Australia - Anti-fluoride group to hold weekly info and costing meetings
The committee is offering free information on fluoride and an easy way to let your council representatives know your stance on the issue.
Spokesperson for the committee, Veronika Cvitanovic said a letter box leaflet has gone to every household in the Local Government Area and another is yet to follow.
The leaflets not only contains information on fluoride and what it contains. It also includes the cost which is estimated to be $60,000 per annum.
Ms Cvitanovic said this cost will no doubt fall back on ratepayers. Total cost of fluoridated water not being used for human treatment of teeth is estimated to cost $59,794.04.
These figures are estimated on water consumption figures obtained from Oberon Council's general manager Gary Wallace.
"Is this really the best way to spend $60,000 of your tax and rate dollars per year on a dubious dental health strategy over 99 per cent of which misses the target,” said Ms Cvitanovic.
The leaflet points out that untreated toxic waste is used to fluoridate NSW waters.
“According to NSW Health report “Hydrofluosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride and sodium fluoride are commonly sourced from phosphate fertilizer manufacturers.
“Cavity rates between fluoridated and non fluoridated countries show little, if any difference (according to current World Health Organisation (WHO) in tooth decay rates for 12-year-olds. Most western countries have rejected water fluoridation and experienced the same decline in tooth decay.
"Can't we educate of children to brush twice daily and maintain proper dental hygiene?
“We get enough fluoride in the toothpaste we use. It is not only forced mass medication it can cause serious health issues.
"The committee have a petition circulating around town which is being well supported - but this will only count as one submission to council.
"Individuals should write to council expressing their own opinion. Oberon went through this issue in 1998, 2003, 2008, 2014 and now 2018. I think the people have spoken.”
More information contact Ms Cvitanovic on 6336 0111.
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