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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

UK - Daily Echo comments on line

HEALTH chiefs insist they will defend their decision to approve plans to fluoridate tap water delivered to Hampshire homes.
A judge has granted permission for a judicial review into South Central Strategic Health Authority's move to give the controversial scheme the green light, because of claims public opinion was ignored.
But the SHA says it is confident it followed the law and met or exceeded all the legal requirements placed on it, and its decision was right.
Mr Justice Witting said the application for a judicial review, lodged by Southampton woman Geraldine Milner, raises a "stark public law question" over whether the SHA should have taken public opinion more into account.
Here are a few of your comments taken from the Daily Echo website:

Andy, Locks Heath, says...
If every parent was made legally responsible a) for the state of their children's teeth and b) for attending free dentist visits twice per year, we could all agree that fluoridation is not required. Simple problem, simple solution.

Swalk, Southampton, says...
The NHS's waste of money in fighting this is bordering on the criminal - but if you have to wait to get your crucial operation, at least you know where the cash is going now.

Bumblysaint, New Forest, says...
Like I said yesterday, these little tin gods take no notice of anyone. They inflict their ideas on the public even when 72 per cent of people in one poll say no.
Over to you Southy, we need someone to make them listen.
Just a final thought, what about our Human Rights, or don't they count for anything in this case?

Vonnie, Southampton, says...
But the South Central Strategic Health Authority says it is confident it followed the law and met or exceeded all the legal requirements placed on it,......Unquote
That is more or less what various MPs were/are saying in defence of themselves and their actions regarding the "expenses" issue. It doesn't make decisions honest and above board, though, does it?
Personally I can't see the need for all those regional strategic health authorities. One would be good enough, with one person from each 11 areas.


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