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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Fan Newsletter

Today--the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the U.S.--is referred to as "Giving Tuesday," and is a movement to create an international day of giving back by contributing to a charitable cause you find important.
According to CDC stats, after 70 years of the number of communities adding fluoridation chemicals increasing, the number is now going down in the U.S. thanks to local campaigners, the Fluoride Action Network, AND YOU. Together, we've reversed the growth, now you can help us finish the job.  
But while it is not easy, our effort gets more and more urgent with each passing year because of the continuing revelations of the dangers posed to our children, especially with respect to the development of their brains.  The latest examples were the three blockbuster studies linking fluoridation to hypothyroidism, ADHD, and high levels of fluoride in pregnant women.
We now have over 150 animal studies that show that fluoride can interfere with various aspects of brain function; 45 studies that show that fluoride interferes with the ability of animals to learn and remember and 53 human studies that have associated exposure to fluoride with loss of IQ. And some of the best of these studies have been funded by the U.S. government and have been carried out at doses exceeded by many children in fluoridated communities.  The urgency to end fluoridation couldn't be any greater.  
Our upcoming annual December fundraiser is going to be critical in helping to keep our winning momentum going in the face of a dental and chemical-lobby that continues to dig deeper into their pockets to defeat us.  A #GivingTuesday donation will help to give us a strong start going into our fundraising drive, no doubt inspiring more supporters to invest in an end to fluoridation.
Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation to a charitable cause that will protect your water, your health, and your personal freedom. Contribute to an end to forced fluoridation.
How to donate

  • Online at our secure server.

  • Or by Check, payable to the Fluoride Action Network. Send your check to:

    Fluoride Action Network
    c/o Connett
    104 Walnut Street
    Binghamton NY 13905

Journal Requests Fluoride Research
A special issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health will focus on “The Harmful Effects of Fluoride Exposure,” and the journal is currently requesting papers on the topic from any interested researchers.  The deadline for submission is July 31, 2019.
Dr. Hardy Limeback (Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto) and Professor Dr. William Potter (Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Tulsa) will be the guest editors of the special fluoride issue, and made the following statement:
Although fluoride is widely used for dental and industrial applications, our understanding of chronic and sub-acute mechanisms for fluoride toxicity are incomplete.  Nevertheless, environmental exposures to fluoride from a wide range of consumer products and industrial sources are still increasing.  New studies support a growing body of evidence that fluoride should be classified as a neurological toxicant and that the interplay between fluoride toxicity depends greatly on other nutritional and immunological factors. Advancing our knowledge of genetic, developmental and comorbidity susceptibilities to fluoride toxicity are needed.  This special issue invites papers to evaluate and monitor the many factors regarding fluoride exposures and mechanisms of toxicity.
To learn more about this issue, as well as how to submit your research, click here.  Please also share the link with your colleagues, and print this special issue flyer to post in locations where fellow researchers may see it.  

Support FAN While You Shop During the Holidays and Beyond
How would you like to have Amazon donate 0.5% of all of your purchases to the Fluoride Action Network through our parent group, the American Environmental Health Studies Project this holiday season...and year-round?  It's easy.  Just bookmark and use this link each time you shop:

The reason we suggest bookmarking or saving the link is because you must use it as your portal to Amazon each time you start shopping, otherwise they won't contribute to FAN.  Once you have it saved, you'll have the same Amazon shopping experience, but you'll get to support a cause you believe in with every purchase.
Stuart Cooper

Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network


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