Australia - Fluoride: Don't let them 'hijack' our debate
MACKAY councillors are concerned the fluoride debate will be "hijacked” by interests outside the region.
Councillors were asked to endorse a motion approving plans to gauge public opinion on whether or not fluoride should stay in Mackay region's water supply.
A number of different options for engaging with the community have been identified by the council including a public meeting, a phone survey and an online poll to be conducted on the council's Connecting Mackay website.
During debate at yesterday's ordinary meeting, Cr Laurence Bonaventura said he was happy with the public meeting and phone survey, but had concerns with the online poll.
"I'm very worried about the process being hijacked by people who live out of Mackay,” Cr Bonaventura said.
"If we use a web based yes or no type question I believe it can be easily infiltrated by outside people because at this time people can't be identified as to where they come from, which will give us a skewed outlook.”
Cr Bonaventura then moved a motion to change the online poll section of the original motion, asking for the online poll to be controlled for exclusive access by Mackay ratepayers.
But his motion was defeated due to the online poll being only one of the ways community sentiment will be measured and ratepayers only one section of the community.
Cr Amanda Camm said opinion needed to be gathered from everyone who lives in the Mackay region.
"This is a State Government health policy, which local government is tasked to implement for consumers, so it is important that all residents, whether they are ratepayers or renters, have the opportunity to have their say.”
After the meeting, Mackay Mayor Greg Williamson said the process of holding a community forum, phone survey and an online poll was a good way to gauge public opinion on the issue of fluoride in Mackay's water supply; however, the debate was "already being hijacked”.
"All councillors have received the same amount of emails about fluoride and very few of them come from Mackay locals.
"There is a very big and concerted campaign against fluoride and about saying no to fluoride in Australia.
"However, I'm not that concerned and I think we have enough skill base at our disposal to be able to filter what comments we get via our website and, after all, it's not going to be the decision maker.
"At the end of the day the councillors sitting around the table will be the decision makers.”
Mackay Regional Council will finalise public forum plans at its September ordinary meeting.
Councillors were asked to endorse a motion approving plans to gauge public opinion on whether or not fluoride should stay in Mackay region's water supply.
A number of different options for engaging with the community have been identified by the council including a public meeting, a phone survey and an online poll to be conducted on the council's Connecting Mackay website.
During debate at yesterday's ordinary meeting, Cr Laurence Bonaventura said he was happy with the public meeting and phone survey, but had concerns with the online poll.
"I'm very worried about the process being hijacked by people who live out of Mackay,” Cr Bonaventura said.
"If we use a web based yes or no type question I believe it can be easily infiltrated by outside people because at this time people can't be identified as to where they come from, which will give us a skewed outlook.”
Cr Bonaventura then moved a motion to change the online poll section of the original motion, asking for the online poll to be controlled for exclusive access by Mackay ratepayers.
But his motion was defeated due to the online poll being only one of the ways community sentiment will be measured and ratepayers only one section of the community.
Cr Amanda Camm said opinion needed to be gathered from everyone who lives in the Mackay region.
"This is a State Government health policy, which local government is tasked to implement for consumers, so it is important that all residents, whether they are ratepayers or renters, have the opportunity to have their say.”
After the meeting, Mackay Mayor Greg Williamson said the process of holding a community forum, phone survey and an online poll was a good way to gauge public opinion on the issue of fluoride in Mackay's water supply; however, the debate was "already being hijacked”.
"All councillors have received the same amount of emails about fluoride and very few of them come from Mackay locals.
"There is a very big and concerted campaign against fluoride and about saying no to fluoride in Australia.
"However, I'm not that concerned and I think we have enough skill base at our disposal to be able to filter what comments we get via our website and, after all, it's not going to be the decision maker.
"At the end of the day the councillors sitting around the table will be the decision makers.”
Mackay Regional Council will finalise public forum plans at its September ordinary meeting.
Queensland Health retracted the mandatory requirement for Queensland Councils to implement fluoride into the water treatment processes along with the funding in 2011 leaving the decision with the Councils to implement or not.
The process is extremely cost prohibitive process with limited documented evidence of the benefits and is extremely hazardous to handle.
I personally as a rate payer of Mackay and Redlands would opt against fluoride treatment and leave it to the tooth paste companies and dentists.
Anonymous, at 25 August, 2016
Sounds like a "Tin Hat" arguement to me. No evidence for global warming, vaccines are dangerous etc.
Qld Health made it non mandatory because the state wanted councils to pay, not because it was a poor idea.
I say protect our children's health, thanks Greg
Anonymous, at 25 August, 2016
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