Ireland - Declan Waugh
that Irish water and the Department of Health have rigorous and quantifiable data to demonstrate that fluoridation and chronic fluoride exposure is not contributing to ill health, neurological, endocrine or other medical disorders within the Irish population. Among the additional information sought, Irish Water have been asked to explain why no such data is available and why no bio-monitoring of the general population for fluoride intake or total body burden of fluoride has ever been conducted in Ireland despite almost 60 years of mass fluoridation. Irish Water and the Department of Health have been asked to explain and justify how fluoridation can even be considered in a country that has the highest per capita consumption of tea in the world (for over 100years), when tea has long been acknowledged as the most significant dietary source of fluoride for humans and has been found to contribute to fluoride poisoning of consumers in the USA, France, UK, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. They have been asked to explain why the Department of Health or other State bodies in Ireland, have never monitored tea for fluoride levels when Ireland has both mandatory water fluoridation and the highest tea consumption in the world. They have been asked to justify and explain why Irish Water is spending tens of millions of taxpayers money annually on infrastructure to administer fluoride without consent and monitor the fluoride levels in water when tea contains up to ten times the maximum permitted in fluoridated tap-water and nobody is monitoring tea and no information is available on packaging of tea products to warn consumers of the fluoride levels or the risk of fluoride overexposure to infants, children, pregnant mothers or individuals with chronic kidney conditions. In the letter Irish Water have been asked why no studies have been conducted to examine cumulative exposures to fluoride as required under EU law. If you want to add your name to the signatures and live in Ireland, I will need your name and address. Send to or PM me on facebook.
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