Alarming Facts Most People Don’t Know About Fluoride - See more at:
Advocates of fluoride state its use in community water supply poses no adverse health concerns, however results from investigations clearly show the opposite. There has actually been considerable research done on fluoride concerning cancer, birth defects, and threats to the breathing, gastrointestinal, and urinary systems, nevertheless, little has actually been done on its neurological effects. There are now major truths and health threats concerning fluoridation which can no longer be ignored and the practice itself is being questioned by most of the world.
Disconcerting Facts Most People Have Don’t Know About Fluoride
The advocates of fluoride claim that it is preventing us from getting dental cavities. However is it truly helpful for us? What is fluoride? Fluoride is an element from the halogen group, as are iodide and chloride. It is a waste spin-off of the fertilizer and aluminum market. It is frequently contributed to the supply of water to eliminate dental cavities in children. The initial studies were done back in 1940s in order to show fluoride's effectiveness as an anti-cavity combating element.
Those conducted studies are now looked at as bad scientific quality. Oral fluorosis is acknowledged by researchers as one of the outcomes of fluoride poisoning. With the whooping 60% mark, America is on top of the list in Fluoride consumption. In contrast, 97% of western Europe has actually turned down fluoridated water because of the tested health risks.
Fluoride, a known suppressor of the thyroid gland, can produce hypothyroidism in those with initially healthy glands. Hypothyroidism symptoms include lowered resistance, lowered levels of energy, minimized sex drive, and inexplicable increase in weight.
Studies have actually found greater cancer rates in cities with fluoridated water than cities without. The higher cancer rates were more noticable for those above 65 years in age.
How Fluoride reduces your IQ
A resent research study published in the Institute of Environmental Health Sciencesjournal Environmental Health Perspectives has discovered that fluoride damages brain advancement and causes substantially lower IQ levels in humans.
A 2008 Scientific American report stated that "Scientific mindsets towards fluoridation may be beginning to shift" as new evidence exposed the link between fluoride and disorders affecting, bones, teeth, the thyroid gland, and brain. The research study also "Concluded that fluoride can subtly modify endocrine function, especially in the thyroid-- the gland that produces hormonal agents regulating growth and metabolism."
Fluoride can be discovered not just in water and toothpaste, however also in processed foods made with fluoridated water. Next time you brush your teeth, take a look at the back label of your tooth paste. Most of the standard tooth pastes inform you to "contact a toxin control center instantly" if you swallow your tooth paste. Actually? And this is something that we utilize daily!
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Disconcerting Facts Most People Have Don’t Know About Fluoride
The advocates of fluoride claim that it is preventing us from getting dental cavities. However is it truly helpful for us? What is fluoride? Fluoride is an element from the halogen group, as are iodide and chloride. It is a waste spin-off of the fertilizer and aluminum market. It is frequently contributed to the supply of water to eliminate dental cavities in children. The initial studies were done back in 1940s in order to show fluoride's effectiveness as an anti-cavity combating element.
Those conducted studies are now looked at as bad scientific quality. Oral fluorosis is acknowledged by researchers as one of the outcomes of fluoride poisoning. With the whooping 60% mark, America is on top of the list in Fluoride consumption. In contrast, 97% of western Europe has actually turned down fluoridated water because of the tested health risks.
Fluoride, a known suppressor of the thyroid gland, can produce hypothyroidism in those with initially healthy glands. Hypothyroidism symptoms include lowered resistance, lowered levels of energy, minimized sex drive, and inexplicable increase in weight.
Studies have actually found greater cancer rates in cities with fluoridated water than cities without. The higher cancer rates were more noticable for those above 65 years in age.
How Fluoride reduces your IQ
A resent research study published in the Institute of Environmental Health Sciencesjournal Environmental Health Perspectives has discovered that fluoride damages brain advancement and causes substantially lower IQ levels in humans.
A 2008 Scientific American report stated that "Scientific mindsets towards fluoridation may be beginning to shift" as new evidence exposed the link between fluoride and disorders affecting, bones, teeth, the thyroid gland, and brain. The research study also "Concluded that fluoride can subtly modify endocrine function, especially in the thyroid-- the gland that produces hormonal agents regulating growth and metabolism."
Fluoride can be discovered not just in water and toothpaste, however also in processed foods made with fluoridated water. Next time you brush your teeth, take a look at the back label of your tooth paste. Most of the standard tooth pastes inform you to "contact a toxin control center instantly" if you swallow your tooth paste. Actually? And this is something that we utilize daily!
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1. Advocates of fluoridation are correct. There is no valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence of any adverse effects of fluoride at the optimal level at which water is fluoridated, as evidenced by your inability to provide any such evidence.
2. Please produce valid, peer-reviewed "considerable research", properly cited, which demonstrates any association of optimal level fluoride with "cancer, birth defects, and threats to the breathing, gastrointestinal, and urinary systems"
3. Please produce valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence of any association of optimal level fluoride with "neurological effects".
4. Please produce valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence of any "major truths and health threats concerning fluoridation which can no longer be ignored".
5. There are countless, peer-reviewed scientific studies, current through 2015, which clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of water fluoridation in the prevention of dental decay in entire populations. I will gladly cite as many as you would reasonably care to read.
6. Fluoride is not an element, nor are chloride or iodide. Fluoride is the anion of the element fluorine. An anion is a negatively charged atom. Negatively charged atoms of fluorine are not "waste spin-off" of anything.
7. Please provide valid evidence of "those conducted studies" being "bad scientific quality". Unsubstantiated, personal opinions of fluoride opponents do not qualify as such.
8. There is no such thing as "oral fluorosis". That to which you are referring is enamel, or dental, fluorosis. The only dental fluorosis in any manner attributable to optimally fluoridated water is mild to very mild, a barely detectable effect which causes no adverse effects on cosmetics, form, function, or health of teeth. As peer-reviewed science has demonstrated mildly fluorosed teeth to be more decay resistant, many consider this effect to not even be undesirable, much less adverse.
The "60%" you note is actually 41% and in reference to a 2010 CDC study by Beltran-Aguilar. In this study, 41% of adolescents they examined showed signs of dental fluorosis. The was split into 37.1% mild to very mild, and 3.1% moderate, with the moderate being attributable to improper ingestion of toothpaste and/or exposure to abnormally high levels of environmental or well-water fluoride during the teeth developing years of 0-8. The amount of severe dental fluorosis was negligible.
9. The reasons why different countries may not fluoridate their water systems are myriad. These include such things as logistics of water systems rendering fluoridation cost-prohibitive, utilization of fluoridated salt and/or milk programs, existing fluoride levels in water already at, or above the optimal level, and equal access to comprehensive dental care by all citizens of a population.
10. There is no valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence of any adverse effect on the thyroid gland from optimally fluoridated water.
11. There is overwhelming scientific consensus of no association of optimal level fluoride with cancer. I will be glad to cite a portion of the volume of studies which clearly rebuke claims of cancer association, if you so desire.
12. There is no valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence of any adverse effect on IQ from optimally fluoridated water.
13. There is no valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence of any adverse effect on "bones, teeth, the thyroid gland, and brain" from optimally fluoridated water.
14. There is no valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence that optimal level fluoride "can subtly modify endocrine function, especially in the thyroid--"
15. Fluoridated toothpaste contains 1200-1500 times the fluoride concentration as does optimally fluoridated water. This is the reason for the warning on toothpaste tubes.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
Information Director
American Fluoridation Society
Steve Slott, at 24 August, 2016
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