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UK Against Fluoridation

Monday, November 02, 2015

Published on 1 Nov 2015
In episode 7 of Health Revolt, Jim and Mike kick-off the show outlining the importance of truthful information. On that note, we discuss the ground-breaking and shocking lab results that Mike has un-covered while testing Zeolites. As a follow-up, Mike and Jim discuss the dangers of lead and heavy metals exposure. Next, the fellas discuss an article that outlines another attack on women and their health, while the FDA says to “move along” because there is nothing to see here. Along the lines of the FDA and their co-conspirators, the vaccine industry, we cover the ongoing attempt to forcibly vaccinate everyone; as legislation is now being attempted to make mandatory vaccines a reality. Speaking of poisoning the body, we next cover the end of the McDonalds era as more and more people who seek to eat healthier are no longer darkening the doors of the Golden Arches. Moving to politics, Jim gets Mike’s take on the Republican Debate debacle this past week, as we ponder just how long before the Mainstream Media realizes that it’s already dead. As Red List News is being unfairly singled-out on YouTube, Mike and Jim dig deeper into the topic of censorship, and provide some ideas about how to make a change. Rounding out the broadcast, we end with a town in Texas that is battling another poison, fluoride, and has even created a ballot initiative to end fluoridation entirely.


  • They have already rubber stamped a mandatory vaccination bill for children in California, and mandatory adult vaccinations will be next. This is likely to spread across America now as other states are introducing similar bills, so we must resist all attempts by our corrupt authorities to follow suit.

    As it is, I have noticed a very worrying trend for increasingly aggressive promotion of the flu vaccine in recent years, and last week my GP surgery had the nerve to telephone me to 'remind' me to come in for my flu jab. They ain't stickin' no needles in me, and I will ignore any legislation to force vaccines on me.

    Mandating vaccines actually goes against at least a dozen European ethical documents, including the Nuremberg Code. (14)

    By Anonymous Carrie, at 02 November, 2015  

  • Very good post and comments. The MSM in the US gets most of their money from big pharma in the form of advertising. Its very rare that they speak the truth with respect to vaccines. In those rare cases were they do speak about vaccine damage, predictable language is always used: "Rare, vaccine damage BELIEF, safe and effective, etc...". If this 200 year old lie ever gets revealed to every living soul on the planet, we must hold politcians and the MSM accountable for the damage and deaths of our children.

    The aggressiveness of the vaccine push is proportional to the amount of people that are finally aware of the obscene lies behind vaccination. Although the end result of the US 2016 presidential election will be the same regarding vaccination, Ben Carson scares me the most. He was recently on the board of directors of a vaccine manufacturer. The thought of him as a US president makes me want to move now.

    By Blogger Jon Syfer, at 03 November, 2015  

  • I am surprised at the amount of vaccines a new born receives during his/her early life in the U.S...The outcome of this will not be seen until later when a hole host of new diseases and illnesses may come to light, we are already seeing illnesses that many of us have never herd of and the ones we do are accelerating out of control...Fluoridation is another one of those "safe and effective" lies that everyone just seems to swallow...

    By Blogger rcannard, at 03 November, 2015  

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