Fluoride Free Australia shared Clean Water For Life - Fluoride

Do you eat and drink fluoridated water, food and beverages (eg tea)?
Do you have other sources of fluoride eg, the air, the soil, dental products, pesticides, tobacco smoke, drugs, medicines, workplaces, teflon?
http://archive.foodstandards.gov.au/…/nu…/onlineversion.cfm… A list of food and beverages and their Fluoride content. 100 ug per 100 ml or gms equals 1.0 ppm F. Checkout duck, rabbit, turkey, muesli, and more.
NHMRC does mention but discounts a study by Namkaew and Wiwatanadate in 2012 linking Fluoride with Chronic Pain. Read the full paper and decide for yourself. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/…/j.1365-3156.2012.0306…/full
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