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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, March 09, 2018

Surprising Secrets Your Dentist Won’t Tell You

Surprising Secrets Your Dentist Won’t Tell You
Chelena Goldman A trip to the dentist’s office — a necessary evil that most of us would happily do without. But as it turns out, we don’t know as much about visiting the tooth doctor as we think. In fact, there are a few secrets that your dentist keeps to his- or herself that you should probably know.
Here are the secrets your dentist won’t tell you. (Page 11 may surprise you.)
Not brushing before a cleaning is disgusting
Brush your teeth before going to a cleaning.
Just because you’re going in for a cleaning, doesn’t mean it’s okay to eat and then not brush your teeth before seeing your dentist. In fact, it’s down-right disgusting. Although, your dentist may not come right out and say anything. “This is more for courtesy than anything else,” BestOralHygiene.com says, “but if you have eaten anything beforehand, particularly if it is rather pungent, the flavor and residue may still be in your mouth even after brushing.”
Next: A serious note about your health.
Not flossing is ruining your health
If you want to live a long, healthy life, floss your teeth.
Fact: Nobody flosses as much as they should. And while your dentist may tell you this, he or she may not emphasize how much flossing can affect your overall health. In addition to leading to cavities and gum disease, researchers are finding links between poor oral health and heart disease, according to WebMD.
Next: Here’s a big no-no — no matter what doctor you’re seeing.
Lying about your medical background can be hazardous
Don’t try to lie about your medical records.
Falsifying your medical background only hurts one person — yourself. This becomes an especially big problem when you aren’t upfront about what medications you’re taking. Some medications negatively impact oral health, or can complicate your dentist visit. “You should also mention any side effects you’ve experienced as these can negatively affect oral health and even lead to more serious conditions,” Delta Dental explains.
Next: Dentists can help more than just your teeth.
Dentists are go-tos for bad headaches
Splitting headaches? Talk to your dentist.
It’s true — dental problems such as tooth infections and TMJ can be the source of headaches. “Headaches caused by TMJ disorder may be on one or both sides and are usually localized to the temples,” Everyday Health tells us. Additionally, an infected tooth can result in a sinus infection. Telling your dentist or hygienist about migraine headaches can open you up to finding a solution.
Next: Be mindful of your dentist’s feelings.
Your reaction to getting a check-up can sting
Your dentist doesn’t want to hear about how much you hate visiting.
Nobody likes going to the dentist. But constantly verbalizing how much you despise being there can wear on your dentist and hygienist. “Imagine hearing multiple times during your workday how much you are hated,” one dentist told BuzzFeed. “I know of no other profession in which it is acceptable to tell a doctor how much you hate them.” Your tooth doctor may not come right out and say that these words are hurtful, but they certainly have an impact.
Next: Here’s something that really drives your tooth doctor insane.
Freaking out over fluoride is unnecessary
Face it: Flouride is good for your teeth.
Your dentist may tolerate your fear of having fluoride in your mouth. But really, this unnecessary unease drives him or her nuts. “Fluoride is not poison,” one dentist tells BuzzFeed. “If it was harmful to you, we wouldn’t apply it.” It may taste disgusting, but there’s no reason to have a panic attack over it.
Next: And another thing…
Freaking out over x-rays is also unnecessary
Dental x-rays won’t kill you.
Think about it: If x-rays were that dangerous, would your dentist insist on you having them? “You are much worse off if we are unable to detect decay or any other issue because you refuse X-rays,” one dentist tells BuzzFeed. Remember this the next time your dentist fights the urge to argue why you need to have x-rays taken.
Next: Time to talk about bad breath.
Mouthwash isn’t as great as you think
man pouring mouth wash from bottle to bottle cap
Mouthwash doesn’t replace brushing and flossing.
Bad breath can come from a variety of things. And your store-bought mouthwash isn’t enough to take care of it. Gary Herskovits, DDS, tells Reader’s Digest that “you’ll smell nice and minty for a half hour, but then the bad breath comes back worse than ever.” Brushing and flossing properly are the best tools for combating bad breath, unless it’s being caused by another health problem.
Next: When it comes to taking care of your oral health at home…
Electric toothbrush or bust?
An electric toothbrush provides a deep clean every time.
If there’s one thing your dentist wishes you would just go on and do, it’s buy an electric toothbrush. While the American Dental Association says that both manual and powered brushes can be used effectively, an electric brush can make it easier to clean all the corner of the mouth — particularly for people with hampered motor skills. An electric brush will be more expensive, but it can be worth the extra penny.
Next: You’re never too young to start.
Good dental hygiene should start at a young age
Happy kid on dental chair
It’s really important for kids to learn good dental hygiene at an early age.
There’s a good reason there are cartoons for kids that emphasize the importance of brushing your teeth. Taking care of a child’s teeth — yes, even the baby teeth — goes a long way to helping them have better oral care as they get older. Plus, their oral health can affect how they function in life. “Kids with dental problems often struggle in school,” Winifred J. Booker, DDS, tells Reader’s Digest. “Teachers will say they have behavior problems, but they really have toothaches.”
Next: Something your dentist is totally judging you on.
A great income doesn’t excuse rotting teeth
You don’t need to be rich to have great teeth. It’s true. You may think of good oral care as a sign of class and wealth — as archaic as that may seem. But in reality, dentists still see patients in expensive cars and well-tailored suits with poor dental health. The same goes for children from families with money. One dentist tells Reader’s Digest that “it’s not unusual for me to see a beautiful little child dressed to the nines with teeth rotted down to the gums.” Long story short — there’s no monetary cover-up for bad oral health.
Next: This is worth asking your dentist about.
Not all fillings are created equal
Some cavities are noticeably worse than others.
Before saying yes or no to fillings, you should get as much information from your dentist as possible. There are three main types of fillings — gold, silver amalgam and composite — and each has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. “It’s a good idea that you learn the pros and cons of each of these fillings to have an educated discussion with your dental professional,” Solstice Benefits explains.
Next: Avoiding fillings means knowing what foods to avoid as well.
Is there anything worse for your teeth than soda?
energy drinks
It’s well-recognized that soda is one of the worst things for your teeth. But there are a few other things out there that can also make them rot right out of your mouth. According to Carefree Dental, energy drinks are actually worse for your teeth than soda. Certain kinds of tea can cause erosion, while eating too much citrus can cause enamel to decay.
Next: That’s not all your dentist doesn’t want to see in your mouth.
Dentists have horror stories they’d rather not share
Dentists have some real horror stories.
Your dentist and hygienist may spend all day digging around in people’s mouths. But they still get surprised by things floating around in patients’ gobs. However, they aren’t likely to sit there in their office and gossip to you about all the horrifying things they’ve seen. (But if you’re dying to know, Women’s Health chronicled some truly terrifying tooth appointments.)
Next: And one last thing…
Nobody likes dealing with insurers, not even your dentist
Medical bill and health insurance
Dentists aren’t insurance experts.

Insurance companies can make your coverage confusing, and your doctor is probably just as confused as you are. So next time, don’t take your anger at your insurer out on your dentist — he or she is secretly just as frustrated. And don’t take your frustration out on the dentist’s secretary either, because they’re more than likely in the same boat as you are.

Fluoride isn't a poison? If x-rays were that dangerous, would your dentist insist on you having them?


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