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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

USA - Letter

LETTER: Fluoride is mass medication

Fluoride is mass medication
The Standard Times's position in favor of fluoridation is very disturbing in that it doesn't consider all the underlying effects of sodium fluoride being used as mass medication.
Fluoroide occurring freely in nature is calcium fluoride, not sodium fluoride (a by-product of processing aluminum). Highly toxic sodium fluoride has recently been linked to a bone cancer found in teenagers - especially males, and also possibly the increase in Alzheimer's disease.
Many European nations banned the fluoridation of their water systems and recently, also here in the U.S., some cities have removed it from their system.
Since 90-95 percent of water use is for washing machines or dishwashers, both, or flushed down toilets, the effluent of the cities sewage discharge cannot be properly treated to limit or minimize harm to the ecosystem, preventing change to the delicate chemical balance.
Mass medication, except in a pandemic situation, is unacceptable and all the children would be better served by a pro-active dental doctors program, educating parents in proper dental care from infancy through childhood. New Bedford voters, by accepting fluoridation, would disenfranchise residents of neighboring towns unable to vote on fluoridation who have made their thoughts known and rely on New Bedford for some, or all, of their water.


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