medicine that have not always turned out the way people want them to turn out. So, I always have doubt, about everything.........
Monday, July 08, 2013
NZ - The Root Cause of Dental Decay
The Root Cause of Dental Decay
Monday, 8 July 2013, 4:25 pm
Press Release: Weston A Price Foundation
The Root Cause of Dental Decay
Before industrialised Europeans arrived in the Pacific, the teeth and health of Pacific peoples were supreme.
This had been noted by many visitors to this area and photographs of isolated communities from around the world prompted a Canadian dentist to seek out these people as he observed a disturbing trend in his younger patients in his American practice. Apart from rampant tooth decay, crowding and crooked teeth, and jaw malformations, these skull “injuries” were accompanied by a general decline in the health of his younger patients when compared to the older generations.
The dentist, Dr Weston Price, visited 14 different populations across the globe during the 1930's and recorded his findings in his, still in print, epic book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
Price visited New Zealand and examined 1,000 year old Maori skulls as well as live Maori - those living in urban areas, and those still living in rural areas, away from the trappings of “beneficial civilisation”, and in accordance to their traditional ways which included nutrient rich nutrition. He concluded that these Maori had the world’s best teeth.
Price's findings clearly demonstrated that it was the European’s refined and nutrient devoid diet that wrecked havoc, which continues today, on the dental and general health of some of the traditional Maori people and on the rest of the world's populations he visited.
Price found that people who avoided the Europeans refined foods such as white flour products, sugar, sugar containing foods and refined vegetable oils, which still today detrimentally affects the body’s biochemistry, exhibited fine dental and general health their ancestors enjoyed for centuries.
Therefore, to fluoridate drinking water supplies is yet again another ignorant and unsubstantiated approach for supposedly supporting health. The type of fluoride that has been used in New Zealand, and is still being used by a few remaining council’s, is hydrofluorosilicic acid which is actually a toxic industrial effluent.
Suggestions that New Zealand will become the laughing stock of other countries if we completely ban fluoridation ignore that most countries in the world do NOT fluoridate their water. The only countries with more than 50% water fluoridation are the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong and Israel. Most European countries have when compared to New Zealand, very good and high child health ratings, and have chosen not to fluoridate.
Fluorosis, the weakening and mottling of teeth is common amongst young New Zealanders and is evidence of systemic fluoride poisoning. If that’s what we can see externally imagine what the rest of the body's bones are like.
The sooner fluoride proponents stop imposing this false sense of security upon us and we seriously address what is really causing the dental and general health carnage across the country the sooner we will have healthier people. Proper preventative nutritional health care makes much more sound economical sense.
Caroline Marshall BHSc
Weston A Price Foundation
Chapter Leader for
South & East Auckland.
Monday, 8 July 2013, 4:25 pm
Press Release: Weston A Price Foundation
The Root Cause of Dental Decay
Before industrialised Europeans arrived in the Pacific, the teeth and health of Pacific peoples were supreme.
This had been noted by many visitors to this area and photographs of isolated communities from around the world prompted a Canadian dentist to seek out these people as he observed a disturbing trend in his younger patients in his American practice. Apart from rampant tooth decay, crowding and crooked teeth, and jaw malformations, these skull “injuries” were accompanied by a general decline in the health of his younger patients when compared to the older generations.
The dentist, Dr Weston Price, visited 14 different populations across the globe during the 1930's and recorded his findings in his, still in print, epic book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
Price visited New Zealand and examined 1,000 year old Maori skulls as well as live Maori - those living in urban areas, and those still living in rural areas, away from the trappings of “beneficial civilisation”, and in accordance to their traditional ways which included nutrient rich nutrition. He concluded that these Maori had the world’s best teeth.
Price's findings clearly demonstrated that it was the European’s refined and nutrient devoid diet that wrecked havoc, which continues today, on the dental and general health of some of the traditional Maori people and on the rest of the world's populations he visited.
Price found that people who avoided the Europeans refined foods such as white flour products, sugar, sugar containing foods and refined vegetable oils, which still today detrimentally affects the body’s biochemistry, exhibited fine dental and general health their ancestors enjoyed for centuries.
Therefore, to fluoridate drinking water supplies is yet again another ignorant and unsubstantiated approach for supposedly supporting health. The type of fluoride that has been used in New Zealand, and is still being used by a few remaining council’s, is hydrofluorosilicic acid which is actually a toxic industrial effluent.
Suggestions that New Zealand will become the laughing stock of other countries if we completely ban fluoridation ignore that most countries in the world do NOT fluoridate their water. The only countries with more than 50% water fluoridation are the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong and Israel. Most European countries have when compared to New Zealand, very good and high child health ratings, and have chosen not to fluoridate.
Fluorosis, the weakening and mottling of teeth is common amongst young New Zealanders and is evidence of systemic fluoride poisoning. If that’s what we can see externally imagine what the rest of the body's bones are like.
The sooner fluoride proponents stop imposing this false sense of security upon us and we seriously address what is really causing the dental and general health carnage across the country the sooner we will have healthier people. Proper preventative nutritional health care makes much more sound economical sense.
Caroline Marshall BHSc
Weston A Price Foundation
Chapter Leader for
South & East Auckland.
Sunday, July 07, 2013
New Zealand - Who do you believe?
Ryall warns against "highly organised campaigns of misinformation" on fluoridated water
NBR staff | Sunday July 07, 2013
The Minister of Health is warning communities to be aware of "highly organised campaigns of misinformation" which are being presented by some anti-fluoride groups.
Tony Ryall told TV ONE's Q+A programme that he believes certain groups are misinforming people about the effects of fluoride added to drinking water.
Mr Ryall told ONE News Political Editor Corin Dann that Hamilton City Council's decision to remove fluoride from their water supply was a case in point.
Tony Ryall told TV ONE's Q+A programme that he believes certain groups are misinforming people about the effects of fluoride added to drinking water.
Mr Ryall told ONE News Political Editor Corin Dann that Hamilton City Council's decision to remove fluoride from their water supply was a case in point.
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Friday, July 05, 2013
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Question in Parliament
Fluoride: Drinking Water
Monday, July 01, 2013
UNIVERSE WITHIN by Gwen Randall-Young
UNIVERSE WITHIN by Gwen Randall-Young
• “To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
– Buddha
Often, when we talk or read about the body/mind connection, it is in terms of how the mind affects the body. We know that conflict and stress suppress the immune system and can result in anxiety and depression, as well as exacerbate bowel conditions such as IBS or Crohn’s disease. And stress can raise blood pressure, making one vulnerable to heart disease and stroke.
It is less common to consider that what is happening in the body can affect the mind. We are exposed to so many toxins in our modern world: air pollution, chlorine and fluoride in our water, off-gases from building materials, carpets and new cars, pesticides used on our food, antibiotics fed to animals and mercury in dental fillings.
Scientists have found more than 200 environmental toxins in the umbilical cord blood of newborns. It is virtually impossible to avoid many of them.
Many toxins are poisonous and can interfere with the ability of the body to function at its best. Some toxins, such as heavy metals, are very difficult for the body to remove on its own. They can affect the ability of the body to absorb nutrients and make it difficult for elements such as calcium to move through cell membranes, resulting in calcified build-up in tissues and joints.
Unfortunately, the medical/pharmaceutical industry looks more at reducing symptoms than eliminating underlying causes. Consequently, people suffer from chronic conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and bowel issues and just do not get better. Have you ever heard anyone talk about finding a cure for arthritis? Why not? Because it is assumed it comes with aging and we must live with it.......