Know the enemy! WaterNZ CEO is former CEO of PEPANZ (oil 'n' gas - fracking etc) do you 'seriously' believe that this man has YOUR child's health as paramount? The people this man represent's don't have much respect for OUR lands/environment - and even LESS respect for us 'common folk' with little, if any, condsideration for OUR children!
This 'Association' is the face-front behind the Fraud that is Water Fluoridation and they have the arrogance to try to advise our government that our opinions and voices are "a waste of time"!
Again - the is REAL! Look into it for yourselves - come to your own conclusions but the FACTS remain, WaterNZ, by THEIR own draft submission - are calling for MANDATORY WATER FLUROIDATION and WE cannot accept this Fraud to continue.
* For those who may want to know more - PEPANZ is the association that represents New Zealand's Oil & Gas Industry. Our members are the companies that explore for, and extract petroleum products that help drive our economy.
Enough is Enough - It's time to put an end to the Fraud - Community Water Fluoridation is NOT Safe!
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