F.A.N. Newsletter
Update on our Fundraiser in our Law Suit against
We felt obligated to take a day off from fundraising so we
could begin the campaign to warn pregnant women. We have raised $24,889.50 from
157 donors towards our goal of $75,000 by May 31st. Thank you to
everyone who has donated. If you wish to donate
today, please see the details
here. It would be great to hit the $25,000
Help us get a warning to pregnant women about fluoride’s dangers to their
unborn childAn appeal from Paul Connett, Senior Adviser to FAN
Even months after the event I wake up at night and worry. I can’t believe that the vast majority of citizens, doctors, dentists and scientists in the USA are blissfully unaware that on September 19, 2017, a U.S. government-funded 12-year study conducted by leading experts in the field, showed that there was a strong correlation between pre-natal exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ in children by 6 IQ points at current exposure levels experienced by pregnant women in the U.S.
This mother-child study titled Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico was published in the Sept 2017 issue of Environmental Health Perspectives, one of the most highly respected environmental health publications in the world. The study was funded by three U.S. government agencies: The National Institutes of Health; the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
At the population level a drop of 6 IQ points is extremely serious. It would half the number of very bright children (IQ greater than 130) and increase by over 50% the number of mentally handicapped (IQ less than 70).
This graphic is a simplified version of the graphic that appeared in the original mother-child study (Bashash, et al, 2017) and was prepared by FAN research director Chris Neurath.
I can’t think of any scientific reason why these agencies have not made a public statement about these serious findings and whythey have not made an effort to warn pregnant women about the potential that such a common practice as water fluoridation could be impacting their unborn children’s brains?
Nor can I think of any acceptable reasons why a government-study of this
rigor and with such serious potential implications gets so little attention from
major media outlets.
The sad reality is that the very people
who need to hear about this story the most are not being told. So once again
citizens and scientists like ourselves, who are aware of this study (and all the
others that came before it), have to go out with our limited resources and do
the job that government health agencies, the major media and professional bodies
should be doing. Everyone needs to know about this study, but particularly
pregnant women. That’s why…
FAN is launching a new campaign and we need your help to make it
Parents and pregnant women need to know
about this study and that it is the tip of the iceberg of a very large
body of evidence that fluoride is neurotoxic. This includes over 300
biochemical, animal and human studies - and critically - 52 (out of 59) studies
that have found an association between loss of IQ and higher fluoride
exposure.We must treat this information like the national emergency it is. We must protect the brains of our unborn children. This is our country’s most precious resource. So please help us in any way you can to get this -
Warning to Pregnant Women: Do Not Drink Fluoridated Water
• Please share this warning with every
pregnant woman you know.
• Also share this with friends and
• Please work within your community by
forming a group (if you haven’t already done so) to strategize on the most
effective ways to get this message out.
• Ask your City council to place a
moratorium on fluoridation until this issue is settled.
• Write letters to the paper, put up
posters in public spaces, hand out flyers.
• Make a formal appointment to meet with
either your city health department or county health department. Request that
they issue warnings to pregnant women through Public Service Announcements
(PSAs) on the TV & radio and that they issue a news release. Carefully
document their response.
• Make a formal request to address the
board of your local WIC program as they specifically cater to pregnant women
(see NYC
WIC). Again, document their
• Email FAN’s campaign director
Cooper for advice and help. Let him know that
you are part of this campaign.
Can you think of any other ways we can
get this important message to pregnant women? We need your help and we need your
creativity. Can you design a poster, a billboard or a small advertisement for
the local paper?
- A link to More
- A Fact Sheet for pregnant women
- Write a Letter
to the Editor
- We will be making posters &
- We will make artwork available to those who want to make their own
Please stay tuned, there's more to come!
Paul and Ellen Connett for the FAN fundraising
See all
FAN bulletins online
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