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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

UK - Southampton PCT’s fluoride leaflet called ‘propaganda’

PCT’s fluoride leaflet called ‘propaganda’
By Jon Reeve
AN educational leaflet to help residents make their minds up about the controversial plans to fluoridate Hampshire water supplies has been condemned as nothing more than propaganda.
The "key facts card" has been published by Southampton health chiefs as part of their campaign to see fluoride added to the water supply of two-thirds of the city.
It provides upbeat information about the benefits the scheme would bring, as well as reassuring readers there is no evidence to back claims fluoride leads to health problems in-cluding cancer and bone fractures.
But anti-fluoride campaigners say it is highly misleading because it completely ignores a wealth of research showing negative side effects of increasing people's fluoride intake.
Its publication comes a week after the health authority charged with independently overseeing the public consultation on fluoridation agreed to change its own educational material to make it less biased.
South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) is launching the consultation next month at the request of Southampton City Primary Care Trust, which wants to add fluoride to water.
But while the SHA has agreed to make its booklets balanced, Hampshire Against Fluoridation has been left astonished by the information put forward by the PCT.
"One wonders if any of those concerned with producing this clever piece of propaganda have any training in biochemistry or toxicology," said the organisation's treasurer, Ann Richards.
"The SHA at least seems to be taking notice of what we're telling them when we point out glaring faults in their publications.
"A lot of the children in the area will get fluorosis, and to me that is causing harm. Fluorosis is not just cosmetic, it is a sign that the sufferer has been systemically poisoned by fluoride.
"There is no need to top up the natural fluoride in water. Fluoride is not an essential nutrient and is not needed for tooth formation or health. Calcium is.
"Calcium fluoride is a natural substance. The fluoride used for fluoridation is the co-product from an industrial process and contains contaminants such as lead and arsenic."
Dr Adrian Higgins, the PCT's professional executive committee chairman, said the key facts card is designed to give residents information in a helpful format.
"Importantly, what lies behind it is a wealth of peer-reviewed scientific evidence," he said.
l See the key facts card at dailyecho.co.uk
7:07am today


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