Fluoridation and Water Quality - HULL
How is water fluoridated...?
The technical aspects of water fluoridation schemes are the responsibility of the relevant water company. The water company has no formal decision-making role as to whether a scheme should be introduced, changed or stopped. In designing and operating water fluoridation equipment, water companies must comply with a technical Code of Practice published by the Drinking Water Inspectorate. Code of Practice on Technical Aspects of Fluoridation of Water Supplies 2016
What about possible contaminants...?
As described above, the chemical composition of the public water supply is tightly regulated. The only two chemicals allowed to be used in fluoridation schemes are specified in The Water Act 2003. These are:
Disodium hexafluorosilicate (BS EN 12174: 2013)
Hexafluorosilicic acid (BS EN 12175: 2013)
In order to be used in drinking water, the quality and purity of these compounds have to comply with the relevant British (BS : EN) standards. British Standards are available via The British Standards Institution shop. (Note that a charge is payable for each Standard) The British Standards Institution So, by complying with the national Regulations, the relevant BS:EN standards as well as the DWI Code of Practice, water companies keep the chemical composition of water within safe legal limits.
How is Fluoride concentration monitored?
Water companies establish any variation in the natural fluoride concentration of the raw water and take this into account when designing the control mechanisms for a fluoride dosing plant. Continuous fluoride monitoring, linked to an appropriate alarm monitoring system and automatic plant shut down, is a requirement for all dosing installations.
Please note, this document will be updated as and when we receive more feedback on this particular topic.
This could happen in Hull or any fluoridated town. Why take the risk?
The technical aspects of water fluoridation schemes are the responsibility of the relevant water company. The water company has no formal decision-making role as to whether a scheme should be introduced, changed or stopped. In designing and operating water fluoridation equipment, water companies must comply with a technical Code of Practice published by the Drinking Water Inspectorate. Code of Practice on Technical Aspects of Fluoridation of Water Supplies 2016
What about possible contaminants...?
As described above, the chemical composition of the public water supply is tightly regulated. The only two chemicals allowed to be used in fluoridation schemes are specified in The Water Act 2003. These are:
Disodium hexafluorosilicate (BS EN 12174: 2013)
Hexafluorosilicic acid (BS EN 12175: 2013)
In order to be used in drinking water, the quality and purity of these compounds have to comply with the relevant British (BS : EN) standards. British Standards are available via The British Standards Institution shop. (Note that a charge is payable for each Standard) The British Standards Institution So, by complying with the national Regulations, the relevant BS:EN standards as well as the DWI Code of Practice, water companies keep the chemical composition of water within safe legal limits.
How is Fluoride concentration monitored?
Water companies establish any variation in the natural fluoride concentration of the raw water and take this into account when designing the control mechanisms for a fluoride dosing plant. Continuous fluoride monitoring, linked to an appropriate alarm monitoring system and automatic plant shut down, is a requirement for all dosing installations.
Please note, this document will be updated as and when we receive more feedback on this particular topic.
PDF]Fluoridation and Water Quality
11 hours ago - Fluoridation and Water Quality. How is water quality monitored...? Strict standards for the quality of the public water supply in England are laid down in national.[PDF]Water Fluoridation - Ethical issues - Hull City Council
11 hours ago - Last Updated: March 2017. Water Fluoridation - Ethical issues. The topic of waterfluoridation can prompt debates about whether it is ethical. As with many.[PDF]Water Consumption, Long-Term Exposure and Total Fluoride Intake
11 hours ago - The dental benefits of drinking water containing fluoride at 1ppm comes both from ... coating the tooth (a 'topical' effect) and from incorporation of fluoride into the ...
They really intend to bring water fluoridation to Hull I hope enough people are awake to stop it.
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