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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Has The Australian Government Gone Stark-Raving Mad?

'Just when you think things can’t get any worse than they are regarding the suppression of human rights, denial of personal dignities and the right to self-determination regarding one’s health, the Government of Australia has pulled off what it probably thinks is a “hat trick” upon its citizens. It’s denying them their Creator-given and natural rights of securing life, liberty and the pursuit of safety and happiness by mandating no contradictory information can be stated by any member of the medical profession regarding the horrendous history of current vaccines and vaccinations, or they will lose their licenses! 

That and other apparent totalitarian aspects and implementations of governance caught the attention of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which issued a report titled “Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders on his mission to Australia,” a 21-page document that can be read here... 

...As a journalist, it is not my place to tell the people of Australia how to run their country, but it is within my purview to point out the problems involved, especially those that affect Australians’ ability to protect and maintain their health and wellness as being shackled upon them by the current Turnbull Administration regarding vaccines and vaccinations, which are a total medical sham currently being documented around the globe, but suppressed. 

Furthermore, I cannot take a position one way or another regarding the above Report, only point to its existence and as a forewarning of what probably can be expected as government over-reach to be copied and implemented in other western culture countries regarding vaccines and vaccinations!' 

Read more: Has The Australian Government Gone Stark-Raving Mad? 


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