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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, August 08, 2008

Interview with Dr. Shiv Chopra - 23 min - Aug 4, 2008


  • Is it possible "Flouride" is connected to alzheimer's?

    All of what DR.Chopra speaks about is made possible because of "Political Parties" , which are used to hijack , what should be the people "governing" system.

    Canadian political parties have all loaded up our "government" with their party sheep and we have lost control of what should be our government.

    If we want to clean up this sick bureaucracy these parties have stack against us...then we must revolt by not voting for party candidates.

    Political parties are dangerous to our health and country.

    Wayne Coady
    Cole Harbour N.S.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 01 September, 2008  

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