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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Severn Trent Chief Executive Liv Garfield explains company's campaign to protect Birmingham's water supply for next 100 years

Olivia 'Liv' Garfield, CEO of Severn Trent Water.
Image taken at Austin Court, Cambridge St, BirminghamSevern Trent has announced major plans to protect the water supply to Birmingham and Solihull with the building of a secondary pipe to complement the historic Elan Valley Aqueduct.

The company says they will carry out the £100 million scheme with no extra cost to customers.

We spoke to Severn Trent Chief Executive Liv Garfield about the plans which she has described as “the biggest and most exciting engineering challenge Severn Trent Water has ever taken on”.

The 40 year-old mum-of-two from Yorkshire – the youngest woman ever to lead a FTSE 100 company – explains why she is so passionate about the project and why she is “a positive sole”....
Will there still be fluoride in the water?
Fluoride isn’t a choice for us, it’s a choice by the local council. We don’t choose the way fluoride is set. Each local council decides whether they wish fluoride to be placed in or not, it all depends on what they want.................


Dumping into our water that poisonous industrial waste, Hexafluorosalicic Acid (complete with 2% other toxic wastes such as lead, cadmium, arsenic ... I kid you NOT!) that they innocent-like try to call"fluoride". They may try to tell us it is the local councils who are responsible (I suppose to kid us again that there is some sort of democratic accountability?) but in reality Public Health England run this show. With the known accumulating toxic effect on the skeleton and the rest of the human body, it seems to me that they have a vested interest in making us and keeping us sicker for longer to build up and get the taxpayers to fund their many and growing little public health empires.

Fluoride is added after Elan Valley water has been treated to remove pathogens and reduce the concentrations of any heavy metals and chemicals to below maximum allowable concentrations. So, the water is potable before fluoride (and chlorine) are added. Thereafter, the water is not potable and becomes a functional food which has a purpose other than nourishment. The function is to medicate us. I.A.W. EU law, functional foods are medicines. As a medicinal water, fluoridated tap water is not controlled by the Drinking Water Directive and probably doesn't come under the Water Industries Act 1991.

It's illegal to add fluorosilicates to a food (and water is a food). The Department of Health states that tap water is only a food when it comes out of the tap (the point of compliance). However, before that stage it's a pre-food and the EU Regs which govern the addition of substances to food are really concerned with food while it is being made - pre-food. So, fluoride is added to pre-food and the fluorosilicate is illegal. End of story - or so you would think. However the UK Government is being unreasonably stubborn. WHY?

Does Liv Garfield really drink unfiltered STW tap water?


  • I can find no unified attempt to organise petitioning the government, local councils or any7 other body in relation to flouride removal from water supplies.

    I thought that there was no forced medicinal treatment on the residents of the UK?, i believe this is done on a medicinal basis by the wonderful government and people that make policy?.

    The cheeky buggers then have the front to charge me £87 per week in terms of rates for water, so in reality i'm paying to poison myself, great idea or what?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 23 May, 2018  

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