Sometimes it can be difficult to tell how healthy we are. We may have a clean bill of health from our doctors, yet we still get upset stomaches, headaches, back pain, and other issues that suggest our bodies are not in complete harmony.
Plus, health can be relative to your perception of what a healthy diet and a healthy body should look like. Sometimes we allow our belief systems and perceptions to trump science and we ignore the way our bodies feel because we’re so engrained in our current paradigms. It’s time that we connect back with our bodies and listen to them so we can truly optimize our health, and surprisingly enough, our mouths provide us with the perfect opportunities to do so.
Many of us who are interested in health completely disregard our teeth and our mouths, and at what cost? We forget that the human body is a holistic and interconnected system, one that can only function optimally if everything is running smoothly. If your liver weren’t working properly, it would affect your entire body. If your heart stopped working, you’d be dead. Many of our organs and our body parts are crucial to our overall health and body function. Well, the same could be said about your mouth!
Your mouth literally acts as the gateway to your body; you can use it to either nourish your body with healthy foods or destroy it with toxins, unhealthy foods, and chemicals. Whatever you put in your mouth ends up affecting your entire body drastically. It’s not just about what you put in it, either.
A physically cleaner mouth isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, it’s crucial for your overall health, as it can play a key role in disease prevention. For example, poor oral health has been linked to inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer. Advanced gum disease can increase risk of fatal heart attacks by up to 10 times.
How to Properly Care for Your Oral Health
Contrary to popular belief, you do not want to be using chemical-filled toothpastes and mouthwashes, especially those that contain fluoride. Fluoride is a powerful neurotoxin that the North American dental industry claims is necessary for proper dental health...................
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