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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Australia - Top Cairns dentist defends fluoride

Top Cairns dentist defends fluoride
Daniel Bateman
Thursday, December 24, 2009
THE Far North's top dentist says the only controversy over fluoride is that it has not been introduced into the region's water supply earlier.
Cairns’ water supply will be permanently fluoridated by December 31 after Cairns Regional Council began the chemical this week.
In response, water filter retailers have reported stock sell-outs as Far Northern residents rush to purchase water filters as Christmas presents before water supplies are permanently fluoridated.
Queensland Health Cairns district director of oral health Robyn Boase said the effect dental decay had on children was far more of a concern than the effect of fluoride on the human body.
"Fluoride has come up trumps in preventing dental decay and not causing any side effects," Dr Boase said.
"It helps stabilise the mineral content of bones and teeth.
"I think people forget that dental decay is extremely toxic.
"We have a condition called early childhood caries. It’s the most frequent cause of hospitalisation in children up to age 4.
"People don’t get hospitalised from drinking fluoridated water. They get hospitalised from dental decay."
Dr Boase, who has been living in Cairns for 20 years after living in South Australia, said the Far North’s rate of dental decay was "significantly higher" than other states.
Water fluoridation is endorsed by the World Health Organisation, the Australian Dental Association, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the Royal College of Physicians and the British Dental Association.
Anti-fluoridation campaigners are lobbying the State Government to terminate its enforced water fluoridation program on the grounds it is undemocratic.
Dr Boase said the economic impact of dental decay on Queensland outweighed any argument for a referendum on the issue.

People are hospitalised from the harmful effects of fluoride. Fluoride causes Hashimoto's disease, a common form of hypothyroidism which can lead to heart problems. Fluoride is a poison which splits, distorts and damages enzymes, resulting in the failure of immune proteins to recognize body proteins causing autoimmune diseases. Thyroid antibodies produced causes Thyroiditis resulting Hashimoto's Disease, affecting millions of people. Musculo Skeletal damage results further from the enzyme toxic effect causing Rheumatoid illness, osteoporosis, deformation of bones and bone cancer. This toxic effects extends to enamel of the teeth, causing pitting and brown stains known as dental fluorosis.All we want is to have freedom of choice as some people do not wish to ingest fluoride.

Posted by: Lesley McMillan of Melbourne 2:18pm today

If fluoride was such a massive problem, why doesn't the rest of the country complain about their water supply? Is this just another case of Queenslanders' being scared of the unknown,like daylight savings. Same reason why Beattie was kept in power for so long when he was clearly hopeless and Anna is no better. Sometimes change is good.

Posted by: AliG of Cairns 11:22am today

Yet again another Dental expert stating that fluoride is good for teeth. Obviously no one is paying attention to the public comments. The pro-experts are debating this argument purely on this basis and ignoring the publics wishes and worries. Fluoride may be good for teeth - But it is the DELIVERY METHOD we are complaining against. As others have commented before me, stop this mass medication of the world - the majority of the world is NOT comprised of teeth. IF there is ever a strong panel of expert doctors, marine biologists, ecologists that can unanimous say that medication of our water supply is good for ALL critters, creatures and plants in the environment, then is the time to use this mass medication method.There are other delivery methods available to reach the wider public, heck it is being done with our bread and barely raised a whisper of comments. I find it highly suspicious that the pro-fluoride experts are arguing from one such narrow angle and ignoring the repeated arguments requesting a wider broader view. To reiterate it is the DELIVERY METHOD being used that is the problem.

Posted by: of Cairns 9:37am today

I grew up in Sydney which was fluoridated and had plenty of fillings and even fluorosis. I know this was caused from fluoride so it just goes to show some people do have adverse effects from fluoride.

Posted by: Julie of Cairns 9:15am today

It's despicable fluoride hasn't been in our water supply for decades. Cairns City Council has a lot to answer for there.

Posted by: Jock of Cairns 8:31am today

I grew up in the ACT which had fluoride in the water. I had my first filling when I was 36 years old. Could the fluoride have been an influence in me having such good teeth? I suspect it was.

Posted by: Molly of cairns 7:12am today

And yet the American Dental Association does not support this. For something that only benifits toddlers, forced medication on the rest of us. Will the LNP remove this if they get voted in?

Posted by: Shane of Up North 6:33am today


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