FluorideAlert.org Newsletter
Before we get to FAN's response to the EPA's recent decision, I'd like to highlight three communities in the U.S. that have recently voted against water fluoridation:
MA (pop. 18,000): The Greenfield Board of Health heard
overwhelming opposition from residents and local organic businesses during two
public meetings on fluoridation, ultimately leading the board to reject the
practice. Decision-makers cited "underwhelming" evidence on effectiveness and
persuasive resident opposition as reasons for their opposition.
Brunswick, New Jersey (pop. 49,000): After two years of debate,
public input, and diligent consideration, the Mayor and Council voted to end
fluoridation after nearly 70 years of adding the chemical. This victory is
especially wonderful because prior to the vote, FAN's very own Paul Connett,
PhD participated in a locally televised
debate against periodontist and
former President of the New Jersey Dental Association, Richard Kahn, DDS. This
is certainly a humiliating loss for the fluoride lobby.
Tennessee (pop.
5,000): The Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted 3-1
to end fluoridation after months of deliberation, polling the public, and
hosting many meetings on the issue. It is the third water district in the state
to end fluoridation in the past 10 months; others include the Dekalb
Utility District and the Northwest
Utility District.
Responds to the EPA
Ellen Connett, FAN Managing Director
Ellen Connett, FAN Managing Director
On January 11, 2017, the EPA published a Proposed Rule in the Federal Register1 on its decision to defer the Six-Year Review of fluoride for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR). According to EPA, the purpose of a Six-Year Review is:
...to evaluate current information for
regulated contaminants to determine if there is new information on health
effects, treatment technologies, analytical methods, occurrence and exposure,
implementation and/or other factors that provides a health or technical basis to
support a regulatory revision that will improve or strengthen public health
In the Proposed Rule, EPA stated its
decision to forego a review:
The Agency has determined that a
revision to the NPDWR for fluoride is not appropriate at this time. EPA
acknowledges information regarding the exposure and health effects of fluoride
(as discussed later in the “Health Effects” and “Occurrence and Exposure”
sections). However, with EPA's identification of several other significant
NPDWRs as candidates for near-term revision (see Sections VI.B.3 and VI.B.4),
potential revision of the fluoride NPDWR is a lower priority that would divert
significant resources from the higher priority candidates for revision that the
Agency has identified, as well as other high priority work within the drinking
water office.
FAN’s Response:FAN disagrees with EPA’s decision to defer performing a review as we find that fluoride poses unacceptable risks to the fetus, infant, child, and adult. In April 2011 FAN submitted two substantive submissions2,3 to EPA. Because EPA never responded to these submissions, we attach them as a major part of this submission as they are relevant to the risks we are concerned with and also deserving of a response. Added to those submissions we include the following:
- The Neurotoxicity of Fluoride (pp 7-34).
This new section, written by Michael Connett, includes 196 published studies
that have addressed the neurotoxic effects of fluoride exposure subsequent to
the National Research Council’s 2006 report7, including 61 human
studies, 115 animal studies, 17 cell studies, and 3 systematic reviews. In FAN’s
2011 submissions we listed 15 studies reporting an association of fluoride and
reduced IQ (see pages 39-412) - today there are 50 studies. A Flash
Drive containing over 300 studies referenced in this section was sent to EPA’s
Docket Reading Room.
- Fluoride was labeled a developmental
neurotoxin in 20148; this is discussed in the above section on the
Neurotoxicity of Fluoride.
- In a 2015 study, Malin &
Till9 found a statistically significant correlation between the
prevalence of water fluoridation at the state level and Attention-Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is discussed in the above section on the
Neurotoxicity of Fluoride.
- In a 2015 study, Peckham et
al.10 reported an association or risk of higher levels of
hypothyroidism in practices in fluoridated areas across England. (Approximately
10% of the population live in fluoridated areas.)
- In 2016, Hirzy et al. published a risk
assessment that found U.S. children receive unsafe levels of
fluoride11 (pp 35-36).
- In 2013, Hirzy et al. reported on the
cancers due to, and their costs associated with, the chemicals used in community
water fluoridation programs12,13 (pp 37-38).
- Fluoride and Cancer, particularly
Osteosarcoma (p 39)
- Food treated with Highly Neurotoxic
Fumigant (pp 40-41)
- Fluoridation is an Environmental Justice
Issue (pp 42-85)
- According to the Toxic Release Inventory
there are millions of pounds of fluoride and fluorine emissions released legally
each year into the environment, yet no regulatory agency is studying or
protecting the residents who live downwind of these facilities. (pp
- Against Forgetting: Published Fluoride
Studies: 2010 – February 2017 (pp 95-158). The top five categories with the most
studies for this time period are: 104 Bone/Joint studies; 82 Reproductive
studies; 81 Animal Brain Studies; 75 Dental Fluorosis studies; 75 Total Body
Burden studies; 48 Kidney studies. This list updates the studies we submitted to
EPA in 20112 in Appendix A: Selected studies published since the
release of the NRC report in 2006.
- NHANES in 201414 reported
dental fluorosis rates at 58.3% of U.S. surveyed adolescents, including an
astonishing 21.2% with moderate dental fluorosis, and 2% with severe dental
fluorosis. This represents significant over-exposure to fluoride in America’s
- NHANES in 201615 reported that
350,000 U.S. children (1 in 200) have serum fluoride levels in the approximate
range associated with overt neurotoxic effects.
- According to the 2015 Cochrane
Report16, “We did not identify any evidence, meeting the review's
inclusion criteria, to determine the effectiveness of water fluoridation for
preventing caries in adults.”
- In 2015, Ko and Thiessen17 released a study that found no cost-savings from community water fluoridation because of the costs associated with treating dental fluorosis.
FAN Senior Adviser Paul Connett said that
the EPA’s decision to give a “low priority” to the determination of a new
MCLG (safe drinking water goal) for fluoride some eleven years after the
National Research Council (NRC) concluded that the current MCLG of 4 ppm was not
protective of health was “unbelievable.” EPA’s “lack of concern for
the potential impacts of fluoride on the I.Q. of millions of American children
is as irresponsible as it is reprehensible.”
believes that the EPA has dragged its feet to protect the obsolete water
fluoridation program.
“A new –
and safe – MCLG must be determined without any further delay. William Hirzy
PhD (a former risk assessment specialist at the EPA) has shown the EPA exactly
how the Office of Water can do this. There simply are no excuses
FAN’s Request: An Immediate
MoratoriumBecause of the lack of timeliness that EPA has demonstrated in responding to the public’s concerns on fluoride, and the critical nature of those concerns, FAN requests the EPA’s Office of Water place an immediate moratorium on drinking water fluoridation in order to protect the health of the public while EPA finds the time to examine the material in this submission, as well as the submissions of others, including those submitted by Kathleen Thiessen PhD.
To read the whole of the submission go to: http://fluoridealert.org/wp-
To see the references cited above, go to pages 5-6
Latest Fluoride News
-Legislative Hearing on Reversing Fluoridation Mandate Next Week (Arkansas)
-Newspaper Editor: Let Voters Speak on Fluoridation (Arkansas)
-Bill Introduced to Mandate Fluoridation for Washoe County Water (Nevada)
-New Report. No Brainer. The Impact of Chemicals on Brain Development (U.K.)
-Law Review: EPA Denies TSCA Section 21 Petition on Fluoride (U.S.A.)
-Fluoridation Remains a Complicated Matter for Worcester (Massachusetts)
-Peel Council Votes to Continue with Water Fluoridation (Ontario)
-The History of the Water Fluoridation Debate in Juneau (Alaska)
For more fluoride related media, please visit FAN’s News Archive.
Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
See all FAN bulletins online
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