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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Discussions from the fringe

Discussion 4: Health Freedom

Also on the survival front is an issue that typically passes beneath most people's radar. It is the concept of “health freedom.”

By health freedom, we mean the right to choose the quality of the food you will eat, and the way how you heal yourself should you become ill.

Doesn't it make sense that I should have the right to avoid chemicals, pesticides, radiation, drugs and other unnatural additions and methods in the production and ingestion of my food? Doesn't it make sense that if I want to live a healthy life that I should have the right to take vitamin C for my cold, or treat it with herb teas rather than with antibiotics?

If, also because of my beliefs, I want to avoid (often compulsory) vaccinations, (mandated) fluoride and chloride in my water, mercury in tooth fillings, irradiated and genetically modified foods, shouldn't I have the right to do so?

Well, it's becoming increasingly more challenging to do so. Nations are being forced to comply with certain practices and mandates in order to receive economic benefits from world banks and other entities. These mandates, compulsions and practices are heavily influenced by corporate interests, and therefore are often helpful to corporate well-being but not to human and environmental health.

So, why is this an important discussion? Well, what happens when vitamins and herbs are outlawed, or their distribution is controlled by private interests who can then charge exorbitantly for access? What happens when all seeds used for farming are no longer organic, but genetically modified, and thus patented by corporations who can force farmers to pay patent fees for using their seeds? [visit healthfreedom.org, or search for “codex”]


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