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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, November 03, 2006

USA - Another Letter Against

LETTER: Fluoride hurts human health Fluoride hurts human health Fluoridation of our city water supply is not safe or an effective means of fighting tooth decay. Fluoride (Hydrofluorosilicic acid) is a byproduct from the production of commercial fertilizer and is considered to be a hazardous waste. If a tanker truck loaded with fluoride were in an accident, a spill of this stuff would require a full hazmat response team. There have been a number of studies done on this matter and the one that gets my attention is one done at Harvard University by Dr. Elise Bassin, which found a strong link between fluoridated drinking water and osteosarcoma, a rare and often fatal bone cancer in boys. This study confirms studies by the National Institutes of Health and the New Jersey health department that also found increased rates of bone cancer in boys who drank fluoridated tap water. Boys who drank water with levels of fluoride considered safe by the federal guidelines are five times more likely to have this rare bone cancer, according to the study. There are many more health concerns from other studies for example another study cited concerns about the potential of fluoride to lower IQ. IQ deficits, the committee noted, have been strongly associated with dental fluorosis. For more information go on line to Fluoride Action Network or your local bookstore and read the book. "The Fluoride Deception." Online at (FAN) read why almost all of Western Europe has rejected water fluoridation. With just these two examples don't you wonder why some of our leaders want to add this poison to our water supply? I've seen the ads in this paper for fluoride and I've also received mail from a dental office in support of fluoride and I ask myself one question why are some people and organizations putting so much money into this issue? I understand that there is a problem with some children having high amounts of tooth decay but I don't believe that it has to do with fluoride. It it did don't you think all the surrounding towns that have well water would also have this problem? I know my wife and I always watch what our children eat and we limit their sugar intake and everyday we make sure that they brush their teeth. That's how you prevent tooth decay not by adding poison to the water because others don't do the same for their children! ROB PEPIN New Bedford


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