UK - Southampton - Fluoride decision slammed as 'dangerous, undemocratic and potentially illegal'
Fluoride decision slammed as 'dangerous, undemocratic and potentially illegal'
10:20am Saturday 7th March 2009
THE Green Party has called South Central Strategic Health Authority's decision to fluoridate south Hampshire’s tap water "dangerous, undemocratic and potentially illegal."
Stuart Jeffery, the party's health spokesperson, described fluoridation as a "sticking plaster with side effects solution." "This appalling decision also seems to have been taken without any regard for the voice of local people, the majority of whom were opposed to mass medication with fluoride," he said.
10:20am Saturday 7th March 2009
THE Green Party has called South Central Strategic Health Authority's decision to fluoridate south Hampshire’s tap water "dangerous, undemocratic and potentially illegal."
Stuart Jeffery, the party's health spokesperson, described fluoridation as a "sticking plaster with side effects solution." "This appalling decision also seems to have been taken without any regard for the voice of local people, the majority of whom were opposed to mass medication with fluoride," he said.
Please note the proof below that fluoride in water damages teeth.
This is admitted in a dental patient brochure that was obtained from a dental surgery.
The brochure is titled, 'Patient Brochure # 12 (PEB # 12) Fissure sealants and Preventive Resin Restorations'.
I quote: '...there have been some UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES (from fluoridated water). The one of relevance to this document refers to the way in which decay operates within a tooth. Fluoride causes a tremendous increase in the hardness of the enamel and a decrease in the solubility of the enamel in response to an acid attack caused by plaque. DECAY DOES NOT BECOME SO EVIDENT TO THE DENTIST as it did previously. Instead of the decay forming an open cavity which was easily visualised and easily felt by a sharp metal probe, decay now tends to start INSIDE a tooth BELOW THE ENAMEL. This is because the bacteria and saliva can get through at the very fine crack on the surface, we call the fissure and commence decaying at the softer portion of the tooth inside called the dentine. As a result of this, the decay can go undetected for many, many years and ends up in what dentists refer to now as a 'fluoride bomb'. The inside of the tooth is completely decayed but the outside looks fairly normal. Sometimes there is a slight discolouration evident through the enamel, but often the DECAY CANNOT EVEN BE FELT WITH A SHARP METAL PROBE- this is a major concern to dentists because for decades we have relied on diagnosis of decay by feeling the softening of the enamel with a metal probe. We can no longer do this'
The author of this article goes on to advise three treatments that have been devised to try to overcome these problems that have been caused by what the brochure's author says is 'fluoride in water'.
Groups of words have been capitalized above for to show the emphasis that was placed on these words in bold lettering in the brochure.
TO ORDER THIS BROCHURE IN AUSTRALIA: International phone + 61 2 6568 3773 or fax + 61 2 6568 3774.
TO ORDER THIS BROCHURE IN THE US: Phone 1877 227 0855 or fax 1877 227 0105.
Rambling Rose, at 02 August, 2009
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