What’s Wrong With America’s Water?
Samples of Flint Michigan water pipes showing various forms of corrosion.
Many in attendance agreed that repairing and replacing old infrastructure would solve many problems.
“Just fix the plumbing. You’ll save a lot of water,” said Victor Griego, a board member of Los Angeles-based Water Education for Latino Leaders.
In Flint, Mich. where high lead levels were found in the water after it was switched from the Detroit water source to the Flint River, replacing aging pipes is one of their top solutions that started March 4.
“The city has started replacing pipes but will only do 30 in 30 days,” community activist Audrey Muhammad told The Final Call. “There are 8,000 lead service lines and 33,000 homes and businesses affected. After 30 days, they will see what’s next. How is that going to help us?” she asked.
“We need someone to come here and help us pull this all together. Engineers want to come and help us. The entire infrastructure needs to be replaced. We need help.”
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