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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Canada - Health Canada calls for less fluoride

Health Canada calls for less fluoride
Graham Long
Posted 12 hours ago
As Drayton Valley town council continues to consider whether to abandon the practice of adding fluoride to the municipality’s drinking water, a recently released report should give them something to think about.

A panel of experts commissioned by Health Canada found no correlation between the chemical and a number of serious ailments it has been linked with in the past.

“Weight of evidence does not support a link between exposure to fluoride and increased risks of cancer,” says the report. The panel came to a similar conclusion about claims that fluoride was responsible for lower IQs and a number of immune, developmental and reproductive problems.

Fluoride is added to drinking water to help prevent dental cavities. However, too much of the chemical can cause fluorosis, which causes mottling and spots on the teeth. As a result the Health Canada panel is calling for a reduction in the maximum recommended level of fluoride in drinking water from 0.8 parts per million (ppm) to 0.7 ppm.

Fluoride was first added to Drayton Valley’s water supply after a plebiscite on the issue in the mid-1960s. The practice was halted, at least temporarily, earlier this summer after water plant manager Bernie Berube approached council with a number of concerns relating to the safety of his staff and the difficulty in measuring exactly how much fluoride is in the water. Council is currently considering whether to update equipment at the water plant or simply to abandon the practice of fluoridation altogether.


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