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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Alaska - Judge gives OK to dental therapists

Judge gives OK to dental therapists
Oral health providers not required to be licensed by state
The Associated Press
ANCHORAGE - A judge rejected an effort by the American Dental Association to stop a program allowing dental therapists to provide services in areas of rural Alaska where tooth decay is prevalent. Superior Court Judge Mark Rindner on Wednesday ruled that dental therapists do not need to be licensed by the state. Rindner said that forcing the therapists to get state licenses would frustrate federal goals to reduce tooth decay in rural Alaska. His ruling means the therapists, who undergo two years of special training and work under a licensed dentist often not on site, can continue operating in villages, said Valerie Davidson of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium.
"The fact our local solution to a local problem is going to make a difference in oral health care delivery for Alaska Natives is really exciting," she said. "It's great to have validation from the court." The Alaska Dental Society and others tried to stop the program in which at least eight dental therapists are currently doing fillings, simple tooth extractions and other procedures in villages where few dentists operate. The therapists do not perform complex procedures such as root canals, Davidson said.
The dental organizations, plus four individual dentists, sued asserting the therapists require a state dental license. Attorneys for the tribal health consortium argued the therapists were certified under federal law and didn't need a state license. The immediate past president of the Alaska Dental Society, David Eichler, said his group is disappointed. "We knew it was an uphill battle to begin with but it was our intention to bring the same high standards of health care to Natives as everyone else in the U.S. has," he said. Students spend one year in classroom studies at a clinic in Anchorage before taking on clinical work in a rural community. They are required to spend another three months training with a dentist before earning certification as a dental therapist. The dental therapists working in Alaska were trained in New Zealand.

USA - Alaska - Fluoridate our water? No thanks.

My Turn : Fluoridate our water? No thanks.
No amount of debate, not even a city election, will make fluoridated water a good idea
Recently, a group of Juneau citizens began circulating a petition to put the issue of fluoridating our drinking water on the fall ballot.
"Wait a minute," you might ask, "Didn't we just resolve a contentious three-year debate about fluoride? Didn't the Juneau Assembly decide 6-3 last November to take it out of our water?" Yes, we did. But like a bad penny, fluoridation keeps coming back, especially when there are national organizations such as the American Dental Association willing to spend money to keep it alive. The ADA is paying people a dollar a signature to drum up support for a ballot measure to reintroduce fluoride to our drinking water. While the motives of petition supporters are no doubt honorable, that still doesn't make fluoridation a good idea. Contrary to common belief, fluoride is not a nutrient required for human health, anymore than arsenic is. The recommended dietary allowance for fluoride is zero. The sodium fluoride formerly added to our drinking water is classified as an industrial grade hazardous waste.
The evidence on which fluoridation was originally introduced back in the 1940s would be considered laughable today. After more than half a century of fluoridation, scientific support for its benefit in preventing tooth decay is equivocal at best. The largest U.S. study on fluoridation, conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service, found the decay rate of permanent teeth was virtually the same in fluoridated and nonfluoridated areas.
The final nail in the coffin of fluoridated drinking water should have been the publication last year of the National Academy of Sciences report on fluoride. That authoritative report contains more red flags than a Soviet May Day parade. It cited research showing that even modest concentrations of fluoride inhibit enzyme systems, impair kidney and thyroid function, impact brain development and IQ, and contribute to bone pathology.
The report raised serious questions about the effect of fluoride exposure on vulnerable segments of the population, including pregnant women, infants and small children. These concerns were highlighted in a recent Environmental Working Group analysis that found infants and young children are at a three to four times higher risk of overexposure to fluoride than adults because of their smaller size. Infants consuming formula made from fluoridated tap water were judged to be at greatest risk.
The acolytes of fluoridation, like all true believers, seemed unfazed by this avalanche of bad news. Shortly afterwards, the ADA issued an advisory to its members addressing concerns about fluoride exposure in infants. The association's solution? Advise parents to use bottled water when making infant formula.
Of course, according to the ADA, the reason we need to fluoridate in the first place is because many parents don't have the wherewithal to practice good nutrition and dental hygiene with their children. Yet ADA believes these same parents will go out and buy bottled water to protect their infants from fluoride's ill effects. Now that's a leap of faith.
Here's a better idea: Let's not dump industrial grade hazardous waste into the water in the first place. That way, we won't have to worry about protecting folks from it. There are plenty of ways those who want fluoride can get it without contaminating everyone else's drinking water. Between toothpastes, mouthwashes and the background fluoride already present in food, most people are already getting more than enough.
Water fluoridation is a half-baked idea which most of the civilized world rejected long ago. More debate and a municipal election will not make it a better idea. It will only divert our attention from addressing the real causes of tooth decay, which are poor nutrition and lack of dental hygiene, not lack of fluoride.
• David Ottoson owns Rainbow Foods and is a Juneau resident.

Well stated

USA - Contaminants are being added to our water

Contaminants are being added to our water
I just received the City of Zanesville Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Report for 2006. It says that they are adding contaminants to the water, fluoride. I get very little confidence from the adding of discharge from fertilizer and aluminum factories in the water. This is a big price to pay to have fewer cavities (maybe) in your teeth.

William Hartmeyer
Added comment to article


What point are you trying to make bill?

I'll guess it's flouride.

Flouride had been added to municipal drinking water since the forties. It has been documented and proven it benefits users (especially children) by strengthening tooth enamel. It is a very low cost intervention with a huge benefit.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:55 am

"Huge benefit", how come the poor in fluoridated areas have rotten teeth?

Friday, June 29, 2007

Australia - New protest against fluoridating Geelong's water

New protest against fluoridating Geelong's water
Simon Gladman
ANTI-FLUORIDE campaigners have stepped up their push to ``educate'' Geelong about the impact fluoridation would have in the region.
Victoria Fluoride Information Network is circulating an open letter to Premier Steve Bracks and other officials, attacking plans to link Melbourne's fluoridated water to Geelong. Network spokesman Keith Oakley said the letter was the start of a new protest. The network claims mixing fluoride into Geelong's water system is medically wrong and ``downright stupid''. ``We need more community awareness of what fluoridation is all about,'' Mr Oakley said. ``We've been campaigning for a number of years but in the latest scientific information we're learning more about the negative effects of fluoridated supplies. ``I don't see how they can put something in the water supply to treat people without individual consent.''
A spokesman for Health Minister Bronwyn Pike said the most important issue was Geelong's long-term water security. ``The Bracks Government is committed to extending fluoridation across rural and regional Victoria to improve the dental health of all Victorians,'' the spokesman said.
``The Department of Human Services will provide information on fluoridation to the greater Geelong community and provide an opportunity for the community to ask questions about fluoridation.'' Australian Dental Association's Victorian branch president Mark Bowman said fluoridation was the cheapest and most effective way to improve oral health. Geelong dentist Ailin Teo, of the Dr Knowles Dental Surgery, said protesters were spreading a lot of ``misinformation''. ``Anything in excess would cause problems to our health, whether that be having too much water, food or overloading on anything,'' she said. ``The example I give people is if someone swallowed an entire tube of toothpaste, then they would run into problems with fluoride.'' Fluoride levels in Geelong's water supply would not be as high as in Melbourne once the pipe connected Geelong and Melbourne in 2011. Dr Teo said Geelong dentists were performing major dental work on children because oral health in the region was so poor.

USA Oregon

FLUORIDE — Lawmakers continued their long-standing opposition to efforts to expand the fluoridation of municipal drinking water. Oregon is ahead of only New Jersey and Hawaii in the percentage of residents who drink fluoridated water. Fluoride opponents argued that the health benefits of fluoride have been overstated and that it doesn't make sense to add a chemical to clean water.

Australia - Concern voiced over poor dental care

Australians are being hospitalised with life-threatening illnesses because they can't afford dental care, a leading consumer group says.
The Australian Consumers Association (ACA) said in its magazine Choice tens of thousands of hospital admissions could have been prevented if patients had had early treatment for dental problems. "Alarmingly there are many reported cases of treatable dental infections spreading to the eye, brain or into the neck or chest cavity," ACA spokeswoman Indira Naidoo said."There is also increasing evidence of the links between poor oral health and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, poor nutrition, oral cancer and even premature births."
The magazine said a recent study showed 30 per cent of adults avoided dental care because of the cost, one quarter had untreated tooth decay and more than 20 per cent had moderate to severe gum disease.
The study also found almost one in five people had avoided certain foods because of problems with teeth, mouth or dentures, Choice said. "With the average check-up and clean costing about $200 it's not surprising that people are put off dental visits," Ms Naidoo said. Choice said there were 650,000 people on dental waiting lists across Australia, waiting on average 27 months for treatment.
"And the situation could get worse," Ms Naidoo said. "It's been estimated that by 2010 Australia will have a shortage of 1500 dentists and oral health professionals.
"Despite this, there was little in the recent federal budget to alleviate the shortage." Choice is calling for funding of preventative dental care for people on low incomes, better funding for people with chronic dental conditions and funding for training of additional oral health professionals in universities.
© 2007 AAP

2/3 of Australians receive fluoridated water: NYSCOF

Thursday, June 28, 2007

USA - Finally - Even Dental Association Agrees Fluoride is Bad

The American Dental Association, which has for many years been one of fluoride's biggest advocates, alerted its members late last year that parents of infants younger than a year old "should consider using water that has no or low levels of fluoride" when mixing baby formula.
However, while public health agencies in some states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, immediately issued warnings in the media based on the ADA alert, other states took months to relay the message. Florida's Department of Health put the message on its website four months after it was issued along with a note that read: "Mixing formula with fluoridated water poses no known health risks."
The ADA was concerned about fluorosis, a condition caused by too much fluoride that damages the enamel of teeth. Some scientists believe that even mild to moderate cases of fluorosis can lead to more significant problems. Studies have associated fluorosis with lower IQ, endocrine system problems, and skeletal damage.

This is from Dr Mercola's web page it has his comments and many readers comments attached.

Sounds rational but........

Should We Worry About What's in Our Tap Water?
CAMPAIGNER Robin Watkins wrote to us with a comment relating to our Go Green campaign: "I have campaigned for a number of years to ban the addition of a chemical called hexafluorosilicic acid to the drinking water of Newcastle.
"This is a by-product of the fertiliser industry used in the adding of fluoride to the water as the element fluorine does not exist on its own, but attaches to other chemicals. "Hexafluorosilicic acid is one of the most toxic substances known to man. As an acid it leaches lead from the old water pipes, which then enters in to human beings and both chemicals will then enter, eventually, our rivers."

The question to the Green Doc, from me, Amy Hunt, Chronicle environment reporter, is: "What is he on about and is he right?" Our Go Green Doctor, Prof Paul Younger, replies: "The addition of fluoride to drinking water is one of those old chestnuts that continues to arouse passions. We add quite a few chemicals to public drinking water, all of them for health reasons. "If you've ever lived (as I have) in cities where drinking water is not chlorinated, for instance, and seen the death toll among infants and the elderly caused by drinking infected water, you'd soon realise that the occasional faint whiff of chlorine really is a minor inconvenience, rather than a violation of your rights or 'mass medication'.

"As someone who spent the first decade of my career working on provision of safe water supplies to people both here in the UK and in some of the world's poorest places, it is clear to me that it is highly advantageous to drink water which has around one part fluoride per million parts water: much less than this and tooth decay goes up, significantly more than this and other health problems such as brittle bones develop. The 'one part per million' (1ppm) standard has been adopted in many parts of the world as the result of lots of independent studies.

"In our region, the move to flu-oridation commenced in the wake of the Second World War, after a dentist in Keswick noticed that evacuee kids from Sunderland had far less tooth decay than Newcastle kids from similar social backgrounds. The reason for this is that the groundwater used for public supply in Sunderland naturally contains about 1ppm fluoride, whereas the river water used for supply in Newcastle had hardly any fluoride. Fluoridation of public drinking water in Newcastle has now been carried out safely for 30 years, and dental health is now similar in the two cities.

"The point that Robin raises about the toxicity of the chemical, which is dissolved in water to achieve 1ppm fluoride, really addresses another issue: can we safely transport, store and use chemicals which are toxic in their concentrated form? The short answer is yes. We safely transport, store and use such chemicals all the time, and many of them would be just as capable of killing you (if you drank them neat) as hexafluorosilicic acid (which is simply the concentrated liquid used as a convenient carrier for fluoride).

"Think of the domestic bleach in your kitchen cupboard, used regularly to clean toilets and sinks. But if we took a swig from the bottle, we'd die a painful death. We're not mad so we don't. We've gradually found ways of making sure horrible accidents don't happen either, such as using bottles that don't smash if dropped and fitting them with lids that young children cannot remove. It's the same with water processing chemicals like hexafluorosilicic acid or chlorine gas (it killed our ancestors in the trenches of the First World War; now it saves us all from drinking infected water).

"We've all seen tanker lorries on the motorways with their warning labels. These are part of a very elaborate system of precautions which the rescue services have in place to make sure we can transport potentially hazardous substances without causing harm to anyone or to the environment. If we had to carry all processing chemicals in such dilute forms that anyone could drink them neat from the tankers, we would need to increase tanker journeys by a factor of thousands, with all the congestion and carbon dioxide emissions that would entail.

"So instead we transport concentrated chemicals and dilute to safe concentrations at the point of use. Just like we do with orange squash, for instance.

"Once fluoride is dissolved in tap water down to 1ppm, it is no longer a concentrated acid and does not cause lead to leach from pipes. It does save us all from extra trips to the dentists."

Prof Younger, professor of energy and environment at Newcastle University, has joined our year-long environmental campaign to guide Chronicle readers in their efforts to go green.

He and his team at Newcastle's Science City are leading the North East's drive to produce clean, green energy for the future.

He and his colleagues have agreed to answer any questions you, our readers, have about how to reduce your energy use, waste and carbon footprint and any other questions you may have on environmental issues.
Not sure whether changing to energy-saving light bulbs will really make a difference? Wondering why your council doesn't recycle plastic? Send us your questions to go.green@ncjmedia.co.uk or write to Dr Green, c/o Amy Hunt, Evening Chronicle, Groat Market, Newcastle NE11ED.
(c) 2007 Evening Chronicle - Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.
Source: Evening Chronicle - Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

USA - In fluoridation-mandated Illinois: NYSCOF

Program to fill children's dental health needs
By COURTNEY KLEMM -- H&R Staff Writer
DECATUR - Underserved and uninsured children in the state soon will have something to smile about.
The Illinois Children's Healthcare Foundation, a grant-making organization, will invest at least $20 million over the next five years in targeted efforts to give children increased access to oral health care services.
"We did an analysis and looked at oral health in the state," said Susan Kerr, president of the foundation. "Illinois has made some tremendous progress in the last few years in terms of oral health, and it's a situation where we feel there is a light at the end of the tunnel. When you break the information down and look at general oral health, there are some real opportunities here."
Tooth decay is one of the biggest problems plaguing children. Studies show 55 percent of third-graders in Illinois have some tooth decay and 30 percent have "significant" tooth decay, with the most being from low-income families. Yet only 27 percent of children had dental sealants, so "not a lot of kids are seeing dentists to apply sealants," Kerr said.
The first step for the healthcare foundation's new initiative will be to increase the number of oral health professionals caring for underserved children, increase education and awareness of the role oral health plays in the overall health and well-being of a child and build the capacity of the "safety-net-system" throughout the state to deliver high-quality oral health services, Kerr said.
"Community health centers, health departments and (others) are the primary delivery services for the low-income, underinsured or uninsured children," she said. "We want to do what we can to help those places offer dental services. We want to provide the funding to allow them to expand on services they already provide or to add these services if they've never been offered."
Oral health care often is overlooked where overall health care is concerned, Kerr said."There seems to be a perception that oral health care is separate, that having a healthy mouth is separate than having a healthy body," she said. "We want to integrate those services and make the connection." "We know what it takes to fix this; it's not like a new disease," Kerr added. "It's a question of rallying up the forces and building systems to put in place for kids that don't have access."
Courtney Klemm can be reached at cklemm@herald-review.com or 421-6968.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

From Earth Talk

Dear EarthTalk:

Why do some people complain about fluoride in drinking water and toothpaste? I thought it was beneficial for dental health?

-- Becky Johnston, Shoreline, WA
Communities began adding fluoride to water supplies in the early 1940s after decades of studies into why some Colorado residents were exhibiting a discoloration or “mottling” of the teeth but at the same time very low rates of actual decay. The culprit turned out to be high concentrations of a naturally-occurring fluoride that was running off into the water from Pike’s Peak after rainfalls. Research later concluded that adding small, controlled amounts of fluoride into public water supplies would act as a form of community-wide cavity prevention without causing the undesirable mottling known at the time as “Colorado stain.”
Fluoride isn't just in toothpastes and tap water. The very same water supplies that are treated to help prevent cavities are also used in the making of many common food products – from baby formula and cereal to juices, sodas, wines, beers and even fresh produce. As a result, say critics, we're ingesting way too much. (Photo by Getty Images)

Today, supporters of fluoridation cite research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control showing that the very inexpensive fluoridation of drinking water has since correlated to significant reductions in incidences of tooth decay (15-40 percent) in communities across the country. But skeptics worry we may be getting too much of a good thing. While small amounts of fluoride will prevent tooth decay, excessive amounts can lead not only to irreversible tooth discoloration (today called “fluorosis”) but also to other health issues, including an increased risk of bone breakage and osteoporosis.

The problem, says Fluoride Action Network (FAN), which is opposed to fluoridation, is that the very water supplies that are treated for dental purposes are also used in the making of many common food products — from baby formula and cereal to juices, sodas, wines, beers and even fresh produce. And with most toothpastes also adding fluoride, many people are ingesting far more fluoride than they should.

The main concern for most people is the discoloration of children’s second teeth once the baby teeth are gone. Besides being embarrassing, there is no cure. And some doctors worry that excessive fluoride may actually be promoting tooth decay rather than preventing it — and harming kids in other ways, particularly as they get older. FAN cites studies showing how low-to-moderate doses of fluoride can lead to eczema, reduced thyroid activity, hyperactivity, IQ deficits, premature puberty and even bone cancer.

On the other side of the debate, concerns have risen that our increased reliance on non-fluoridated bottled water instead of tap water may be leading to increases in tooth decay (some bottled waters have added fluoride). However, speaking in a May 2002 UPI Science News article, John W. Stamm, dean of the School of Dentistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a spokesperson for the American Dental Association, said, “It’s very important to realize that there are many sources for body fluids… The fact that one may be consuming variable amounts of bottled water seems to me to be insufficient reason to be concerned about a fluoride deficient diet.”

Avoiding fluoride is difficult for those whose local water is fluoridated. And the only filters that can strain fluoride out of water are expensive ones that employ reverse osmosis, activated alumina or distillation. Switching to unfluoridated toothpaste — many varieties are available from natural health retailers — is one way to cut down on fluoride intake, especially for those who swallow toothpaste when they are brushing.

CONTACTS: Centers for Disease Control, www.cdc.gov/oralhealth; Fluoride Action Network, www.fluoridealert.org.

GOT AN ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION? Send it to: EarthTalk, c/o E/The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881; submit it at: www.emagazine.com/earthtalk/thisweek/, or e-mail: earthtalk@emagazine.com. Read past columns at: www.emagazine.com/earthtalk/archives.php.

UK - Anti-fluoride action group goes on line

Anti-fluoride action group goes on line
Published on 25/06/2007
Leading campaigner: Dianne Standen, of Cumbrians Against Fluoridation, handing out leaflets on the streets of Cockermouth By Daniel Cattanach
A PRESSURE group aiming to raise awareness of levels of fluoride in the west Cumbria water supply has launched its own website Cumbrians against Fluoridation.Cumbrians against Fluoridation has been campaigning for the last seven years against what it claims is the use of an untested, unresearched chemical in the area’s drinking water.
It is now taking its fight to the worldwide web and is calling for Cumbrians to share their experiences and concerns over the possible health risks.Co-founder of the group, Dianne Standen, of Maryport, said: “This is something the group has wanted for a long time.“We have always felt people in this area should be informed about water fluoridation. This site is easy to access and gives a wide range of information.“We know that lots of local people are receiving high daily doses of fluoride. Now parents and concerned individuals can log on for information and check the identification of excess fluoride against their own health concerns.”
Mrs Standen believes the Department of Health’s 30-year policy of adding artificial fluoride to the west Cumbrian water supply could be causing untold damage to the health of thousands of residents who have been drinking the water since the late 1960s. She said the added chemical is of a much higher concentration than that of natural fluoride, which is usually used in toothpaste to give healthy teeth, and is a by-product of fertiliser production.
She said people who get their water supply from Ennerdale and Crummock Water, including those from Whitehaven to Ravenglass, Loweswater and parts of Aspatria, were having artificial fluoride added to it.
She added that up to 50 per cent of the fluoride intake can remain in the human body for life.The website www.cumbrians-against-fluoridation.org.uk has been designed by Julian Moss, of Cockermouth, who became concerned about the issue of water fluoridation after his Ukrainian wife Olga suffered health problems when she moved to Cockermouth.The site suggests her problems originated from the local water supply.
Mr Moss said: “If this water was harming my wife, and our two friends, how can you be sure it isn’t harming your own health, or that of your family?” The group is now urging any local people who have connected the additional fluoride in the water with any health problems they may have to add their story to those already on the website.
A spokesman for the Department of Health said: “There have been fluoridation schemes in the UK since the mid-1950s, longer in the USA, where the beneficial effects of fluoridated water were first recognised. “No evidence of risks to overall health have been identified. Nevertheless, the Department of Health is committed to maintaining a research programme on fluoridation.”

Monday, June 25, 2007

From a forum

From Barcclay's Heartycare Oral Health and Heart Disease:How Dental Health Affects Cardiovascular Conditions By Nieske Zabriskie, ND
Surprisingly, one of the most important risk factors for heart disease occurs in an area of the body we don’t often connect with cardiovascular health: the mouth. Yet, numerous studies have shown the correlation between poor oral health and heart disease.
Both poor oral health and heart disease are common conditions in America. According to the American Heart Association, 36.3 percent (1 in 2.8) of deaths in 2004 were caused by cardiovascular disease.1 In elderly populations, poor dental health is also associated with all-cause mortality.2 The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2002 investigated the oral health of the U.S. population. This study found that 41 percent of children aged 2-11, 50 percent of children aged 12–15 years, and 68 percent of adolescents aged 16–19 years had tooth decay in their primary teeth. Also, the prevalence of decay in adults showed that 87 percent of individuals ages 20-39 and 95 percent ages 40-59 had decay in the coronal surface of the permanent teeth. This study demonstrated another alarming fact: 25 percent of adults over age 60 had lost all of their teeth.3 Due to the prevalence of these conditions, the correlation between oral health and heart disease is
significant as oral health may be a possible avenue of intervention to decrease cardiovascular mortality.
Some researchers have suggested that oral infections may produce inflammatory markers, which could contribute to the pathology of coronary heart disease (CHD). Studies indicate that serum inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and fibrinogen levels are significantly higher in individuals with CHD. CHD patients also have showed an increased prevalence of gingivitis and diseased supporting tissue, less natural teeth, and increased loss of all teeth compared to individuals without CHD.4
Chronic periodontitis also is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. In fact, studies show that the severity of periodontitis is directly correlated to the severity of the coronary heart disease.5 Additional research indicated that in individuals with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease (CAD), 84.44 percent had periodontal disease compared to only 22.5 percent in individuals without coronary heart disease. Furthermore, periodontal disease was associated with elevated inflammatory markers and is a higher risk factor for CAD than elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) and pulse pressure.6
Evidence also indicates that cumulative incident tooth loss is significantly related to the prevalence of peripheral artery disease (PAD,) particularly in men with periodontal disease.7 Additionally, research has shown that periodontal disease is significantly associated with hypertension and risk for myocardial infarction (heart attack) in middle aged individuals. This study further demonstrates that the number of periodontal diseased pockets is significantly associated with hypertension at any age. Also, a low number of natural teeth is correlated with increased risk of myocardial infarction.8
Natural Support for Oral Health and Heart Disease
Xylitol is a 5-carbon sugar alcohol found in most fruits and vegetables and can be used as a sugar substitute. Commercially produced xylitol is often extracted from birch and other hardwoods. Most sugars are hydrolyzed by amylase providing a substrate for oral bacteria. These bacteria lower the pH of the saliva and plaque initiating tooth demineralization and decay. Xylitol, unlike most other sugars, has been shown to be beneficial for oral health and decrease dental caries. Xylitol intake has been shown to decrease the amount of plaque and the amount and virulence of the bacteria streptococci mutans in both plaque and saliva.9
Streptococci mutans is often transmitted from mothers to their children shortly after birth. Studies have shown that mothers who chew xylitol gum decrease the risk of transmission of these bacteria to their children. In fact, this study demonstrated that at two years of age, only 9.7 percent of children whose mothers began chewing xylitol gum when the children were 3 months of age had streptococci mutans. In children whose mothers were treated with fluoride varnish, a significant 48.5 percent had streptococci mutans.10 Additionally, researchers have demonstrated that even 5 years after the discontinuation of a xylitol chewing gum study, the children who were in the xylitol group still had 59 percent lower risk of dental caries compared to the group of children not given xylitol gum. Also, this study showed that teeth that erupted within one year of the discontinuation of the study had a long-term decreased risk of dental caries of 93 percent, suggesting that children should
chew xylitol gum or consume other forms of xylitol regularly beginning one year prior to permanent dentition eruption.11
Because xylitol is a low-glycemic, natural sugar substitute, its incorporation in the diet can also play a role in supporting healthy blood sugar levels. The link between diabetes and an increased risk of heart disease is well-established, indicating that xylitol can improve cardiovascular health on a number of levels.
Vaccinium macrocarpon (Cranberry)
Cranberry is frequently used medicinally to treat urinary tract infections because of its ability to inhibit particular strains of bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall. This evidence led researchers to investigate whether cranberries could also inhibit adhering of plaque bacteria in the mouth. Research indicates that cranberry juice inhibits colonization on the tooth surface by the bacteria streptococci, and thus may decrease the development of dental plaque.12 An additional study showed that a component of cranberries decreased coaggregates formed by oral bacteria. This causes a decrease in oral micro-flora and suggests a possible treatment to improve oral hygiene.13 In addition, cranberry supplementation has been shown to increase the beneficial high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL.) Low HDL is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.14 Thus, cranberry intake may have a dual role: increasing both oral health and cardiovascular protection.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
CoQ10 is a compound found in virtually every cell in the body. CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant and is required for the synthesis of cellular energy. Supplementation with CoQ10 has been shown to benefit both cardiovascular disease and oral health. Evidence indicates that individuals with periodontal disease have decreased gingival tissue levels of CoQ10 compared to individuals without periodontal disease.15 Research has shown that topical application of CoQ10 significantly improved periodontitis in adults as the sole treatment as well as adjunctive therapy.16 CoQ10 has been shown to be helpful for numerous cardiovascular diseases as well, such as hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and congestive heart failure.17
Folic Acid
Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin required in the diet. According to the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001-2002, low serum folic acid levels are an independent risk factor for periodontal disease in elderly adults.18 Additional studies indicate that folate mouthwash significantly improved gingival health in pregnant women.19 Low folic acid levels are also associated with increased levels of homocysteine, a risk factor for atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart disease.20
The association of poor oral health and heart disease is well established and the link between poor oral hygiene and heart disease may be due to an increase in inflammation. Use of xylitol as a sugar substitute as well as supplementation with cranberry, CoQ10, and folic acid can decrease risk factors associated with both poor oral health and heart disease. Therefore, correcting poor oral health issues is a potential avenue to decrease the overwhelming prevalence of cardiovascular disease.
1. American Heart Association. Cardiovascular disease statistics. Available at: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4478. Accessed on April 7, 2007.
2. Meurman JH, Hamalainen P. Oral health and morbidity--implications of oral infections on the elderly. Gerodontology. 2006 Mar;23(1):3-16.
3. Surveillance for Dental Caries, Dental Sealants, Tooth Retention, Edentulism and Enamel Fluorosis—United States, 1988–1994 and 1999–2002. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/oralhealth/factsheets/nhanes_findings.htm. Accessed on: April 7, 2007.
4. Meurman JH, Janket SJ, Qvarnstrom M, Nuutinen P. Dental infections and serum inflammatory markers in patients with and without severe heart disease. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2003 Dec;96(6):695


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Letter from Ann Richards

The Strategic Health Authority Board is likely to consider the results of the Water Fluoridation Feasibility Study for the Southampton City Primary Care Trust in November 2007 or January 2008.

Gargle, gurgle, grr...

Gargle, gurgle, grr...
No, it’s not the sound of someone drowning. Rather, it’s someone rinsing, and if we’re all concerned about our general health, we should all be making such sounds, too.
SOME brush only. Others brush and floss. The smart ones brush, floss AND rinse.
Many studies have noted the link between good oral health and good general health. - AP
We’re talking about oral hygiene, of course, and it’s come a long way since the advent of fluoride in oral care. So why do the smart ones rinse?
Oral health, systemic health There has been talk in recent years that oral hygiene may have an effect on overall health. In fact, experts presented scientific evidence linking periodontal disease to systemic health at the Global Oral and Systemic Health Summit held in the United States last year. Several key points and discussion highlights of the summit included:
1. Orally derived transient bacteraemia have been associated with an increased risk for systemic disease, including cardiovascular disease (CVD).
2. Current evidence suggests that a number of biologically plausible mechanisms may be implicated in the association between periodontal disease and CVD.
3. Cumulative evidence suggests that periodontal disease is linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Some studies indicate that treating mothers before and throughout pregnancy may result in full-term, larger and healthier babies.
Though the relationship between periodontal disease and systemic health has not been definitively proven and quantified, there’s enough research out there to show that there is a relationship, and this should in turn prompt us to be more careful about how we go about looking after our oral hygiene. And that’s what the experts are saying, too. Inflammatory response Prof Louis G. DePaola, who is the executive director of biosafety, department of diagnostic sciences and pathology, University of Maryland Dental School, says: “A healthy mouth is important for general health. The healthier the mouth, the better a patient seems to be ...” Prof DePaola was in Kuala Lumpur recently at the invitation of Johnson & Johnson Asean Consumer Group of Companies to drive home the message about oral health and rinsing. “As science progressed, we started to look at oral disease as a component of the whole body system. We began to see a correlation ... “Many years ago, it was thought that periodontal disease was a localised disease. It is the main cause of tooth loss. Now, we have noticed that what takes place in the gums, there’s communication throughout the whole body,” he explains. What Prof DePaola is referring to is the inflammatory process that is inevitable in periodontal disease (which includes gingivitis and periodontits). In essence, it is an infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth. It begins when the bacteria in plaque causes the gums to become inflamed.
In its mildest form, gingivitis, the gums bleed easily. There is usually little or no discomfort. Untreated, this can lead to periodontitis. That’s why advanced infections lead to tooth loss. “The cause of this inflammation is bacterial plaque (plaque is the sticky, colourless biofilm that constantly forms on teeth). This forms rapidly, within 24 hours,” notes Prof DePaola. “It’s therefore important to remove this biofilm as often as possible.”
If this isn’t removed, the bacteria in the biofilm causes inflammation. “There’s an influx of immune cells such as monocytes, macrophages and so on, and these have activity not only in the mouth, but also elsewhere in the body, such as the placental area in pregnant women, blood vessels, and so on. “Data is very strong linking this to placental damage. Studies have found that pregnant women with periodontal disease gave birth to more pre-term babies that those who don’t have periodontal disease,” notes Prof DePaola.
Brush, floss AND rinse “The way to prevention is to develop a healthy mouth – brush, floss and rinse,” stresses Prof DePaola. So, why is it that rinsing is so vital? Shouldn’t brushing and flossing at least twice a day do the trick? “The problem is, most people who brush and floss miss a lot of the biofilm,” says Prof DePaola. Hence, rinsing with oral mouthrinses with the appropriate antiseptics can help effectively reduce the biofilm that develops on teeth. Prof DePaola notes that in many rinses, the function is only to freshen the breath, not remove the biofilm. Hence, the type of mouthrinse used is important if you want to effectively remove the biofilm. “CPC (and ingredient in many mouthrinses) has limited activity,” says Prof DePaola. “Chlorhexidine works. The essential oils in some mouthrinses work,” he notes. “The tingling sensation you get in some mouthrinses is not due to the flavour, but due to the essential oils.” Prof DePaola also notes that in at least 10 clinical trials, it has been found that the longer you rinse, the better. But there’s a fall-off point. “Thirty seconds is the most efficient, with minimum discomfort,” he advises.
“The 30 seconds is important as the active components need to be in contact long enough with teeth so as to be able to remove the biofilm.”
Smokers beware There are many factors that predisposes one to periodontal disease, including genetics, environmental factors, poor nutrition and certain disease. Another important one is smoking. Yes, it is linked with many serious problems. Add periodontal disease to the picture.
In fact, some studies have shown that tobacco may be one of the most significant risk factors in the development and progression of periodontal disease. So for smokers, there’s an added incentive to rinse, and with the right mouthrinse. For the rest of us, it’s time we gargled and gurgled to healthier teeth, and hopefully, healthier bodies, too.

Sugar restriction not fighting bacteria that would not be there without the former is the way to go. townofallopath

Saturday, June 23, 2007

testosterone levels

Dear Editor:
New fluoride research raises more concerns. The average testosterone level in men is dropping at a rate of one percent a year, much faster than ever expected. Based on these findings, a 65-year-old man in 2002 averaged a 15 percent lower testosterone level than a 65-yeasr-old man in 1987. (J. Clin Endocrinal Metab. 06; Oct. 24 and Individuals in this country now consume an average of over five mg of fluoride daily compared to a little over one mg 50 years ago. This is the same time period that's seen a dramatic decrease in testosterone levels and fertility rates (J. Toxic Clin Toxic 34 (2): 183-189).
On November 9, 2006, the American Dental Association (ADA) issued an alert advising parents to avoid using fluoridated water when reconstituting infant formula.
For more information, Google fluoride dangers.
Gwen Salata
Boothbay Harbor

USA - Sealants for Smiles aims to protect oral health of at-risk kids

Sealants for Smiles aims to protect oral health of at-risk kids
By Angie Welling
Deseret Morning News
MURRAY — A thin coating of plastic could be the key to saving thousands of Utah children from a lifetime of serious medical conditions caused by poor dental care.
Jennifer Ackerman, Deseret Morning NewsTasia Stevens, 7, a second-grader from Liberty Elementary in Murray, gets four teeth sealed during Sealants for Smiles on Tuesday. A new partnership announced Tuesday will strive to protect the health of as many at-risk children as possible by making sure they get dental sealants early in their lives.
"I think that so many times we get focused on teeth, and we forget that teeth truly impact the entire body," said Roger Adams, president and chief executive officer of the new Dental Select Sealants for Smiles Foundation. "While we're talking about dental, it's the overall health that we're interested in."
The United Way of Salt Lake created the Sealants for Smiles program and has run it in Granite, Murray and Salt Lake school districts since March 2005. Since that time, more than 2,000 children have had their teeth sealed, nearly 3,000 children have been screened for existing dental problems, and 3,600 kids have been educated about proper oral hygiene. "We've come a long way in just a few short years," said United Way president and chief executive officer Deborah Bayle Nielsen.
The goal of the expanded program is to build on United Way's success, and ultimately, reach out to all low-income children in Utah's elementary schools, said Adams, who spent 15 years in private practice as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
"We have in our back yard 26,000 children who are not going to receive dental care," he said. "That is a travesty."
Immediately, the program will serve first- and sixth-grade students in all Title I schools in Davis, Salt Lake, Summit and Tooele counties. Schools that qualify for Title I funding from the federal government have a large proportion of low-income students.
Hygienists, many of them volunteers and students, will travel to the schools to educate children about the importance of oral health and do screenings and apply sealants on site.
Dental Select, a Murray-based provider of dental plans, will cover 100 percent of the foundation's administrative costs, said Brent Williams, the company's president and chief executive officer.
Dental sealants are applied to the chewing surfaces of children's erupting molars, where 90 percent of tooth decay is formed. When used in combination with fluoride, Nielsen said, sealants are almost 100 percent effective at controlling tooth decay.
The procedure takes less than 10 minutes and is completely painless, as 7-year-old Andrew Stratton learned Tuesday. Wearing dark protective glasses, Andrew relaxed as hygienists painted the protective varnish on his teeth and waited for it to form a protective shield.
James Stratton, Andrew's father, is in between jobs after some medical problems of his own, so the family is without medical or dental insurance. And diabetes runs in the family, a condition that causes serious complications to oral health.
"It's great now that we know he's going to have a healthier life," said Andrew's mom, Kelly Stratton.

Friday, June 22, 2007

History validates fluoride?

History validates fluoride
By Lohring Miller
Published: Thursday, June 21, 2007
Lisa Arkin is another of a long line of fluoridation opponents to bring up the same fears over and over. In her June 14 guest viewpoint she argued against House Bill 3099, a proposal to require that cities with populations of more than 10,000 add fluoride to their municipal water supplies. The fact is that naturally occurring fluoride has been in water supplies all over the world for much longer than humans have been around.
At levels over 10 times those presently proposed for community water fluoridation, occurring naturally in Colorado, people developed discolored teeth. Dentists noticed this, and also noticed that these people had little tooth decay.
When fluoride was isolated as the reason, several studies were conducted in cities with various levels of naturally occurring fluoride in their city water supplies. These studies, done before World War II, showed a significant reduction in tooth decay in areas with naturally occurring fluoride in the water. The results were so promising that several cities began to add fluoride to their water supplies in the mid-1940s. Continuous studies since then show no effect from a proper level of water fluoridation - no effect, that is, except a reduction in tooth decay. In the 1950s Procter & Gamble added fluoride to its toothpaste and made Crest an immediate best-seller. Almost all other toothpastes followed suit, and it is difficult to buy toothpaste without fluoride today.
Arkin noted recent changes in recommended water fluoridation levels. These come from the current wide use of fluoride supplements, a testimony to fluoride's safety and acceptance by the community.
Because of the efforts of public health agencies, tooth decay is the last serious infectious disease among children in the United States. Immunizations have eliminated nearly all other childhood diseases, though there are still outbreaks among nonimmunized groups.
Children from middle class families usually avoid much tooth decay, because their parents take advantage of all that is known about preventing it - including fluoride. Two of my four children still have no cavities, though they are in their 30s. Nearly all of my five grandchildren also have no decay.
However, low-income children don't have these opportunities. Before an extensive fluoride varnish program, Head Start's entire medical and dental budget was used for hospitalization and treatment of six to 10 children with severe tooth decay. This left no money for the other 800 children. The only bright spot was in the Florence Head Start program, where the problem of tooth decay wasn't as serious. Florence has a fluoridated water supply.
The Head Start fluoride varnish program was so successful that currently less than half of the same budget is needed for dental treatment. This has been the case over and over with similar programs in the Scandinavian countries, as well as in clinics for poor children in Lane County and elsewhere in the United States.
The Centers for Disease Control state in their paper, "Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999: Fluoridation of Drinking Water to Prevent Dental Caries" that "Although other fluoride-containing products are available, water fluoridation remains the most equitable and cost-effective method of delivering fluoride to all members of most communities, regardless of age, educational attainment or income level."
I invite Arkin to provide treatment, or even funding for treatment, for the many Lane County children that local children's dentists and I see at no charge - children with devastating tooth decay.
Perhaps Arkin would like to hold the hand of the boy in the Southeast who recently died from an infection caused by tooth decay. One dollar per person per year for water fluoridation might have replaced $250,000 of fruitless medical treatment before this child died.
Arkin is free to drink bottled water, take her children to the dentist regularly, and otherwise deal with her family's dental problems.
What about the many families who can't afford this? Prevention with fluoride and other public health measures are the only things we can afford for the many low-income families in Oregon. Lohring Miller, DMD, is dental director of the Community Health Centers of Lane County.

Lohring Miller is another of a long line of fluoridation proponents to bring up the same propaganda over and over.

Pottery panacea for fluorosis belt

Pottery panacea for fluorosis belt
Earthen Cure
June 21: Pottery could be Assam’s answer to fluorosis.
This interesting discovery by the head of department of environmental science at Gauhati University, Hari Prasad Sarma, has come as a godsend for Dhubri district’s ailing pottery industry. His study has revealed that earthen containers, if used for storing drinking water, can prevent diseases caused by fluoride-contaminated water.
Children and pregnant women are prone to fluorosis, which affects both bones and teeth. The disease has spread across several districts of Assam, including pockets of Dhubri where the fluoride content in water is much higher than the permissible limit of 1.5 mg. Sarma discovered during the course of his study that earthenware absorbs 20 to 25 per cent of the fluoride in water. Water stored in pitchers and earthen pots, therefore, has less fluoride content.
The North East Craft and Rural Development (Necardo), an NGO that has been working for years to promote terracotta and pottery, believes the professor’s findings can provide a fresh lease of life to the ailing pottery industry of Dhubri.Traditional pottery was the sole source of sustenance for more than 400 artisans from the 80 families who live in Asharikandi. Binoy Bhattacharjee, the director of Necardo, said Sarma’s discovery was not only significant in medical terms but also a boon for potters. “Potters are finding it increasingly difficult to save the dying art because of stiff competition from the plastic industry. But Sarma’s report has fuelled hope. If people can be made aware of the benefits of using earthen materials, I am sure the dying craft can survive the onslaught of plastic.” Necardo intends to highlight the natural way of combating health hazards by pegging its awareness campaign on Sarma’s report.
Bhattacharjee said water containers made of clay were the perfect alternatives to plastic or metal containers. “They are bio-degradable, eco-friendly and economic. They act as natural filters and water stored in earthenware remains cool, too. Water containers made of plastic and metals are not always safe.” Necardo will take its awareness campaign to all fluorosis-affected districts of Assam.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

USA - Opponents vow to fight fluoridation decision in Yarmouth

Some Yarmouth residents are promising to continue their fight after the board of health voted to approve fluoridation of the town’s water.
A group of residents went to Town Hall to obtain the papers required for a petition of the board’s vote early Tuesday morning. “We went there bright and early,” said Vi Pacitto of South Yarmouth. “They were so inundated with calls they hadn’t had a chance to put them together,” she said. “Does that tell you something?”
Pacitto explained the petition can only be filed on official papers and the 90-day waiting period does not begin until those papers are issued. “We’re hoping this is not a stall tactic,” Pacitto added. Opponents will have to gather signatures from 10 percent of the population before it can be presented to selectmen for a possibly vote in the fall election.
The decision at Monday afternoon’s board of health meeting was jeered by a roomful of opponents.
With a 3-2 vote, Yarmouth becomes the first town on Cape Cod to move toward fluoridation.
Board of health chairman Dr. Benjamin Gordon, Ann Greenbaum and Robert Brown voted to approve the measure; Helen Shah and Patrick McDermott voted against it.
The meeting’s tone was set right from the initial motion. “I move that fluoride be added to the drinking water,” began Brown, but the end of his motion was drowned out by the moaning and booing of the crowd.
“That will not be tolerated at this meeting,” said Gordon. “Everybody has a chance to speak their opinion; nobody interrupted you when you talked, nobody booed you, nobody did anything like that,” he continued. “You will allow other people to speak with the courtesy that was afforded to each of you when you spoke.”
As each board member made their opinions known, fluoridation opponents in the room made their thoughts known, too – mumbling and talking back to their statements. One man stormed out of the room calling the board a bunch of “fascists” before the vote was taken.
Looking out on a crowd of people wearing yellow “Vote No” post-it notes on their shirts, Brown was the first to explain his support of fluoridation. “Because of the overwhelming scientific evidence of the benefits of adding fluoride to water – there are over 160 or 170 million people in the United States who have been drinking fluoridated water – some of them for 50, 60 years with no evidence of any harmful effects,” he said.
Then came board member McDermott, who believes the issue is a matter of choice. “Topical fluoride treatments are readily available in the form of pills, gels, rinses and sprays to those who wish them,” he said. “A free, weekly fluoride rinse program has been in effect in our elementary schools for many, many years.”
McDermott also found the cost a significant reason for rejecting fluoridation. “The nearly $1 million start-up price tag and $100,000 per year cost thereafter is excessive,” he said.
Shah sided with McDermott, saying fluoridation primarily benefits younger children (excluding infants), which represents only about 8 percent of the town’s population. “There seems to be some emerging evidence that by placing it in the water we might be doing some negative harm to people that are not children,” she said.
Greenbaum, who has more than 45 years in the public health field, said she had “absolutely no reason for not putting it in the water. My vote is to fluoridate for the sake of the population.”
Gordon was the last to speak, had the most to say and received the most flak. He began by addressing how opponents have been throwing around the word “poison.” “People who talk about poison and harm – you cannot talk about this unless you talk about dose,” he said. “If you take aspirin in a normal dose, it’s an excellent medication. If you overdose, then you get aspirin poisoning. That does not make aspirin a poison.”
Gordon also called a lot of the opponent’s claims junk science. “You do not start out with a conclusion and then look for items that will support your conclusion. That’s doing it backwards. That is what they mean by junk science,” he said.
While Gordon continued to make his points, members of the crowd chanted “shame on you, shame on you” while others verbally attacked Gordon, saying he doesn’t belong on the board.
One woman promised to “vote every one of you out of here” in the next election as she made her way to the door adding that she will “get rid of all of the selectmen that put you there.”
Yarmouth Police Chief Peter Carnes, who was there to keep order, said “Everybody needs to calm down. You can’t upset the whole Town Hall like this.”

Posted by: NYSCOF on Jun 20, 2007 - 01:40 PM
Fluoridation chemicals are allowed to contain arsenic and other toxins
New York -- March 2007 -- Trace amounts of arsenic are found in fluoride chemicals added to drinking water supplies, reports the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) website. (1)
Fluoridation is a controversial attempt to reduce tooth decay in tap-water consumers.
Fluoridation chemicals - sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, and fluorosilicic acid (FSA) â€" are all derived from the manufacture of phosphate fertilizer, reports the CDC. Trace amounts of unwanted contaminants, such as antimony, barium, beryllium, arsenic and others, are allowed to remain in fluoridation chemicals before flowing through America faucets (2)
The CDC reports, tests by National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) revealed arsenic was present in sample batches of FSA. When trace amounts were present, the treated water had an average of 0.43 parts per billion (ppb) of arsenic, with a high of 1.66 ppb attributable to the fluoride additive. (2)The NSF sets the allowable level of arsenic in fluoridation chemicals at 2.5 ppb. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) of arsenic in treated water is 10 ppb, set by the Environmental Protection Agency. But the maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) of arsenic in drinking water is zero (5) and is based on health risks; however, the actual level permitted (MCL) is above 0, to account for difficulty in removing it or in measuring it. (6) No water company should purposely be adding arsenic to water supplies â€"even when it’s attached to a chemical perceived to be beneficial, says Beeber.
Trace levels of arsenic in drinking water increase a person's risk of developing cancer, according to a report from the prestigious US National Academy of Sciences. “People drinking water containing just one part per billion of arsenic have an increased risk of developing bladder or lung cancer of one in 1,000, reports New Scientist magazine. (3)In an analysis of 25 states, the National Resources Defense Council found about 8,000 U.S. water systems, serving 57,000,000 people, contained arsenic levels at 1 ppb or higher.(4)Fluoridation has proven useless in fighting tooth decay in America’s low-income population as the recent unfortunate ‘tooth-decay’ death of a 12-year-old Maryland boy living in a fluoridated area has proven,” says lawyer Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation. “No child is or ever was fluoride-deficient. But many are dentist-deficient, says Beeber.
Besides, modern science establishes that fluoridation is ineffective at reducing tooth decay, harmful to health and a waste of taxpayer money, says Beeber. "We're glad the CDC finally admits that arsenic can be found in fluoridation chemicals. But CDC should go further and list all undesirable chemicals and impurities allowed in the fluoridation chemicals, and make it publicly known so consumers truly can make an informed choice," says Beeber.
NSF Fact Sheet on Fluoridation Chemicals: http://www.nsf.org/business/water_distribution/pdf/NSF_Fact_Sheet.pdf

Contact: Paul S. Beeber, Esq., President and General Counsel, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. nyscof@aol.com
(1) U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dep’t of Health and Human Services – Water Fluoridation – Guidelines & Recommendations – Water Fluoridation Additives (accessed March 11, 2007) http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/engineering/wfadditives.htm

(2) April 24,2000 letter from NSF International to State of Florida, Department of Public Health http://www.fluoridealert.org/NSF-Letter.pdf

(3) New Scientist, “Trace arsenic in water raises cancer risk,” by Emma Young, September 14, 2001 http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn1300

(4) National Resources Defense Council, “Arsenic and Old Laws.” Chapter 1 - Arsenic has been found at levels of health concern in the tap water of tens of millions of Americans in 25 states http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/arsenic/chap1.asp

(5) http://www.epa.gov/safewater/arsenic/index.html

(6) http://www.fluoridealert.org/thiessen-statement.pdf

The Chief Medical Oficer for England also admits to the impurities.
For H2SiF6, limits are given for a number of possible impurities, including for iron, heavy metals, sulphate, phosphate, and chloride The specification for Na2SiF6 powder requires a minimum of 98% m/m of the pure chemical, and gives maximum limits for impurities, including heavy metals (as lead) and iron. No other substances are allowed to be used in the fluoridation process, other than an anti-caking agent (the identity of which must be disclosed) in the case of Na2SiF6. Synthetic detergents are not permitted.

‘The worst tooth rot in England’

‘The worst tooth rot in England’
by Huddersfield Daily Examiner
YOUNG children in parts of Kirklees suffer from the highest rate of tooth decay in England.
This is the grim finding of Kirklees Council’s Scrutiny Panel. It found that Kirklees five-year-olds had an average of 2.68 decayed, missing or filled teeth, the worst figure in West Yorkshire. The average across England is just 1.49. And in Batley the number rises to 4.03 – the worst in the country.
Scrutiny Committee member Clr Roger Roberts said: “Batley comes out as a real black spot, not just for dental care but also on other issues like infant mortality. Lots of money is being thrown at this problem but it’s getting worse, not better.” But Kirklees PCT spokeswoman Michelle Harvey said: “We are concentrating on preventing the problem in the first place through education programmes aimed at carers and distribution of packs of fluoride toothpaste and toothbrushes to parents of young babies. “Prevention starts in the home by avoiding sugary food and drinks between meals, drinking plenty of water and brushing twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste.”
The review of NHS dentistry concluded that Kirklees PCT operated a fair system and was working the new dental contract system better than others. Some 56% of people in Kirklees are registered with an NHS dentist, well above the England and Wales average of 48%. But the report also found problems. Mrs Harvey said: “The trust does not have information relating to patients attending private dental practices, as we deal with the provision of NHS care. Additionally, Kirklees residents may routinely visit dental practices outside the district and visa versa.”
The report also expressed concern that patients were struck off the register after missing two successive appointments. It recommended greater flexibility. Mrs Harvey said: “Discretion remains with the dental practice, as they clearly have the patient records. However the PCT will support practices who remove patients provided they can demonstrate the reason for their removal. “In one practice in Kirklees, 94 patients failed to attend appointments in a month, equating to one week of wasted surgery time.”
Councillors will debate the committee’s report next Wednesday.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Australia - Anti-fluoride lobby fuming

Anti-fluoride lobby fuming
Simon Gladman
ANTI-FLUORIDE campaigners have lashed out at the plan to introduce fluoridation into Geelong's water supply.
The Barwon Association for Freedom from Fluoridation responded angrily to the State Government's announcement to connect Geelong to Melbourne's fluoridated water supply. Group president Keith Oakley said fluoridation would cause many health problems, including causing brown and brittle teeth. ``I can understand connecting the water supplies in Victoria, but get rid of the fluoride,'' Mr Oakley said.
``My main concern is that an estimated 1 per cent of the population will suffer side effects. ``There's huge documentation from around the world on health problems. If one person suffers, that's one person too many.'' A spokesman for Health Minister Bronwyn Pike said the level of fluoride in Geelong's supply would not be as much as Melbourne's level. ``Melbourne's water fluoridation is currently one part per billion, so Geelong's water supply will never have higher levels of fluoridation than one part per billion,'' the spokesman said. Mr Oakley said it was absurd to put medication into the supply without getting community support. The State Government last year said it would only introduce fluoridation where there was demonstrated community support. MP Lisa Neville acknowledged that fluoridation was a ``big issue'' in the Geelong region.
``Public health officials will now need to go through the process of talking to the community and working with the community in relation to the health issue,'' she said. ``This is obviously not fluoride by stealth. What the community has said to us here and right across Victoria is they want the State Government to give water security. The priority here is delivering water security.'' The Liberal Party pledged last year that Geelong would stay free from fluoride if it won government.

USA - Fluoride bill looks like a dead issue

Fluoride bill looks like a dead issue
Legislature - Supporters don't have enough votes to get the proposal going Wednesday, June 20, 2007
A bill backing statewide water fluoridation to prevent tooth decay is stuck in the Joint Ways and Means Committee without the votes to move it to either house before the Legislature adjourns. That means Oregon will retain, at least until next year, its ranking as the third-least fluoridated state in the nation, behind Hawaii and New Jersey. Only one in five Oregonians uses water with fluoride in it.
House Bill 3099 would have required Oregon cities with at least 10,000 residents to add fluoride to their water supplies to prevent tooth decay unless the city "opted out" for lack of money or other reasons. Nearly all major public health groups endorse fluoridation as a safe and cost-effective way of reducing cavities, particularly in low-income children who lack regular access to dental care. But some opponents criticized the bill on environmental grounds -- calling fluoride a toxic pollutant -- while others attacked it as an example of "big government" trumping local control. An amended version of the fluoridation bill was scheduled to come before a Ways and Means subcommittee last Saturday. But sponsors told advocates they lacked the votes to pass the bill and bring it to a floor vote.
"We're disappointed," said Brett Hamilton, spokesman for the Oregon Dental Association, one of the bill's strongest backers. "We don't expect any more action on it this session."
At the request of the British Department of Health in 2000, the Evidence-based Practice Center at Oregon Health & Science University reviewed 214 published studies on the safety and effectiveness of fluoride in drinking water. OHSU researchers found clear evidence that fluoride prevents dental decay.
-- Don Colburn

That's weird about the NHS asking for evidence. The UK York review certainly did not find clear evidence that fluoride prevents dental decay.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

UK - Huddersfield

Children to smile with confidence
Jun 18 2007
by Huddersfield Daily Examiner
CHILDREN have been handed special dental kits as part of a scheme to promote healthy teeth. A total of 500 youngsters at the Al Hikmah Centre in Batley were given packs containing toothpaste and toothbrushes to mark National Smile Month.
The kits – provided by Kirklees Primary Care Trust (PCT) – are also being offered to schools in the North Kirklees area. The move comes after research showed five-year-olds in parts of Batley and Dewsbury have higher levels of dental decay than anywhere else in the country. PCT chairman Rob Napier, who helped hand out the kits, said: “It’s really important that we educate children from a young age about good oral hygiene and taking care of teeth.
“By providing the kits and getting support from teachers we are helping children understand what they should be doing and helping them get into a routine. “While twice daily brushing and regular visits to the dentist are essential for a healthy smile, the food and drink we consume also has an impact on teeth. “Parents should try to restrict sugary food and drinks to meal times only. The trust’s campaign aims to reinforce the importance of taking care of teeth by regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste. It comes after the British Dental Health Foundation National Dental Survey 2006 found that more than half of all people are failing on basic oral healthcare. The PCT is also working with dentists to apply fluoride varnish to the teeth of three-year-old children.
This preventative regime, in addition to good oral hygiene and diet advice, has shown to reduce the prevalence of tooth decay. For details on National Smile Month visit www.nationalsmilemonth.org
3 year olds are bound to swallow the fluoride.

USA - Yarmouth Board of Health approves fluoridation plan

June 19, 2007
SOUTH YARMOUTH — Barring the success of a petition drive, Yarmouth will become the first town on the Cape to fluoridate its water supply.A small but vocal group of citizens was disappointed yesterday when members of the town's board of health voted 3-2 in favor of the proposal."You're full of baloney," Domenic Pacitto of South Yarmouth yelled, jumping out of his chair at the hearing room in Yarmouth Town Hall. "Why don't you use your money for something else?" Fluoridating the town's water supply is the best way to improve dental health among children, especially those from low-income families, said Benjamin Gordon, the health board's chairman. Board member Helen Shah noted that children account for only 8 percent of Yarmouth's population, but Gordon said fluoridation benefits people of all ages.
Shah agreed with Gordon that fluoride may be good for dental health, but she noted that many townspeople have objected to delivering it via the town's water supply.
Gordon, Robert F. Brown and Ann Greenbaum supported the proposal. Shah and Patrick J. McDermott opposed it. Pacitto was one of a dozen out of 30 opponents of fluoridation who became rowdy when Gordon expressed his reasons for voting to fluoridate. Protesters claimed Gordon was taking too long, and while he was speaking Pacitto grabbed the microphone. A police officer then intervened to restore order.
The town will proceed with the plan unless opponents can persuade 10 percent of the town's registered voters to sign a petition within 90 days, forcing a townwide referendum. The papers for the petition were taken out right after the meeting, and Pacitto said he and other fluoridation opponents hope to gather at least 2,000 signatures from registered voters, which exceeds the requisite 10 percent.
In Massachusetts, 139 of 351 communities fluoridate their water supply, among them Boston and New Bedford. Nationwide 170 million people use fluoridated water. Most of that water is used for purposes other than drinking, Pacitto said, noting that there are other ways to deliver fluoride.Opponents expressed disappointment in the health board's decision and decried the absence of Selectman William Marasco, who initiated the move to fluoridate town water.
"Dr. Marasco hasn't been to any of the meetings," Adele Fraser said.Reached by telephone after the vote, Marasco said the decision to fluoridate is not a popularity contest. "It is a good public health measure that follows state guidelines and was passed after thorough scientific analysis," he said.
Yesterday's vote comes after months of heated debate and presentations by representatives of both points of view. "The board has taken a long time to decide this," said Bruce Murphy, Yarmouth health director. "It's not like they rushed it."
Those against fluoridation raised the issue of cost, using a $3 million figure drawn for a consultant's draft cost analysis report for the town's water department. That figure is unrealistic because it contemplates the construction of a bottling plant the town will not consider, Marasco said.
The second option outlined in the consultant's report is the only real alternative, Marasco has said previously. Under that scenario fluoride would be introduced through town wells at a capital cost of less than $1 million and annual operating expenses of less than $100,000, according to the report.
Staff writer Patrick Cassidy contributed to this report.

Monday, June 18, 2007

My skin cancer

Just back from seeing the skin cancer specialist at Fordingbridge Hospital. There were no cancerous cells in the removed tissue from my forehead. Bet that doesn't happen often as three specialist doctors saw the lesion over months said it was cancer.
I never told them I had been taking about 18 Apricot kernels since about November which may well have done the trick.

I'm pretty sure that the kernels have reduced the damage done by the Dupuytren's contracture the itching has gone and the lumps seems softer. Although the contracture of my little finger is still the same angle. Can't really tell though as it does flare up and die down on its own.


African twig brushes offer all-day dental care

By Pascal Fletcher
DAKAR, June 18 (Reuters) - Brush your teeth every day, dentists say. In Africa, that can mean keeping your toothbrush in your mouth all day long.
Across the continent south of the Sahara, many people go about their daily business with a small stick or twig protruding from their mouth, which they chew or use to scrub their teeth.Cut from wild trees and shrubs in the bush, this is the African toothbrush. Its users swear it is much more natural, effective -- and cheaper -- than the prettily packaged but pricey dental products on sale in pharmacies and supermarkets."It cleans your teeth more than plastic brushes, with the liquid that comes out of the wood," said Marcelino Diatta, a stick twitching from his mouth as he sought handouts from foreigners in downtown Dakar.
In Senegal, the chewing stick is called "sothiou", which means "to clean" in the local Wolof language. In east Africa, the stick is called "mswaki", the Swahili word for toothbrush.Their users say the sticks are also medicinal, providing not just dental hygiene but also curing a variety of other ills. Dental experts agree they seem to clean teeth well and some up-market health stores in the United States have been selling chew-sticks as a natural form of dental care.
"It's good for your stomach and your head ... it whitens your teeth and gets rid of bad breath," said Abedis Sauda, a Senegalese street vendor.
Traders in Dakar and other Senegalese cities sell neat bundles of the pencil-sized sticks -- usually about 6 inches long -- on the pavement, offering a variety of different types of wood at different prices..............

Double-standard for dentistry

A woman got an infection in her toe. She was young, attractive and otherwise healthy. She'd had minor toe infections all her life, but this one, beginning in pregnancy, was worse.She delivered prematurely; her baby was underweight. Nothing was done for the toe in the hospital. When she returned home, the infection progressed. It kept her awake at night. It began to stink.She got rid of her open-toe shoes and stopped going out. The foot was beyond washing; she just kept it covered. She stopped smiling. Her children got used to the odor. One day she found a piece of toe in her sock. The neighboring toes turned black. The odor was nauseating. She felt feverish.She hobbled in to the office. I confirmed her fears: She would lose all of her toes, but only after multiple agonizing rounds of antibiotics and painkillers. You see, her insurance didn't cover toe problems. In order to get her office bill paid I had to fudge the diagnosis, calling it "foot pain," rather than "toe infection."Referral to a podiatrist was not covered either.
Years later, her toes reduced to draining stubs, she suffered a heart attack and died, leaving her family to fend for themselves. ...

Whoa -- back to reality. No insurance excludes toe disease. That would be silly, wouldn't it? Try this -- change the word toe to tooth, podiatrist to dentist, foot to mouth, and so on. Reread the story. It's not farfetched at all.We have a double standard in health care. Dental disease gets short shrift.I can only guess the reasons. Dental disease begins in healthy, young people; you don't think of them dying of cavities (though it certainly happens). Teeth don't see the light of day like skin. Until about 50 years ago when fluoride and toothpaste hit the scene, toothaches and dentures were just part of life.
We now know that dental disease is linked to low self-esteem, sinus infections, meningitis, heart disease, premature birth, diabetes -- and chronic pain. What is more aggravating than a toothache? In 1989, the last time the numbers were crunched, Americans missed more than 164 million hours of work and 51 million hours of school from oral health issues. The majority of those hours were lost to low-income households -- those who could least afford it.
In addition, how many sleep-deprived, tooth-achy Americans underperform as they go through the motions of working or learning? Today, more than 2 million Virginians and 100 million Americans lack dental coverage. I am one of them. It would cost me about the same to purchase dental insurance as it does to pull out my credit card at checkout. Most uninsured don't enjoy that luxury. They get by with ibuprofen, numbing gel and desperate trips to the doctor for penicillin and painkillers. They save for months to pay for extractions, one at a time.
You could say it's their fault. They should have brushed, flossed, avoided sugar and taken fluoride. Whatever. That's all the more reason to make dental care accessible to all children and adults. Nip these problems in the bud. Kids already get fluoride washes in elementary school. Let's make sure they see the hygienist and, if necessary, the dentist. The whine of a drill can be a powerful motivator.
Dentists must join mainstream medicine. They need their own section in insurance directories, alongside podiatrists, therapists, chiropractors, medical doctors and surgeons. Let's increase reimbursements from Medicaid so more dentists will accept it. Thank goodness for events like the Missions of Mercy free dental clinic, so inspiringly reviewed by Mary Bishop ("Missions' clinics provide needed care," May 26). Free dental clinics have put smiles on the faces of thousands who would otherwise remain tight-lipped. Free clinics, however, are overwhelmed.
Just as the Virginia Tech tragedy might spur mental health care reform, it took the death of a 12-year-old Maryland boy (from a dental abscess that led to meningitis) to introduce a dental bill in Congress. Unfortunately the bill will founder in committee, as did a similar bill in 2004.
Here's an idea: Let's impose a ripping toothache on each politician the first week of Congress. Don't let any of them see a dentist until they reform dental care.

Huff, a family physician from Patrick County, is a Roanoke Times columnist.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Australia - Refusal to fluoridate south-east Qld water 'doesn't make sense'

Refusal to fluoridate south-east Qld water 'doesn't make sense'
Dentists are gnashing their teeth over the Beattie Government's refusal to fluoridate water in the state's south-east.
Last night Health Minister Stephen Robertson told the Australian Dental Association (ADA) that fluoride would not be added to drinking supplies until the state assumes control of the region's water assets in two years.
But ADA Queensland president Dr Martin Webb says the comments do not make sense as fluoridation is already Labor Party and State Government policy.
"The chief officer for Queensland Health, Dr Jeanette Young - she already has the allocation to introduce the water fluoridation equipment and, depending on the style of unit, it's not even that expensive," he said.
"It's essentially just a matter of turn up at the right spot in the water grid or water process and plug it in."

Long may they gnash

Yemen - Scores of village wells contaminated with fluoride

Rabab, 13, is one of six sisters and one brother living in the same house and suffering from the same problems: teeth mottling, dental fluorosis and osteosarcoma. Rabab’s bones have deteriorated as a result of arthritis. She was advised by a doctor in the health center in Maqual’a village in the Sanhan district to stop drinking from the village’s well waters, because her health problems were caused by fluoride poisoning.

But no other medicines or food descriptions were given to cure her case. She suffers a lot from pain in her legs, which sometimes prevents her from walking in a normal way. More than 4,000 children in villages located in the Sanhan district are suffering from the same problems of Rabab and her brothers and sisters. Some 47 children between the ages of 2 and 13 in the al-Khaw’h village in Jahana’ district in the Khawlan area have been examined and diagnosed as patients with advanced stages of rickets, a softening of the bones in children potentially leading to fractures and deformity. Most of those children, including 32 males and 15 females, of about 149 total children living in this village, are younger than five years old.

Some of those children were taken to the al-Thawra hospital in Sana’a governorate on February 4, 2006, to be examined and to diagnose their disease, because the ailment had not been seen before in that area. Another group of children was also taken in the next day for the same reason. As a result of the big numbers of children coming to the hospital, a team of doctors was formed to visit this village and examine the rest cases of children. All of the patients were suffering from pains in both legs. These pains began simple but then developed into severe leg problems during the last seven months.

Some cases suffered from difficulties in walking, others were walking abnormally, like ducks, while some children became unable to walk. This number of children who are suffering from rickets is not restricted to this village in Khawlan area, but there are others in other 40 villages in the Sanhan district in the Sana’a governorate who suffer from the same problems. A large number of Sanhanis are also suffering from osteomalacia, a condition similar to rickets occurring in adults, as well as tooth decay and corrosion. These severe results come from increasing the fluoride in the drinking water in this area.

Fluoride is a known mutagen, particularly where it is found in concentrated amounts. In the body, fluoride accumulation occurs primarily in the bones, particularly during the developmental years. Yet fluoride is often added in minute amounts to drinking water, as it strengthens teeth in small concentrations. Fluoride artificially stimulates bone cell growth, generally in long bones such as the legs and arms, which may lead to cancerous growths. But it is found in high rates in some districts of some governorates such as Sana’a, Ibb, Dhamar, Taiz, al-Dhalei and Raimah. The effects of fluoride can cause long-term and irreversible health effects.

Treatment for osteosarcoma and other fluoride-induced health problems can be a long and expensive process, resulting in physical, emotional and financial stress on the patient and the patient’s family. To make the journalists aware of the wells where the fluoride is found in high concentrations—more than the allowed specifications of the World Health Organization, is 0.5 to 1.5 milligrams per liter, a field visit was prepared by UNICEF and the Public Authority for Rural Water Resources to some villages in Sanhan district on Wednesday, June 13. The journalists visited the Sanhan district office and met the members of the Civil Council of the district and a number of people living in some villages and suffering from the high concentration of fluoride in their drinking waters.

Maqual’ village was visited by the journalists so that they could see the noticeable effects on people living in this area. It is one of the many other villages in Yemen suffering from the high concentration of fluoride in the drinking water wells. It is located in southeast of Sana’a in the Sanhan district. About 3,100 people living in this village depend on some wells contaminated with 5 to 6 mg per liter of fluoride. Children’s teeth start changing to brown and corroding as a result. Field tests conducted on drinking water in the Sanhan district show that the focus of the fluoride varies from one village to another, between 3 to 6.5 mg per liter.

The variation depends on the nature of the geological structures in the area, or on the rocks that contain a high rate of fluoride compounds. She’an village is another area suffering from excessive fluoride. It is also located in southeast of Sana’a city in the Sanhan district. About 2,850 people living in this area also depend on the wells to get clean water for drinking. But these waters are contaminated with the fluoride at levels reaching 5.3 mg per liter. These same effects found in Maqula village have begun affecting people living in She’an.

No dangers of the fluoride affect people in al-Daram village. Drinking water brought from wells in this area contained just 1.5 to 1.9 mg per liter. About 950 people in al-Daram village, located next to the two other villages in Sanhan district, are still drinking from their wells. There are two ways to remove the fluoride from the drinking water: sedimentation and adsorption and ion exchange.

But the two ways are still difficult for the Yemeni government to achieve. These procedures require enormous financial support. Until Yemeni is able to find a way to remove excessive fluoride from its water, people should follow some simple steps to prevent disease such stopping drinking from these waters and eating food containing calcium.

Several comments attached to original article including one from NYSCOF

USA - City moves to remove "waste"

City moves to remove waste
By Pam Wight Staff Writer
PICO RIVERA - Pico Rivera has taken the first steps to remove toxic waste from six water pumping sites, which eventually will bring the city into compliance with orders from county safety officials.
Officials from the Los Angeles County Fire Department's CalARP unit - California Accidental Release Prevention Program - had given the city two deadlines since March to remove containers of toxic fluorosilicic acid from pumping sites.
During inspections of the sites earlier this year, CalARP officials found five-year-old drums of fluorasilicic acid covered in dust, said CalArp supervisor Victor Nandiego. The inspectors did not cite the city, but officials were given deadlines and orders to correct the problems and remove the acid, Nandiego said.
"They said they were working on it," he said. "If they don't comply, we'll have to go through a whole process, beginning with an office hearing notice."
Last week, however, the city officially deemed the acid "hazardous waste," the first step toward disposing of the material.
Nandiego said taking that step means the city could ultimately avoid further action by his unit. Along with declaring the acid hazardous waste, the city applied for
an Environmental Protection Agency number - a 10-day process required before hazardous waste can be disposed of.
Nandiego said the bureaucracy of government could slow the process by weeks or even months. But city spokesman Bob Spencer said the city now has everything "in line" to remove the acid within a week of hearing back from the EPA.
"The view has been given that nothing's being done, and it's not true," Spencer said. "We're putting together a water master plan that will address all these kinds of improvements, especially since water systems were identified as a major risk for communities after 9/11."
The acid drums were purchased in 2002 as part of the city's plan to add fluoride to its drinking water supplies. But after finding out that the annual cost of maintaining the fluoridation system would be nearly $100,000, the idea was abandoned, officials have said.
Mayor Ron Beilke blamed the previous council majority for not addressing the problems sooner. "If mistakes have been made, there are a lot of factors we can point to. But one was the lack of stability of the former council," he said. "But we have no more excuses anymore. Now we have a city manager with a contract and a stable government. We should have the work done by September."
(562) 698-0955, Ext. 3029

USA - Fluoridation to reappear

Fluoridation to reappear in tap water
Some officials concerned about health effects
By Michael Valkys
Poughkeepsie Journal
Fluoride comes back Monday after a two-year hiatus to water used by thousands of Poughkeepsie residents, but two Joint Water Board members remain concerned about potential negative health effects.Board Chairman Frank Mora also is angry with Dutchess County Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Caldwell, claiming he has not answered detailed questions about the return of fluosilicic acid to drinking water.
"None of my questions have been answered that I sent to the department of health,'' said Mora, a former Common Council chairman who represents the City of Poughkeepsie on the joint board.Caldwell did not immediately return a call Friday seeking comment. In a letter to the board dated Tuesday, Caldwell wrote he forwarded detailed questions to state health officials. The state responded it supports fluoridation, but did not address Mora's specific questions.
Awaiting response
Mora also is still waiting for answers to safety and compliance questions he sent the manufacturer that supplies the chemical to Poughkeepsie.Mora said about 80,000 people in the City and Town of Poughkeepsie, as well as some in Wappingers Falls and Hyde Park, get water from the system.
Several residents interviewed Friday were unaware fluoride had been removed from water and, like the water board, had divergent views on its benefits."It's good for your teeth,'' town resident Vasantha Krishna said."I don't think it's good for the teeth, as far as what I've been hearing,'' city resident Lorraine Powell said.In expressing his concern, Mora has cited a 2006 National Research Council report that concluded the addition of fluoride to water may be harmful, causing thyroid impairment. He also pointed to a 2001 Centers for Disease Control report that found no correlation between the amount of fluoride in tooth enamel and decreased tooth decay."This doesn't do what it says it does and there's a chance it's extremely dangerous,'' Mora said of fluosilicic acid.The water board voted 4-2 this month to reintroduce fluoride, with Mora and town Supervisor Patricia Myers casting the dissenting votes.Myers wanted to postpone the vote until more information could be gathered, citing recent reports fluoride could harm infants. She also remains skeptical of fluoridation's benefits."I don't think it's ever been proven that, when ingested, it will do all the wonderful things it's supposed to,'' Myers said.
Mora said fluoride was taken out of local water two years ago because it was causing equipment and employee safety problems at the Poughkeepsie treatment facility. Those problems have since been rectified.
Board members supporting fluoride's return were city Mayor Nancy Cozean, city finance Commissioner James Wojtowicz, Mark Newton and town board member Todd Tancredi, R-6th Ward.Tancredi said he was assured by county and state health experts fluoridation benefits residents.
"You can get studies that show both things,'' Tancredi said of research on fluoride's health effects. "Until they say otherwise, I'm going to continue to side with the county health department and the state.''Fluoridation was used in the Poughkeepsie water system for years before the practice stopped two years ago. Officials said its removal had nothing to do with fluoride's impact on health.
Mora and the board have also received a notice of noncompliance and liability from resident Carlo Mazzarelli. He wrote that absent a statement from the chemical manufacturer that the product reduces tooth decay and is safe, "the selection of the product'' appears "capricious and without legitimate public benefit.''
Reach Michael Valkys at mvalkys@poughkeepsiejournal.com or 845-437-4816.