Canada - Moncton City Council Says No To Fluoridated Drinking Water

Councillor Paulette Theriault said as a grandmother, she was not comfortable with her grandchildren drinking water with fluoride in it.
New Brunswick Dental Society Vice President Dr. Suzanne Drapeau McNally had a fiery response.
"If they're serious, we want decay to stop, so let's talk and not put the blame on someone else," says Dr. Drapeau McNally. "I'm gonna be a grandmother just like Paulette Theriault, and those kids, it is safe for them to have fluoride."
Dr. Nicole Brien is a dentist specializing in children, and she is also disappointed in the decision.
"I have seen a difference since the fluoride has been removed from the water, and not just the number of cavities I see, but also in how quickly the teeth deteriorate," says Dr. Brien.
Dr. Drapeau McNally questioned whether the City was truly serious about improving the dental health of residents.
"Well, do something about it," says exclaims. "[Council] has been saving $125,000 per year, this is five years, where has this money gone, or what have you done to help?"
Mayor Dawn Arnold said without knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that fluoride was harmless she couldn't support adding it back into the municipal water supply.
The motion to keep the status quo and leave fluoride out of municipal drinking water was passed 7 - 3 with Councillor Paul Pellerin absent.
Councillors Susan Edgett, Rob McKee, and Greg Turner voted to reintroduce fluoride, while Councillors Paulette Theriault, Shawn Crossman, Pierre Boudreau, Blair Lawrence, Charles Leger, and Bryan Butler, as well as Mayor Dawn Arnold all voted to keep fluoride out.
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