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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Australia - That's telling them.

Its enough to make me boil
WITH reference to Howard Joness article on fluoridation (The Border Mail, December 29), it amazes me the power that big business seems to have over governments of all persuasions to influence them or pay them to pollute our drinking water.
Why are there so many differing views among dentists about fluoride? Fluoride is another reason that we filter our water at home before using it for drinking or cooking purposes and I know many others here in Albury who do the same. This means that most of|the fluoride goes straight down the sewer and into the river system.
What a useless, inefficient and costly exercise.

Friday, December 30, 2005

There was a great deal of tooth decay and too much Fluoride

D’Angelo found that while there was a great deal of tooth decay among the people, there was also a large number of patients with very healthy teeth. However, one thing she noticed was that many people’s teeth were brown, which is a sign of fluorosis, which comes from too much fluoride in the water.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Fluoridation is state-mandated in Kentucky

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Poor youths lack dental care
Medicaid a barrier in state, study says
By Deborah Yetter
The Courier-Journal
About 338,000 Kentucky children covered by Medicaid never saw a dentist last year -- despite the state's high rate of tooth decay in youngsters, according to a study released yesterday. The study by Kentucky Youth Advocates found virtually no improvement from its similar study two years ago, which examined dental care for low-income children covered by the government health plan.
"This data shows Kentucky still has not made dental health care a priority," said Lacey McNary, the study's author. Kentucky's director of dental health, Dr. James Cecil, said that's a serious problem because tooth and gum disease is linked to strokes, cardiovascular disease and low birth weight or premature babies.
Kentucky ranks high in those areas, too, he said. "Poor oral health is contributing to general unhealthfulness," he said.

Australian pro fluoride letter

Thu, Dec 29, 2005
Fluoride not a health risk
SO much gobbledy-gook and misinformation has been printed about fluoridation of water that I believe some truthful clarification is required.
Bill van Dorssen infers that fluoride is a by-product of aluminium and is extremely poisonous. Wrong. There is no aluminium in the fluoride added to town water supplies. Nor is aluminium poisonous. Tens of tonnes of aluminium have been consumed in Australian over the past few years in the form of Mylanta and similar.
Many European countries and some states in the US do not add fluoride to water as it is already present in their drinking water source. Excess fluoride sometimes causes mottling of the teeth. This is a cosmetic blemish, not a medical or dental problem.
Nor does it exacerbate any of the dread diseases which Bill and his cohorts scream about. Some Australian government health authorities are concerned that the widespread consumption of bottled water, instead of tap water over recent years, is leading to a return of dental decay in young children due to lack of fluoride.

Millions of people worldwide have been consuming fluoridated water all their lives.
Adverse reactions have only been emotional and imaginary based on ignorant supposition, not fact.
Every child on earth deserves the right to safe and sound dental health. Fluoridation will ensure this.



Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Australian letter - Doc now opposed.

Coverage calls for pat on back
CONGRATULATIONS on your balanced reporting policy.
As a family doctor, I published a call for fluoridation of town water supplies for Rockhampton nearly 50 years ago. Since then Ive studied detailed evidence for and against the practice and Ive consistently moved to further oppose the measure.
I joined a growing trend. Commercial and professional interests often swallow expert propaganda, mostly claiming their case is scientific and opponents are not.

Professor Sir Arthur Amies, then head of Melbournes dental faculty, decades ago analysed the grave deficiencies of the case for fluoridation and has never been refuted. The prevalent pro-fluoride promoters deplore it but repeatedly avoid analysing it openly, statistically, and epidemiologically.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Tuesday, December 27, 2005
By Marnie Eisenstadt
Staff writer
Dentist Thomas Hogan thought he had seen bad teeth when he treated poor and uninsured patients in the Buffalo area.

How is it that one report from an area fluoridated for years shows that poor children have rotten teeth and yet this dentist is sure he can tell the difference between those who are local who have bad teeth and those from elsewhere brought up in fluoridated areas?
You do not have to register to see all the papers pages on this just click from outside the USA,

Monday, December 26, 2005

If fluoride goes ahead lucrative cosmetic income for dentists.

Q: My two front teeth have yellow spots on the inside bottom corners. My dentist says this is called decalcification. What is this and how can I make it go away?
A: Almost everyone would like to have a perfect set of shining white teeth these days, so we can certainly appreciate your question. We consulted with an excellent dentist to get your answer.
If the yellow spots have been on your teeth all along, this permanent discoloration is called "intrinsic." Several things can cause it: hard mineralized water (often water from a well), too much fluoride or certain antibiotics such as tetracycline if given at younger ages when the teeth were developing. (If the discoloration were new, then you would think about cavities or trauma).
Think of your tooth as a crystal with a certain structure. The yellow spots are part of the crystal but they have a different structure with a different color. Unfortunately these yellow spots are permanent and are not going to "go away" on their own. Only you can decide how much they disturb you and how much effort (and money) to invest in treating them.
Cosmetic treatments are now available that can help. Bleaching will not work. It will make the rest of the tooth whiter but it won't even out the yellow color to make it match. The best option would probably be bonding, which is applying a thin white filling over the spots. Check back with your dentist and ask if this approach might be right for you. Happy smiling!

Bonding costs $300 to $600 per tooth and lasts 7 to 9 years

Cover-ups galore

Many cover-ups from stem cells to fluoride

Friday, December 23, 2005

The South Bronx in New York City has been fluoridated for decades

Many of the children who attend these schools also suffer the emotional and physical attrition that results from chronic illnesses like asthma and anxiety, as well as the steady and low-level misery of rotting teeth, infected gums, and festering, untreated sores. Many, like Anthony, have no bedroom of their own but sleep on sofas if they're lucky, mattresses thrown down on the floor if they are not.

Not nice reading. Click title to see long article.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Australian Fluoridation Information Network

Tue, Nov 29, 2005
Fluoride bone of contention
CONTRARY to what was aired nationally on Australian Talks Back (ABC Radio National, November 16) fluoride in tap water has the potential to harm. The “optimum” recommended dose of fluoride for water supplies is one part per million. In Bhanakpur (an Indian village near Delhi), water with between 0.7 and 1.6 parts per million fluoride coupled with poor nutrition was enough to leave 17 per cent of the population suffering from the bent bones of skeletal fluorosis.
The average member of the population is already overdosing on fluoride. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services Review of Fluoride: Benefits and Risks (1991), “taken conservatively, the daily rate of fluoride ingestion from all sources (1.58-6.6mg/day) now overlaps the clinical dose of fluoride which is administered to lower thyroid function (2.3-4.5mg/day)”.
Under-activity of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) is now reaching epidemic proportions.

Prolonged and repeated exposure to fluoridating agents can cause embrittlement of bones so, too, can thyroid medication!
Australian Fluoridation Information Network, Mackay

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Hope our water is better

Public Data Show Chemicals in Tap Water
Dec 20, 7:39 PM EST
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Drinking water may have a lot more in it than just H20 and fluoride, according to an environmental group's analysis of records in 42 states.

A survey by the Environmental Working Group released on Tuesday found 141 unregulated chemicals and an additional 119 for which the Environmental Protection Agency has set health-based limits. Most common among the chemicals found were disinfection byproducts, nitrates, chloroform, barium, arsenic and copper.

The research-and-advocacy organization compiled findings from the states that agreed to provide data they collected from 1998 to 2003. That data comes from nearly 40,000 water utilities, serving 231 million people. The utilities were required by federal law to report that data to consumers.
Click title to see full report

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

NPWA Watershed

Click title to go to the printed NPWA Autumn "Watershed"

Australia being forced to swallow it

Tue, Dec 20, 2005
Fluoride being forced on us
THE threatened, forcible fluoridation of Wodonga and Wangaratta water supplies raises serious questions. My discussions with angry people from Wodonga, Ballarat, Horsham, Gippsland and Geelong all raise the same concerns. Will there be a referendum first? The Government says no, because people reject fluoridation once they learn more about it. Will the people who experience health problems from the extra fluoride in their system be compensated will they get free, clean water provided? When Holland abandoned fluoridation in 1976 it was because a medical team conducted double blind trials on water consumers and found that 5 per cent experienced stomach pains of varying degrees, mouth ulcers, skin rashes, migraine-like pain, worsening of allergies, joint pain or other symptoms. They could be cured, usually in days, by providing them with non-fluoridated water for all their needs. But in a normal life you cannot avoid fluoride once it is in the water.

Even if you spend a lot of money on filters or bottled water you will drink tea, coffee or cooking in cafes, other homes or the workplace. You get fluoridated every time, no matter how sick it makes you. Australian governments have flatly refused to do proper studies on fluoride victims, despite a direction to do so from the National Health and Medical Research Council in 1991. Forcing a medication into peoples bodies, no matter how well intentioned a health minister may be, has no place in a free, democratic society.

Victorian Fluoride|Information Network,

Monday, December 19, 2005

Industry and Government Collusion Turn Consumers Into Toxic Waste Dumps

Fluoride Industry Busted

Date: 12/17/05 Author: Pam Killeen Interviews Paul Connett Source: Crusador

*CRUSADOR EXCLUSIVE* ©2005 www.HealthLiesExposed.com

Industry and Government Collusion Turn Consumers Into Toxic Waste Dumps
CRUSADOR investigative reporter Pam Killeen interviews Paul Connett, PhD., a specialist in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, and Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York.
Dr. Paul Connett is relentless in his mission to stop the use of fluoride. He is concerned that consumers are simply not doing enough to stop cities from adding fluoride to municipal water supplies. Those who question the safety and efficacy of fluoride have done things such as filtered their water or switched to un-fluoridated toothpaste. But, is this truly enough? Those who are informed about the dangers of fluoride may be protected, but what about the uninformed?
Click title for full report

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Illinois: fluoridation (of all water supplies) mandatory since 1967 (source)

Saturday, December 17, 2005
Dentistry coming to county’s poor kids:
"When nurses who work out of a mobile health vehicle look inside the mouths of many poor children in Logan County, they cringe.The youngsters often have extensive tooth decay, said Kristi Lessen, director of the Lincoln-based Healthy Communities Partnership.'It’s indescribable. It’s so sad,' she said Thursday. 'There have been numerous kids who are even freshmen in high school who have never seen a dentist.'"

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Australian : railing - wild eyed - No wonder if we were!

Sat, Dec 17, 2005
Fluoride ideas are laughable
I HAVE gained many a laugh from the wild-eyed antics of the anti-fluoride lobby in its railing against a public health measure which has been proven, without exception, to provide only beneficial effects throughout the world for at least half a century. Fluoride has been present naturally in most of the worlds water supplies since before man existed. But the letter from Lola Linley (The Border Mail, December 7) broke new ground. The suggestion that the unpalatability of the water supply in parts of South Australia could be due to the addition of fluoride was absolutely hilarious. The water has been the same for at least a century. But please dont let me discourage any of you; I havent had so many laughs since the Marx brothers stopped making films.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

USA - No to Fluoride

Published: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 5:40 PM CST
Hampton votes not to add fluoride to water
By BOB LINK, Of The Globe Gazette
HAMPTON — After a lengthy debate, the Hampton City Council decided not to add fluoride to the city’s water supply. By a vote of 4-2 Tuesday, the council decided to repeal a 1975 ordinance which called for fluoridation. In November, Hampton’s four dentists asked the council to resume filtering and fluoridating the city’s water. Speaking on behalf of the dentists, Dr. Eric Wagner told the council his group had three requests. They wanted all water filtered through the city’s $2.2 million water plant; they wanted the fluoride content adjusted to the therapeutic level of 1 to 1.2 parts per million and they want better communication. The City Services Committee reviewed the request and recommended that since the city water supply meets state standards, additional fluoridation was not necessary. The three-person committee recommended the council repeal the city’s 1975 ordinance. Council members Craig Ekhardt, Steve Harms, Pat Palmer and Barry Lamos voted in favor of the repeal.Bill Hodge and Karen Schmidt voted against the change. The fluoride question surfaced earlier this year, according to Dr. Paul Sensor, another Hampton dentist.

A $2.2 million water plant was constructed in 1993. Fluoride was added to the water supply until 1999. Sensor said that some of the equipment used to add the fluoride was torn out and that the city had started to use water from a well that was not run through the filter system at the plant. Wagner, who said he was speaking as an advocate for his patients, said the lack of communication on the subject was frustrating. But not everyone agreed. Jerre Grefe, a resident who also is a registered nurse, asked the council not to add the chemical. “Fluoride in combination with other chemicals can cause cancer,” said Grefe. “I believe the many chemicals in our lives play a major role” in the spread of cancer and other diseases.

The American Dental Association says that “Community water flouridation is the single most effective public health measure to prevent tooth decay.” It has been endorsed by the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization.

The city recently received a report from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources stating that there were no problems with the city’s handling of water.

Reach Bob Link at 421-0538 or bob.link@Globegazette.com.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

USA - Fluoridated water: Are we slaves to the state?

In the 1997 movie Conspiracy Theory, tiny actor Mel Gibson plays Jerry Fletcher, a New York City cabbie who runs an internet conspiracy theory website. The film is full of quotable gems like: “The Vietnam War was fought over a bet that Howard Hughes lost to Aristotle Onassis,” and another about fluoridated water where he says: “It weakens your will, destroys your capacity for free and creative thought, and makes you a slave to the state!”
Okay, maybe not. But the issue of fluoridated water has come up in Greensboro and it bears some discussion.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Australia - Letter Why should we be forced to take this risk?

Sat, Nov 12, 2005
Fluoride has its dangers
REGARDING fluoridation plans for our area, I have done some research and the following items which have not been well publicised are items the residents of the North East should think seriously about.
Fluoride is a poison and over time builds up in the body. The president of Australian Dental Association said in 2001: “Tasmania is in a dental crisis”, where theyve had fluoridation for 50 years. Then in 2004, The West Australian quoted the chairman of the Australian Dental Association, saying that parents were lulled into false sense of security and their childrens “teeth were spoilt rotten”. Perth has had fluoridation for 37 years.
The Anti-fluoridation Association of Victoria says 10 per cent to 48 per cent of children in fluoridated areas suffer from mottled teeth. Research done by both the British Medical Research Council and the American Medical Association states that mottling is the first sign of chronic fluoride poisoning. Those associations tell us half of the fluoride we ingest from fluoridated water is retained. This retention is controlled by the kidney function and that control is detrimental to the kidneys condition.
Why should we, without discussion, be forced to take this risk?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Fluoride debate in Sunderland

Fluoride – hear all the arguments
PEOPLE across Sunderland can get their teeth into the controversial debate on adding fluoride to the city's drinking water.
Dentists, water bosses, and politicians, including Sunderland North MP Bill Etherington will take part in the public event to discuss whether fluoride should be put in the water supply to tackle tooth decay. Sunderland children have among the worst tooth decay in the country, with kids as young as two having rotten teeth pulled out. City health bosses want fluoride added to the water after reports showed that areas with it in their supply had lower levels of tooth decay than those without.
Opponents include MP Mr Etherington, who says fluoride is a "registered poison" and claims the majority of the public opposed fluoridation. Residents across Sunderland are invited to a community debate on fluoride, called In The Pipeline, which has been organised by the council's health and well-being review committee at Crowtree Leisure Centre on February 3.
Speakers will include Mr Etherington; Easington Lane dentist Pat Kilker, who supports fluoridation; Dr David Evans, consultant in dental health at Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Strategic Health Authority; and Alan Brown, water quality manager at Northumbrian Water. Health workers, human rights groups, schools, patients' groups, and environmental health officers will also be invited.
Committee chairman Coun Norma Wright said: "It's opportune to have this debate. I think it will stimulate some very interesting debate and I look forward to having the event." Coun Ron Bainbridge, vice-chairman of the committee, said: "This is one of the topics which is ideal for this committee. In different parts of the country, children already have fluoride in the water that they drink.
"People have very different views for and against so it will be interesting to find out from the people of Sunderland what they think." Water companies have been able to add fluoride to supplies since 1985 and it occurs naturally in some drinking water.
The 2003 Water Act allows strategic health authority bosses to order water firms to add fluoride after consulting local communities.
l To take part in the event, contact Paul Staines at Sunderland Council, tel: 553 1006. 10 December 2005

USA Fluoride leak shuts the taps

Fluoride leak shuts the taps
Residents of two York County townships told not to drink water
Daily Record/Sunday News
At bottom: · At a glance
Dec 11, 2005 — Officials are investigating a leak at a Pennsylvania-American Water Co. treatment plant that sent an estimated 600 gallons of fluoride into the system on Saturday, prompting a public warning for customers not to drink the water.
The leak raised the fluoride levels in the area from one part per million to 24 parts per million, said Sandra Roderick, spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
York County's Office of Emergency Management warned residents of Fairview and Newberry townships in northern York County, and several municipalities in Cumberland County, that the fluoride levels were elevated.
Officials said the water should not be used for drinking or cooking or given to pets. The office approved water use for washing dishes, bathing and flushing the toilet.
Click title to see full report

Saturday, December 10, 2005

USA - Debate Fluoride Law

Are you drinking fluoridated water? Some towns add fluoride to their water, others don't. Now, state lawmakers are deciding whether to put fluoride in all of Massachusetts' water. And it's causing a quite a stir - 7's Byron Barnett has more on Fluoride Facts.Many people are aware of fluoride's benefits, Methuen's Jen Doherty says, "It helps children not get cavities." John Burke of Cambridge explains, "It's a good thing. That's why I still have my choppers."
It's in toothpaste, and many towns add it to drinking water. Dr. Joseph Kalil, a Methuen dentist notices more cavities in patients who come from towns without fluoridated water. He says, "It's quite evident when we see patients that have excessive amounts of decay compared to people who reside in communities with fluoridation." But fluoride in its raw form is a dangerous chemical. Just last month, a fluoride spill at this Massachusetts water treatment plant sent three workers to the hospital with burns and breathing problems.Even on toothpaste - a warning states, "If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed... Contact a poison control center." And several studies seem to support and point to a fluoride danger. One study found high doses of fluoride lead to behavioral problems.
Another states that fluoride breaks down lead in water pipes. And a third revealed a link between fluoride and higher rates of bone cancer in boys. Myron Coplan, a researcher in fluoride says, "There is absolutely no need to ingest fluoride of any kind." But health experts aren't backing down. Many say these studies are inconclusive. Right now, lawmakers are weighing their options before they vote to put fluoride in all large water supplies.
Dr. Myron Allukian of Boston has been looking at this issue for more than 40 years. He explains, "It's safe, effective, economical and feasible." He points out that the amount of fluoride dissolved in water is so small that it's relatively harmless. And that every dollar of fluoridated water saves 38 dollars in dental care. Dr. Allukian says, "Everyone benefits, kids benefit, seniors benefit."
If the vote passes, roughly 90% of Massachusetts's drinking water will have fluoride. In the meantime, if you don't want it in your water - there's always the option of spring water - which usually has no fluoride added.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Australia: Debate rages

Jessica Harris
Friday, 9 December 2005

A PUBLIC meeting on fluoride is unlikely to change the State Government's plans to fluoridate Horsham's water supply. About 150 people attended a fluoride debate organised by Horsham Anti-Fluoride Group in a bid to give residents the opportunity to hear both pro and anti fluoride arguments in Horsham Town Hall on Tuesday night.
The group called the meeting in response to a Department of Human Services announcement in September that it would fluoridate Horsham's water to combat poor oral health in the region. Anti-fluoride spokesman and director of Melbourne-based Hope Medical Research Institute, Professor Noel Campbell, told the audience he believed in fluoride for his first 20 years as a dentist. "Then I began researching the work of other scientists in the field and I found confirmation that in concentrations not far above the one part per million recommended, fluoride has toxic actions," Prof Campbell said.

Geelong naturopath Philip Robertson said an encounter with a patient, who became sick only when she drank fluoridated water, led him to an anti-fluoride stance.
Wimmera Primary Care Partnership, with support from about 30 health and community groups, appealed for fluoridation of Horsham's water supply more than 12 months ago.
Executive director Peter Brown spoke about the need to improve public health, specifically oral health, in the Grampians region, including Horsham. He said the region had the worst oral health in Victoria. "I think most people here tonight have made up their minds so I do wonder about the point of all this but I act with good motives. Dental health is another area where, unfortunately, the country has missed out," Mr Brown said. "We have a three-year wait for non-urgent public dental work, the hospital can only do emergency work and there is a three-month wait for private services." He said only six people had approached him with questions about fluoride but hoped that seeing the public health of the region on the front pages of the newspaper would promote an increased interest in overall good health.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Australia: Free speech is great to see

THANK goodness for a free press which has the journalistic integrity to stand by the ideals laid down by Hamilton Charnock Mott more than 100 years ago (The Border Mail, November 24). Those wishing to help the truth about fluoridation surface more clearly could begin by researching the almost encyclopaedic volume of referenced fluoride information at the Fluoride Action Networks website. FAN was founded by a coalition of scientists and other citizens from 14 countries with a goal of ending fluoridation through informed debate. Be sure to visit www.fluoridealert.org/queensland-letter.htm |to read the Queensland Open Letter opposing fluoridation. This letter represents the fluoridation views of 1500 Australian doctors and dentists and is supported by eminent international scientists and others.
Australian Fluoridation Information Network, Farleigh

Monday, December 05, 2005

New York State Coalition

News Release from New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation
Fluoridation – A Numbers Game
New York – December 5, 2005 - Little or no difference in children’s cavity rates occur whether or not water supplies are fluoridated, but are described as “significant,” in a new Australian study. The actual number of cavities “prevented” by fluoridation in New South Wales, Australia, ranged from ½ to 7/10 of one tooth over approximately five years, but are reported as a 47.6% to 75% significant benefit from water fluoridation by author, J. M. Armfield in the October 2005 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Heath (1).
Armfield divided 60,000 five- to six-year-olds into four socioeconomic groups. The most disadvantaged, living in fluoridated areas, averaged 1.26 dmft (decayed, missing and filled baby teeth). Their non-fluoridated counterparts averaged 1.86 dmft. Fluoridated water drinkers had 0.60 less dmft than non-fluoridated water drinkers, which is 47.6% of 1.26 dmft. So, in this case, disadvantaged children living in a fluoridated community had 6/10 of one tooth less decay than disadvantaged children living in a non-fluoridated area over their lifetimes. Armfield’s 75% claim reflects the average cavity rate difference between fluoridated and non-fluoridated children in the second best socioeconomic group. Fluoridated children averaged decay in about 1 tooth (0.92 dmft). Non-fluoridated children averaged about 1 ½ affected teeth (1.61 dmft). In this case, the 75% represents about seven tenths of one tooth “saved” by fluoridation over approximately five years. “Since fluoridation delays eruption of teeth (2), we even doubt these meager fluoridation benefits,” says Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF).
Armfield found no fluoridation benefit for 11- 12-year-olds permanent teeth within the two middle (of four) socioeconomic groups.

“Health consequences linked to fluoridation are cancer, bone diseases, stomach disorders, thyroid and kidney dysfunction, increased lead absorption and dental fluorosis and more,” says Beeber. “It’s incredulous that public health officials risk our children’s health, and waste our tax dollars promoting, instigating and continuing fluoridation, for such a slim, if any, benefit,” says Beeber.

In 2004, NYSCOF revealed another Armfield-authored study showing no difference in cavities between fluoridated and non-fluoridated water drinkers. (3) Armfield concurred with NYSCOF’s findings. He reported, "Their [NYSCOF’s] news release accurately states that we found no significant effect of fluoridated water on the permanent caries experience among 10- to 15-year-olds…”(4) in a U.S. issued news release intending, but failing, to discredit NYSCOF’s report. Cavity crises occur in many U.S. fluoridated communities. (5)

Paul Beeber, President,
New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.
PO Box 263
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
SOURCE: NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc

Australia - Fluoridation chemicals are industrial garbage

THE fluoride chemicals used in Australia for the fluoridation of water supplies are sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilisic acid, both of which are classified as crude, unrefined toxic chemicals, not pure chemicals. These chemicals are by-products of superphosphate production collected in the exhaust chimneys of fertiliser factories because they are so toxic and must be removed.
These chemicals are prohibited worldwide from dumping into oceans, lakes, rivers and even landfills. Dialysis machines must not use fluoridated water. Baby formula produces a toxic overdose of 400 per cent. The American Union of Scientists has called for a moratorium on water fluoridation programs following a cover up by the Harvard School of Dental Medicine that links fluoridation with an elevated risk of a fatal bone cancer in young boys. We are being controlled by American pharmaceutical companies with fluoride toothpastes. Health is being controlled by the deadly aspartame contained in thousands of products, principally in all the diet drinks which affects the serotonin in the brain and causes the “invented” diseases of ADHD and MSBP, etc. People should inform themselves by reading Nexus and New Dawn magazines. For excellent, true and well authenticated information about fluoride, contact www.glenwalker.net.


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Australia - More Pressure Applied

Groups urge leadership on fluoridation
Sunday, 4 December 2005. 13:03 (AEDT)Sunday, 4 December 2005. 12:03 (ACST)Sunday, 4 December 2005. 12:03 (AEST)Sunday, 4 December 2005. 13:03 (ACDT)Sunday, 4 December 2005. 10:03 (AWST)
Queensland's peak health bodies have urged authorities not to play political football with the issue of fluoridation.The Australian Dental Association and the Australian Medical Association (AMA) have expressed concern that wrangling over un-related issues is undermining the Queensland Government's support for fluoride in drinking water.AMA state president Dr Steve Hambleton says leadership is needed on the issue. "The state government gets the bronze star for this one, but they need to get the gold star," he said. "They've actually made some changes with this act in Parliament which makes it easier for local councils to take up fluoridation in their water supply, but it's a state government matter. "This is a leadership matter, they need to get out there and they need to put fluoride in the water and bring Queensland back up to the standard of Australia."

Saturday, December 03, 2005

USA Debate

Debate In MA Over Increasing Water Flouridation
Find Out If Your Town Flouridates The Water

Eileen Curran
A proposal on Beacon Hill would vastly expand the fluoridation of drinking water across Massachusetts. This effort comes at a time when some people are increasingly concerned about fluoridating any water at all.
Tony Vallentine is one of those people. His son Seth died in 1986 when he was just 17 years-old from a rare bone cancer called osteosarcoma. To this day, Tony wonders how it happened, saying "I always had in my mind that it was some sort of environmental influence."
Could it have been the fluoride added to his drinking water? One report shows a link between this cancer and boys who drink fluoridated water
Click title to see full report

Friday, December 02, 2005

Australian letter

Fri, Dec 02, 2005
Fluoride is form of poison
FLUORIDATION of our water?
If you dont mind eating contaminated foods doctored with genetically engineered technology, then fluoridated water is the perfect drink with which to wash it all down. Experts, scientists, dentists, culture gurus and health authorities parade their endorsements of fluoridation to all. But who guarantees it is absolutely safe for everyone? Who will risk legal responsibility for any possible tragic effects? No one. Sodium fluoride is a poison it is a waste product from aluminium factories. A healthy person will not notice this slow poison affecting their health for an extended period but the effect will eventually come. The aged, sick and allergy-prone will be seriously affected sooner.
Those who want fluoride in their body systems so badly should use supplements and leave life-giving water free of this poison.

I like the letter apart from the reference to Sodium - as you know they mainly use hexafluorosilicic acid.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

USA Court won't hear fluoridation appeal

Court won't hear fluoridation appeal
ESCONDIDO – The state Supreme Court yesterday declined to hear an appeal by a group of residents challenging the way the city fluoridates its water supply. The decision means that a ruling in August by the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Diego, and a Superior Court ruling in October 2004, will stand. Judges in both courts found that the city's use of an additive for fluoridation is legal.
Seven Escondido residents who filed the lawsuit contended that the city and state were violating their constitutional rights by using a fluoride additive, called hydrofluorosilic acid, that contains trace amounts of arsenic and lead. "This case will decide whether our government can mass-medicate the people of the State of California without their informed consent," the plaintiffs' attorneys said in a 30-page brief submitted to the Supreme Court in October.
City officials said the arsenic levels in Escondido's water, even with the use of the additive, would be between one-hundredth and one-thousandth of the 2006 federal standard of no more than 10 parts per billion for drinking water, and that hydrofluorosilic acid is commonly used for fluoridation.

Escondido began fluoridating its water in August, making it the first city or water district in the county to do so. The decision affects about 75 percent of the city's residents. Some parts of the city are served by the Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District, which is not fluoridating.