Australia - Letter | Have your say, yes or no, on fluoride in the water
FIRSTLY, did you know that, on the night of July 17, 2018, when councillors made their votes known, five to three in favour of fluoridation, representatives from both NSW Health and the Australian Dental Association classified Oberon, our home town, as a low socio-economic town? Do you also know that children with mental impairments and other disabilities are automatically also classed as being from low socio-economic families? I don’t know how you feel about this statement, but I am highly offended.
I believe the fluoride that NSW Health and the Australian Dental Association and our very own yes voting councillors are pushing onto us against our own free will is in truth not safe and effective.
I believe that fluoride inhibits antibody formation in the blood, depresses thyroid activity by depriving it of iodine (women affected more than men), causes premature ageing and causes bone damage.
I believe the people who are employed to administer it into our water supplies are required to wear a hazmat suit.
I believe fluoride does not stop tooth decay, but actually causes teeth to rot and crumble, and by that very same mechanism also causes osteoporosis.
A group of concerned residents have done our research and have made a point of contacting you, the town residents, and anyone else interested from Oberon township.
Yes, we were the ones knocking on every single door on the reticulated water supply and have spent many days and hours of our own time to be able to give you the opportunity to have your say.
Residents were asked unambiguously for their choice of fluoridation with a simple yes or no and if they were contacted by the NSW Health-initiated phone survey.
There were many residents who indicated their gratitude that we had given them an opportunity to have a say.
We feel so strongly that our councillors should have given every single one of us that very same option. However, they did not. They didn’t even attempt to make it possible for you to have your say other than the Community Consultation survey that very few people knew about.
It was people from the Anti Fluoride Group who made the town aware that it was on the table yet again and they that made the effort to inform everyone and also organised pamphlets and the petitions available for us to sign.
What can you do if you were missed as you were not home and still want to have your say?
We have made the same survey available for you to sign at the local post office where you can have your say either way.
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