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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, August 07, 2008

UK - Southampton Let the fluoride debate start here

Let the fluoride debate start here
By Julian Robinson
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IT is a controversial issue that has split opinion down the middle.
The debate is currently raging about whether 160,000 Southampton residents and 36,000more in Totton, Eastleigh and Netley should have their water fluoridated in a bid to improve dental health.
A three-month public consultation is due to start next month, but already campaigners on both sides have been keen to get their points across.
Now one Hampshire councillor wants the arguments to begin in his area before health chiefs have even put any proposals for a similar scheme forward.
Alan Dowden is putting a motion before Test Valley Borough Council in early September, which he hopes means the authority can agree its position in advance, should the county's primary care trust make moves towards fluoridation for the district.
"It's no good being reactive, because sometimes it's a bit too late by then," he said.
"I felt it was wise to get into the council first because sometimes a decision can be made before you are aware of it, and all of a sudden something is imposed on people."
Hampshire PCT, which is responsible for health care in the county outside of Southampton and Portsmouth, has backed the plans for fluoridation in Southampton, which would see some areas under its authority also affected.
But the body has insisted it does not have any plans to propose extending the scheme anywhere else in its region, including Test Valley.
Cllr Dowden's motion calls on the council to say, should the PCT change its mind, it is opposed to fluoridation until more evidence is available about feared side effects, including bone, thyroid, and fertility problems.
"I've read quite a lot about it. I'm not an expert, but when one expert tells you one thing and another expert tells you another, that gives me concerns," he said.
"I don't want any of my residents to have this when there is still a debate to be had. I believe I have a duty to put this information before the council so should we be consulted then we've already made a decision.
"I want the councillors to consider it and make their own minds up. They've got to listen to the arguments and make decisions as community representatives, and hopefully this will send a message out to other areas."


  • I think that adding flouride to our water supply is a big mistak4e for a couple of reasons.

    One, if it is added it will then be in our water supply and aprt from buying water from shops we will then have no choice but to use it.

    Two, really the problem is being tackled from the wrong angle the drinks and sweet manufacturers should be forced to comply with better standards of fizzy drink etc as they contain far too much sugar and e numbers.

    if the government forced them to comply then a large amount of the problem could be sorted out.

    It is scandolous that drinks manufacturers can get away with this.

    However parents need also to be more vigilant.

    I do not want flouride as we don't really know the full implications.

    5th oct2008

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 05 October, 2008  

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