Green Reverse Osmosis 5 Stage

By Terry Leamon, My Maricopa Plumber
How safe is your tap water? Water contamination within cities can occur at almost any point in the delivery, including lead leaching from corroded pipe solder, bacteria entering the system from water main breaks or gardening chemicals backsiphoned from a neighbor.
Unfortunately, most local and state governments do not have the financial resources to address this. Most cities will add chemicals like chlorine and fluoride to their water. The tap water quality in the United States will most likely decline.
The best way to protect your family from the wide range of contaminants found in today’s tap water, is by installing a reverse osmosis drinking water system in your home. An RO is the most convenient and effective method of water filtration. RO filters water by squeezing water through a semi-permeable membrane, which is rated at 0.0001 micron (equals to 0.00000004 inch).
This is the technology used to make bottled water. It is also the only technology capable of desalinating sea water, making it into drinking water.
Non-RO water filters typically use a single activated carbon cartridge to treat water. They are much less effective, and the pore size on these filter media are much bigger, generally 0.5-10 micron. They can filter out coarse particles, sediments and elements only up to their micron rating. Anything finer, and most dissolved substances cannot be filtered out. This is actually the biggest myth in the water industry.
To understand clearly, first we need to examine “what minerals” are in our tap water. If we were to send a sample of water to a laboratory, we would get back a report that includes calcium, magnesium, and sodium along with a list of other minerals and contaminants. While some of these minerals are safe and benign, there are also many toxic ones on this list, including fluoride, arsenic, chromium and radium just to name a few.
Basic carbon filter systems will leave in all the minerals, including the highly toxic and radioactive ones. On the other hand, RO systems will remove 90-99% of these undesirable contaminants. With our RO system, we use the same technology as major bottling plants use to filter water. RO water has a refreshing taste with a touch of minerals. RO systems purify water daily in your home, which is more naturally fresh and healthy compared to stagnant water that has been sitting in plastic bottles for months.
The five-stage system delivers the most stable and complete RO process for home water purification, and it allows you to manage the unit’s performance and ensure the purity of your water. This eco-friendly solution also protects the environment from plastic waste.
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