The blatant refusal of fluoride-promoting health bodies in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the USA to recognize that the harmfulness of fluoride has been substantiated scientifically (at the low levels added to public water supplies), leads one to wonder if all, or any of the following is fact:
* If there is a surreptitious genocidal move afoot to cull populations that are leaving a heavy environmental footprint on planet Earth. * To dull the minds of populations by adding a mind-altering (psychotropic) drug ) (fluoride) to public water supplies. * To increase the adverse health effects so big pharma - who is likely to be scratching the back of many political parties - can make even larger profits from people's miseries.
If one controls the health of populations and can dull their collective mental processes, how easy it might be for puppeteers and their puppets to get away with pauperizing large percentages of populations while the puppeteers and their sycophants prosper from their machinations.
If readers don't think this could happen, they should take note of the Queensland Constitution 2001 which is the result of Queensland's former premier Peter Beattie and his cohorts having the Qld Constitution 1867 altered so drastically that Common Law rights have been taken away from Queenslanders and Q'ld is no longer governed under the Westminster system of government (i.e. separation of police, judiciary and parliament). Further, in the 1990s, government surreptitiously converted the position of Qld's state governors from representative's of the Crown to parliamentary secretaries under the direction of government. And all this treasonous activity was conducted without first conducting a referendum seeking to alter The Australian Constitution which is not to be overridden by an state legislation.
In my view, the Q'ld Government, which is now a registered corporation, has its own private police service with its own lap-dog governor who rubber-stamps whatever legislation the government expects of her/him.
Makes no bones about it, there is evil afoot in the forced-fluoridation state of Queensland where government personnel have used doctored dental data to promote water fluoridation.
It is likely this evil abounds abroad. So why not in the UK?
The blatant refusal of fluoride-promoting health bodies in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the USA to recognize that the harmfulness of fluoride has been substantiated scientifically (at the low levels added to public water supplies), leads one to wonder if all, or any of the following is fact:
* If there is a surreptitious genocidal move afoot to cull populations that are leaving a heavy environmental footprint on planet Earth.
* To dull the minds of populations by adding a mind-altering (psychotropic) drug ) (fluoride) to public water supplies.
* To increase the adverse health effects so big pharma - who is likely to be scratching the back of many political parties - can make even larger profits from people's miseries.
If one controls the health of populations and can dull their collective mental processes, how easy it might be for puppeteers and their puppets to get away with pauperizing large percentages of populations while the puppeteers and their sycophants prosper from their machinations.
If readers don't think this could happen, they should take note of the Queensland Constitution 2001 which is the result of Queensland's former premier Peter Beattie and his cohorts having the Qld Constitution 1867 altered so drastically that Common Law rights have been taken away from Queenslanders and Q'ld is no longer governed under the Westminster system of government (i.e. separation of police, judiciary and parliament). Further, in the 1990s, government surreptitiously converted the position of Qld's state governors from representative's of the Crown to parliamentary secretaries under the direction of government. And all this treasonous activity was conducted without first conducting a referendum seeking to alter The Australian Constitution which is not to be overridden by an state legislation.
In my view, the Q'ld Government, which is now a registered corporation, has its own private police service with its own lap-dog governor who rubber-stamps whatever legislation the government expects of her/him.
Makes no bones about it, there is evil afoot in the forced-fluoridation state of Queensland where government personnel have used doctored dental data to promote water fluoridation.
It is likely this evil abounds abroad. So why not in the UK?
Anonymous, at 08 March, 2009
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