UK - Daily Echo letter

WITH respect to Olga Senior's In My View last week, as with many articles in favour of fluoridation, my personal view is that it appears to ask more questions than it answers.
I wonder whether when the legislation was passed in parliament people were of the possible scenario myself and a lot of people living in Eastleigh are in. I am entitled to vote for my MP, and representatives of Eastleigh Borough Council and Hampshire County Council and no other Government officers. My MP opposes fluoridation, as do Eastleigh Borough Council and Hampshire County Council, and of the people living in Eastleigh I have spoken to, far more are opposed to it than in favour and yet the Strategic Health Authority wants to press on with it regardless.
My opinion is that this might set a precedent whereby the authority may exert pressure for change in the law, and proceed with their plans for change, even if nearly all of the Government officers oppose it, and a significant proportion of the people are also against it.
In certain cases fluoridation appears to have been effective as a preventative measure, but there are a lot of people who feel that the question of whether other means can also be successful in achieving this, has not been satisfactorily answered.
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