NZ - One man's clever but bigoted view
Editorial: the fluoride debate
It’s time for decisions about the fluoridation of public water supplies to be taken away from local councils.
Hamilton is clearly being seen as a watershed of sorts, an unfluoridated one. The city’s council was recently lobbied by a clever and bellicose campaign into abolishing fluoridation. Predicting further “highly organised campaigns of misinformation”, Health Minister Tony Ryall ordered officials to marshall the strong scientific case for both the health benefits and safety of fluoridation in strengthening and protecting teeth against decay. The anti-fluoridation lobby saw the win as a stepping stone to the likes of Auckland and Wellington. Expect quite a contestWell he describes us as *bellicose and clever.
*warlike - combative - militant - pugnacious - martial
Hamilton Council invited them to present their scientific evidence to support fluoridation, but they didn't. Neither did they produce any toxicology reports proving the acid safe for human consumption. Likewise New Plymouth Council before them. The fluoride pushers didn't come up with the evidence there either, so now they're sulking and resorting to pouring scorn and humiliation on fluoride opponents who now have the upper hand with the scientific evidence firmly behind them.
There's a helluva row going on in NZ.
Anonymous, at 12 July, 2013
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