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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, September 06, 2009

USA - Dentists Tend To Favor Water Fluoridation


2 Responses to “Wealthy Dentists Tend To Favor Water Fluoridation”
nyscof Says:
September 5th, 2009 at 5:08 am
Of course dentists support fluoridation. They have only been taught one side of the issue and are at the forefront of virtually every fluoridation mandate in this country.

Most are more interested in building a profitable business than hitting the books again to study the other side of fluoridation and many truly believe there’s no “other side.”

This leaves most dentists sharing fluoride-ignorant information as a dentist did today in an Iola Kansas newspaper story where he told readers they should mix infant formula with fluoridated water.

The American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control advise that concentrated infant formula NOT be mixed with fluoridated water.

Studies have been done to highlight dental professionals fluoride ignorance. For example Yoder (http://tinyurl.com/Yoder ) shows that many dental professionals still believe that fluoride’s beneficial effects occur upon ingestion as that Kansas dentist told his patients and newspaper readers.
Fluoride hardens enamel by topical application negating the need for water fluoridation.

It’s criminal that the ADA is not properly informing its members so they can honestly educate people about fluoride.

Fluoridation gives the illusion that organized dentistry cares about the low-income people they won’t actually allow in their dental chairs.

Just mention that dentists should be required to treat all patients that show up at their door and they scream “we don’t like mandates.” However, they have no problem mandating and forcing fluoride into the rest of us for their own political gain.

jwillie6 Says:
September 5th, 2009 at 7:20 am
Those promoting fluoridation simply refuse to read the current research showing it is ineffective and dangerous to health. Go to (www.fluoridealert.org) and read several articles.
Read the letter from Dr. Hardy Limeback ( DDS, PhD Biochemistry) — Head, Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto entitled “Why I am now officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water”
He was the principal research advisor to the Canadian Dental Asociation for over 10 years in promoting fluoridation. His letter is an apology to other dentists and the public.
Over 140 Research studies listed, including:
Increased risk of bone cancer — 13 studies
Lead, arsenic, radium contaminants causing toxic water — 10
Link with fluoride and cancer — 12
Fluoride causes birth defects — 5
Fluoride affects the immune systems — 12
Fluoride is neurotoxic (brain, nerves, lowering IQ) — 11
You will also find a petition signed by over 2600 professionals oposing fluoridation.


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