Canada - Reader Letter: Fluoride doesn't belong in drinking water
Re: Health Unit urges return of fluoride to water, by Dave Waddell, April 21.
As the past Lake Erie Region director for Great Lakes United and treasurer for Prevent Cancer Now, I would like to comment on the fluoride issue. Five years ago, Windsor city council voted 8-3 to remove fluoride from drinking water and the savings were supposed to help underprivileged children in our community. I would like to know how much of the savings did the health unit use for this purpose.
No other mass medication is forced on people. Putting it in tap water is an imprecise way of distributing fluoride. How much fluoride a person gets depends on body weight and water consumed. With fluoride now so widely available in toothpaste and mouthwash, there is no need to add it to water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Environment Canada both state that chemicals used in artificial fluoridation are hazardous waste which may not be put directly into lakes, rivers or oceans.
More than 50 U.S. and 60 Canadian cities in the Great Lakes basin have voted to stop adding fluoride. There are 14 states that are at least 90 per cent fluoride free and several major cities are also now fluoride free.
The two best ways to promote dental health are to clean teeth on a daily basis and avoid foods with acid and sugar. Most drinking water hardly touches the teeth and most gets swallowed. Ingesting does nothing for your teeth but potentially causes issues with other organs in the body.
People that do not want fluoride in the water for consumption are forced to buy water and that increases the plastics in our community. Let’s do the right thing and keep our water free of fluoride.
Richard St. Denis, Windsor
As the past Lake Erie Region director for Great Lakes United and treasurer for Prevent Cancer Now, I would like to comment on the fluoride issue. Five years ago, Windsor city council voted 8-3 to remove fluoride from drinking water and the savings were supposed to help underprivileged children in our community. I would like to know how much of the savings did the health unit use for this purpose.
No other mass medication is forced on people. Putting it in tap water is an imprecise way of distributing fluoride. How much fluoride a person gets depends on body weight and water consumed. With fluoride now so widely available in toothpaste and mouthwash, there is no need to add it to water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Environment Canada both state that chemicals used in artificial fluoridation are hazardous waste which may not be put directly into lakes, rivers or oceans.
More than 50 U.S. and 60 Canadian cities in the Great Lakes basin have voted to stop adding fluoride. There are 14 states that are at least 90 per cent fluoride free and several major cities are also now fluoride free.
The two best ways to promote dental health are to clean teeth on a daily basis and avoid foods with acid and sugar. Most drinking water hardly touches the teeth and most gets swallowed. Ingesting does nothing for your teeth but potentially causes issues with other organs in the body.
People that do not want fluoride in the water for consumption are forced to buy water and that increases the plastics in our community. Let’s do the right thing and keep our water free of fluoride.
Richard St. Denis, Windsor
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