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UK Against Fluoridation

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fluoridation is a huge mistake

Fluoridation is a huge mistake By: DAVID S. BANKS - Commentary
I am a dentist, and it is my opinion that the fluoridation of North County's water supply is a huge mistake that we will all come to regret in the future for the following reasons.It is morally wrong to medicate people without their consent, but this is exactly what is being done in our area with fluoridation.
In nature fluoride occurs as a calcium fluoride compound, but the municipalities are using fluorosilicate compounds in our water. Since some of the latest findings show fluoride works topically by contact with the tooth, why would we want to ingest it when fluoride toothpaste is readily available?
Besides, my research indicates that putting fluoride in the water doesn't work anyway. Numerous recent studies have shown no difference in decay rates in fluoridated and nonfluoridated communities.There are some studies that show an increase in osteosarcoma (deadly bone cancer) in young men in fluoridated areas. How many deaths are you willing to accept to chase a flawed theory that fluoridation reduces decay? Even if fluoridation were proven to reduce cavities, how many deaths would you accept for each cavity prevented?Before a doctor gives a patient medication he is obligated to inform the patient of the risks and to obtain their informed consent to be medicated. As far as I can recall, no one has asked my permission to add a contaminated waste product to my water. Adding natural calcium fluoride to our water would be wrong and nonsensical, since fluoride works topically, but adding different, fluoride compounds that I believe could be toxic to our water becomes a criminal intrusion into our right to have clean, uncontaminated water.For those readers who wish to confirm the statements that I have made, I strongly suggest that you look at the fluoridealert.org Web site where you will find the signatures of more than 1,000 health professionals and scientists who have researched this subject and have come to the same conclusion that I have, that fluoridation of our water is fraudulent and dangerous to our health and well-being.David S. Banks is a dentist and a resident of San Marcos.


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