USA - Flouride is neurotoxinThursday, April 10, 2008
Flouride is neurotoxin
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Dear Editor,
Legislation is being passed to force fluoridation upon us!
Lets get started! I am a man of the fewest words spoken for the most effect. I promise not to bombard you with a cannonade of words:
1. Flouride -survey by National Institute of Dental Research (36,000 children from 84 communities) showed little difference in tooth decay in fluoridated and nonflouridated areas.
2. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -- has never approved fluoride for ingestion.
3. Dental flourosis-discoloration or mottled teeth in children - this is a sign of fluoride overdosing in children in fluoridated areas ranges from 30 to 80 percent.
4. The level of fluoride put into the water is 1 part per million-enough to hurt rats and other pets. In the words of one veterinarian - "I am not going to put that in my animals"!
5. Flouride is cumulative: only 50 percent is excreted-the rest accumulates in our bones, pineal gland and other tissues
6 Flouride is active on low concentrations-interfering with numerous body functions as enzymes, hormones in the body.
7. Flouride is mutagenic-causes chromosome damage and DNA damage.
8. Flouride helps the uptake of aluminum and lead into the body. This cumulative uptake of lead and aluminum goes into tissues where these metals wouldn't otherwise go.
9. Rats fed 1 ppm (parts per million) for one year had serious affects on their kidneys and brains with a large uptake of aluminum in the brain which mimics Alzheimers disease. Imagine putting fluoride water in birdfeeders?
10. Fluoride in animals studies accumulates in the brain and can alter or cause damage to any animal.
11. Five studies showed that fluorine lowers the IQ of children.
12. Flouride slows the thyroid causing hypo (underactive) -thyroidism.
13. Flouride replaces the stronger calcium in our bones and may lead to hip fractures in the elderly.
14. Once fluoride is in the water you can't control the dose each individual gets. Some people drink more water than others. We also receive fluoride from food and beverages processed with fluoride water.
15. Flouridation is unethical because individuals are not being asked for their informed consent prior to medication.
16. Certain people may be particularly vulnerable to fluorides toxic effect including the elderly, diabetics, and people with kidney dysfunction.
17. Chemicals used to fluoridate water in the US are not pharmaceutical grade! They come from the superphosphate fertilizer industry. Test on animals are from pharmaceutical grade-they haven't tested the industrial waste product on animals yet!
18. There is a 200 to 700 percent increase in osteo-sarcoma bone cancers in boys in fluoridated water areas.
The original document with its attending scientific back-ups can be seen at http://www.flouridealert.rog/50-reasons.htm Please call our representative Mark Christensen at 1-(402) 471-2805 or mchristensen and tell him that you want nothing to do with fluoride. Thank you. Gary Nielsen, D.C. McCook
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Dear Editor,
Legislation is being passed to force fluoridation upon us!
Lets get started! I am a man of the fewest words spoken for the most effect. I promise not to bombard you with a cannonade of words:
1. Flouride -survey by National Institute of Dental Research (36,000 children from 84 communities) showed little difference in tooth decay in fluoridated and nonflouridated areas.
2. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -- has never approved fluoride for ingestion.
3. Dental flourosis-discoloration or mottled teeth in children - this is a sign of fluoride overdosing in children in fluoridated areas ranges from 30 to 80 percent.
4. The level of fluoride put into the water is 1 part per million-enough to hurt rats and other pets. In the words of one veterinarian - "I am not going to put that in my animals"!
5. Flouride is cumulative: only 50 percent is excreted-the rest accumulates in our bones, pineal gland and other tissues
6 Flouride is active on low concentrations-interfering with numerous body functions as enzymes, hormones in the body.
7. Flouride is mutagenic-causes chromosome damage and DNA damage.
8. Flouride helps the uptake of aluminum and lead into the body. This cumulative uptake of lead and aluminum goes into tissues where these metals wouldn't otherwise go.
9. Rats fed 1 ppm (parts per million) for one year had serious affects on their kidneys and brains with a large uptake of aluminum in the brain which mimics Alzheimers disease. Imagine putting fluoride water in birdfeeders?
10. Fluoride in animals studies accumulates in the brain and can alter or cause damage to any animal.
11. Five studies showed that fluorine lowers the IQ of children.
12. Flouride slows the thyroid causing hypo (underactive) -thyroidism.
13. Flouride replaces the stronger calcium in our bones and may lead to hip fractures in the elderly.
14. Once fluoride is in the water you can't control the dose each individual gets. Some people drink more water than others. We also receive fluoride from food and beverages processed with fluoride water.
15. Flouridation is unethical because individuals are not being asked for their informed consent prior to medication.
16. Certain people may be particularly vulnerable to fluorides toxic effect including the elderly, diabetics, and people with kidney dysfunction.
17. Chemicals used to fluoridate water in the US are not pharmaceutical grade! They come from the superphosphate fertilizer industry. Test on animals are from pharmaceutical grade-they haven't tested the industrial waste product on animals yet!
18. There is a 200 to 700 percent increase in osteo-sarcoma bone cancers in boys in fluoridated water areas.
The original document with its attending scientific back-ups can be seen at http://www.flouridealert.rog/50-reasons.htm Please call our representative Mark Christensen at 1-(402) 471-2805 or mchristensen and tell him that you want nothing to do with fluoride. Thank you. Gary Nielsen, D.C. McCook
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